

For mine enemies speak against me*, and they that lay wait for my soul take their counsel together, saying: God hath forsaken him; persecute him, and take him*, for there is nóne to dělíver him.

Go not far from me, O God: my God, háste theĕ to help me.

Let them be confounded and pérish that are ăgainst my soul let them be covered with shame and dishonour that seek to do me évil.


As for me, I will patiently abide álway and will praise thee more and more.

My mouth shall daily speak of thy ríghteousness and salvátion: for I know no énd thereof.

I will go forth in the strength of the Lord God and will make mention of thý righteousness only.

Thou, O God, hast taught me from my youth up until now therefore will I tell of thy wondrous works.


Forsake me not, O God, in mine old age*, when I ăm gray-headed until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation*, and thy power to all thém that are yet for to cóme.

Thy righteousness, O Gód, is véry high and great things are they that thou hast done*; O God, whó is like unto theé.

O what great troubles and adversities hast thou shewed me*! and yet didst thou túrn and refrésh


me yea, and broughtest me from the deép of the eárth again.


Thou hast brought me to great hónour and cómforted me on evěry side.

Therefore will I praise thee and thy faithfulness, O God*, playing upon an ínstrument of músic : unto thee will I sing upon the harp*, O thou Hóly One of Ísrael.

My lips will be fain when I sing unto thee: and so will my soúl whom thou hast dělívered.

My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness all the day long for they are confounded and brought unto shame that seek to do me évil.

PSALM lxxii. Deus, judicium.


GIVE the King thy judgments, O God and thy ríghteousness unto the King's són.

Then shall he judge thy people accórding unto right and defend the poor.

The mountains also shall bring peace and the little hills ríghteousness unto the people.

He shall keep the simple folk by their right: defend the children of the poor*, and punish the wrong doer.


They shall fear thee, as long as the sun and moon endureth from one generation to another.

He shall come down like the rain into a fleece of wool even as the drops that water the earth.

In his time shall the righteous flourish yea, and abundance of peace*, so long as the moon endúreth. His dominion shall be also from the óne sea to the other and from the floód unto the world's end.

They that dwell in the wilderness shall kneel běfore him his énemies shall lick the dust.


The kings of Tharsis and of the ísles shall give presents the kings of Arabia and Sábă shall bring gifts.

All kings shall fall down before him : all nátions shall do him sérvice.

For he shall deliver the poór when he crieth: the needy also, and hím that hath no hélper.

He shall be favourable to the símple and needy : and shall presérve the souls of the poor.

He shall deliver their souls from fálsehood and wrong and deár shall their blood be in his sight.

He shall live*, and unto him shall be given of the gold of Arábia: prayer shall be made ever unto him*, and daily shall he be praised.

There shall be an heap of corn in the earth*, hígh upon the hills: his fruit shall shake like Libanus*, and shall be green in the city like gráss upon the earth.


His Name shall endure for ever*; his Name shall remain under the sun among the postérities: which shall be blessed through him*; and all the heathen shall praise him.

Blessed be the Lord God*, even the God of Ísrael: which only doeth wondrous things;

And blessed be the Name of his Májesty for ever: and all the earth shall be filled with his Majesty*. Aměn, Ámen.

Ebening Prayer.

PSALM lxxiii. Quam bonus Israel !


TRULY God is lóving unto Ísrael : even unto súch as are of a cleán heart.

Nevertheless, my feet were almost gone my treadings had well-nigh slipt.

And why? I was grieved at the wicked: I do also see the ungodly in such prospérity.

For they are in no peril of death: but are lustý and strong.

They come in no misfortune like other folk: neither are they plágued like other men.

And this is the cause that they are so holden with pride and overwhelmed with cruelty.


Their eyes swell with fatness: and they do évěn what they lúst.

They corrupt other, and speak of wicked blasphěmy their talking is ǎgainst thě most Hígh.

For they stretch forth their mouth unto the heaven : and their tongue goĕth through the world.

Therefore fall the people unto them: and thereout suck they no small advantage.


Tush, say they, how should God perceive it is there knowledge in the most High?

Lo, these are the ungodly*, these prosper in the world, and these have riches in possession: and I said, Then have I cleansed my heart in vain*, and washed mine hands in innocency.

Áll the day long have I been púnished and chastened évěry morning.

Yea, and I had almost said even as they but lo, then I should have condemned the generátion of thý children.

Then thought I to understand this: but it was too hard for me,

Until I went into the sanctuary of God: then understood I the end of these men;

Namely, how thou dost set them in slippery places and castest them down, and děstróyest them. Oh, how súddenly do they consúme : pérish, and come to ă feárful end!

Yea, even like as a dreám when one awaketh : so

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