



[ocr errors]


Leipzig Book Fair, catalogue of, 145-ac- Merceron, Mr. on the conduct of, 329
count of, 233

Merry, Miss, her performances, 62, 449,
Leith, Sir James, his death, 500

Le Thiére, Mr, review of pictures by, 61 Merry Pin, origin of, 513
Leviathan, on the, 320, 409

Meteorological Register, 96, 192, 258, 384
Lewes, wool fair at, 177

Methodists, remarks on their conduct, 278
Literary Institutions, prices of shares in, 381 Methuen, Paul C. his death, 277
Lieutenants in the Navy, on the promotion Miller, Sir Thomas, account of, 265
of, 218

Millin, M. his account of the Sacro Calino,
Liverpool, progressive increase of the com-

merce of, 305-plan for employing the Minasi, Mr. his proposed plan for sweeping
labouring poor at, 553

chimnies, 339
Liversedge, consecration of the new church Miscellaneous Inquiries, 33, 222, 513
at, 278

Money, Mr. his election for Wotton Bassel,
Lime, best method of applying it as manure, 86

Monosyllabic Languages, oa, 290, 402
Literary Fund, remarks on an attack on,506 Moral Science, on the present state of,
Littleport, execution of the rioters at, 78- 109
petition in behalf of some, 168.

Moreau de Jonnes, M. on the effect of the
Liverpool, new church at, 31, 466-eques- climate of the West Indies on Europeans,

trian statue of his majesty at, 466
Lloyd, Mr. on the literary productions of Morgenstern, Professor, his account of Bo-
Mr. Nemnich, 385

doni 393
London, incidents, in, 70, 164, 264, 361, Mori, Miss,her performance, 355
458, 545 -address of the corporation of, Morris, Robert, account of. 266

Mortar, remarkable, placed in St. James's
Longevity, instances of, 80, 86, 88, 167, Park, 164

169, 178, 179, 209, 277, 279, 370, 375, Mortimer, Mr. anecdotes of, 227
468, 550, 551, 557, 500

Mosse, Mr. on monosyllabic languages, 290
Lonsdale, Earl, his reduction of the price of
coals, 169

Mountnorris, Earl of, account of, 74
Lotteries, on the immorality of, 512

Murray, Dr. his analysis of a salt found in
Loughborough, lace machines destroyed at,

sea water, 182

Music, review of, 57, 151, 242, 348, 443,
Louvre, description of, 101

Luengo, Mr, his performance, 244
Lydford Law, origin of the saying respecting, Naples, American claims on, 263, 360

Nautical Indicator, invention of, 233
Lyttleton, Hon. Mr. poetry by, 138

Naval Institution, account of, 165-correc-
Lyttleton Lord and Voltaire, letters between, tion respecting. 311

Navenby, subscription for a national school

at, 83
Mac Culloch, Dr.on the bad effects of add- Nelson, Lord, Epicedium on the death of,30
ing spirits to wine, 182

Nemnich, Mr. account of his literary pro-
Mackinnon, Rev. Mr. on the Leviathan of

ductions, 385
scripture, 321

Netherlands, political transactions in, 163,
Macpherson, David, account of, 167

260, 300, 455
Macrtady, Mr. his perforinances, 244, 354, Neuwied, Prince of, his travels in Brazil,
355, 537

48, 124, 211, 503
Maldon, sale of barracks at, 269

Newman, Mr. blow-pipe constructed by,279
Malta, on the language of, 20, 200

Newcastle, stoppage of Loraine and Co.'s
Mälzl, Mr. description of his new musical bank at, 174
timekeeper, 58, 534

Newman, lieut. col. account of, 560
Manchester, curious manœuvre of the de. Nichols, Nr. new plough invented by, 554
magogues at, 466 – fire at, 554

Noel, Hon. Mr. extraordinary conviction of,
Mangeon, Miss, her theatrical performances, 496

Numbers, on the philosophy of, 502
March Farm, Herts, fire at, 553

Nolken, Baroness, her death, 72
Marble, elastic, specimen of, 180

Nollekens, Mr.his monument for Mr. Wind
Mardyn, Mrs. her performance, 244

ham, 272
Margate, sea-water baths erected at, 45 Noorthouck, Mr. account of, 370
Marsh, Major, account of, 74-lines on his Norfolk County Gaol, plan adopted with re.
death, 139

spect to the prisoners in, 369
Mathematical Problem, 23-its solution,198 Norman Cross Barracks, intended demoli-
Meikleham, Mr. his new warm baths at tion of, 81-sale of, 369
Margate, 45

Norris, Mr. on the state of the Irish poor in
Memoirs of eminent persons, 155, 245, 355 St. Giles's, 447




Northumberland, method of reducing the Police of London, report on, 247, 329
price of meat in, 370

Political Events, digest of, 64, 160, 254,
Northiam, remarkable oak at, 557

359, 452, 541
Norwich, new Exhibition Room at, 174– Pour, on the employment of, 30-posal

exhibition of the artists of, 272-effects of for improving their condition, 169-pro-
rioting at, 555

posed institution for promoung the em-
Notre Dame, account of the church of, 47 ployment of, 261
Nottingham, seditious spirit manifested at, Poor-rates, suggestion for the reduc'ion of,

273, 370-good efftcts of the Watch and 566
Ward Act at, 468

Pope, works of art sent by him to England,
Oastier, Robert, bis directions for making 352
bread with carbonate of ammonia, 558

Porrett, Mr. his discovery of a new power in
(Edipus Jocularis, 36, 513

the Voltaic current, 44
Old Monthly Magazine, infidelity of the edi. Porson, Richard, observations on his charac-

for of, 31-his attack on the Literary ter, lil, 389
Fund, 506

Portugal, Queen of, her death, 70
O'Neill, Arthur, account of, 560

Praun, S, M.W.O. intellectual precocity of,
O'Neill, Miss, her performances, 355, 449,

450-her appearance in Constance, 527 Preferments, ecclesiastical, 71, 105, 263,
Opera House, sale of, 262

362, 458, 545
Opera House, English, performances at, 62 Piesion, lighted with gas, 272
Opiates, on the danger of administering Price Curient, London, 188, 284
them to infants, 310, 498

Priest, Mr. on the conduct of the establiibed
Ordnance Office, particulars respecting, 164 clergy, 395-poetry by, 426
Original: Letters, 34, 132, 222, 324

Problem, mathematical, 23
Owen, Sir Arthur, his death, 375

Procor, Mr. particulars respecting, 423
Oxford, proceedings of the university of, 41, Promotions, 70, 105, 262, 301, 438, 545

336, 523-history of, remarks on the Provincial Occurrences, 78, 165, 266, 365,
places contained in, 351


Pryce, Mr, sale of his stock, 471
Paddey, John, account cf, 547

Publications, new, 50, 146, 237, 343. 489,
Paine, Thomas, particulars of his last ill- 531

ness, 4
Palais Royal, account of, 100

Radford, Rev. Mr. account of, 461
Pantheon, at Paris, description of, 98 Ramus, Messrs, their performance, 944
Paris, account of a trip to, 1, 97

Ramsey, destructive fire at, 464.
Parliament, proceedings of, 64-members Raphael d'Urbino, his Cartoons, 423
returned to, 71, 165, 262, 361, 458

Regj Study, at Naples, account of, 129, 193,
Patents, New, 62, 241, 538

Paul, Mr. on seed u heat, 467

Regent, Prince, his speech on the prorogation
Paupers, on the law of settlement of, 16 of parliament, 66
Pawnbrokers, origin of their sign, 37 Religion, indifference to, in France, 529
Peile, Mr. on Sir H. Davy's wire-gauze Religious Fanaticism, on, 29
safety lamps, 120

Report on the Police of the Metropolis, 247,
Pemberton, Rev. Mr. his death, 460

329-on the state of Education in London,
Pepperell, Sir William, his death, 547

444, 518
Peters, Rev, Mr. particulars respecting, 327 Reveley, Mr. anecdotes of, 327
Petersburgh, institutions for education at,435 Reynolds, Richard, account of, 275-char.
Phillips, Sir Rich, his attack on the Literary table institution in honour of, 371
Fund, 506

Reynolds, Sir Joshua, two dialogues by bim
Philosophical Transactions, papers in, 141,

in illustration of the characters of Jobinson,

and Garrick, 25—particulars respecting,
Pigs, origin of the saying, “ An't please the 327
pigs," 514

Riding the Great Horse, inquiry concerning
Pinckney, Mr, his mission to Naples, 263, the origin of that expression, 999
360, 458

Ridolfi, Marquis, his process tor purifying
Platonists, on their notions respecting psayer, platina, 182
12, 304, 484

Ring-worm, remedy for, 46
Pledging, inquiry respecting the custom of, Robarts, Abram, account of, 548
33--answers to it, 201, 298, 396

Robins, Mr. particulars respecting, 327
Plough, new, 554

Robson, Thomas, his intrepid conduct in a
Plutonium, a new metal, discovery of, 377 coal-mine, 552
Plymouth Newspapers, particulars concern-

Roche, Mr. his method of puryfying rape-
ing, 561

oil, 377
Dock, singular robbery at, 366 Roche, Hamilton, his Battle of Waterlo0,595
Poetry, original, 39, 137, 227, 334, 426,516 Rochester Bridge, fatal accident at, 971
Poison, Indian method of preparing, 432 Rome, state of literature and the fine arts at,
Poisons, antidotes for, 370




Roscoe, Mr. sale of his library, 45-poetry,

Miss, her death, 72
by 517

Sir J. E. remarks on his Flora Bri-
Roscommon, Earl, of account of, 549

tannica, 214
Rose, query respecting the saying : Under Somersetshire, works of the prisoners in the

the rose be it spoken, 33,-answered, 513 county gaol of, 275-proposed canal in,
Roubilliac, Mr. particulars respecting, 424 ib.-circular letter of poachers in, 460–
Royal Society, Transactions of, 142

petition respecting agriculture from, 556
Runcorn, proposed bridge at, 207, 463 South Shields, employment of labouring poor
Russian Empire, progressive increase of, 236 at 552
Ryan, Mr. his method of ventilating coal- Spa Fields, meeting in, 458
mines, 43

Spain, political transactions in 264, 361,
Ryde, description of, 9-pier at, 270

treaty concluded between it and the Ne-
Ryton, employment of the poor at, 367

therlands, 456
Sacro Catino, account of, 340

Spenser, portraits of, 327

Sprogoe, isle of, infested by rats, 145
St. Catherine, inquiry respecting 222-an- Squire, Dr. account of, 264
swered, 417

Stafford, Marquis of, his encouragement of
St. Cecilia, inquiry concerning, 222-answer the labouring poor, 556
to it, 417

Staffordshire, distress of the poor in, 176,276
St. Cuthbert's Cathedral, improvement at,

proposed improvement in, 469

- Infirmary, its foundation-stone
St. Martin's Library, 321

laid, 95- -permanent fund raised for, 128
St. Sulpice, account of the church of, 97

- Pitt Club, account of, 25
Salisbury, subscription for the employment Stamford, charitable institution at, 369
of the poor at, 374

Stanhope, Earl, account of, 548
Savings Banks, recommendation of the sys- Steam-engines, new mode of constructing,

· tem of, 419
Sawston, antiquities discovered near, 174 Steele, Sarah, poem by 518
Saxony, tributes of gratitude from, 340 Stockport, petition of the cotton-manufactu-
Scarborough, subscription for the poor at, rers of, 168-fire at, 267

471-Scarborough, new works at, 558 Stocks, prices of, 94, 190, 286, 382, 479
Scheltema, Mr. his History of the Commerce Stockton, Mr, on the property of the horse-
between Russia, and the Netherlands, 342

leech, 526
Scoich, on their national character and pre- Stone, cure for, 552
dilection for walking barefoot, 18

Strixner and Piloty, their lithographic un-
Scotland, earthquake in the north of, 179– dertaking, 145
agricultural cistress in, 512 — intended Subscriptions for the employment and relief
canal in, 560

of the poor, 543
Scraggs, Rev. Mi, on temper, 23

Suffolk, association of attornies in, 276
Scudamore, Dr his analysis of Tunbridge

Education Society, report of, 276
Wells water, 182

Suicide, on the means of preventing, 407
Scurvy, inquiry respecting a cure for 499 Sunday Schools, inquiry respecting, 222
Seezen, Dr. fate of 46—his Collection, 47 Sunderland Bridge, lottery of, 171
Selsey, Lord, account of, 73

subscription for the employment
Shakspeare, portraits of, 327

of the poor at, 552
Sharwool, Mr. on niechanical chimney. Surgeons' Bill, remarks on, 293
sweeping, 506

Surrey Chapel, adjudged liable to poor-rates,
Sheffield, Lord, his remarks on the wool 176
trade, 177

--Theatre, performances at, 62
Sheldon, Mr. particulars respecting, 424 Sutton, distress of the weavers at, 174
Sheridan, Rt. Hon. Mr. his death, 73-me- Swansea, proceedings for the relief of the poor

moir of, 155, 245, 355-stone placed over at, 552
his grave, 202

Sweden, publication of manuscripts relative
Shoheil, Mr. description of the medal pre- to the history of, 435

sented to him by the King of Saxony, 340 Swift, on his literary merits, 492
Shropshire, new works in, 274-proposed Switzerland, New, account of, 145
new joad ill, 469

Sydenham, Mr. biographical aecount of, 472
Sickler, Dr. his account of the Regj Studj at

Naples, 129, 193. 300-.report on his me- Tavistock Canal, completion of, 170
thod of unrolling the Herculaneum Ma. Taylor, Dr. Charles, account of, 264.
nuscripts 434

Taylor Mr, on the notions of the Platonists
Sinking Funds, necessity of, in charitable in- respecting prayer, 12, 304, 484- his The-
stirutions, 1:24

oretic Arithmetic announced, 140
Sir Joshua, the celebrated race horse, death Tempers, on good and bad ones, 23
of, 557

Temple, at Paris, description of, 98
Skenandon, an Indian chief, account of, 181 Tenrerden Steeple, the cause of Goodwin's
Smirl, Sir Si'ney, his epitaph on Captain Sands, – inquiries respecting the saying,
Wright, 310

33-answer to it, 201




Theatre Francois, description of, 99

West Indies, effects of the climate of an Eu-
Tides, high, new theory of, 527

ropeans, 341
Thomson, Dr. his çcological sketch of the Westmacot, Mr. remarks on his monument
country round Birmingham, 233

tu Mr. Fox, 152
'Thornhill, Sir James, particulars respecting, Wey and Arun Canal, completion of, 373

Whigs, their tyranny in enforcing the gam:
Thurverton, destructive fire at, 79

laws, 211
Three Children sliding on the ice, origin of Whitehaven, establishment of a Pitt Club at,

the ballad of, 111
Tithes, on the effects of the present system of, Wight, Isle of, sketches of a pedestrian in,
220, 222

8,111, 305.-Humane Soctety al, 465
Tischbein, Mr., notice of a picture by, 342 Williams, Mr., his method of preserving
Tiverton, settlement of manufacturers from water, 270
Nottingham at, 170

Williams, David, account of, 73
Toad, discovery of one, in a stratum of rock, Willis, Mr, his new niode of constructing

steam engines, 180
Tomkins, Mr. account of, 265

Wilson, Benjamin, particulars respecting,
Tooke, Mr. on the Society for superseding

the recessity of climbing boys, 5-on the Wilson, D, on the liquid combinations of

sweeping of chimnies by machines, 323. oxymuriatic acid, 279
Townsend, Rev, Mr., account of, 460. Wilson, Richard, anecdotes of, 484
Treganion, new chapel at, 169

Wilson, Sir Robert, his trial for aiding in the
Trinity College, Dublin, proceedings of, 337 escape of Lavalette, 68
Truro, specimen of native silver from, 189. Windham, Right Hon. Mr, monument to
Tumble Down Dick, derivation of, 37

his memory, 272
Tweddell, Mr. recovery of drawings belong. Wine, on frauds in the measure and quality
ing to him, 430

of, 202, 417

Winkelmann, Mr. his errors respecting the
Vachell,' Rev. Mr., damages obtained by, 267 Herculaneum manuscripts, 196.
Vandramini, particulars respecting, 424 Wire bridge, construction of one, 150
Vialls, Mr. on the custom of pledging, 201 Withycombe Church, decision respecting,
Vidler, Mr, aceount of, 264
Voss, Mr. his translation of the comedies of Witton Castle, sale of, 367, 464
Aristophanes, 48

Wollaston, Rev. Ms., address to his pari-

shioners on the Bible Societies, 115
Wakefield, Edward, his report on the state of Wool trade, state of, 177
education in the district of Covent Garden, Woolrich, association of the workmen for

supplying themselves with meat at, 466
Wallscourt, Lord, his death, 363

World, theories of the end of it, 209
Walmsley, Rev. T. T., his evidence respect- Worlidge, Mr. particulars respecting, 329

ing the National Society for education, 518 Worms, inquiry respecting their generation
Walsall, riots al, 469

in the human stomach, 395
Walsall Book Society, explanation respect- Wotton Basset, contested election at, 86
ing 339

Wourali Poison, method of preparing, 13?
Walthamscow, meeting for promoting mee Wrench, Mi, bis performance, 62

chanical chimney-sweeping at, 171 Wright, Captain, epitaph on, 310
Warminster, discovery of reptiles in a stra- Wright, Mr. anecdotes of, 328
tum of rock at, 471

Wyllyams, Rev. Mr., account of, 167.
Waterlon, strictures on a serjeant's account Wynn, Sir W. W., his employment of the
of the battle of, 127

labouring poor, 559.
Water-work shares, prices of, 93, 187, 283,
381, 478

York Mail, accident from the overturning of,
Watkins, Dr.on mental diseases, 418

Watson, Bishop, biographical memoir of, 74 Yorkshire, cheapness of provisions in, 278
Webb, Lieut., extract of a letter from, 436 Young, Dr. facts respecting, 100
Webb, Mr. Ç. W., poetry by, 40

Young, Arthur, on the benefits of annexing
Webb, Mr. his election for Gloucester, 367 small portions of land to cottages, 373
Wellesley, Marchioness, account of, 461
West, Mr, new works commenced by, 61 Zoffany, Mr, anecdotes of, 320
West Indians, prejudices against, 45



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