
he made pe see, when hit was wood, To stonde stille and sese mod. Also he made mony a Doumbe To here and beo ful hol and sounde. 120 Also a wommon þat was ful seke In be bodi flix þenne eke, Bi his clobus ones touchinge he zaf hire hele, as mihti kynge. Mony wymmen he heled mo Of al heore seknesse and heore wo. be watur he tornde into wyn And mad hit bope fresch and fyn. breo dede men he reised blyue ffrom be dep to be lyue: In þat hous hit was I-wis Of Archilinagogis,

his owne douhtur heo was on; be wydewe sone in þe zate anon; And Lazer of his Monument was vp rered and com present, bat foure dayes hedde i-leyn Ded stynkyng, sop to seyn.





ffyf bousund men also he fedde wip fyue loues þat he hedde, And also ffissches per weore two, þe Bok telleþ þer weore no mo; ffyue bousund weore pere of Men, wip-outen children and wymmen þen, And of þe Relef leid on hepes ~ 145 per lafte fulle twelue lepes.


his face he made sonne lyk And his cloping snouz-whit. Meseles he touched moni on And made hem forp hol to gon; whon he seide zor hele i wolle', Anon þei heled at þe folle. Al þat he tauhte euer-more, he dude hit pe disciples to-fore. he spac wip be ffadur in heuene, 155 þat þei of him herde pe steuene.

he made Nettes to beo cast In to be se vnstudefast

And at his biddyng vp was drawe An hondred ffifches and pre pat prawe.


he made peter to take coup A peny of gold of a ffiffches mouþ. To his disciples he dude a-peere In mony a dyuers maneere; he ordeynte hem mete newe whon bei him not þer knewe; wip Olof þat he hadde



In schip he fedde hem alle gladde. be Olde lawe chaunged he In to be newe forto be. he ros maugrey þe Jewes strif Bodiliche from dep to lyf.


Mony holy he made to rise Aftur his passion in þis wyse; To mony folk wip-outen were þat same tyme bei dude apeere. þe sonne he made waxen derk, be eorpe to quake at þat werk, be veil of be temple also he made hit euene cleuen atwo. 180 be spoyled helle and out he tok hem þat he louede, as seip be Bok; þe fend he bond, of synne pe Roote, ffor euere to ben vndur foote.

Grace he made sone to falle 185 Among his disciples alle whon he seide 'alle pouwer

Of heuene and eorpe is ziue me her', he bad hem go in pis wyse On eorpe heere to Baptize


In nome of ffadur and of sone And of pe holigost in wone; he hem made alle a-Rowe In Brekyng Bred him to knowe. he entred In at þe sperred zate 195 whon he pere of pes spake. he steih to heuene wip his miht In alle hise disciples siht.

he sende wit and wisdom In to be world, god and mon. Alle peose, and mony mo, Goode dedes dude he po; And it he is, ful sikerli,


To don vs goodnesse euer redi. Leeue and knowe him we scholde 205 þat al pis goodnes schewe us wolde; þen wol he vs make to wende In to Joye wip-outen ende. Amen.

Dicebat Jhesus turbis (Math. 23, 34-39).

Herknep alle be Mylde speche þat Matheu here wol vs teche. Jhesus spac, as he dop telle, To ffelawschipes of Jewes felle, And to be princes of prestes po 5 þat weore in þat world also: "Seo," he seip, I to zou sende propheetes, wyse, and lettred hende, And ge of hem faste schul slo, Crucifye hem and don hem wo, 10 3e schul of hem scourge bi-dene In zoure synagogus wip teone, ffaste also ze schul hem suwe ffrom Cite in to Cite newe

196 Ms. spes.

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þou slest and stonest prophetes wip grem




whuche þat ben to be sende ffor þi profyt, be to amende: hou ofte wold I geder to-geder be sones of be þat are so slyder; As ofte-tymes as be hen Gederep hire Chikenes pen To-gedere holliche vndur hire whynges, wolde I gedere pe wip-outen lesynges, And þou hit nult not of me take, But al-to-geder hit forsake! Seppe pat zoure dwellynge Schal in desert beo leuynge. And perfore I seye to zow, 3e schul me seo no more from nou, Til þat tyme come and þat day 45 þat ze schule vchone say Blessed beo he þat comeb In Godus nome and wip vs wonep." pis is be strengbe of vre gospel, As Men in Englisch tonge may tel. 50

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And poul also, þat was slawen, And petur, on pe Cros drawen, 70 And mony disciplus of crist also weore bitterli I-scourged po, As þe apostles in heore dedes wol witnesse, hose redes. per as crist dop vs telle fforpur-more in þis gospelle þat þei schulde summe porsuwe from Cite in to Cite newe:




þe Jewes hem flemed, to vnderstonde, ffrom toun to toun, from lond to londe, ffrom heore kinraden weore þei prowe, be Jewes wolde hem noþing knowe. bei wente þe pepul forto preche þat nolde not heore god knoweleche. perfore crist mad hit coup And seide wip his owne moup þat al be rihtful blod bi-sted bat schulde on þe eorpe be sched from Abeles blod, muche of prys, To Zakaries vnrihtwys, þat was Barachies sone, As holy writ hit tellep in wone, Schulde aske veniaunce of hem ffor heore misdedes pen,


But þei amended and were meke 95
And wolde Merci ofte biseche.

Of Abel hit nis no drede
To speke of his dep in dede,
whom Caym, his broþur, slouh,
As Genesis vs telleþ nou.
Of Zakarie is questiun gret,
As we fynden write zet,
þat was sone of Barachie,
As men hit rede openlye.

he is a-Counted on him-selue
Of be prophetus þat were twelue,
ffor on forsobe told was he,
And pe elleuepe forte be.



But sum men vnderstonde wolde In opur maner beo hit scholde: 110 þat ilke Zakarie ffadur was Of Jon Baptist, ful of gras. But þis resun bi good likenes In beter maner we may redres, whil opur þing Resonable preuep þe sope wip-outen fable.


Opur men bei seyn also, pis Bakarie pat was po Slayn and mad ful vnfeere Bitwene be temple and be Autere, 120 þat he schulde beo þe rihtful mon Of whom vr speche is maked on.

101 Ms. pis.

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þis ilke kinraden hende Alle schul þei þider wende þat sechen to sen vr lordes face, God of Jacob, ful of grace.




And in a-noþur place we fynde Of seyntes pat ben not bihynde, be kinraden of holy men Euer schal beo blesset pen. Of wikked Men in þis stede holy writ tellep to drede bat schrewed Men likned are To Neddres kynde, of godnes bare, þat euere are redi day and niht To do wikkednes by heore miht, heore Euencristen forte nuyze And al-wey liuen in þat Envye. þeose men, beo þei siker, Bote bei amenden of pis biker, wip Sathanas bei schul dwelle Euer-more lastynge in helle.

Bote prophete hose wol lok, Tellep In Ezechiels bok:



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he seide pus wip wille fre: 'fful deore of zow wolde I be, To gedre zou to-gedere dere As hen hire chikenes dop I-fere, I wolde ow gedere to my kepynge As hen hire chikenes vndur whinge'; Bote he seide, as he pouht, berof in no wey wolde pei nouht. 260

Bi þis word openly he schawes þat mony prophetes in po dawes bat he in pis world send, Mony of hem hyndward went.

But ben is heer a questioun 265 Meued, þat is of gret renoun. þer he seip 'hou ofte-tyme Mi wille weore to deuyne þat I wolde pe so slyder


ha noriflched and gederet to-gider': 270 be prophete in a place seip bus, Is in þe Bok of salmus: þat alle þing þat god wolde he dude hit at his wille bolde. bis is to sei wip-outen dere: peiz godus wille such were þat vche mon schulde biginne wel to do and leue synne, 3it ofte-tyme mon forsakep, As wrecche vnkuynde on he takep. 280 To him hap god I-3iuen freo wille To chesun pe goode from be ille. Alle opur ping to mon is fant, ffreo wille of gift to him stant; berfore he may þerwip chese him-self to saue or to leose.


But god seide in þat place To wrecches pat wolde take no grace Ne folewe Merci in þat say, But euere liuen In synne to stray; 290

he seide pat heore housus schal Beo laft voyde and wasted al, 'No socur schal hit to ow ziue At zor neode perwip to liue.' beos wordus moste we more clerly 295 vndurstonde and telle why, And seize to hize and to lowe þat vr saueour dop vs schowe. whon þat we were ful zonge Out of vr Modur wombe Ispronge 300 And clansed of pe synne badde þat we of pe Original hadde Bi Adam, vre forme ffader, Made clene we weore in watur; þenne weore we godus hous, 305 Soply, and his owne spous. But whon we falle to synful pyne Aftur þat in eny tyme, vr oune desyr to don in hize And not to godus wille plyze. perfore be heize heuene-kyng Called hem nout his housyng;



Crist seide not his hous, Bote heoren, for þei weore tricherous, heor owne bi bis enchesoun, ffor hit schulde to dampnacioun; And if hit i-kept benne wel were, his hous schulde hit beo ful dere.

perfore seide Jeremy In Cristes persone Almihty þat God forsok heore soules po ffor his hous for synne and wo. he departed his heritage


On diuerse wyse in luytel stage.
he 3af his louers heuene at ene, 325
þat kept his hous veir and clene
And wip-draweb hem from þat fuire
Of hem þat in synne duire.

God seip, be oþur parti was
As an vuel best in plas
þat Iana is cald of man.
În sum-maner tonge þan
Iana is a best felle,



As peos clerkes don vs telle, pat diggep vp dede men per bei ligge in graue þen; Non vnclannes nul he spare Of þat ilke bodi bare, But draweb and etep þat he may fynde, he leuep neiper Roote ne rynde, 340 Such was his pepel als Of his Jewes þat weore fals, þat vre lord, as seip pe bok, ffor his hous hem forsok. bei weore put for heore pride To seche dwellynge in londes wyde;


bei haue no propur lond wiþ boundes, But Crepen aboute as corsud houndes. pus Godus wordus weore not fyled, But þei hem-self foule bigyled. 350 per vre lord seide to hem wip his owne moup þen:


je schul not seo me til þat day þat ze schule to me come and say Blessed be pou, al in game, bat comest vs to in godus name': whi vr lord seide so

þat þei scholde him blesse so? for he wolde ensaumple ziue To tellen vs hou we schulde lyue. 360 we may neuer sen his face

Til we bis wordus seye of grace, þat is, to knowen him in vr lyue, To do penaunce and vs to schriue, And euere in wille so to beo boun 365 To make satisfaccioun. þus mote we do ful riht, 3if we wol seo his face in siht, þer as he him-seluen is


In heuene, in his glorious blis. 370 perfore be Jewes of penaunce haue tyme and of repentance: To crist wer beter bei hem dresset, þat euer is so good and blesset, bat in be holy ffader name Com to eorpe for vre blame. And bus his face wip-outen let, bat euere in Joyfulnes is set, we schul euer-more seo And in his blisse wip him beo. 380 To pat blisse he us bringe þat is kyng of alle kynge. Amen.

Dixit Jhesus Petro, sequere me (Joh. 21, 19-21).

Herknep alle for or prou, what goode Jon vs telleþ nou. Jhesu seide to petur þo: ffolewe me, whodur I go!" Petur tornde azeyn þat day And sone þat disciple say whuche pat Jhesu louede wel; be serteyn sope for to tel, Jon hit was wip-outen pride: he folewed Jhesu in pat tyde, he leoned aftur at þe sopere To Jhesu breste, as ze schul here, And as he leoned to þat brest he seide to him, as he per rest, Archiv f. n. Sprachen. LXXXI.




Lord, I wolde I-wite who Schal þe bitraye and do bat bo?" whon petur saih þat disciple Speke to Jhesu of his title, „Lord," he seide, what schal he pis, To folewe be bat of good wille is ? 20 Jhesu seide, godus sone:

I wole he dwelle pus, til i come. what," he seide, is þat to be? Do nou so þat pow folewe me!" pis ilke word sone sprong be breperen pere alle among: bat pulke disciple so good Schulde neuere die, bei vnderstod. Jhesus seide not þat þyng, But he to dwelle to his comyng, To Petur he seide wip wille fre. pis same disciple is he





þat schal heraftur bere witnes Of alle beos pinges more and les; And pis ilke same þing Schal beo witnessed bi þis writyng. we witen hit wel wip-outen drede his witnessyng is sop in dede. þis is be strengbe of pis gospel, As men in Englisch tonge may tel. Ful openly weore bei seyde, be wordus pat crist to Peter leide, per he bad bat Apostel sleih bat he schulde folewe him trewely; þat was bus muche forte say, þat he schulde dye sum day vppon a Cros as Jhesus dere, But not in þe same maneere; perfore he bad hym take hede him to folewe, to dye nede. Crist ros from þe mete anon In to a-nobur place to gon; To folewe him petur nolde not lete, he suwed be steppes of his feete; pus was he asent to folfille Al þat crist hedde I-seid him tille, whon he seide to pim po 'Suwe me and wip me go.'

Also anopur him suwed zare þat crist louede eueri-whare. Not only pis disciple heere




was loued of god bus syngulere,
Not only was he loued pere,
But mony opure þat þer were;
Ac for he was Mayden wip-Inne 65
And kneuh not be fulpe of synne,
þe more special loue-drinke
Crist let vppon him synke.
But Crist him-self preue wolle
Bi mony skiles atte fulle



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