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According to thy gracious word,
A charge to keep I have,
Adore, my soul, that awful name,
Affliction's faded form draws nigh,
Again our ears have heard the voice,
Again the Lord of life and light, .
Ah, wretched souls, who strive in vain,
All earthly charms, however dear,
All hail, the power of Jesus' name,
All nature's works his praise declare,
All powerful, self-existent God,
All-seeing God! 't is thine to know,
All ye nations, praise the Lord,
Almighty God, in humble prayer,
Almighty God, thy wondrous works,
Almighty God, thy word is cast,
Almighty King, whose wondrous hand,
Almighty Maker! Lord of all!
Am I a soldier of the cross?
Amidst a world of hopes and fears,
And art thou with us, gracious Lord,
And is the Gospel peace and love?
And now my soul, another year,
Angel, roll the stone away,
Another fleeting day is gone,
Another six days' work is done,
Around Bethesda's healing wave,
As body when the soul has fled,
As every day thy mercy spares,
Asleep in Jesus! Blessed sleep!
As o'er the past my memory strays,
A soldier's course, from battles won,
As the hart, with eager looks, .
As the sun's enlivening eye,
As various as the moon,

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At God's command, the morning ray,

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Author of good, to thee we turn,


A voice from the desert comes awful and shrill,



Awake, my drowsy soul, awake, .


Awake, my soul, and with the sun,


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Awake, my soul! lift up thine eyes!
Awake, my soul! stretch every nerve,
Awake, our souls, away our fears,
Awake, ye saints, and raise your eyes,
Away from every mortal care,

Begin, my soul, the exalted lay,
Behold my servant, see him rise,
Behold the amazing sight, .

Behold the blind their sight receive,

Behold, the lofty sky,.

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Behold the Prince of peace,

Behold the path which mortals tread,

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Behold the Saviour on the cross,

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Behold the western evening light,

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Behold where, breathing love divine,
Behold where, in a mortal form,
Be it my only wisdom here,
Beneath our feet, and o'er our head,
Beset with snares on every hand,
Be with me, Lord, where'er I go,
Beyond, beyond that boundless sea,
Blessed be the everlasting God,
Bless, O my soul, the living God,
Blest are the humble souls that see,
"Blest are the meek," he said,
Blest are the pure in heart,
Blest are the sons of peace,

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Blest are the souls that hear and know,
Blest day of God, most calm, most bright,
Blest Instructer, from thy ways,
Blest is the man who fears the Lord,
Bound upon the accursed tree,
Bread of heaven, on thee we feed,
Bright was the guiding star that led,
Brother, thou art gone before us,
By cool Siloam's shady rill,

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Calm on the bosom of thy God,
Calm on the listening ear of night,
Can creatures to perfection find,
Child, amidst the flowers at play,

Child of the earth! O lift thy glance,
Children of the heavenly King,
Clay to clay and dust to dust,

Come, blessed Spirit, source of light,
Come hither, all ye weary souls,
Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove,
Come, kingdom of our God,

Come, let us join our cheerful songs,
Come, my soul, thy suit prepare,
Come, said Jesus' sacred voice,
Come, sound his praise abroad,
Come, thou Almighty King,
Come to the house of prayer,

Come unto me, all ye who mourn,
Come weary souls, with sin distressed,
Come, we that love the Lord,

Dark, dark indeed the grave would be, .
Day by day the manna fell;
Deem not that they are blest alone,
Delightful is the task to sing, .
Dread Sovereign, let my evening song,

Early, my God, without delay,

"Eat, drink, in memory of your friend,"
Ere to the world again we go,
Eternal, and immortal King!
Eternal God! Almighty Cause,

Eternal Power, whose high abode,

Eternal Source of every joy,

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Eternal Source of life and light,

Eternal Source of life and thought,
Exalt the Lord our God,

Faith adds new charms to earthly bliss,
Farewell! what power of words can tell,
Far from these scenes of night,
Far from the world, O Lord, I flee,
Father, adored in worlds above,
Father and Friend, thy light, thy love,.
Father, bless thy word to all,

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Father divine, before thy view,
"Father divine!"-the Saviour cried,
Father divine! thy piercing eye,
Father in heaven! thy sacred name,
Father of all! Omniscient Mind,
Father of light! conduct my feet,
Father of lights! thy needful aid,
Father of lights! we sing thy name,
Father of me and all mankind,
Father of mercies, God of love,
Father of mercies, in thy word,
Father of our feeble race,
Father, supply my every need,
Father, thy gentle chastisement,
Father, thy paternal care,
Father, to thy kind love we owe,
Father, whate'er of earthly bliss,
Fear was within the tossing bark,
Few, few and evil are thy days,
For all thy saints, O God,
Forgive us for thy mercy's sake,
Forth from the dark and stormy sky,
Fountain of mercy, God of love,
Friend after friend departs,

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From all that dwell below the skies, .
From Christ, my Lord, shall I depart,

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From earliest dawn of life, .

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From foes that would the land devour,

From Greenland's icy mountains,

From north and south, from east and west,
From the table now retiring,

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