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ma MONTHLY MAGAZINES have opened a way for every kind of inquiry and information. The intelligence and discussion contained in them are very extensive and various; and they have been the means of diffusing a general habit of reading through the nation, which in a certain degree hath enlarged the public understanding. Here, too, are preserved - multitude of useful hints, observations, and facts, which otherwise might have never appeared.- Dr. Kippis.

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tecture serves at the same time to orna

A TRIP TO PARIS IN AUGUST AND SEP- did buildings. There are, I believe, TEMBER, 1815.

twenty-two hospitals, if not more, in Paris, (Continued from vol. v. p. 489). the management of the whole of which I BELIEVE I have not as vet so

is vested in a commilte of government, much as nuentioned the Palais Royal, and thereto,e liable to all the defects of and shail : s'he present postpone any bese hospitals consist in what little

such an administration. The funds of notice » 1l, nating still objects of greater interest to consider.

inong these I property the Revolution has left them ; reckon the hospitals of Paris.

If the but the greatest part of the expense is French nation are pnssessed of charity supplied by the government. It is perhaps in the sanje degree as the people of Eny- a plan deserving of imitatina, io keep land, it must be admitied that either patients under different diseases, as they they are averse to making a public dis do here, separated in different hospitals, play of it, or that some other cause di- by which the nature of such diseases is Perts it from that course which it takes likely to become more perfectly underin England;" where the meetings of nu

stood by the medical men attached to merous societies, voluntarily united for these hospitals. some charitable purpose or other, are as

The Hotel des Invalides distinguishes frequent and regular as the rising of the itself in a view of Paris by its gilt cupola, sun, and innumerable edifices for these an unusual object in European arcbitecpurposes are constructed at the expense ture, proclaiming, as it were, to the of private individuals, whilst their archi- spectator, that the comfortable retreat

of the disabled soldier is the principal ment the places where they are erected.

object of the care of the nation and its Little or nothing of all this is to be inet chief. A winged lion, a trophy torn from with in the metropolis of France--if you the impotent republic of Venice, stands except that truly grand and imposing

on a high pedestal at the entrance of the structure the Holel des Invalides, erected avenue leading to the gate and iron baby a warlike monarch, having uncon

lustrade.* The building presents but troled command over "ilie revenues of one large front; but it is square in its the whole nation; and the institution for construction; containing several courts foundiings, wlich is upon a very exten.

with galleries, in which about 3,000 inmatters which concern the public, one part of this hospital, a great attention to may see the effect of an absolute govern.

fresh air and cleanliness is evident. The ment, upon which the individuals of the bedrooms of the patients had a thorough

air from windows on opposite sides, rity nor incluation to take the business which look into small gardevs; and, of the community in: » their own hands.

though the weather had for a long time Streets of Paris, however, do not

been very hot, not the least offensive at present by any mears exhibit that smell was perceived in any part of it. state of mendicity, which must have ex

The bedsteads have white curtains, and isted formerly, if the accounts of travel

a chest of drawers by the side of them;

the pewier basons for the soup were as to the want of cleanliness in the hosa scowered by the nurses to the utmost de

receive any confirmation froin gree of brightness. There are gardens now exhibit in that respect. vered places to shelter then from the

for those who are able to walk, and com how be provided for, though not in such rain or the su..

In the captaios' diningmans ons as, what the French call, the

room the clothi was laid for dinner; with English liospitals of luxury; where a

* It is scarcely recessary to remind the great part of the funds are diverted from reader, that this trophy has since been retheir le inmate object, and expended in stored to the ciny from which it was brougtie large salaries for the officers, and in splen- by the universal plunderers.--Editor. New Monthly Mag. No. 31. VOL. VI. B



lers are correct; nor do these accounts

pitals here,

what they



A Trip to Paris in August and September, 1815. [Aug. 1, a napkin, a large loaf, and a bottle of has a ticket fastened to its cap with a wine for each. This room is adorned progressive number, beginning every new with paintings of the towns taken in year with number one : the number of 1672. In the soldiers' room the cloth was this day (16th September) was 3,600 and not yet laid; it had paintings of merely a few more. In the infirinary there were the plans of the fortifications taken in many infants; there was a fire and se1667. The great kitchen is high and veral nurses. The woman attending me cleanly, but apparently not very large uncovered and showed to me many pifor such an establishment. There is a tiable-looking babies; at last coming to separate kitchen for the apothecary. one cradle, she said: “I fear this poor The chapel has nothing very particular; thing is dead.” She uncovered it, and but the greatest attention and expense sure enough it was dead, cold, and stiff, has been bestowed upon that part and its mouth covered with froth. The which is under the dome, and upon the woman appeared quite indifferent about dome itself. The architecture of this it. Whilst the principal object of this part, in the form of a cross, is beautiful; institution seems to be, to prevent inthe floor of the rotunda and of the ad- fanticide, for which it is well calculated, joining chapels is of marble, adorned I cannot belp entertaining doubts of the with fleurs de lis. Here is a monument expediency of carrying it to such extent, to Vauban, erected, as the inscription as will invite the idle and profliyate to says, par S. M. l'Empereur et Roi, 1807: leave their offspring to the care and -another monument for Turenne, who charge of the public, and deprive thouis represented dying in the arms of vic- sands of infants of the fostering care of tory, with the battle of Turkheim in their parents, who, though poor, would 1675, in bas relief. The interior of the still have found means to bring up these cupola and the ceilings are adorned children, if this easy resource were not with beautiful paintings ser in richly gilt held out to them. franes. This hospital was originally Of the Hospices des Orphelins, to which erected by Louis XIV. While I was in the foundlings are sent, 'vhen past two this hospital, a large body of foreign years old, I visited one in the rue St. troops, returning from exercise in the Antoine. It is a very good building, inChamps de Mars, marched by with drums closing a large square plaated with trees, and music playing, and colours flying: and a large chiapel.' The rooms are what effect this must bave upon the feel- airy and clean, and the utensils proings of these veterans in their retreat perly scowered. The children appeared may be easily imagined.

decently clean, though not like what you The Foundling Hospital, which I had are accustomed to in England. Their often heard mentioned as an institution appearance was also bealthy, considering inore extensive than any other of the the general complexion of French chilkind, I did not find, as I expected, to be dren. The girls make the linen for theina building upon a scale of extraordinary selves and for the boys, when these are magnitude. 'It is near the Observatory sent out to employment. Tbe nurses and tlie Boulevard du Parnusse. The seemed, by their dress, to belong to a whole institution is now placed under religious order, and had a rery respectwhat they call la Maternité.

The able appearance. building just mentioned contained only Several of the hospitals bear the inone hundred beds, or rather iron cradles, scription : Hospice d'Incur ables, which in one large room, besides an infirmary does not allude to lunatics, but to crip. for the sick infants; these cradles bad ples, superannuated, and sick past recowhite coverings, and the room seemed very. A large hospital of this kind is in to be sufficiently spacious for that num. the rue Recollet, formerly a monastery ber of infants under the age of two years; of the Recollets. It is a fine large stone for when arrived at that age they are building, with an open ground along the sent to other houses, called Hospices des whole front, containing about five hun. Orphelins. The hundred cradles in this dred patients. In this neighbourhood room were not now filled by about thirty, is also the large hospital of St. Louis, thooyb sometimes they are not sutlicient. which is now said to be restricted to Whilst I was surprized at the small diseases of an eruptive nature; I was number of these infants in the house, I told that it contained at present about was much more surprised, when I was twelve hundred patients. The lower told, that the number with the nurses in bedrooms werevaulted and white-washed, the country, amounted to fourteen thou- and contained three rows of beds each, sand. Each infant, on being received, without curtains, and open to a thorough

1816.) A Trip to Paris in August and September 1815.

3 air. A pretty large church is attached ver, which is England; the latter gaining to it. The patients, who were walking thereby an undisturbed inlet into the about, bad a dirty appearance. Val de continent for her trade and manufacGrace, another hospital, was formerly a tures : Hildesheim is added to it upon Dursery—a fine building, and one of the Buonaparte's principle of arrondissement. ornamental objects in a view of Paris. A great increase of territory is procured There are in front of several houses in for the king of Belgium, who is but a Paris, inscriptions of Bureau de Benefi- viceroy of England; who aclmits her matence, which evidently alludes to a cha- nufactures for a small duty, which is ritable institution, the vature of which easily evaded. She has taken the most I bare not yet had explained to me. In eligible colonies from the Dutch, and one of the churches here you may still probably will obtain still more at the see a board, on which is inscribed a de final settlement of affairs; whilst she cree of the Emperor of the year 1805, allows nobody to take notice of her imwhereby the churchwardens are autho- mense Asiatic acquisitions." rized to make a collection for the poor, England," they exclaim, "pays all at eleven o'clock at high mass, on 'Sun. the nations of the Continent!"' « But days only.

France,” was my reply, “bas robbed I have already bar inany political dis. and plundered them all.” This they seem Futes with French politicians, and should to admit by an exclamation of " Ah!" hare bad more, if a long suspension of and a shrug of the shoulders.--" The practice had not deprived me of that English have beaten us by finance only,' facility of speaking French,without which said a Frenchman. “By finance also, à such controversies cannot be carried on la bonheur!" I answered;" for they have with proper spirit. In a company where not acted as you have done, in imitation a portrait of Blücher was exbibited, a of those Indians who cut down the tree Frencbman exclaimed: “That man has lo get at the fruit."-" C'est beau.!” exdone us a deal of mischief!"--" But claimed a French lady, understanding consider, Sir, what misery the French had the application; “ quand on vient l'une berore inflicted on the Prussians!"- née prochaine, il n'y a rien."--" Why," " Mais !" replied the Frenchnian, “apres they will exclaim, “ make the whole nasoir eu tant de tems a y reflechir !" tion suffer for the crimes of a chief and

An old duchess observed : “ We are his adherents?" “ But who will draw told that the English and Prussians be- the line? When this chief was successlieve in the Gospel, (l'Evangile,) which ful, you were all eager to partake of the commands us to forgive our enemies."- glory, and hailed him with acclamations. "Ah, Madam! the French armies have You are like the trumpeter in the fable, published such a new version of this who, when the enemy took hiin in battle, sacred text, by their cannon and bayonets and were going to put him to death, in other countries, that it were not to be cried : Why punish me? I killed nobody: wondered at if the inhabitants of those I only sounded the trumpet.—“If the countries should in soine degree be in- other allies were to leave France,” said iected by it."—“ These are evasions," a French officer," not a Prussian should said the duchess : respect forbade any get out of it alive. I wonder why these further reply.

Prussians should treat us so much worse * Well !” said a French gentleman to than the English do?” “ It is perhaps me," the English will be masters of Eu- because you have never been in the kitrope till they choose to give it up.”— chens and cellars of the English.”— It is curious to hear these men make up “ Have not the Allied Sovereigns dethe account of profit and loss for the clared that their hostility is directed powers concerned in the war. “Eng- against Buonaparte only: that individual land," they say, " has gained every thing is expelled; why continue to treat us she having by her trade deprived the hostilely?" “ The declaration was cercontinental powers of the greatest part tainly made by the allies when they enof their casb, returns them a small part tered the French territory for the first of it, after they have expended all they time, and was ever declaration more had left, to enable them-certainly to re- religiously adhered to? Does, history cover their independence-but finally to furnish a parallel to such generosity accomplish the purposes of England; and magnanimity, as that with which the that is, to destroy her great political French nation was treated by those who rival; whilst England at the same time had suffered from them years of misery and knows how to repay herself. Prussia insult? No contribution, nor any restimust give up East Friesland to Hano- tution of booty, was demanded of them;

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