
Hargreaves, Rev. L., mentioned, 538, 539
Harris, Dr., sermon of, in behalf of the
Wesleyan Missionary Society, referred
to, 498, 530-Prize-Essay on Missions
by, reviewed, 579
Hayti, dreadful earthquake in, referred
to, 691-Candler's "Brief Notices" of,
noticed, 854. See also West Indies.
Hore Biblica. No. XXII. "Lay not
up for yourselves treasures on earth,"
133-No. XXIII. Pictorial Repre-
sentations of the Magi, 563
Howard, J., Esq., speech of, in Exeter-
Hall, 530

Hume, David, anecdote of, 472

Hume, Joseph, M. P., an irreligious
motion of, in the House of Commons,
referred to, 386

India, success of British arms in, 1041.
See also South, or Continental India,
and Ceylon.

America, Missions of the Methodist

Church in, 231-increase of the Me-
thodist Church in, 327

Ashanti, the Rev. T. Freeman's jour-
nal of a second visit to, noticed, 926
France, Methodism in, 487
Malta, Popery in, 63
Niger expedition, 60
Paris, new Wesleyan chapel in, 321
Renunciation of Popery by a Priest,



Syrian Medical-Aid Society, 61
Address, Pastoral, 857, 865
Addresses, Royal, 229
Anniversaries held in London.
leyan Missionary Society, 473—
Baptist Missionary Society, 474-
Church Missionary Society, 475—
Christian Instruction Society, 476-
British and Foreign Bible Society,
477-British Reformation Society,
480-Prayer-Book and Homily So-
ciety, 482-London City Mission,
484-Religious Tract Society, 486
-Sunday-School Union, 598-So-
ciety for promoting Christianity
among the Jews, 600-Lord's Day
Society, 602-British and Foreign
School Society, 604-London Mis-
sionary Society, 606-British and
Foreign Sailors' Society, 613.
Chapel Fund, 151

Chapels opened, 57, 58, 928
Conference in Ireland, 751-in Lon-
don, 752

Dublin Centenary chapel, 415
Fast-day, 235, 488, 1038-direction of
Conference concerning, 864
Galway, revival of religion in, 59
Norman Isles, revival in, 686

INTELLIGENCE (Home), conti-


Sabbath-school Teachers, liberal offer
to, 928

Sherborne, Methodism in, 688
Stations of the Preachers, 753
Theological Institution, 54-Northern
Branch of the, 926

Whitchurch, Methodism in, 1038
Ireland. Summary view of the Wesleyan
Missions, 85, 499-foundation of the
Wesleyan Centenary chapel, Dublin,
415-remarks on the Irish Presbyte-
rian Church, 507-obligations of Pro-
testantism in Ireland to Wesleyanism,
518-Wesleyan Conference in Dublin,
751-stations of the Wesleyan Minis-
ters and Missionaries, 767, 769-no-
tices of the Episcopal Church, 1028,

It is only his way," remarks on errors
implied in the phrase, 908

Jackson's (Rev. T.) "Letter to Dr. Pu-
sey," reviewed, 745-angry review of,
in "The Christian Remembrancer,"
noticed, 841-his appointment to the
Theological Tutorship in the Wes-
leyan Institution, referred to, 859
Jamaica in 1815 and in 1840, contrasted,
658. See also West Indies.
Jersey, persecution of early Methodists
in, 179

Jewell, Bishop, extract from, 379

Job, Messrs., of Liverpool, mentioned, 711
Justification by faith, doctrine of, re-
ferred to, 294, 580, 843, 1016, 1030,

Kaye, J. R., Esq., speech of, in Exeter-
Hall, 520

Koran, truth of the, not evidenced, like
that of the Gospel, by present expe-
rience, 132

Labouchere, H., Esq., M. P., speech of,
in Exeter-Hall, 605

Lacroix, Rev. A. F., speech of, in Exeter-
Hall, 608

Liberia, state of the American Mission
in, 231

Light, evolution of, from the human sub-
ject, 915

Locusts in South Africa, 744
Lorimer, Rev. P., speech of, 532-
"Treatise on the Office of Deacon "
by, noticed, 685

Luther, maxim of, 717-charge against,
noticed, 844-Puseyite opposition to
the doctrine of, 1016

"Lyra Apostolica," mentioned, 1016

Macbrair, Rev. R. M., observations ca
Matt. vi. 19 by, 133

Macknight, Dr., quoted, 208
M'Owan, Rev. Peter, letters by, on the
Sabbath, 28, 118, 198, 284, 380, 460
-attention directed to the letters of,
860 Memorial" by, of his daugh-

ter, noticed, 925

Madagascar, persecution of Christians
in, mentioned, 478

Magi, pictorial representations of the,

Malta, proclamation issued by the Popish
Bishop in, 63-summary view of the
Wesleyan Missions in, 85

Marriott, Mr. Thomas, Wesleyan relics
received from, 301, 657, 846, 1013
Marsh, Dr., speech of, in Exeter-Hall,

Marsh, Sir H., observations by, on the
evolution of light from the human
body, 915

Maynooth, Wesleyan opposition to the
grant to the College at, referred to, 512

Banks, Mr. B., of Charlestown, by the
Rev. B. Carvosso, 627
Barrowcliff, Mr. C., of Warrington,
by the Rev. B. Clayton, 441
Brown, Mr. J. E., by the Rev. J.
Brown, 801

Buckley, Rev. J., by the Rev. J.
Entwisle, sen., 265

Burrows, Rev. M., by the Rev. P. C.
Horton, 713

Deale, Mrs., of Dublin, by the Rev.
W. Stewart, 731

Ellis, Sir W. C., by Dr. Hannah, 1
Fishwick, W., Esq., of Long-Holme,
by the Rev. W. O. Booth, 537
Jersey, Mr. J. de, of Guernsey, by
the Rev. W. Burt, 89
Jobson, Mrs., of Lincoln, by the Rev.
F. J. Jobson, 985

Moss, Mr. A., of Almondbury, by the
Rev. R. Wood, 617

Pattison, Rev. R., by his widow, 177
Sargent, G., Esq., of Huddersfield, by
Dr. Hannah, 353

Severs, Mr. J., of Ripon, by his son,

Slater, Mrs., of Sheffield, by the Rev.

B. Slater, 900

Swindells, Mrs., of Macclesfield, 191
Todd, Mr. W., of Barmingham, by the
Rev. W. Jessop, 446
Withinshaw, Mr. J., of Nantwich, by
the Rev. J. B. Holroyd, 727
Wood, Rev. J., by the Rev. R. Wood,
889, 977

Wyvill, Mrs., of Bradford, by the

Rev. W. J. Shrewsbury, 95
Methodism, Wesleyan, opposition of some
young Clergymen to, noticed, 407—
reasons for adhering to, 410-state and
prospects of, in France, 321, 487-tes-
timonies in favour of, by public men,

223, 503, 504, 510, 512-review of
the Rev. T. Jackson's reply to Dr.
Pusey's attack upon, 747-progressive
increase of, 996-professed attachment
of, to the established Church, limited,
1032-clerical hostility to, in Ireland,



Africa, Southern. Albany, 164—
Algoa-Bay, 84-Bechuana Country,
697-Cape of Good Hope, 250—
Great-Namacqualand, 878-Kaffra-
ria, 251-259, 877-Port-Natal, 886,

Africa, Western. Ashantee, 348,433,
785, 879, 935, 973-Badagry, 973
-Cape-Coast, 972-Gambia, 349
-Gold-Coast, 969-Sierra Leone,
434, 1059-statistics, 1063
America, British. Hudson's Bay,
884-New-Brunswick, 885, 1062—
Newfoundland, 174

America, Central. Belize, 164
Anniversary of the Wesleyan Mission-
ary Society, arrangements for the,
337-proceedings of the, 497-con-
tributions received at the, 534--of
the Auxiliary Society for the London
District, 440, 532

Brookes, Mrs., death of, 534
Ceylon. Batticaloa, 161, 344, 438-
Caltura, 163-Colombo, 1060-Ne-
gombo, 161-Rev. J. Roberts's
"Account of the Vedahs," 436
Christmas juvenile offerings, 259, 350,


[blocks in formation]



Sweden, 85, 175

Treasurers of District Auxiliary So-
cieties, names of, 264, 352, 712
Waterhouse, Rev. John, mentioned,
349, 440-death of, 793

West Indies.

Antigua, 167-Baha-

mas, 173, 884-Barbadoes, 1056-
-Bermuda, 707-Grand-Cayman,
173, 883-Dominica, 1049-Hayti,
708, 788-Jamaica, 76–82, 172, 262,
345, 881, 1050, 1051, 1053—Nevis,
705-St. Kitt's, 84, 348-St. Lucia,
1055-St. Vincent's, 700, 1054—
Tobago, 704-Tortola and the Vir.
gin Islands, 168, 347-Trinidad,
170, 702

Missions, Essays on, noticed, 226, 522;
reviewed, 579-Wesleyan, appeal in
behalf of, 34-Alder's "Progress and
Claims" of, noticed, 317, 582, 658—
American, operations of, 231-Baptist,
Cox's "History" of, reviewed, 1022
Moffat, Rev. R., Bechuana version of
the New Testament by, mentioned,
478 speech of, in Exeter-Hall, 613
-account of the locusts of South
Africa by, 744

Montgomery, James, Esq., verses by, in
an album, 103-on the Centenary of
the Brethren's Society, 431
Moriarty, Rev. Mr., speech of, 481
Murlin, Rev. John, mentioned, 617

Napoleon, imaginary prophecy concern-
ing, 311-religious views of, 575
Napoleon Plantation, Cape-Coast, pur-
chase of, on behalf of Missions, very
desirable, 972

National evils and their remedy, 736-
duty of personal humiliation and prayer
in reference to, 832

Needham, Rev. J., mentioned, 539
Nelson, John, letter from, to the Rev.

C. Wesley, 301-referred to, 516, 898
New-Zealand, Popery in, 212. See also
South Sea Missions.

Newman, Rev. Mr., referred to, 486,
678-quoted, 672
Newton, Rev. R., speech of, in Exeter-
Hall, 521

Niger expedition, intelligence concerning
the, 60-remarks on the, 64

Noel, Hon. and Rev. B., speech of, 481
-Essay on Missions by, reviewed,

[blocks in formation]

NOTICES (Characteristic) OF
BOOKS, continued.

A sober Inquiry, 857

Alder's "Wesleyan Missions," 317
Bakewell's "Admonitory Counsels,"

Barnes's "Notes on the Acts of the
Apostles," 150-"Notes on the
Gospels and Acts," 854-"Theory
of Revivals," 855

Bayly's "Practice of Piety," 320
Bickersteth's "Family Prayers," 854
"Companion to the Baptismal
Font," 856-"Sober Inquiry,"

Blakey's "Lives of the primitive Fa-
thers," 1037

Bradburn's (Miss E. W.) "Stories in
Rhyme," 226

Bright's "Apostolical Independency,"

Brown's "Exclusive Claims of Pusey.
ite Episcopalians," 853
Buchanan's "Office and Work of the
Holy Spirit," 318

Buckingham's "Slave-States of Ame-
rica," 320

Bulmer, Mrs. Agnes, "Select Let-
ters" of, 597

Burgess's "Essays," 414—“Me-
moirs" of his Father, 414

Burns's "Sermons," 855-" Youthful
Christian," 855

Buyers's "Christianity in the East,"

Campbell's "Martyr of Erromanga,"

Candler's "Notices of Hayti," 854
Carvosso, William B., Sermon on the
Death of, 684

Charlotte Elizabeth's "Principalities
and Powers," 853
Christ our Law, 856

Coleman's "Antiquities of the Chris-
tian Church," 598

Confessions of an Apostate, 856
Croly's "Historical Sketches, Speech-
es, and Characters," 318
Cubitt's "Obed-Edom," 597
Daille's "Right Use of the Fathers,"

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Herrick's "Greatness of God's Mer-
cy," 856

Hints from the Pen to the Tongue,

Hirst's "Music of the Church," 926,

Hitchcock's "Wreath for the Tomb,"

Hodge's "Way of Life," 598

Holdich's "Life of Willbur Fisk,
D. D.," 1035

Hopkins's "Exposition of the Ten
Commandments," 597

Huie's "History of Christian Mis-
sions," 854

Illustrations of the Bible, 685

Imray's "Cyclopædia of Popular Me-
dicine," 319

James's "Happiness," 1036
Jay's Works, 227

Jerusalem, Panoramic View of, 684
Johnson's "Farmer's Encyclopædia,"


Jones's Translation of Isaiah, 415
Knapp's "Christian Theology," 150
Lester's "Omnipotence and Wisdom
of Jehovah," 855

Lloyd's (Elizabeth M.) "Thirza,"

Lorimer's "Deaconship," 685
M'Afee's "Apostasy of the Rev. W.
Sibthorp," 684

[blocks in formation]

Miller's "Collects of the Liturgy
catechetically explained," 320
Missionary-Book for the Young, 684
Montgomery's "Luther," 319

Morison's "Religious History of
Man," 684

Moulton's (Sarah H.) "Sepulchre of
Lazarus," 1036

Neander's "History of the planting
and training of the Christian
Church," 52

Newstead's "Advices to one who
meets in Class," 317-"Letters on
Pastoral Visitation," 1034
Nichols's "Report of Speeches at the
Formation of the Wesleyan Mis-
sionary Society," 226

Novello's "Psalmist," 1035
Original Hymns, edited by Dr. Leif-
child, 1036

Orton's "Practical Works," 853
Our new Vicar, 52

Payne's "Elements of moral and
mental Science," 415

Phillips, Richard, Memoir of, 227
Proceedings of the General Anti-
Slavery Convention, 150

Purgatory anti-scriptural and soul-
destroying, 684

Questions on the Festivals of the
Church of England, 856

Redford's Sermon on the Death of
Mrs. James, 53

Reid's "Elements of Astronomy,"


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

tures," 1036

Shells and their Inmates, 52
Sketches of Sermons, 320
Smith's (Dr. Pye) "Discourses on the
Sacrifice and Priesthood of Christ,"

Smith's (George) "Dissertation on the
early Origin of Alphabetical Cha-
racters," &c., 855

Stevens's (Mrs.) "Letters," 854
Stodart's "Female Writers," 856
Strachan's "Doctrine of entire Sancti-
fication," 1034

Strickland's (Agnes) "Lives of the
Queens of England," 685
Summerfield's "Sermons and Sketches
of Sermons," 1035
Taylor's "Roseberry," 151

The Biblical Cabinet, 52, 686, 1036
The Conversion of the Jews, 228
The History of the Jews, 52

The Holy Bible, with twenty thousand
Emendations, 149

The Kings of the East, 228
The Old Sea Captain, 857
The Pictorial Spelling-Book, 1036

The select Anti-Patronage Library,

The Soldier spiritualized, 1037
The Teacher's Farewell, 856
The Wife and Mother, 150

Tholuck's "Commentary on the Epis-
tle to the Hebrews," 685

"Anatomy of Slander,"

Tracts for the Times, Wesleyan, No.
6, 852

Tracts of the Anglican Fathers, 151
Treffry's "Infidel's Own Book," 225
Vaughan, Rev. H., Memoirs" of,


[ocr errors]

Wallis's "Letters concerning the
blessed Trinity," 226

Ward's "Library of Standard Divi-
nity," 150, 598
Watmough's "Vital Union," 148
Whately's "Kingdom of Christ de-
lineated," 53

Wilkinson, Rev. Watts, "Memoir "
of, 227

Wood, Rev. Basil, "Memoirs " of, 320
Woodward's " Young Men warned
against evil Company," 320
Young's (Rev. Robert) "Importance
of Prayer-Meetings," 414
Young's (Rev. Samuel) "Missionary
Narrative," 413



Bates, Rev. Charles, 869

Bateson, Mr. T., of Stockport, 1042
Booth, Mr. R., of Unsworth, 418
Callaway, Rev. John, 778
Cameron, Rev. John, 868
Coghill, Rev. Donald M. R., 779
Collier, Rev. Joseph, 867

Coombe, Mr. E., of Fenny-Bridges,

Dickinson, Mr. P., of Seaton, 490
Doolittle, Rev. Thomas Wade, 868
Edmondson, Rev. Jonathan, M. A.,

Elliott, Rev. Nathaniel, 779
Entwisle, Rev. Joseph, sen., 777
Franklin, Mr. T., of Walworth, 417
Furze, Rev. Thomas, 777
Gilpin, Rev. William, 779
Grindrod, Rev. Edmund, 866
Hall, Rev. Ellis, 865
Henley, Rev. John, 866

Horton, Mrs., of Stockport, 1043
Howarth, Rev. William, 867
Johnson, Mr. C., of Manchester, 236
Jones, Rev. William, 779

Lees, Mrs., of Wednesbury, 236
Lofthouse, Rev. Wilson, 868

Lowe, Mr. J., of St. Christopher's,

Lycett, Mrs., of Worcester, 238
Millward, Rev. Edward, 777
Mitchell, Mrs., of St. Keverne, 422
Newton, Mrs., of Manchester, 421
Orton, Rev. Joseph, 869

Peashey, Mrs., of St. Martin's, 416
Pottor, Mrs., of Culmstock, 489
Rawlins, Rev. Charles, 868
Redfern, Rev. William, 868
Sewell, Rev. Samuel, 779
Shorten, Jane, of Bandon, 419
Stockdale, Mr. W., of Milford, 238
Strawe, Rev. John, 777

Sweeting, Mrs., of New-Providence,

Taylor, Rev. John, 867

Thackwray, Rev. William, 868
Thomas, Rev. Elias, 778
Walden, Rev. Charles, 868
Walmsley, Rev. John, 865
Warren, Rev. George, 779
Wawn, C. N., Esq., of Tynemouth,

Webster, Mr. T., of Chesterfield, 423
Wheelhouse, Rev. John, 778
Wilson, Rev. Edward, 779
Wyatt, Rev. Henry J., 869
"Oxford Tracts," Bishop Sumner's ani-
madversions on the, 39, 136. See also

Paley, Dr., erroneous views of, concern-
ing the Sabbath, 120, 123

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