
lines, sails, cordage, an eight-and-twenty-gallon cask west-northwest; but this I considered only as a fein', of water; and Mr. Samuel got 150 pounds of bread, for when we were sent away, "Huzza for Otaheite!" with a small quantity of rum and wine; also a quadrant was frequently heard among the mutineers. and compass, but he was prohibited, on pain of death, to touch any map or astronomical book, and any instrument, or any of my surveys and drawings.

The mutineers having thus forced those of the seamen whom they wished to get rid of mto the boat, Christian directed a dram to be served to each of his crew. I then unhappily saw that nothing could be done to recover the ship. The officers were next called on deck, and forced over the ship's side into the boat, while I was kept apart from every one abaft the mizen-mast, Christian, armed with a bayonet, held the cord fastening my hands, and the guard around me stood with their pieces cocked; but on my daring the ungrateful wretches to fire, they uncocked them, Isaac Martin, one of them, I saw had an inclination to assist me; and as he fed me with shaddock, my lips being quite parched, we explained each other's sentiments by looks. But this was observed, and he was removed. He then got into the boat, attempting to leave the ship; however, he was compelled to return. Some others were also kept contrary to their inclination.

It appeared to me that Christian was some time in doubt whether he should keep the carpenter or his mates. At length he determined on the latter, and the carpenter was ordered into the boat. He was permitted, though not without opposition, to take his toolchest.

Christian, the chief of them, was of a respectable family in the north of England. This was the third voyage he had made with me. Notwithstanding the roughness with which I was treated, the remembrance of past kindnesses produced some remorse in him. While they were forcing me out the ship, I asked him whether this was a proper return for the many instances he had experienced of my friendship? He appeared disturbed at the question, and answered with much emotion, "That-Captain Bligh-that is the thing-I am in hell-I am in hell!" His abilities to take charge of the third watch, as I had so divided the ship's com pany, were fully equal to the task.

Haywood was also of a respectable family in the north of England, and a young man of abilities, as well as Christian. These two had been objects of my par ticular regard and attention, and I had taken great pains to instruct them, having entertained hopes that, as professional men, they would have become a credit to their country. Young was well recommended, and Stewart of creditable parents in the Orkneys, at which place, on the return of the Resolution from the South Seas in 1780, we received so many civilities, that in conside ration of these alone I should gladly have taken him with me. But he had always borne a good character.

When I had time to reflect, an inward satisfaction prevented the depression of my spirits. Yet, a few Mr. Samuel secured my journals and commission, hours before, my situation had been peculiarly flatwith some important ship papers: this he did with great tering; I had a ship in the most perfect order, stored resolution, though strictly watched. He attempted to with every necessary, both for health and service; the save the time-keeper, and a box with my surveys, object of the voyage was attained, and two-thirds of it drawings, and remarks for fifteen years past, which now completed. The remaining part had every pros were very numerous, when he was hurried away with-pect of success. "Damn your eyes, you are well off to get what you It will naturally be asked, what could be the cause have."


Much altercation took place among the mutinous crew during the transaction of this whole affair. Some swore, "I'll be damned if he does not find his way home, if he gets any thing with him," meaning me; and when the carpenter's chest was carrying away, "Dainn eyes, he will have a vessel built in a month;" while others ridiculed the helpless situation of the boat, which was very deep in the water, and had so little room for those who were in her. As for Christian, he seemed as if meditating destruction on himself and every one else. I asked for arms, but the mutineers laughed at me, and said I was well acquainted with the people among whom I was going: four cutlassess, however, were tarown into the boat after we were veered astern.

of such a revolt? In answer, I can only conjecture that the mutineers had flattered themselves with the hope of a happier life among the Otaheitans than they could possibly enjoy in England, which, joined to some female connexions, most probably occasioned the whole


cheerful in manners and conversation, possessed of The women of Otaheite are handsome, mild, and great sensibility, and have sufficient delicacy to make them be admired and beloved. The chiefs were so much at ached to our people, that they rather encou raged their stay among them than otherwise, and even made them promises of large possessions. Under these and many other concomitant circumstances, it ought hardly to be the subject of surprise that a set of sailors, most of them void of connexions, should be led The officers and men being in the boat, they only away, where they had the power of fixing themselves waited for me, of which the master-at-arms informed in the midst of plenty, in one of the finest islands in Christian, who then said, "Come, Captain Bligh, your the world, where there was no necessity to labour, and officers and men are now in the boat, and you must go where the allurements of dissipation are beyond any with them; if you attempt to make the least resistance, conception that can be formed of it. The utmost, howyou will instantly be put to death;" and without further ever, that a commander could have expected was deceremony I was forced over the side by a tribe of armed sertions, such as have already happened more or less ruffians, where they untied my hands. Being in the in the South Seas, and not an act of open mutiny. boat, we were veered astern by a rope. A few pieces But the secrecy of this mutiny surpasses belief. of pork were thrown to us, also the four cutlasses, The Thirteen of the party who were now with me had armourer and carpenter then called out to me to re- always lived forward among the seamen, yet neither member that they had no hand in the transaction. they, nor the messmates of Christian, Stewart, Hay After having been kept some time to make sport for wood, and Young, had ever observed any circumstance these unfeeling wretches, and having undergone much to excite suspicion of what was plotting; and it is not ridicule, we were at length cast adrift in the open ocean. wonderful if I fell a sacrifice to it, my mind being enEighteen persons were with me in the boat,-the tirely free from suspicion. Perhaps, had mariners been master, acting surgeon, botanist, gunner, boatswain, on board, a sentinel at my cabin door might have precarpenter, master, and quartermaster's mate, two quar-vented it; for I constantly slept with the door open, termasters, the sai-maker, two cooks, my clerk, the that the officer of the watch might have access to me butcher, and a boy. There remained on board Fletcher on all occasions. If the mutiny had been occasioned Chrisuan, the master's mate; Peter Haywood, Edward by any grievances, either real or imaginary, I must Young, George Stewart, midshipmen; the master-at- have discovered symptoms of discontent, which would arins, gunner's mate, boatswain's mare, gardener, ar- have put me on my guard; but it was far otherwise. mourer, carpenter's mate, carpenters crew, and fourteen seamen, being altogether the most able men of the ship's company.

With Christian, in particular, I was on the most friendly terms; that very day he was engaged to have dined with me; and the preceding night he excused himself from supping with me on pretence of indisposition, for which I felt concerned, having no suspicion of h

Having little or no wind, we rowed pretty fast towards the island of Tofoa, which bore northeast about ton eagues distant. The ship while in sight steered honour or integrity.

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LORD BYRON first appeared as an author in November, 1806, when he printed a collection of poems for distribution among his friends. The first copy of this volume, In submitting to the public eye the following collection which is a thin quarto, was presented to Mr. Beecher, have not only to combat the difficulties that writers of who immediately perceived, on looking over its pages, verse generally encounter, but may incur the charge of that some of the contents were by no means of a descrip- presumption for obtruding myself on the world, when, tion to reflect credit on their author; and at his friendly without doubt, I might be, at my age, more usefully em suggestion the whole impression, with the exception of ployed. These productions are the fruits of the lightet two, or, at the most, three copies, was committed to the hours of a young man who has lately completed his flames. After the destruction of this volume, Lord By-nineteenth year. As they bear the internal evidence of ron directed the collection to be reprinted, with the omis- a boyish mind, this is, perhaps, unnecessary information, sion of the objectionable poems. This edition, which Some few were written during the disadvantages of illwas confined to a hundred copies, and, like its predecesness and depression of spirits; under the former influ sor, designed for private circulation, was proceeded in ence, "CHILDISH RECOLLECTIONS," in particular, so quickly, that at the end of about six weeks, January, excite the voice of Praise, may at least arrest the arm of were composed. This consideration, though it cannot 1807, it was ready for delivery. The volume was entitled "Poems on Various Occasions," and was printed Censure. A considerable portion of these poems has at Newark by S. and J. Ridge; the author's name was been privately printed, at the request and for the perusai not given. The dedication was, "To those friends at of my friends. I am sensible that the partial and frewhose request they were printed, for whose amusement quently injudicious admiration of a social circle is not the or approbation they were solely intended, these trifles criterion by which poetical genius is to be estimated, yet, are respectfully dedicated by the author." Immediately "to do greatly," we must "dare greatly;" and I have following the dedication was this notice :-"The only hazarded my reputation and feelings in publishing this apology necessary to be adduced in extenuation of any volume. "I have passed the Rubicon," and must stand errors in the following collection is, that the author has or fall by the "cast of the die." In the latter event, I shall submit without a murmur; for, though not without not yet completed his nineteenth year. December 23, solicitude for the fate of these effusions, my expectations 1806." The approbation which this volume received from the friends to whom it was submitted induced Lord are by no means sanguine. It is probable that I may Byron to come more immediately before the public; and have dared much and done little; for, in the words of in the latter end of May, 1807, this collection, with con- Cowper, "it is one thing to write what may please our siderable alterations, the omission of some poems, and friends, who, because they are such, are apt to be a little the addition of others, was reprinted and published, un-biassed in our favour, and another to write what may der the title of "Hours of Idleness, a Series of Poems, please every body; because they who have no connexion, original and translated, by George Gordon, Lord Byron, or even knowledge of the author, will be sure to find fault a Minor." This volume was also printed at Newark, if they can." To the truth of this, however, I do not In the four editions of this work, which rapidly succeed- wholly subscribe: on the contrary, I feel convinced that these trifles will not be treated with injustice. Their ed each other, many variations are found: several corrections were made; several pieces were silently with-merit, if they possess any, will be liberally allowed; their drawn, and replaced by others; and after the first edition numerous faults, on the other hand, cannot expect that a dedication to Lord Carlisle was prefixed. In the pre-decided character, and far greater ability. I have not favour which has been denied to others of maturer years, sent publication, all those poems from the "Private Volume," and the early editions of "Hours of Idleness," aimed at exclusive originality, still less have I studied which were suppressed by the author, are reprinted, and any particular model for imitation: some translations are all the variations of the different impressions are noticed. given, of which many are paraphrastic. In the original pieces there may appear a casual coincidence with au

• This was the only motto given in the private volume; it was retain. ed with the other two in the first edition of Hours of Idleness, and omitad in the second.

• Printed in the first edition of Hours of £eness; omitted in the second.

thors whose works I have been accustomed to read; but


Are the only sad vestiges now that remain.


No more doth old Robert, with harp-stringing numbers,
Raise a flame in the breast for the war-laurell'd wreath;
Near Askalon's towers, John of Horistan* slumbers,
Unnerved is the hand of his minstrel by death.


Paul and Hubert, too, sleep in the valley of Cressy;
For the safety of Edward and England they fell:
My fathers! the tears of your country redress ye;
How you fought, how you died, still her annals can tell.


I have not been guilty of intentional plagiarism. To pro-Of the mail-cover'd Barons, who proudly to battle dace any thing entirely new, in an age so fertile in rhyme, Led their vassals from Europe to Palestine's plain, would be a Herculean task, as every subject has already The escutcheon and shield, which with every blast rattle, been treated to its utmost extent. Poetry, however, is not my primary vocation; to divert the dull moments of indisposition, or the monotony of a vacant hour, urged me "to this sin:" little can be expected from so unpromising a muse. My wreath, scanty as it must be, is all I shall derive from these productions; and I shall never attempt to replace its fading leaves, or pluck a single additional spri from groves where I am, at best, an intruder. Though accustomed, in my younger days, to rove a careless mountaineer on the Highlands of Scotland, I have not, of late years, had the benefit of such pure air, or so elevated a residence, as might enable me to enter the list with genuine bards, who have enjoyed both these advantages. But they derive considerab fame, and a few not less profit, from their productions; while I shall expiate my rashness as an interloper, certainly without the latter, and in all probability with a very slight share of the former, I leave to others "Virum volitare per ora." I look to the few who will hear with patience" dulce est desipere in loco."-To the former worthies I resign, without repining, the hope of immortality, and content myself with the not very magnificent prospect of rat king among the mob of gentlemen who write ;"-my readers must determine whether I dare say "with ease, or the honour of a posthumous page in "The Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors," a work to which the peerage is under infinite obligations, inasmuch as many names of considerable length, sound, and antiquity, are thereby rescued from the obscurity which unluckily overshadows several voluminous productions of their illustri-,

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ous bearers.

With slight hopes, and some fears, I publish this first and last attempt. To the dictates of young ambition may be ascribed many actions more criminal and equally absurd. To a few of my own age the contents may afford amusement: I trust they will, at least, be found harmless. It is highly improbable, from my situation and pursuits hereafter, that I should ever obtrude myself a second time on the public; nor even in the very doubtful event of present indulgence, shall I be tempted to commit a future trespass of the same nature. The opinion of Dr. Johnson on the Poems of a noble relation of mine, That when a man of rank appeared in the character of an author, his merit should be handsomely acknowledged," can have little weight with verbal, and still less with periodical censors; but were it otherwise, I should be loath to avail myself of the privilege, and would rather incur the bitterest censure of anonymous criticism than triumph in honours granted solely to a title.




On Marston, with Rupert, 'gainst traitors contending,
Four brothers enrich'd with their blood the bleak field;
For the rights of a monarch their country defending,
Till death their attachment to royalty seal'd.


Shades of heroes, fareweli! your descendant, departing
From the seat of his ancestors, bids
you adieu!
Abroad, or at home, your remembrance imparting
New courage, he'll think upon glory and you.


Though a tear dim his eye at this sad separation,
Far distant he goes, with the same emulation,
'Tis nature, not fear, that excites his regret;
The fame of his fathers he ne'er can forget.


That fame, and that memory, still will he cherish;
He vows that he ne'er will disgrace your renown;
Like you will he live, or like you will he perish;
When decay'd, may he mingle his dust with your own.



Oh! mihi præteritos referat si Jupiter annos.

Virgil, neid, lib. 8, 560.

1. Ye scenes of my childhood, whose loved recollection Embitters the present, compared with the past; Where science first dawned on the powers of reflection, And friendships were form'd too romantic to last; 2.

Where fancy yet joys to retrace the resemblance

Of comrades in friendship and mischief allied; How welcome to me your ne'er fading remembrance, Which rests in the bosom, though hope is denied! 3.

Again I revisit the hills where we sported,

The streams where we swam, and the fields where wo

The school where, loud warn'd by the bell, we resorted,
To pour o'er the precepts by pedagogues taught.


Again I behold where for hours I have ponder'd,
As reclining, at eve, on yon tombstone I lay;

Through thy battlements, Newstead, the hollow winds Or round the steep brow of the churchyard I wander'd,


Thou, the hall of my fathers, art gone to decay;
In thy once smiling garden, the hemlock and thistle
Have choked up the rose which late bloom'd in the way.

The Earl of Carlisle, whose works have long received the meed of public applause, to which, by their intrinsic worth, they were well enti lied.

The motto was added in the first edition of Hours of Idleness,

To catch the last gleam of the sun's setting rav.

Horistan Castle, in Derbyshire, an ancient seat of the Byron family The battle of Marston Moor, where the adherents of Charles I. were defeated.

1 Son of the Elector Palatine, and related to Charles I. He atter. wards commanded the fleet in the reign of Charles II.

This poem was printed in the private volume, and in the first edition of Hours of idleness, where the motto from Virgil was added. It was afterwards omitted.

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Could youth and virtue claim a short delay,
Or beauty charm the spectre from his prey;
Thou still hadst lived to bless my aching sight,
Thy comrade's honour, and thy friend's delight.
*If yet thy gentle spirit hover nigh
The spot where now thy mouldering ashes lie
Here wilt thou read, recorded on my heart,
A grief too deep to trust the sculptor's art.
No marble marks thy couch of lowly sleep,
But living statutes there are seen to weep;
Affliction's semblance bends not o'er thy tomb,
Affliction's self deplores thy youthful doom.
What though thy sire lament his failing line,
A father's sorrows cannot equal mine!
Though none like thee his dying hour will cheer,
Yet other offspring soothe his anguish here:
But who with me shall hold thy former place?
Thine image what new friendship can efface?
Ah none!-a father's tears will cease to flow,
Time will assuage an infant brother's woe;
To all, save one, is consolation known,
While solitary friendship sighs alone.



When, to their airy hall, my fathers' voice
Shall call my spirit, joyful in their choice;
When, poised upon the gale, my form shall ride,
Or, dark in mist, descend the mountain's side;
Oh may my shade behold no sculptured urns
To mark the spot where earth to earth returns!
†No lengthened scroll, no praise-encumber'd stone,
My epitaph shall be my name alone:

If that with honour fail to crown my clay,
Oh may no other fame my deeds repay!
That, only that, shall single out the spot;
By that remember'd, or with that forgot.


Let Folly smile, to view the names
Of thee and me in friendship twined;
Yet Virtue will have greater claims
To love, than rank with vice combined,
And though unequal is thy fate,
Since title deck'd my higher birth!
Yet envy not this gaudy state;

Thine is the pride of modest worth.

Our souls at least congenial meet,


Nor can thy lot 'my rank disgrace; Our intercourse is not less sweet, Since worth of rank supplies the place. November, 1802.

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Messop, a catemporary of Garrick, famous for his performance of Zanga, in Young's tragedy of the Revenge.

"Your memory beams through this agonized breast."
Private volume.

I" I thought this poor brain, fever'd even to madness,
Of tears, as of reason, for ever was drain'd;
But the drops which now flow down this bosom of sadness,
Convince me the springs have some moisture retain'd.
"Sweet scenes of my childhood! your blest recollection
Has wrung from these eyelids, to weeping long dead,
In torrents the tears of my warmest affection,
The last and the fondest I ever shall shed."

Printed in the private volume only.

Private volume.

**These lines were printed in the private volume, the title being Epitaph on a beloved Friend." The motto was added in the first dition of Hours of Idleness.

Tt "Oh, Boy! for ever loved for ever dear."-Private volume.

"Though low thy lot, since in a cottage born, No titles did thy humble name adorn;

To me far dearer was thy artless love

Than all the joys wealth, fame, and friends could prove:
For thee alone I lived, or wish'd to live;
Oh God! if impious, this rash word forgive !
Heart-broken now, I wait an equal doom,
Content to join thee in thy turf-clad tomb;
Where, this frail form composed in endless rest,
I'll make my last cold pillow on thy breast;
That breast where oft in life I've laid my head,
Will yet receive me mouldering with the dead;
This life resign'd without one parting sigh,
Together in one bed of earth we'll lie l
Together share the fate to mortale given,
Together mix our dust, and hope for heaven."

Such was the conclusion in the private volums,

"No lengthen'd scroll of virtue and renown."

Private volume, and first edition of Hours of Idlenem. "By that remember'd, or fore'er forgot."-Private volume. Only printed in the private volume.

In This. If fondly hoped to cast, A Ferrend whom Death alone could sever

But lovy




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Has town thee from my

True, she has forced the frame my

But in


Heart then hapist thy Seat,

There, There, thine Image still
Image still must rest
Until thats Hart shall cease to heat-

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