
head for twenty years. Turned out of my situation! my furniture and clothes seized, too! What roguery there is in the world! Ha! a lucky thought has come across me, I'll go to Georgiana Taulmarsh-tell her what has happened, and if she consent to elope with me, I'll make arrangements to be off to France-or-or America, this very night. Thank Heaven! I have still got upwards of £3,000 at my bankers, and though it is very annoying to lose the deposit money I paid at the Auction-Mart, it is best to put up with the first loss."

Luckily, I found Miss Taulmarsh at home, and alone.

She was sitting on the sofa, reading

"Romeo and Juliet."

"My dear Miss Taulmarsh," said I, endeavoring to look as much like a forlorn Romeo, as possible" I have come to bid you an eternal adieu; to-morrow I leave England for ever!"

"Gracious! Mr. Sly, you do not mean

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"Alas! I am, indeed, in earnest," said I, taking my seat by her side. "Fortune has been playing me some slippery tricks of late; but I am determined not to be beaten by her. What property remains to me, I will preserve. Yet, the thought of leaving you,- Oh, Georgiana!"

"Oh, Mr. Sly!" I looked into her eyes-two little images of myself were reflected there.

"I see my own face in those beauteous mirrors, dearest Georgiana. Oh, if I could flatter myself that my image was engraved on thy heart, as thy dear-."

"Mr. Sly! Mr. Sly! for pity's sake forbear!" "Must we part then, Georgiana? For ever, Georgiana ?"

I fell upon my knees, and looked up, as pathetically as a whipped spaniel, in her face.

"What would you have me do, Mr. Sly ?" cried the young lady,-a little moved. "Fly with me, Georgiana?" "Whither?" (this was in a whisper.) "To France, or AMERICA."

"Mr. Sly!" rising, and looking very angry, "I'm astonished at you,"-(now, had I said "Gretna Green," I am sure she would have jumped into my arms,)—“ leave me sir, instantly -I insist."

"You won't go then, Miss Taulmarsh ?” said I, very composedly, brushing the dust off my


"How dare you repeat the question ?"

"Good b'ye, then-I wish you as good a husband, as I should have made ye; that's all, Miss Taulmarsh! Adieu."

Two days after that interview, I took my passage for America, in the good ship Porpoise,"

41.at Lloyd's

at that time lying off Portsmouth;-and HERE I AM!

C. S.

July 21st, 1832.

To-morrow, I shall begin to take NOTES. I overheard two Englishmen talking very loud


I found this brief memoir in the first two or three pages of Mr. Sly's Note Book. I have not said a word to him about my intention of printing it. But, as his pen was not run through it, I presume I am at liberty to make what use I please of it. It amused me, I trust it will afford some entertainment to the reader.-Z. P. V.





Come listen to a dialogue,

A dialogue between
A soldier out of livery,

And a gentleman in green!

MS. ballad by Z. P. V.

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