


Take from me the way of lying and cause thou me to make much of thỹ law.

I have chosen the way of truth: and thy judgments have I laid before me.

I have stuck unto thy testimonies: O Lord, confound me not.

I will run the way of thy commandments: when thou hast set my heart ăt líběrty.


Morning Prayer.
Legem pone.



TEACH me, O Lord, the way of thy státutes and I shall keep it unto the end.

Give me understanding, and I shåll keep thy law : yea, I shall keep it with my whole heart.

Make me to go in the path of thy commandments: for therein is my desire.

Incline my heart unto thy testimonies and not to covetousness.

O turn away mine eyes, lest they běhold vanity : and quicken thou mě in thy way.

O stablish thy word in thy servant : that I may fear thee.


Take away the rebúke that I am afraid of: for thy judgments are good.

Behold, my delight is in thy commandments: O quícken me in thy ríghteousness.

Et veniat super me.

LET thy loving mercy come also unto me, O Lord: even thy salvation*, according unto thy word.

So shall I make answer unto my blasphémers: for my trúst is in thy word.

O take not the word of thy truth utterly out of my mouth for my hope is in thy judgments.

So shall I álway keep thy law: yea, for évěr and éver.

And I will walk at líberty: for I seek thy commandments.

I will speak of thy téstimonies also, évěn before kíngs and will not be ashamed.

And my delight shall be in thy commandments : which I have loved.

My hands also will I lift up unto thy commandments*, which I have loved : and my stúdy shall be in thy státutes.

Memor esto servi tui.

O THINK upon thy servant, as concerning thy word: wherein thou hast caused me to put my trúst.


The same is my cómfort in my troúble for thy word hath quickěněd me.

The proud have had me exceedingly in derision : yet have I not shrínked from thy law.

For I remembered thine everlasting judgments, O Lord and receivěd cómfort.


I am hórribly afraid for the ungodly that forsáke thy law.

Thy státutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage.

I have thought upon thy Name, O Lord, in the níght-season and have képt thy law.

This I had because I képt thy commandments.

Portio mea, Domine.



THOU art my portion, O Lord I have prómised to keep thy law.

I made my humble petition in thy presence, with my whole heart: O be merciful unto me, accórding to thy word.

I called mine own ways to remembrance and turned my feet unto thy testimonies.

I made haste, and prolonged not the time to keep thy commandments.


The congregations of the ungodly have róbbed mě: but I have not forgottěn thy law.

At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee: because of thy righteous judgments.

I am a companion of all them that fear thee: and keep thy commandments.

The earth, O Lord, is full of thy mercy : O teách mě thy státutes.

Bonitatem fecisti.


O LORD, thou hast dealt gráciously with thy sérvant accórding unto thy wórd.

O learn me true understanding and knowledge : for I have believed thy commandments.

Before I was troubled, I went wrong but nów have I kept thy word.

Thou art good and gracious: O teách mě thy státutes.

The proud have imagined a lie against me: but I will keep thy commandments with my whóle heárt. Their heart is as fát as brawn but mý delight hath been in thý láw.

It is good for me that I have been in trouble : that I may learn thy státutes.


The law of thy mouth is deárěr unto me than thousands of gold and silver.

Evening Prayer.

Manus tuæ fecerunt me.


THY hands have made me and fashioněd me : 0 give me understanding*, that I may leárn thy commándments.

They that fear thee will be glád when they see me : because I have put my trust in thy word.

I knów, O Lord, that thy judgments are right: and that thou of very faithfulness hast caused me to be troubled.

O let thy merciful kíndness be my comfort: according to thy word unto thy sérvant.

O let thy loving mércies come unto me, that I may líve for thy láw is my delight.


Let the proud be confounded*, for they go wíckedly about to destroy me but I will be occupied in thy commandments.

Let such as fear thee, and have known thy testimonies be túrněd unto me.


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