






As these two publications are now united, it may be well to advert to some of the principles on which the work will be conducted. It will be the constant aim of the editors and of the gentlemen who assist them, to furnish essays and discussions of sterling and permanent value, so that complete sets of the work will be regarded as an important accession to any library. Articles will be sought on topics which will be viewed as valuable twenty or fifty years hence, in preference to those of a local, temporary or merely popular character. The weekly and monthly journals are the appropriate channel for the presentation of subjects of a lighter or more immediately practical


The publication will embrace Theology in its widest acceptation, as comprehending the Literature of the Scriptures, Biblical Criticism, Natural and Revealed Theology, Church History with the History of the Christian Doctrines and Sacred Rhetoric. Special prominence will be given to Sacred Literature. It will be the aim to procure for every Number two or three Articles at least, explanatory or illustrative of the Scriptures, direct expositions of the text, or discussions in the rich field of Biblical Criticism. Particular facilities in some parts of this department are supplied by American Missionaries resident in Syria and Western Asia, and by travellers in the East. We shall endeavor to enliven the discussions of a more abstract nature by the insertion, in each Number, if possible, of one piece of biography. We have the promise of an Article for our April Number, on the life and character of the late Dr. Neander, from a gentleman who was several years a pupil of the great historian.

To a limited extent, questions in Mental and Moral Philosophy will be discussed, partly on account of their immediate and important bearing upon Theology, and partly for the sake of the intrinsic value of the questions themselves. Our space, however, is so limited that we shall not be able to go far into this inviting field.



Some attention will, also, be paid to Classical Literature. Many of our subscribers, and some of our most valued contributors are presidents and professors in the colleges. No publication in this country is specifically devoted to the classical languages. They furnish many topics of special interest to the biblical student and which have important relations to Sacred Literature.

In short, the great object of the conductors of this publication will be to furnish a Biblical and Theological Journal of an elevated character, which will be welcome to clergymen and enlightened laymen, which will be viewed abroad as doing honor to the scholarship of the United States, and which will directly advance the interests of sound learning and pure religion.

JAN. 1, 1851.

We here transcribe a few of the recent Notices of the Bibliotheca


"The October No. of this learned quarterly is just received. Its articles are of a higher character and more learned than those of other Quarterlies. It is particularly adapted to the higher class of general readers, and to professional It is an honor to our country, and should be liberally supported. — Cincinnati Ch. Herald, Oct. 24, 1850.


This valuable journal for October, contains its usual variety of able and spirited matter. The article on the Life and Character of Dr. De Wette, has greatly interested and pleased us. It does full justice to this eminent and in many respects excellent man."- Chambersburg Germ. Ref. Messenger, Oct. 30, 1850.

"The present No. closes Vol. 7; and in this short space of time, the Bibliotheca has attained into the rank of "the first three" amongst periodicals in this country and Europe, and is an honorable specimen of American scholarship in theology and sound philosophy."— American Cabinet, Boston, Nov. 2, 1850.*

This Quarterly, in a theological aspect, takes the lead of everything of the kind in this country. Its articles are from the ablest pens that are employed in the cause of science and biblical learning. It is a rich treasure for any library of the student or minister of Christ. - Bap. Ch. Chronicle, Philadelphia, Nov. 6,


“The Bibliotheca is one of those rare and noble periodical works which no scholar can miss without loss. It is an ornament and an honor to the Christian literature of America. It combines great thoroughness and accuracy of investigation, with great independence of argument and of thought. While diligently enriched by its learned conductors with the choicest accumulations of the German students, transferred into an English style always clear, and usually elegant, it gives its readers also the best fruits of the original thinking of its editors.— Independent, New York, Nov. 14, 1850.

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This prince of American Quarterlies is before us, and fully sustains its high distinctive character."- Chicago Prairie Herald, Nov. 6. 1850.

"The October No. of this most able and interesting quarterly comes to us with even more than the usual richness and variety of its contents.- Boston Congregationalist, Nov. 8, 1850.

"The Bibliotheca Sacra, conducted by B. B. Edwards and E. A. Park, for November. (Andover, W. F. Draper,) abounds in choice and recondite learning, with a sufficient sprinkling of popular articles to attract the attention of general readers."The Life and Character of De Wette" gives an instructive account of the position and influence of that eminent German theologian. The whole number is highly creditable to the condition of sacred literature in this country." -Harper's Monthly Magazine, Dec. 1850.

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