
land, Russia, and the Mediterranean. In detailing the home proceedings, the Report adverted to the loss the Society had sustained in the deaths of the Rev. John Dyer, and George Bennet, Esq., two constant and efficient members of the Board. The following grants of publications were reported:-for Sabbathday circulation; soldiers, sailors, river, and canal men; Home Missionary Society's Agents; District Visiting, London, City, and Town Missions, Christian Instruction, and other kindred Societies; British emigrants; prisoners; hospitals; workhouses; railway workmen; fairs; races; foreigners in England; for special occasions; colliers; houseless poor; villagers; market-people; convict-ships; hop-pickers; and various important objects, amounting to 1,721,173 publications. Grants to Wales, Ireland, and Scotland, including the Orkneys, 304,874. The libraries granted during the year to Sunday and Day Schools, young Ministers on their ordination, Union poorhouses, destitute districts, &c., amounted in value to £672. 3s. ld.; Missionary family libraries, to £257. The total number of libraries granted since 1832, exclusive of those sent to foreign lands,

is 2,314, of the value of £7,574. 13s. 3d. The new publications amount to 220. The publications issued during the year amount to 16,469,551; making the total circulation of the Society, in about 86 languages, including the issues of foreign Societies assisted by the parent institution, exceed 357,000,000. The total benevolent income for the year, without deducting the Collector's poundage, and free from all other charges and expenses whatever, was £5,826. 17s. 8d.; being an increase beyond the preceding year of £164. 2s. 6d. The gratuitous issues, including money-grants to Foreign Societies, paper, and publications, together with the grants for libraries, amount to £8,329. 1s. 8d.; which exceed the benevolent contributions by £2,702. 48. The Society's total receipts, including the proceeds of sales, amount to £56,014. 8s. 1d. The Report concluded by adverting to the activity of Romanists; and urged therefrom the necessity of continued and increased support to the Society, and a brotherly union among all Protestant Christians, to give the widest circulation to the vital truths of the Reformation.


(To the Editor of the Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine.)

THE return of our Anniversary Meetings in France is always a time of deep interest to the brethren who labour in this Mission, and also to several Christian friends, whose hearts and hands join with us in endeavouring to spread vital godliness throughout this country. This year, especially, we met together under the influence of feelings and prospects beyond those that we had ever known or felt at any former period. The new and pressing calls from various parts of France, some of them from pious Pastors, who desire our help in the vast extent of country over which their pastoral care extends, and the wants of which they feel that they cannot meet; the addition of Lausanne, L'Aigle, &c., to our field of labour; the opening of a new Wesleyan chapel in Paris: these, and many other matters of importance to the success of our work, conspired to render our twenty-fourth Annual District-Meeting peculiarly solemn and interesting. In reviewing our work, we were filled with joy and gratitude, as well as in contemplating the future: our only source

of regret was, that we could not comply with the urgent and oft-repeated requests of Pastors and others, to add to the number of our labourers, and afford the help which is so much needed. Fifteen Preachers assembled from various parts of France and Switzerland, a greater number than had ever met on any former occasion.

The religious services began on Sunday, April 3d; when the Rev. Charles Cook preached, at twelve o'clock, at the chapel Rue Royale. The Rev. J. Philp preached at seven in the evening. After the morning service, the Lord's supper was administered to the Preachers, and to a goodly number of other communi


On Wednesday evening, the 5th, a public Meeting was held, for conversation on the best means of promoting a revival of religion in countries professedly Christian. The speakers were the Rev. Messrs. Cook and Philp, and the Rev. Mr. Baird, of the United States of America. The chair was occupied by the Rev. Mr. Toase.

Mr. Leale preached in French on Sunday, April 3d, at three in the afternoon, at the Barriere du Roule. Sermons were preached, on the same day, at the chapel Rue Ménilmontant, by the Rev. Messrs. De Jersey and Hocart; and on the following Tuesday the Rev. Matthieu Gallienne preached at seven in the evening. Mr. Handcock preached on the 7th, in French, at Ménilmontant; and on Friday evening Mr. Massot, at Rue Royale. On Monday and Saturday public prayermeetings were held.

Sunday, 10th, Mr. Philp preached in the morning, at twelve, at the Rue Royale chapel; and Mr. Lyon in the evening. A love-feast was held at two o'clock. Mr. Cook preached in the morning, in French, at the chapel Rue Ménilmontant; after which the sacrament of the Lord's supper was administered. Mr. Henry Martin preached at


On the 6th and 13th Messrs. Buchannan and Roy preached at the Barriere du Roule.

On Tuesday, the 12th, a Missionary Meeting was held at the chapel Rue Ménilmontant, the Rev. C. Cook in the chair. The Report was read by the Rev. P. Lucas; after which the Meeting was addressed by Messrs. De Jersey, Farjat, H. Martin, and S. Martin. The number of persons present was greater than we remember ever to have seen before, on any similar occasion; and if we may judge by the profound attention that was paid to the speakers, they took a lively interest in the great subject of Christian Missions. A collection was made at the close of the Meeting.

The District-Meeting terminated its session, after ten days of close application to business, on Thursday, the 14th; when the brethren separated, to return to their different stations, with increased fraternal affection, and with renewed zeal in the cause of God. After filling up the vacancies occasioned by deaths and removals, we find an incrcase in our societies of seventy-two members, and one hundred and twenty-eight on trial;

making a total of two hundred for the


On Sunday, the 17th, the new chapel was opened for public worship. The Rev. Thomas Jackson, of London, preached two excellent sermons; one at twelve, and another at seven o'clock. At half-past two Mr. Jackson's son-inlaw, the Rev. Theophilus Marzials, Pastor of the national Protestant church of Lille, preached an eloquent and faithful sermon in French. The congregation was very good, and a most gracious influence accompanied the ministerial labours of the day.

On Monday, the 25th, the Rev. R. Baird, from the United States of America, preached a very interesting sermon on the introduction of Christianity into Europe, and on the increased facilities we now have of sending the Gospel throughout the world. The solemn services of this memorable occasion were terminated, on the Tuesday evening, by an excellent sermon, in French, by the Rev. Charles Cook. The collections and subscriptions, in Paris, towards fitting up the chapel, amount, at present, to about 2,000 francs, or £80 sterling. To several friends in England we are much indebted, for their timely and valuable aid. We are, however, still deficient upwards of 2,000 francs; and many little things are yet required to make the chapel complete. It must remain unfinished, until divine Providence shall supply us with the means necessary to finish our work.

The Wesleyan cause has now a neat and commodious chapel in Paris, occupying a space of about sixty feet in length, and nearly thirty feet wide, with a gallery across the end, situated in the very best part of the city; and that without any increase of annual rent, or any expense whatever to the Committee for the fitting up.

In reviewing the way by which the Lord hath brought us, we again exclaim, "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us." WILLIAM TOASE.

Paris, May 7th, 1842.


**The next Quarterly Day of Fasting and Prayer for the Methodist Societies, according to the Rules of the Connexion, will be Friday, July 1st, 1842.

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up a large family respectably and reli-
giously, and to lead into the way of
righteousness and peace their children,
who are all happily walking in the steps
of their pious parents. Mrs. Pottor
ever entertained humble views of herself;
and she was frequently the subject of
severe mental conflicts. Still she did
not cast away her confidence, but said,

"I hold thee with a trembling hand,
But will not let thee go."

She continued to wait upon God, relying
upon the atonement of Christ for accept-
ance with the Father, and utterly dis-
claiming all self-dependence. And thus
was her peace preserved, and her strength
renewed. During her protracted and
heavy affliction, her doubts and fears
vanished away; her mind became per-
fectly tranquil; her joy in the Holy
Ghost was great; and her prospect of
heaven bright and clear. In the furnace
of affliction she evidently became more

"Meet, through consecrated pain,

To see the face divine."

1. DIED, November 4th, 1839, at Culmstock, Devonshire, aged seventytwo, Mrs. Elizabeth Pottor, a native of that place. She had very few advantages in regard to religious education; but, even in her childhood, the example of a few pious neighbours deeply impressed her mind, and induced her to avail herself of every opportunity of attending the means of grace, and to listen with devout attention to the plain and heartsearching ministry of the Methodist Preachers, who then visited Culmstock and some adjacent villages; and although various means were employed to hinder her, by one who had then the greatest control over her, yet, whenever she could be present, she always was so; and the influence of those hallowed services never left her. About the year 1797, or 1798, she was enabled, by divine grace and providence, to give herself to God and his people; and from that time she maintained a steady and unblamable character, and continued a member of the Wesleyan society, without interruption, till she passed from the church militant to the church triumphant. She could say, "I love the Lord, because he hath heard the voice of my supplication.' Her strong attachment to the people of her choice was manifested by her cheerful submission to the toils of business, and the cares of her family, in order that she might be able to contribute to the support of the cause of God, by receiving the Wesleyan Itinerant and Local Preachers when they came to the place of her abode, where they always met with a hearty welcome, a comfortable home, and kind, generous entertainment, for many years. Mrs. Pottor's liberality was not limited to the Ministers of the Gospel the interests of the poor lay near her heart, and especially the poor saints; she was always kind to them, and bountiful to the full extent of her means: and this spirit of liberality continued to the end of her days. During her long and severe affliction, towards the close of her life, she would often remind her children of those persons whom she had been accustomed to relieve; and left it as her dying charge, that they should continue to relieve them as she had done. Prompted to industry and frugality, by a principle of deeprooted piety, she and her husband were enabled, by the blessing of God, to bring VOL. XXI. Third Series. JUNE, 1842.

About two months before her death,
while I was administering the sacrament
of the Lord's supper to her, and several
branches of her family, the Lord was
eminently present. Such a blessed and
hallowing manifestation I have not often
though we were
It seemed, indeed, as

"Quite on the verge of heaven."
From this time our suffering sister was
favoured with, glorious and delightful
prospects of that blessed state where sor-
row and sin can never come. Her happy
spirit was cheered and invigorated by the
precious promises of holy writ; she
found them to be exceedingly precious:
and our beautiful, scriptural, and experi-
mental hymns were often her songs of
rejoicing; such as,—

"My Jesus to know,

And feel his blood flow," &c.
"Amazing love, how can it be," &c.

During the last night of her sufferings
she emphatically expressed her confidence
in God; saying, "The Lord hath helped,
and he will help." Soon after her sanc-
tified spirit took its flight to the paradise
of God. "The memory of the just is

2 M

2. Died, November 24th, at Seaton, Mr. Peter Dickinson, aged fifty-eight years. Prior to his conversion to God, his deportment, from an early period of life, was uniformly moral; but though, "as touching the righteousness which is of the law," he was most exemplary, his estimate of religion did not extend beyond a correct externalism. The regularity of his attendance upon the services of the church; his avoidance of the immoralities of the dissipated; the inflexible integrity of his worldly transactions; had, even in his unregenerate state, won considerable esteem. Upon his own generally consistent demeanour, as contrasted with the surrounding depravity of men, he had evidently reposed some claim to the divine favour, and to eternal happiness. To quote his own language, "I thought myself a good Churchman; and that if I did not reach heaven, the state of the generality of mankind must indeed be awful." In this pharisaic delusion he continued to the forty-fourth year of his age. By the reading of the sacred Scriptures, especially our Lord's expostulation with Nicodemus, his serious attention was first awakened. The im measurable importance, and supreme obligation, of the new birth, were forced upon his anxious mind. Every recurrence to the subject deepened his conviction, and interested his heart. The hollowness of his religious profession, and the hopelessness of his condition, now led him, by assiduous prayer, and intense agony, to seek the pardoning mercy of God. At this juncture of his life he was providentially led to visit his brother, Mr. William Dickinson, at Hull; who, with his pious wife, are members of the Wesleyan society. At a prayermeeting, conducted by the Rev. Joseph Mortimer, (then a Local Preacher, visiting the Hull Circuit,) to which Peter had been invited by his brother, his hope of mercy strengthened. Having witnessed many penitents obtain the remission of sins, he also felt a brightening confidence that he should realize the same blessing; and, a few days after his return to Beverley-Parks, he was enabled to rejoice in the God of his salvation. The attainment of entire sanctification immediately became an object to him of unspeakable interest; neither would he rest until possessed of all the mind of Christ. At a very short period after he became justified by faith, he was enabled to testify that the "blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin." His deadness to the world, the elevation and depth of his piety, his zeal for God's glory, his

courage in reproving sin, his solicitude for the conversion of sinners, were delightfully indicated throughout his entire character. So long as health continued, he proved himself a faithful steward of both worlds; the divine blessing attended his careful industry; and he shortly retired from business, with a comfortable independency, and with the unclouded sunshine of spiritual prosperity. The offices of Leader and Local Preacher he sustained with great earnestness and untiring fidelity; and to his utmost capability besought sinners to be reconciled to God. His health having partially declined, and having also realized a competency, he questioned the propriety of his longer attention to business; and having, at this time, received notice to quit his farm, he embraced the circumstance as the divine indication to retire from worldly cares, and resolved to consecrate the residue of his days to the attainment and distribution of the largest amount of religious knowledge and goodness in his power. He removed to Beverley, where, for a short period, he assiduously cultivated every occasion of doing good; punctually fulfilling his Sabbath appointments; tenderly and diligently nurturing his class; visiting the abodes of wretchedness; and by the noiseless, plodding character of his zeal, giving pleasing indications, that, had his life been spared, he would have been greatly honoured of God. The great Head of the church, however, had determined otherwise; having prepared and reserved for him a cup of no ordinary suffering. In the mystery of divine providence our much-valued brother was visited by one of the most awful maladies that could afflict the human species: an inveterate "fiery" leprosy. "Fiery" he oft termed it; and the disease pervaded his entire external frame. He was not merely confined in bed during eighteen months, but throughout that lengthened period was confined to one position; and during ten months was unable to feed himself, or render himself the slightest assistance. The paroxysm of suffering was, at times, so acute and intense, as to be utterly beyond the power of unaided human endurance; and, in the early stages of his malady, before nature's strength lay prostrate, he has more than once said, that "nothing less than the supports of religion could have restrained him from committing suicide." Never was the all-sustaining power of divine consolation more triumphant! Very many visiters were attracted to his bed-side

by the peculiarity and severity of his disease, and by the exalted specimen of his faith and patience. He truly glorified God in the fire; preaching a full and glorious salvation to all who came. He expressed anxious solicitude for his brother William, who, though living in the enjoyment of saving grace, was in danger of spiritual loss through the number and weight of his secular engagements. Many were the sleepless nights which our suffering friend endured; and often, when the perspiration copiously issued from his face, he would exclaim, "This is nothing to the bloody sweat of my Redeemer and Saviour." He would not allow his attentive and assiduous wife, nor any other of his attendants, to be deprived of the public services of the sanctuary on his account. He said his happiest hours were in private communion with God; and it was manifest to every observer, that, as his end approached, so his enjoyment of God became yet more rich and sustaining. During the last eight or ten days of his life his only sustenance was water, which he always received with gratitude; contrasting the favourable points of his own condition with the hopeless state and eternal fire endured by Dives; observing, "My fiery leprosy is only bodily and temporal, and with it I have good water and a good Saviour: Dives has neither a drop of water to cool his tongue, nor a Saviour to assuage his spirit." He had often expressed a wish to expire on the Sabbath; and the Lord granted the desire of his servant in this matter. While several friends were commending his soul to God in prayer, he feebly articulated,

"Angels beckon me away,

And Jesus bids me come."

eminently a man of strong faith and much prayer. The provision made in Christ for the complete salvation, the entire holiness, of all men, he understood, appreciated, and preached. He lived the witness of full sanctification; and having himself thus sought and obtained, by earnest prayer and by appropriating faith, this inestimable blessing, he embraced every opportunity of urging its attainment upon others. In the extension of the cause of God he laboured most assiduously. Being happily delivered from the fear of man, he failed not to reprove sin whenever circumstances required it. The work of God assigned to him by the church, he fulfilled in the most conscientious and exemplary manner. From the day of his conversion it was manifest that he gave himself to the church by the will of God, and he has left a salutary example of pious and unostentatious faithfulness. He was a man of love loving to all, especially to the household of faith; and on several occasions manifested the spirit of Christ, in rendering good for evil, blessing for cursing. This admirable trait in his character, blended with much Christian simplicity and uncompromising fidelity, inspired in the hearts of all who knew him considerable esteem. Spiritualmindedness was also a distinguishing characteristic of Mr. Dickinson. From the day of his conversion to the hour of his decease, his conversation was uniformly serious and edifying. He was no trifler, either in speech or action. The solemnities of eternity, and the enjoyments of exalted piety, reigned supreme; and gave a hallowing tone to his intercourse with his fellows. The prosperity of Zion lay near his heart; and, even amidst much bodily anguish, his inquiries concerning the church of Christ were anxious and frequent. As a noble example of patient endurance and unvarying submission to the divine will, in circumstances of extraordinary suffering, the surviving friends of our excellent brother are desirous to extend and perpetuate the recital, for the strengthening of the faith and hope of God's saints. "I can compare," said he, "what I suffer to nothing so much as being laid on a bed of fire;" and referring to those paroxysms of suffering which, for more than a year, he experienced every alternate twelve hours, he would repose on the divine power, and exclaim, "That the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise,


And in a few minutes, without a sigh or groan, he rested from his sufferings and labours. His remains were interred, at his special request, underneath the Wesleyan chapel, Beverley; and the circumstances of his affliction and decease were improved by the Rev. H. Beech, in a suitable and impressive discourse. sidering the paucity of his literary means in early youth, and also the circumstance of his not obtaining saving religion until a comparatively late period of his life, Mr. Dickinson's knowledge and approval of Wesleyan doctrines and institutions, were clear, respectable, and praiseworthy. This very brief obituary of so good a man may be closed by noticing two or three traits in his character. He was

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