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For if there be first a willing mind it is accepted according to what a man hath, and not according to what he hath not (2 Cor. viii. 11, 12). Amongst the Scottish Presbyterians it has been a continuous observance for centuries. What, therefore, has the Divine sanction, and has stood the test of time, it is right to conclude will be best for the welfare of the Society. It only now remains for us to ask the members and seatholders for their kind co-operation in this matter. We do not ask for large contributions. The widow's mite received the Lord's commendation, and it is in this spirit that we invite your support."

NATIONAL MISSIONARY INSTITUTION AND STUDENTS' AND MINISTERS' AID FUND. We regret to learn that the funds of these invaluable Societies are at present wholly inadequate to the use they are called to perform. Of the uses performed by the National Missionary Institution our readers are from time to time informed. In addition to the valuable labours of our indefatigable missionary, Mr. Gunton, other labourers are, as the funds will allow, employed in the missionary field. At present the work is restricted to the narrowest limits, and must remain so unless the funds of the Institution be considerably enlarged.

The Students' and Ministers' Aid Fund does not appear so prominently before the Church in the pages of the Magazine. It is not less useful nor less important than the National. Its aim is to provide the means of educating young men for the ministry, and assisting small societies to provide the means of supporting their ministers. These uses are of the utmost importance in the present state of the Church. The voice of the missionary cannot long be heard in one place. Other fields call for his attention, and he is kept in continual motion. If societies are to be formed and continuous labour secured, ministers must be provided and sustained in their work. It is a Divine teaching that "the labourer is worthy of his hire;" and those, therefore, who devote their lives to this work, and in doing so shut themselves out from all worldly prospects and advantages, must be supported in their work. If they sow to the Church spiritual things, is it unreasonable that

they should reap of our temporal things! Moreover, at no time were the requirements of this Society more urgent than at the present. Struggling societies holding important positions and performing important uses, are in some places occupied with present difficulties which render assistance most needful and most desirable. Brightlingsea is erecting school buildings; Ramsbottom is tasked to its utmost ability to complete its new church and school-room; Leeds, holding one of the most important centres in the great county of York, is feeble, and while, for its numbers and ability, setting an example of liberality, is yet unable to contribute more than a fraction of what an able minister ought to reCeive. That good, intelligent, and earnest men are found to occupy these places, is evidence of the Lord's care over His Church, and of the self-denial which men will practise in the ministry to which they are called. But are the ministers alone to practise this selfdenial? Should not the members of the Church share their sacrifices, by aiding them in their labours of love and exercises of Christian zeal? All Christian communities are rising to a sense of the duty which is thus due towards the ministry, and in the efforts put forth for their encouragement and support, we hope to see the New Church take an honourable place. We learn from a correspondent, that a public meeting of the several churches in London, to consider this subject, will be held at Argyle Square Church, on Monday the 12th of April. Rev. J. Hyde, the President of Conference, has promised to attend, and we hope to be able to report in our next that it has been successful in exciting an earnest interest in behalf of these important institutions.

NATIONAL MISSIONARY INSTITUTION. In accordance with the notice in our last, Mr. Gunton left London on the 13th February, for Peterboro', where he preached twice on Sunday the 14th, and lectured on Monday and Tuesday evenings. From thence he proceeded to Long Sutton, where he delivered two lectures on the Wednesday and Thursday evenings. From thence he proceeded to Holbeach, where he also delivered two lectures, one on Friday evening, and one on Saturday evening, and two dis courses on Sunday the 21st. The

weather was severe during the latter lower may be, and too often are so depart of the time, yet an important veloped, to the neglect of the higher. missionary work was doubtless accom- Cases in point are to be seen every day, plished. The two latter places, so far especially as to the lowest plane. Men as the writer knows, were entirely new who cultivate the sensuous to a very ground; and at Holbeach especially large extent are numerous; and some much interest was aroused. The "As- of them are annoying to society, and sembly Rooms" in the afternoon of burdensome to themselves. Man, he Sunday were well filled, many standing continued, is not only a microcosm, but the whole time. On this journey no less he is also a micro-ouranos, a heaven than 170 of the Silent Missionaries in miniature. Therefore, when the were sold, and one gentleman ordered Word' foretells a new heaven and a new the True Christian Religion. A minister earth, it is to be understood that men who heard one of the lectures and one will have new and purer affections, proof the discourses has since written, "I ducing new and holier actions. By the wish you success in your good work of New Jerusalem,' as above, he underdisseminating the truth, which I am stands a new Church. And as a Church sure you teach." Notices respecting consists of an internal and an external, these efforts appeared in the Wisbeach therefore the internal Church exists in News and the Spalding Free Press. man's internal or spiritual nature, and the One friend at Peterboro' contributed external Church in his external nature. £1 towards the expenses, and one What we call churches are congregations friend at Tyddgate 10s. The funds of of individual churches, as heaven is a the National Missionary Institution are society of individual heavens. 'The at present altogether inadequate to the kingdom of heaven is within you.' On work which needs to be undertaken, and Thursday evening his subject was, we trust that many who have the power "What is Redemption, and who is the of increasing them, will remember the Redeemer ?" He began his discourse Lord's admonition, "Go ye therefore by saying that men should look at and teach all nations," and send a con- spiritual things in the same way as they tribution to the Conference Treasurer, do natural things, for they must and do Mr. Gunton, 19 Oseney Crescent, Cam- correspond, as Plato and Paul, repreden Road, London, N.W. Since writ- sentatives of two distinct eras, distinctly ing the above we are informed that one saw and as plainly taught; then men who listened to the lectures at Holbeach, would plainly see and understand that has received orders from his neighbours man's redemption and consequent salvafor twenty-six additional copies of the tion is from sinful affections, motives, Silent Missionaries. thoughts and actions, and not simply from the punishment due to them. God, being just as well as merciful, cannot forgive man his sin until he Two very interesting and instructive ceases from sin; and man's salvalectures were delivered in the Corn Ex- tion from the punishment of sin begins change, on Wednesday and Thursday the moment he ceases to sin. evenings, the 17th and 18th of Feb- surely as every cause produces its ruary, by Mr. R. Gunton, of London, a corresponding effect, so every man must missionary of the New Church.' His suffer the consequence of sins committed, subject on Wednesday evening was -a degraded position or nature in the The Prophetic announcement of the sight of good men, even in this world, descent of the New Jerusalem,' as re- and much more so in the other, where lated in the Apocalypse. He began by the heart with all its motives lie as open showing that man's life consists of three as day. Although, as we sincerely redistinct planes or discrete degrees, the pent of past sins, God is ever ready to natural or lowest degree, man's sensuous cover or blot out our transgressions; nature; the middle or rational degree; yet, it must be remembered, there and the highest or spiritual degree. That each of these are distinct, as the word discrete implies; therefore each degree is cultivated and developed separately, and either or both of the

Of the service at Long Sutton the following notice, which we have abridged, appeared in the Wisbeach Chronicle:


remains the blot or stain it has to wear out. Every one knows such is the case. Having forfeited our good name, it is only regained by-it may be years ofremorse, regret and toil. But a good

that the details of the treatment need
not be given here.
A paper read by Mr.
Geo. Wallis, at a previous session of the
Society, on "Swedenborg and Modern
Culture," and ordered to be printed, was
accidentally mislaid. It has now been
found and printed, and has been dis-
tributed to the members of the Society.

and wise earthly parent forgets the prodigal past in the sincerely repentant and reformed present of his child. The lecturer then quoted numerous texts from The Word,' to prove that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord God of Israel. Then he took the song of Simeon to show what is redemption, and also who is the Redeemer. This song, he said, abundantly proved that it CONFERENCE BUILDING FUND.-The was Jesus Christ, of whom the prophets Treasurer informs us that a friend in spake as Jehovah, the Lord God of London has sent him a cheque for £100 Israel, who as to His human nature for this excellent Fund, with a view of was born of the Virgin Mary, but as to raising the sum of £1000, as recomHis inmost soul was the Everlasting mended in Minute 49. May we not Father, the "I AM," and who descends hope that other wealthy and benevolent into our state of being, and so became friends will aid in this laudable enImmanuel, God with us; and therefore deavour? our Redeemer. This same song also as clearly proves what is redemption-to save man from sinning. The lecturer asked who are our enemies? Who are those who hate us? Surely, he said, no one will say God is our enemy; or that He hates us. Therefore, redemption consists not in saving us from the wrath of God, but from the pernicious influences of evil spirits and evil men. Before and at the time when Simeon sung that inspiring song, evil spirits The chair was taken at seven o'clock had become so powerful as to inhabit by the President, Rev. J. Presland, the bodies as well as the souls of men; who alluded to the constitution of but the Lord our Redeemer conquered the Association, and remarked that and sent them to their own places, it was formed for the purpose of comthereby effectually, and for ever, giving us the power and freedom to serve Him without fear in holiness and righteousness all the days of our life."

SWEDENBORG SOCIETY.-A Correction -In last month's number the second donation of £10 from Dr. John Jackson, of Oregon, is stated as being towards publishing an edition of the Athanasian Creed. It should have been towards translating and publishing the works in the Italian language. The edition of the Athanasian Creed will be published by the Society out of its own funds.

SWEDENBORG READING SOCIETY (36 Bloomsbury Street, London).-The paper for the meeting of the 18th February was read by Mr. Elihu Rich, on the "Characteristic of Infinity in the Spiritual Sense of the Word." The subject was developed in a most able manner, and an interesting discussion followed. We understand the paper is now in the press, and will shortly be published, so

LONDON ASSOCIATION OF THE NEW CHURCH.-The annual meeting of this Association was held on Wednesday evening, the 10th February, at the College Chapel, Devonshire Street, Islington.

Tea was served in the schoolroom to a large gathering of ladies and gentlemen from the various societies, after which they adjourned to the Chapel.

bining the efforts of the London New Church Societies for such purposes as could be done with best effect by a combined body. All New Church Societies, he said, ought to be centres of Missionary effort, and this Association combined the efforts of all the Societies in any general object. Each Society also shares the opportunity of each other's help; and social intercourse was more widely extended.

Mr. Madeley, the Secretary, said— Before this Association was established no means were in existence to concentrate the energies of the various Societies upon any matter requiring combination. The feeling of this want led to the formation of this Institution, and much good has been done in this way. Societies have been brought together, and the members enabled to enter into closer association. It has also brought the different ministers into acquaintance with the members of other congregations by an arrangement, enabling them occasionally to exchange their

Mr. T. H. Elliott referred to the recent endeavours of Dr. Parker of the City Temple, and Rev. Mr. Freemantle, to arrange an interchange of pulpit, and said one object of the Association was to carry out a similar effort amongst ourselves.

pulpits. Previous to the Association in the Midland districts, as illustrating there were no means by which this the way in which New Church prininterchange could be effectually carried ciples are received wherever advocated. out. The Association has also placed the New Church as a body before the world as one institution. In the London Directory, before this Association existed, there was no distinct reference to the New Church. One church was represented as the New Christian Church, another as New Church Christian, others as New Jerusalem Church, and these mixed up indiscriminately with other denominations, destroying any trace of their connection. The first act of the Association was to rectify this matter. It was resolved henceforth that the Church in London should be known as one. At present all the London Churches are under one heading "New Jerusalem Church (Swedenborgian). We have also all the names and addresses of the ministers, and the times the services begin. The Association for three years has brought out a valuable little Almanac, which we know has done good service.

Mr. Skelton pointed out the usefulness of the Association and the work it has done; in regard to one question, What is there to do, and why have the Association not some conspicuous show of work done? he explained that there were so many claims that they did not know which to take up first; this was especially the case at the last business meeting. The necessity of making known the publications, places of worship and institutions of the Church, is very manifest, and he instanced the case of a gentleman at a public meeting who stated that he had read a volume of Swedenborg, and was delighted with it, but did not know where to get any Mr. Austin said- We live in times more of his writings, and that he had when all institutions are challenged as to never seen a living Swedenborgian. whether they are working for some good One great object of this Association was object, and this Association he thought to promote unity. The Association was deserved the sympathy of the members established to do anything that had to of the New Church. New Churchmen be done by the Church in London understood that it was very desirable generally. In connection with it were that they should gather together to the Missionary and Tract Society and cheer one another in working for the its Auxiliary Society. London is the grand object all had in view, Each place where the missionary work of the member of the Church had his pre- Church should centre. You have in ference for one form of worship or one London, the British and Foreign Bible style of preacher, but we should never Society, spreading the Word of God forget the grand principle behind the throughout the world, and following the preacher, in which we all unite. In Bible Society, the British and Foreign speaking of the New Church Almanac Swedenborg Society. he alluded to the valuable extracts therein, and the information it contained, so useful as a tract for New Churchmen to give away to strangers. He gave an instance of its use on one occasion when an eminent minister from America visiting here, desired, before returning to the New World, to invite some of our leading ministers to a farewell meeting at Islington. The gentleman obtained a copy of the Almanac, found the addresses of the Churches and names of the ministers, and invited them to the meeting, which he said he would otherwise not have known.

Mr. Gunton gave an account of his recent visits to the new fields of labour

Dr. Tafel suggested some extensions of the use that might be made of the Association.

Mr. Bateman detailed the good done by the Association, and remarked how useful such an institution would have been in the early days of the Church, in strengthening the weaker Societies. The Association commended itself to the hearts and to the good feeling of all New Church friends.

A selection of sacred music was introduced between the speeches by members of the Islington, Palace Gardens, Argyle Square, and Camden Road Choirs.

GRIMSBY.-We learn from a corres

pondent that Mr. Gunton has just very agreeable. The singing was not visited this important town, where grand, but very devotional. Altogether several persons may be said to have I enjoyed the service." received the doctrines during the last few years. Some of these are in good social positions, and are ready and willing, at the proper time, to give pecuniary aid towards erecting a place of worship, and establishing a permanent society. The missionary efforts on the present occasion embraced religious services on two Sabbath days, the 28th of February and the 7th of March, and four week evening lectures between those dates. During the inclement state of the weather the attendance was small. Still, those who attended were manifestly interested, and some, to repeat their own expressions, "much delighted." Again the Silent Missionaries were circulated to carry on the work already begun-130 being sold during this visit. The weather being fine on Sunday the 7th, the attendance was good at both services, and thirty shillings were contributed on this day towards the expenses.

HORNCASTLE. This Society has been favoured by the services of Mr. J. R. Boyle of Bacup, at the time I write, March 9th, for four Sundays. The result is a mutual attachment, and the Society, after due and careful deliberation, has invited Mr. Boyle to become its minister. Mr. Boyle, whose present engagements at Chatteris, Melbourne, Rhodes and Blackburn extend to the 16th of May, awaits the result of circumstances which he cannot control to enable him to decide on this important


LIVERPOOL.-A friend, an "Isolated Receiver," who has few opportunities of attending New Church worship, spent a morning's service at Bedford Street, and in a private letter informs us that he found a pleasantly-conducted, edifying and improving service. Of the preacher, Mr. Goldsack, he speaks in very favourable terms as a promising man. The sermon was on faith, and the preacher appealed more to the heart than the understanding. "The sermon," says our friend, was effective, and must, I think, have been favourably received. The congregation was not numerous (I often wonder this is so in New Church places of worship), but the service was


LONDON-Argyle Square-The minis ter of this Society has issued a circular to the general public around his church, inviting their attention to the heavenly doctrines, and assuring them of a cordial welcome at his church. In the course of his invitation, he says:-"I invite your presence not merely with the desire of increasing the Congregation, but in the confident belief that the principles enunciated at Argyle Square Church are such as to satisfy, in the fullest manner, every Divinely sanctioned wish and ex pectation. Based on the fundamental fact that the Lord of Infinite Love and Wisdom desires to make all His children eternally happy, they meet the require ments alike of the intellect and the affec tions; neither baffling devout inquiry by the assertion that Divine Truth in volves mysteries which affront God's gift of reason, nor perplexing faith by ascribing to our Father in Heaven sentiments or conduct at variance with His own precepts of justice and mercy." This is followed by a brief summary of the principal doctrines, a renewed assurance of welcome, and the expression of a hope "that in all things the Divine Provi dence may guide you to your eternal welfare." The Manual of the Society announces the following as the subjects of Sabbath evening lectures during the months of March and April :-The Glad Tidings of the Kingdom of God-“Our Need of a Saviour," "A Saviour pro vided," "How does the work of the Lord Jesus Christ save us?" What must I do to be saved?" "True and False Conversion," "The Revival of Religion," "The Gospel of the Second Advent."

LONDON Camberwell.

- A public meeting, preceded by a social repast in the schoolroom, was recently held in this church, to celebrate the entire liquidation of the expenses of the building. The chair was taken by Mr. Austin, the minister of the church, who was sup ported upon the platform by the Rev. Dr. Bayley, Kensington; Řev. John Presland, Argyle Square, King's Cross; Messrs. A. Braby, S. B. Dicks, F. Skelton, I. Gunton, I. J. Alvey, F. Braby, and R. Gunton. The chairman, in opening the proceedings, hoped that the meeting

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