
position But in the moment of their greatest pros. perity, when every heart expanded with the increas ing opulence of the British American dominions, and every tongue united in the praises of the parent state and her patriot king, when many circumstances concurred, which would have rendered an ignorant people secure and inattentive to their future interests-at this moment the eyes of the American Argus were opened to the first and most plausible invasion of the colonial rights. In vain were we told, and perhaps with the greatest truth and sincerity, that the monies levied in America were all to be expended within the country, and for our benefit; equally ille was the policy of Great Britain, in commencing her new system by a small and almost imperceptible duty, and that upon very few articles. It was not the quantity of the tax, it was not the mode of appropriation, but it was the right of the demand, which was called in question. Upon this the people deliberated: this they discussed in a cool and dispassionate manner: and this they opposed, in every shape that an artful and systematic ministry could devise, for more than ten years, before they assumed the sword.

It would be wandering from the objects which ought to occupy our present attention, again* to recount the numerous acts of the British parliament which composed that system of tyranny designed for the subjugation of America: neither can we indulge in the detail of those memorable events, which marked our various stages of resist◄ ance, from the glooms of unsuccessful supplica. tion, to the splendor of victory and ack owledg ed sovereignty. The former were the theme of senatorial eloquence, producing miracles of union and exertion in every part of the continent, till we find them preserved for everlasting remembrance in that declaratory act of independence, which gave being to an empire, and dignified the day we now commemorate; the latter are fresh in the memory of every person of the least information. It would be impertinence, if not a breach of delicacy, to attempt a recital of those glorious achievements, especially before an audience, part of whom have been distinguished actors in the scene, others the anxious and applauding specta tors. To the faithful historian we resign the task the historian, whom it is hoped the present age will deem it their duty, as well as their interest, to furnish, encourage, and support.

Whatever praise is due for the task already performed, it is certain that much remains to be done. The revolution is but half completed. Indepen. dence and government were the two objects contended for: and but one is yet obtained. To the glory of the present age, and the admiration of the future, our severance from the British empire was conducted upon principles as noble, as they were new and unprecedented in the history of human actions. Could the same generous princi.

This single circumstance, aside from the magnitude of the object, or the event of the contes', will stamp a peculiar glory on the American revolution, and mark it as a distinguished era in the his. tory of mankind; that sober reason and reflection have done the work of enthusiasm, and performed the miracles of Gods. In what other age or nation has a laborious and agricultural people, at ease upon their own farms, secure and distant from the approach of fleets and armies, tide-waiters, and stamp-masters, reasoned before they had felt, and, from the dictates of duty and conscience, ples, the same wisdom and unanimity be exerted encountered dangers, distress, and poverty, for in effecting the establishment of a permanent the sake of securing to posterity a government of federal system, what an additional lustre would independence and peace? The toils of ages and it pour upon the present age! a lustre hitherto the fate of millions were to be sustained by a unequalled; a display of magnanimity for which few hands. The voice of unborn nations called mankind may never behold another opportunity. upon them for safety; but it was a still small voice, the voice of rational reflection. Here was no Cromwell to inflame the people with bigotry and zeal, no Cæsar to reward his followers with the spoils of vanquished foes, and no territory to acquire by conquest. Ambition, superstition, and avarice, those universal torches of war, never illumined an American field of battle: But the permanent principles of sober policy spread through the colonies, roused the people to assert their rights, and conducted the revolution.

Without an efficient government, our indepen. dence will cease to be a blessing. Shall that glow of patriotism and unshaken perseverance, which has been so long conspicuous in the American character, desert us at our utmost need? Shall we lose sight of our own happiness, because it has grown familiar by a near approach? Shall thy

*This oration was preceded by he lecture of the act of independence; which, by an order of this state society, is in future to make part of their public exercises at every annual meeting.

labors, O Washington, have been bestowed in vain? not ceased with the termination of the war; and Hast thou conducted us to independence and peace, whose successful endeavors to promote our inand shall we not receive the blessings at thy hands? terest, in commercial and political arrangements, Where are the shades of our fallen friends? and can only be equalled by his achievements in the what is their language on this occasion? Warren, field. How will the posterity of that nobleman, Montgomery, Mercer, Wooster, Scammel, and Lau and that of the other brave officers of his nation, rens, all ye hosts of departed heroes! rich is the who have fought by your sides, on reviewing the treasure you have lavished in the cause, and pre- American history, rejoice in the fame of their favalent the price you have paid for our freedom. thers; nor even regret the fate of those who bled Shall the purchase be neglected? the fair inheri- in so glorious a field! tance lie without improvement, exposed to every during invader? Forbid it, honor; forbid it,| gratitude; and oh, may Heaven avert the impend. ing evil.

reverence to the advice of our illustrious com

An acknowledgment of the merits of Rochambeau and Chastellux, D'Estaiga, De Grasse, De Barras, and the other heroes of the French army and navy-affection to the memory of our brethren In contemplating the price of our independence, and companions who have bled in our battles— it will never be forgotten, that it was not entirely the work of our own hands; nor could it probably mander in chief, and of all those sages and patriots have been established, in the same term of time, who have composed our councils, from the time by all the blood and treasure that America, unassisted, was able to furnish for the contest. Much of the merit is due, and our warmest acknowledg ments shall ever flow to that illustrious monarch,

of the first congress to the present moment-bonor to our worthy creditors in Europe-a regard to the conduct of the imperial sovereigns of Russia and Germany, who evince to the world that they the father of nations and friend of the distrestrevere the cause of liberality and human happithat monarch who, by his early assistance, taught ness, in which we drew the sword-a respect to us not to despair; and who, when we had given a the memory of the venerable Frederic of Prussia, sufficient proof of our military virtue and persever-whose dying hand put the signature to a treaty of ance, joined us in alliance, upon terms of equality; gave us a rank and credit among the maritime na. tions of Europe; and furnished fleets and armies, money and military stores, to put a splendid period to the important conflict.

commerce with the United States, upon the most liberal principles that ever originated in a diplomatic council-a sacred regard to ourselves and to all posterity-and, above all, a religious gra'itude to our Heavenly Benefactor, who hath hitherto Where shall we find language to express a na- smiled upon our endeavors-call upon us, in the tion's gratitude for such unexampled goodness language of a thousand tongues, for firmness, and magnanimity? my friends, it is not to be done unanimity, and perseverance, in completing the with language. Our sense of obligation for favors revolution, and establishing the empire. received from Heaven, is best expressed by a wise improvement. Does Louis ask for more? and can The present is justly considered an alarming duty be satisfied with less? Unite in a permanent crisis: perhaps the most alarming that America ever saw. We have contended with the most federal government; put your commerce upon a respectable footing; your arts and manufactures, powerful nation, and subdued the bravest and best your population, your wealth and glory will in-appointed armies: but now we have to contend with crease; and when a hundred millions of people are ourselves, and encounter passions and prejudices, comprised within your territory, and made happy more powerful than armies, and more dangerous by your sway, then shall it be known, that the to our peace. It is not for glory, it is for existence hand of that monarch assisted in planting the vine, that we contend.

from which so great a harvest is produced. His Much is expected from the federal convention generous heart shall exult in the prospect: his now sitting at Philadelphia: and it is a happy cirroyal descendants, fired by the great example, shall cumstance that so general a confidence from all imitate his virtues: and the world shall unite in his parts of the country is centred in that respectable praise. body. Their former services, as individuals, comHere shall that pride of the military character, mand it, and our situation requires it. But although the gallant FAYETTE, find his compensation for much is expected from them, yet more is demanda life of disinterested service; whose toils haveled from ourselves.

The first great object is to convince the people of erroneous sentiments arising from our inexperi. of the importance of their present situation: for ence; sentiments which, if uncorrected in this' the majority of a great people, on a subject which early stage of our political existence, will be the they understand, will never act wrong. If ever source of calamities without measure and without there was a time, in any age or nation, when the end. Should that venerable philosopher and statesfate of millions depended on the voice of one, it man be induced to continue his enquiries, by is the present period in these states. Every free racing the history of confederacies, and with his citizen of the American empire ought now to usual energy and perspicuity, delineate and defend consider himself as the legislator of half mankind a system adapted to the circumstances of the UnitWhen he views the amazing extent of territory, ed States I will not say he could deserve more settled and to be settled under the operation of from his distrest country, but he would crown a life his laws—when, like a wise politician, he contemn-of patriotic labors, and render an essential addiplates the population of future ages-the changes tional service to the world.

to be wrought by the possible progress of arts, While America enjoys the peculiar felicity of in agriculture, commerce, and manufactures-the seeing those, who have conducted her councils increasing connexion and intercourse of nations, and her battles, retire, like Cincinnatus, to the and the effect of one rational political system upon humble labors of the plough, it must be rememberthe general happiness of mankind-his mind, ed that she there expects a continuance of their dilated with the great idea, will realize a liberality patriotic exertions. The society of the Cincinnati, of feeling which leads to a rectitude of conduct. established upon the most benevolent principles, He will see that the system to be established by will never lose sight of their duty, in rendering his suffrage, is calculated for the great benevolent every possible aid, as citizens, to that community purposes of extending peace, happiness, and pro- which they have defended, as soldiers. They will gressive improvement to a large proportion of his rejoice, that, although independence was the result fellow creatures. As there is a probability that of force, yet government is the child of reason. the system to be proposed by the convention may As they are themselves an example of the noblest answer this description, there is some reason to effort of human nature, the conquest of self, in hope it will be viewed by the people with that obeying the voice of their country, and exchanging candour and dispassionate respect which is due to the habits, the splendor, and importance of mili the importance of the subject. tary life, for domestic labor and poverty--they

While the anxiety of the feeling heart is breath-will readily inculcate on others, the propriety of ing the perpetual sigh for the attainment of so sacrificing private and territorial advantages, to great an object, it becomes the strongest duty of the good of the great majority, the salvation of the social connexion, to enlighten and harmonize the United States. the minds of our fellow-citizens, and point them Slaves to no party, but servants of the whole, to a knowledge of their interests, as an extensive they have wielded the sword of every state in the federal people, and fathers of increasing nations. union, and bled by the side of her sons. Their The price put into their hands is great, beyond attachments are as extensive as their labors.all comparison; and, as they improve it, they will Friendship and charity, the great pillars of their entail happiness or misery upon a larger proportion institution, will find their proper objects, through of human beings, than could be affected by the the extended territory, and seek the happiness of conduct of all the nations of Europe united.


Those who are possessed of abilities or informaWhile we contemplate the endearing objects of tion in any degree above the common rank of their our association--and indulge in the gloomy pleafellow-citizens, are called upon by every principle sure of recollecting that variety of suffering which

of humanity, to diffuse a spirit of candour and rational enquiry upon these important subjects.

prompted the sympathetic soldier to institute this memorial of his friendship-fraternal affection recalls the scene of parting, and enquires with solicitude the fate of our beloved companions.

Adams, to his immortal honor, and the timely assistance of his country, has set the great examSince the last anniversary, the death of generat ple. His treatise in defence of the constitutions, though confined to the state republics, is calculat-Howe has diminished the number of our brethren, ed to do infinite service, by correcting thousands and called for the tribute of a tear. With some of

the foibles, incident to human nature, he possessed list of our deceased companions be closed even many valuable accomplishments. His natural good with the names of those worthy heroes. But understanding he had embellished with considera- Heaven had bestowed too much glory upon the ble attention to polite literature. As a soldier, life of the favorite Greene, to allow it a long durahe was brave--as an officer, attentive to disci-tion. pline; he commanded with dignity and obeyed} with alacrity; and whatever talents he possessed, were uniformly and cheerfully devoted to the service of bis country.

My affectionate auditory will anticipate more than can be uttered, in the melancholy duty of contemplating his distinguished excellence. To any assembly that could be collected in America, But a few weeks previous to that period, the vain would be the attempt to illustrate his characmuch lamented deaths of Tilghman and M'Dougall ter, or embellish the scene of his exploits. It is were successively announced, and the tidings re- a subject to be felt, but not to be described. To ceived with a peculiar poignancy of grief. What posterity, indeed, it may be told, as an incentive citizen of the American empire does not join the to the most exalted virtue and astonishing entergeneral voice of gratitude, when contemplating prize, that the man, who carried in his native the merits of those distinguishing officers, and genius all the resources of war, and the balance of swell the tide of sympathy, with his bereaved every extreme of fortune--who knew the advancountry, when deprived of their future assistance? tages to be derived from defeat, the vigilance of They were ornaments to the states in which they military arrangement, the rapidity and happy molived, as well as to the profession in which they ment of assault, the deliberate activity of battle, acquired their glory. and the various important uses of victory-that Amiable and heroic Tilghman! short was the the man who possessed every conceivable quality career of thy fame; but much hast thou performed of a warrior, was, in his public and private characfor thy country. Of thee shall it ever be re-ter, without a foible or a fault; that all the amiable membered, that no social virtue was a stranger to as well as heroic virtues were assembled in bis thy breast, and no military achievement too daring soul: and that it was the love, of a rational and for thy sword. While we condole with thy afflicted enlightened age, and not the stupid stare of barfather for the loss of so dear a son, permit the barity, that expressed his praise. tear of friendship to flow for its own bereavement: and as oft as the anniversary of this day shall assemble the companions of thy life, to rejoice in the freedom of their country; they shall mingle a sigh to thy lasting memory, and bewail thy untimely


The map of America may designate the vast extent of conquered country recovered by his sword: the future traveller, in the scuthern states, may be pointed, by the peasant, to the various regions containing monuments of his valor and his skill; where, amid his marches and counterUntimely also was the death of the brave and marches, his studied retreats and his rapid appatriotic M'Dougall. Though many years were proaches, every advantage, given to the enemy, worn away in his unremitted labors for the public was resumed with ten-fold utility and certain consafety-though his early and decided exertions quest. The historic muse, as a legacy to future against the claims of Great Britain bad an essential ages, may transmit with heroic dignity the feats influence in determining the conduct of the pro- of her favorite chief: but who shall transmit the vince in which he resided-though he was the nerve feelings of the heart-or give the more interesting of war, the wisdom of council and one of our princi- representation of his worth? the hero will remain; pal supporters in the acquest of independence-but the man must be lost.

yet these but shew us the necessity of such charac

ters in establishing the blessings of the acquisi- The grief of his bereaved consort, aggravated by tion. While it shall require the same wisdom and the universal testimony of his merit, we hope will unshaken fortitude, the same patience and per- receive some alleviation from the ardent sympathy severance, to rear the fabric of our empire, as it of thousands, whose hearts were penetrated with did to lay the foundation-patriotism and valour, his virtues, and whose tears would have flowed in sympathetic affection, will bemoan the loss of upon his hearse. M'Dougall,

But we will not open afresh the wounds which Happy would it be for America, thrice happy we cannot close. The best eulogium of the good for the feelings of sorrowing friendship, could the and great is expressed by an emulation of their

virtues. As those of the illustrious Greene wer. field of thought. The natural resources of the equally useful in every department, in which hu. country are inconceivably various and great. The man society can call a man to act, every friend to enterprizing genius of the people promises a most America must feel the want of his assistance, in rapid improvement in all the arts that embellish the duties that remain to be performed. Yet, as human nature. The blessings of a rational go. these duties are of the rational and pacific kind, vernment will invite emigrations from the rest of the performance is more attainable, and emulation the world, and fill the empire with the worthiest the better encouraged. In military operations, and happiest of mankind; while the example of none but the soldier can be distinguished, nor any political wisdom and felicity, here to be displayed, but the fortunate are sure of rendering service: will excite emulation through the kingdoms of but here is a theatre of action for every citizen of the earth, and meliorate the condition of the hua great country: in which the smallest circumman race. stance will have its weight, and on which infinite Consequences will depend.

In the pleasing contemplation of such glorious events, and comparing the scenes of action that The present is an age of philosophy, and Ame. adorn the western hemisphere, with what has rica the empire of reason. Here, neither the taken place in the east, may we not apply to our pageantry of courts, nor the glooms of supersti country the language of the prophet of Israel, tion, have dazzled or beclouded the mind. Our though spoken on a different occasion-"The glory duty calls us to act worthy of the age and the of this latter house shall be greater than the country that gave us birth. Though inexperience former, saith the Lord of Hosts: and in this place may have betrayed us into errors-yet they have not been fatal: and our own discernment will point us to their proper remedy.

will I give peace, saith the Lord of Hosis:"-peaco to any disorders that may at present subsist among us-peace to the contending passions of nationspeace to this empire, to future ages, and through the extended world!


However defective the present confederated sys tem may appear-yet a due consideration of the circumstances, under which it was framed, will teach us rather to admire its wisdom, than to From a Philadelphia paper dated June, 1780. murmur at its faults. The same political abilities, On the commencement of actual war, the women which were displayed in that institution, united of America manifested a firm resolution to contriwith the experience we have had of its operation, bute as much as could depend on them, to the dewill doubtless produce a system, which will stand the test of ages, in forming a powerful and happy people.

Elevated with the extensive prospect, we may consider present inconveniencies as unworthy of regret. At the close of the war, an uncommon plenty of circulating specie, and a universal passion for trade, tempted many individuals to involve themselves in ruin, and injure the credit of their country. But these are evils which work their own remedy. The paroxysm is already over. Industry is increasing faster than ever it declined; and, with some exceptions, where legislative authority has sanctioned fraud, the people are honestly discharging their private debts, and increasing the resources of their wealth.

liverance of their country. Animated by the purest patriotism, they are sensible of sorrow at this day, in not offering more than barren wishes for the suc cess of so glorious a revolution. They aspire to render themselves more really useful; and this sentiment is universal from the north to the south of the thirteen United States. Our ambition is kindled by the fame of those heroines of antiquity, who have rendered their sex illustrious, and have proved to the universe, that, if the weakness of our constitution, if opinion and manners did not forbid us to march to glory by the same paths as the men, we should at least equal, and sometimes surpass them in our love for the public good. Iglory in all that which my sex has done great and commendable. I call to mind with enthusiasm and with admiration, all those acts of courage, of conEvery possible encouragement, for great and stancy and patriotism, which bistory has transmitgenerous exertions, is now presented before us. ted to us: The people favored by heaven, preserv Under the idea of a permanent and happy governed from destruction by the virtue, the zeal and the ment, every point of view, in which the future resolution of Deborah, of Judith, of Esther! The situation of America can be placed, fills the mind fortitude of the mother of the Machabees, in givwith peculiar dignity; and opens an unboundedling up her sons to die before her eyes: Rome saved

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