
form a due sense of the general privileges of man kind. To the eyes and ears of the temperate part of the public, and the breasts of suffering thou sands, in the provinces, be the melancholy appeal, whether the present unnatural rebellion has no been made a foundation for the completest system of tyranny that ever God, in his displeasure, suffered for a time to be exercised over a froward and stubborn generation.

Every species of provision, brought to my camp, vill be paid for at an equitable rate, and in solid coin.

In consciousness of christianity, my royal master's clemency, and the honor of soldiership, I have dwelt upon this invitation, and wished for more more persuasive terms to give it impression. And let not people be led to disregard it, by consider ing their distance from the immediate situation of Arbitrary imprisonment, confiscation of property, my camp. I have but to give stretch to the Indian persecution, and torture, unprecedented in the in- forces under my direction-and they amount to quisition of the Romish church, are among the pal- thousands-to overtake the hardened enemies of pable enormities that verify the affirmative. These Great Britain and America. I consider them the are inflicted, by assemblies and committees, who same, wherever they may lurk. dare to profess themselves friends to liberty, If, notwithstanding these endeavors, and sincere upon the most quiet subjects, without distinc- inclinations to effect them, the phrenzy of hostilition of age or sex, for the sole crime, often for ty should rensin, I trust l ́shall stand acquitted the sole suspicion, of having adhered in principle in the eyes of God and men in denouncing and to the government under which they were born, and to which, by every tie, divine and human, they owe allegiance. To consummate these schocking proceedings, the profanation of religion is added to the most profligate prostitution of common rea son, the consciences of men are set at nought; and multitudes are compelled not only to bear arms, but also to swear subjection to an usurpation they ab


executing the vengeance of the state against the wilful outcasts. The messengers of justice and of wrath await them in the field: and devastation, famine, and every concomitant horror, that a reluctant, but indispensable prosecution of military duty must occasion, will bar the way to their return.


Camp, at Ticonderoga, July 2, 1777.
By order of his excellency the lieut. general.

To John Burgoyne, esq. lieutenant general of his majesty's armies, in America, colonel of the queen's regiment of light dragoons, governor of Fort William in North Britain, one of the representatives of the commons of Great Britain, and commanding an army and fleet employed on an expedition from Canada, &c. &c.

Most high, most mighty, most puissant, and sublime general!

Animated by these considerations-at the head of troops in the full powers of health, discipline, and valour-determined to strike where necessary -and anxious to spare where possible-I, by these presents, invite and exhort all persons, in all places where the progress of this army may point-and by the blessing of God I will extend it far-to maintain such a conduct as may justify me in protecting their lands, habitations, and families. The intention of this address is to hold forth security, not depredation to the country. To those, whom spirit and principle may induce to partake the glo- When the forces under your command arrived at rious task of redeeming their countrymen from Quebec in order to act in concert and upon a comdungeons, and re-establishing the blessings of legal mon principle with the numerous fleets and armies government, I offer encouragement and employ-which already display in every quarter of America, ment; and, upon the first intelligence of their asso-the justice and mercy of your king, we, the rep ciation, I will find means to assist their undertak-tiles of America, were struck with unusual trepidaings. The domestic, the industrious, the infirm, tion and astonishment. But what words can exand even the timid inhabitants, I am desirous to protect, provided they remain quietly at their houses; that they do not suffer their cattle to be removed, nor their corn or forage to be secreted or destroyed; that they do not break up their lofty heads-the vast lakes of the north were chil bridges or roads; nor by any other act, directly or indirectly, endeavor to obstruct the operations of the king's troops, or supply or assist those of the enemy.

press the plenitude of our horror, when the colonel of the queen's regiment of light dragoons advanced towards Ticonderoga. The mountains shook be. fore thee, and the trees of the forest bowed their

led at thy presence, and the mighty cataracts stopped their tremendous career, and were suspended in awe at thy approach. Judge, then, Oh! ineffable governor of Fort William in North Britain, what'

must have been the terror, dismay, and despair.Jolemency, and the nonor of soldiers ip, w trankthat overspread this paltry continent of America, fully accept. The blood of the slain, the cries of and us, its wretched inhabitants. Dark and dreary injured virgins and innocent children, and the never indeed, was the prospect before us, till, like the ceasing sighs and groans of starving wretches, now sun in the horizon, your most gracious, sublime, languishing in the jails and prison ships of New and irresistible proclamation, opened the doors of York, call on us in vain; whilst your sublime promercy, and snatched us, as it were, from the jaws

of annihilation.

We foolishly thought, blind as we were, that your gracious master's fleets and armies were

clamation is sounded in our ears. Forgive us, O our country! Forgive us, dear posterity! Forgive us, all ye foreign powers, who are anxiously watching our conduct in this important struggle, if we yield implicitly to the persuasive tongue of the come to destroy us and our liberties; but we are most elegant colonel of her majesty's regiment of happy in hearing from you (and who can doubt what you assert?) that they were called forth for the sole purpose of restoring the rights of the constitution, to a froward and stubborn generation.

light dragoons.

Forbear, then, thou magnanimous lieutenant gegeneral! Forbear to denounce vengeance against us-Forbear to give a stretch to those restorers of And is it for this, Oh! sublime lieutenant general, constitutional rights, the Indian forces under your that you have given yourself the trouble to cross direction.-Let not the messengers of justice and the wide Atlantic, and with incredible fatigue tra- wrath await us in the field, and devastation, and verse uncultivated wilds? And we ungratefully every concomitant horror, bar our return to the refuse the proffered blessing?-To restore the allegiance of a prince, who, by his royal will, would rights of the constitution, you have called together deprive us of every blessing of life, with all posan amiable host of savages, and turned them loose sible clemency. loose to scalp our women and children, and lay our country waste-this they have performed with their usual skill and clemency; and yet we remain insen sible of the benefit, and unthankful for so much goodness.

We are domestic we are industrious, we are infirm and timid: we shall remain quietly at home, and not remove our cattle, our corn, or forage, in hopes that you will come, at the bead of troops, in the full powers of health, discipline, and valor, and Our congress have declared independence, and take charge of them for yourselves. Behold our our assemblies, as your highness justly observes, wives and daughters, our flocks and herds, our have most wickedly imprisoned the avowel friends goods and chattles, are they not at the mercy of our of that power with which they are at war, and most lord the king, and of bis lieutenant general, memprofanely compelled those, whose consciences will!ber of the house of commons, and governor of Fort not permit them to fight, to pay some small part William in North Britain? towards the expenses their country is at, in supporting what is called a necessary defensive war. If we go on thus in our obstinacy and ingratitude, what can we expect, but that you should, in your anger, give a stretch to the Indian forces under your direction amounting to thousands, to overtake and destroy us? or, which is ten times worse, that you should withdraw your fleets and armies, and leave us to our own misery, without completing the benevolent task you have begun, of restoring to us the rights of the constitution?

We submit-we submit-most puissant colonel of the queen's regiment of light dragoons, and governor of Fort William in North Britain! We offer our heads to the scalping knife, and our bel. lies to the bayonet. Who can resist the force of your eloquence? Who can withstand the terror of your arms? The invitation you have made, in the consciousness of christianity, your royal master's

Saratoga, 10th July, 1777.

A. B.

C. D.

E. F. &c. &c. &c.

Proposals for an exchange of general Burgoyne.Ascribed to his excellency William Livingston, esq. governor of the state of New-Jersey.*

Should the report of general Burgoyne's having infringed the capitulation, between major general Gates and himself, prove to be true, our supers

*The turgid, bombastic proclamation (for which see American Museum, vol. II. page 495) which gave rise to this elegant and poignant satire, was prefaced in the following manner: "Proclamation by John Burgoyne, esquire, lieutenant general of his majesty's armies in America, colonel of the queen's regiment of light dragoons, governor of fort William, in North Britain, one of the representatives of the commons of Great Britain, and

commanding an army and fleet on an expedition from Canada, &c. &c. &c."—C.

ment, I suppose a colonel of her majesty's own regi.
ment will procure at least three continental colonels
of horse.

IV. For John Burgoyne, governor of fort William in
North Britain.

will doubtless take proper care to prevent his reaping any benefit from it; and should he be detained as a prisoner for his infraction of any of the articles, I would humbly propose to exchange him in such manner, as will at the same time flatter his vanity and redound to the greatest emolument Here I would demand one governor of one of the of America. To evince the reasonableness of my United States, as his multitulary excellency is goproposal, I would observe, that by the same parity vernor of a fort; and two more, as that fort is in of reason, that a general is exchanged for a gene North Britain, which his Britannic majesty may be ral, a colonel for a colonel, and so on, with respect presumed to value in that proportion; but consider. to other officers, mutually of equal rank, we ought ing that the said fort is called William, which may to have for one and the same gentleman, who shall excite in his majesty's mind the rebellious idea of happen to hold both those offices, both a general liberty, I deduct one upon that account, and, rather and a colonel. This will appear evident from the than puzzle the cartel with any perplexity, I am consideration that those exchanges are never re-content with two governors.

gulated by viewing the persons exchanged in the V. For John Burgoyne, one of the representatives of light of men, but as officers, since otherwise, a colo Great Britain.

nel might as well be exchanged for a serjeant as

The first member of congress who may fall into

for an officer of his own rank; a serjeant being, the enemy's hands.

ployed in an expedition from Canada.

The admiral of our navy.

VII. For John Burgoyne, commander of an army
employed in an expedition from Canada.
One commander in chief in any of our depart

VIII. For John Burgoyne, &c. &c. &c.

undoubtedly, equally a man, and, as the case some- VI. For John Burgoyne, commander of a fleet em. times happens, more of a man too. One prisoner, therefore, having twenty different offices, ought to redeem from captivity twenty prisoners aggregately holding the same offices; or such greater or less number as shall, with respect to rank, be equal to his twenty offices. This being admitted, I thinkments. general Burgoyne is the most profitabie prisoner we could have taken, having more offices, or (what Some connoisseurs in hieroglyphics imagine that amounts to the same thing in Old England) more these three et ceteras are emblematical of three titles, than any gentleman on this side the Ganges. certain occult qualities in the general, which be And as his impetuous excellency certainly meant to never intends to exhibit in more legible characters, avail himself of his titles, by their pompous display viz. prudence, modesty, and humanity. Others supin his proclamation, had he proved conqueror, it is pose that they stand for king of America; and that, but reasonable that we should avail ourselves of had he proved successful, he would have fallen them now he is conquered; and, till I meet with a upon general Howe, and afterwards have set up better project for that purpose, I persuade myself for himself. Be this as it may, (which it however that the following proposal will appropriate them behoves a certain gentleman on the other side of to a much better use, than they were ever applied to before.

The exchange I propose is as follows: 1. For John Burgoyne, esquire.

Some worthy justice of the peace, magnanimously stolen out of his bed, or taken from his farm by a band of ruffians in the uniform of British soldiers, and now probably perishing with hunger and cold in a loathsome jail in New York.

the water seriously to consider) I insist upon it, that as all dark and cabalistical characters are suspicious, these incognoscible enigmas may portend much more than is generally apprehended. At all events, general Burgoyne has availed himself of their importance, and I doubt ot they excited as much terror in his proclamation, as any of his more luminous titles. As his person, therefore, is by the Capture, become the property of the congress, all

II. For John Burgoyne, lieutenant general of his ma- his titles, (which some suppose to constitute his jesty's armies in America.

Two majors general.

very essence) whether more splendid or opake, latent or visible, are become, ipso facto, the lawful

III. For John Burgoyne, colonel of the queen's regigoods and chattels of the continent, and ought not ment of light dragoone.

[blocks in formation]

to be restored without a consideration equivalent. If we should happen to over-rate them, it is his own fault, it being in his power to ascertain their intrinsic valug and it is a rule in law, that when a

man is possessed of evidence to disprove what is alleged against him, and refuses to produce it, the presumption raised against him, is to be taken for granted. Certain it is, that these three et ceteras must stand for three somethings, and as these three somethings must, at least, be equal to three somethings without rank or title, I had some thoughts of setting them down for three privates; but then as they are three somethings in general Burgoyne, which must be of twice the value of three any things, in any three privates, I shall only double them, and demand in exchange for these three problematical, enigmatical, hieroglyphical, mystic, necromantic, cabalistical and portentous et ceteras, six privates.

power. Nor can I forbear suggesting its fatal tendency to widen that unhappy breach, which you, and those ministers under whom you act, have repeatedly declared you wish to see forever closed.

My duty now makes it necessary to apprise you, that, for the future, I shall regulate my conduct towards those gentlemen of your army, who are, or may be in our possession, exactly by the rule you shall observe towards those of ours who may be in your custody.

If severity and hardship mark the line of your conduct (painful as it may be to me) your prisoners will feel its effect; but if kindness and humanity are shown to ours, I shall, with pleasure, consider those in our hands only as unfortunate, and they shall receive from me that treatment to which the unfortunate are ever entitled.

So that, according to my plan, we ought to detain this ideal conqueror of the North, now a real prisoner in the East, till we have got in exchange for him, one esquire, two majors general, three colonels of light horse, two governors, one member of congress, the admiral of our navy, one commander in chief in a separate department, and six privates; His excellency genera! Gage. which is probably more than this extraordinary hero would fetch in any part of Great Britain, were he exposed at public auction for a day and a year. All which is nevertheless, humbly submitted to the consideration of the honorable the congress, and his excellency general Washington. Princeton, December 8, 1777.

I beg to be favored with an answer as soon as possible, and am, sir, your very humble servant,



Baston, August 13, 1775. SIR-To the glory of civilized nations, humanity and war have been compatible; and compassion to the subdued is become almost a general system.

Britons, ever pre-eminent in mercy, have out

Letter from his excellency general Washington to ge. gone common examples, and overlooked the crimi

neral Gage.

Cambridge, August 11, 1775.

nal in the captive. Upon these principles, your prisoners, whose lives, by the laws of the land, are destined to the cord, have hitherto been treated SIR-I understand that the officers, engaged in with care and kindness, and more comfortably lodg the cause of liberty and their country, who, by the ed, than the king's troops, in the hospitals; indisfortune of war, have fallen into your hands, have criminately, it is true, for I acknowledge no rank been thrown indiscriminately into a common jail, that is not derived from the king.

appropriated for felons-that no consideration has been had for those of the most respectable rank, when languishing with wounds and sickness-that some of them have been even amputated in this unworthy situation.

My intelligence from your army would justify severe recrimination. I understand there are some of the king's faithful subjects, taken sometime since by the rebels, laboring like negro slaves, to gain their daily subsistence, or reduced to the wretched alternative, to perish by famine or take arms against their king and country. Those, who have made the treatment of the prisoners in my hands, or of your other friends in Boston, a pretence for such measures, found barbarity upon falsehood.

Let your opinion, sir, of the principle which actuates them, be what it may, they suppose they act from the noblest of all principles, a love of freedom and their country. But political opinions, I conceive, are foreign to this point. The obligations arising from the rights of humanity, and claims of rank, are universally binding and extensive, except in case of I would willingly hope, sir, that the sentiments retaliation. These, I should have hoped, would of liberality, which I have always believed you to have dictated a more tender treatment of those in- possess, will be exerted to correct these misdoings. dividuals, whom chance or war had put in your Be temperate in political disquisitions; give free

operation to truth, and punish those who deceive and misrepresent; and not only the effects, but the causes of this unhappy conflict will soon be removed.

political disquisition; nor shall I now avail my. self of those advantages, which the sacred cause of my country, of liberty and human nature, give me over you; much less shall I stoop to retort any invective. But the intelligence, you say you have Should those, under whose usurped authority received from our army, requires a reply. I have you act, controul such a disposition, and dare to taken time, sir, to make a strict enquiry, and find it call severity retaliation, to God, who knows all has not the least foundation in truth. Not only hearts, be the appeal for the dreadful consequences. your officers and soldiers have been treated with I trust that British soldiers, asserting the rights of the state, the laws of the land, the being of the constitution, will meet all events with becoming fortitude. They will court victory with the spirit their cause inspires, and from the same motive will find the patience of martyrs under misfortune.

a tenderness due to fellow citizens and brethren, but even those execrable parricides, whose councils and aid have deluged their country with blood, have been protected from the fury of a justly enraged people. Far from compelling or permitting their assistance, I am embarrassed with the numbers who croud to our camp, animated with the pu Till I read your insinuations in regard to minisrest principles of virtue and love of their country. ters, I conceived that I had acted under the king; You advise me to give free operation to truth; to whose wishes it is true, as well as those of his punish misrepresentation and falsehood. If expeministers, and of every honest man, have been to rience stamps value upon counsel, your's must see this unhappy breach forever closed; but unfor- have a weight which few can claim. You best can tunately for both countries, those, who have long tell, how far the convulsion, which has brought since projected the present crisis, and influence such ruin on both countries, and shaken the mighty the councils of America, have views very distant empire of Britain to its foundation, may be traced

from accommodation.

I am, sir, your most obedient humble servant,

George Washington, esq.


Cambridge, August 19, 1775.

to these malignant causes.

You affect, sir, to despise all rank, not derived from the same source with your own. I cannot conceive one more honorable, than that which flows from the uncorrupted choice of a brave and free people, the purest source and original fountain of all power. Far from making it a plea for cruelty, a mind of true magnanimity and enlarged ideas, would comprehend and respect it.

What may have been the ministerial views which

SIR-1 addressed you on the 11th inst. in terms which gave the fairest scope for the exercise of that humanity and politeness, which were supposed to form a part of your character. I remonstrated have precipitated the present crisis, Lexington, with you on the unworthy treatment shewn to the officers and citizens of America, whom the fortune of war, chance, or a mistaken confidence, had thrown into your hands.

Concord, and Charlestown, can best declare. May that God, to whom you then appealed, judge be. Under his providence, tween America and you. those who influence the councils of America, and all the other inhabitants of the United Colonies, at Whether British or American mercy, fortitude, the hazard of their lives, are determined to hand and patience, are most pre-eminent-whether our down to posterity those just and invaluable privi virtuous citizens, whom the hand of tyranny has leges which they received from their ancestors. forced into arms, to defend their wives, their chil

I shall now, sir, close my correspondence with dren, and their property, or the mercenary instru. ments of lawless domination, avarice, and revenge, you, perhaps forever. If your officers, our prisonbest deserve the appellation of rebels, and the puers, receive a treatment from me, different from nishment of that cord, which your affected clemen- what I wished to shew them, they and you will cy has forborne to inflict-whether the authority remember the occasion of it. under which I act, is usurped, or founded upon the genuine principles of liberty-were altogether foreign to the subject. I purposely avoided ali

I am, sir, your very humble servant,

General Gage.


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