


ABO, particulars respecting the university Becket, Andrew, his plan for the relief of
of, 435

industrious traders, 142
Academy of Inscriptions, &c. at Paris, meet- Bees, curious particulars respecting some,
ing of, 144

Academie Francaise, meeting of, 529. Bell, Rev. Dr. account of, 363
Acts of Parliament, abstract of, 158, 239, Bell Savage, origin of, 37
450, 539

Belvoir Castle, destiuctive fire at, 467
Addison, on his literary merits, 493

Bendavid, Mr. his suggestion for amending
Adelung, on the antiquity of monosyllabic, the text of the New Testament, 144
languages, 291

Bengough, Mr, his performance, 243
African Institution, controversy respecting, Bennett, Rev. Dr. his death, 264

Berri, Duke of, his marriage, 70
Agricultural Distress in Scotland, 512 Berkshire, notice of the magistrates to the

-Distresses, remarks on the causes publicans of, 200
of the, 32

intended new road in, 349
Report, 95, 191, 287 383, 480, Between the cup and the lip, origin of the

expression, 513
Alexander, William, account of, 167 Bible, hints for one with new references, 303
Algiers, official details of the victory at, 254,

Bible Societies, on, 115

Bird, Mr, his extraordinary genius for astro-
Amateur, Extracts from the Portfolio of an, nomy, 549
38, 135, 225, 327,423

Birmingham, riot in, 470--Subscription for
America, wretched state of emigrants tv, 43, opening soup.shops to relieve the poor at,

ib.- Proposal for lighting with gas, ib.--
political transactions in, 164, 264 Employment of the poor at, 357
Angelo, Michael, veneration of Sir Joshua Biiths, extraordinary, 81, 263, 271,365,368,
Reynolds for, 423

Anglesea, Marquis of, column in honour of Blomfeld, Rev. Mr. account of, 364-Cor-

section respecting, 46
Animals, on cruelty to, 106

Bly, Mr.on solar spots and the unseasonable
An't please the pigs, origin of the saying, 514 summer, 491
Apple, query respecting, 33

Bodoni, anecdotes of, 393
trees, blighis in, 81

Böttiger, M.. his account of the Leipzic Book
Appointments, official, 70, 165, 262, 361,

Fair, 233

Bortles, remarks on experiments with corked
April fools, on the custom of making, 14,415 ones, sunk in the ocean, 20--Dr. Carey's
Arnold, Dr. account of, 266

experiments on, 289
Articled clerks, on the premiums required by Bow Churchyard, fire in, 458
solicitors with, 17

Boyd, Captain, killed in a duel, 219
Arts, fine, review and register of, 59, 152, Boyle, Miss, her performances, 244,354,355
350, 437, 535

Boyles, Admiral, account of, 547
intelligence in, 61, 154, 352, 530 Brande, Mr. his experiments on Lissa wine,
Asthma, effect of galvanism on, 44, 561 182
Augereau, Marshal, his death, 70

Brazil, travels in, 49, 124, 211, 303
Austria, political transactions in, 70, 260 Bridges, prices of shares in, 93, 187,263,478

Bridgewater and Seaton Canal, intended plan
Baird, Mr, account of, 180

for, 371
Bankrupts, 89, 183, 280, 378, 474

Brighton, produce of the mackarel fishery at,
Barbadoes, insurrection at, 68

177-Intended manufactory for employing
Barbary States, negociation with, 67 ; poli- the poor of, 276
tical transactions in, 164, 254, 359

Bristol, new school at, 469
Barber's pole, origin of, 37

British Colonies, on emigration to, 29
Bardwell Mr. on his pictures, 221, 399

Commerce, on the state of, 40
Barnett Mr. his election for Rochester, 81

Institution, exhibition of, 59-Re-
Bartlett Mr. on Rev, Mr. Cormouls' evidences marks on the Catalogue Raisonné of, 535

of a deluge, 319-Poetry by, 334-On the Buchanan, Robertson, account of, 167
geologic system of Rev. Mr. Cormouis,

James, on the wretched state of

British Emigrants to America, 376
Beans, new method of harvesting, 552 Buddle Mr. on Sir H. Davy's wire-gauze
Beauchamp, Earl, account of, 364

safety-lamp, 119
Beaumont, Mr. his evidence on the police, Bull and Gate, derivation of, 36

Bull and Mouth, origin of, 36
Bawdwen, Rev, Mr., account of, 364 Bullion, prices of, 189, 285




Bullock's exhibition of pictures, 61

Clark, Mr. his correction respecting Captain
Bumper, origin of the word, 514

Garland, 304
Buonaparte, new history of, 46

--Thomas, account of, 265
Burgh Castle, Roman vessel found at, 372 Clarke, Professor, on the decomposition of
Burnett, Jolin, enquiry respecting the essays earths, 279-New metal obrained bv, 377
for prizes given by him, 215

Clergy, charges of the disseniers against the
Burns, Robert, monument for, 559

established, 207-On their conduce, 395
Busby, Dr. strictures on his new system of Clergymen, extraordinary secession of scue-
education, 411

ral, 84
Batler, Dr. his Epicedium on the death of Cliffe, Lieut.-Gen. account of, 175
Lord Nelson, 31

Clifton, H. C. poetry by. 334, 426

Climbing boys, proceedings of the Sociсty
Calvinist Divines, on the conduct and prin- for superseding the necessity of, 5

ciples of, 123–Vindication of the doctrines Coach painting, on, 425
of, 317– Answer to it, 502

Coal-mines, method of ventilating, 43
Cambridge, proceedings of the University of.. Cobbett, Mr. his character, 146
41, 139, 336, +29, 523

Cochrane, Lord, his trial, 176-Expedient for
Camphell, Alexander, his extraordinary lon- raising his fine, 545
gevity, 179

Codrington, Sir Wm. his death, 376
Major, case of, 219

Coffee Houses, exorbitant charges of, 510
Canal Shares, prices of, 93, 187, 283, 381, Coke, Mr. his annual sheep-shearing, 83

Colchester Pitt Club, anniversary of, 404
Cant, origin of the term, 514

Coldham Mr. account of, 371
Carbonate of ammonia, method of making Colosseum, remarks on a model of, 155
bread with, 558

Commercial Report, 88, 183, 279, 377,473,
Carey, Dr. his experiment on the corked bot-
tle, 289

Connor, Mr. his performance, 243
Carlisle, A. his lectures on anatomy, 536 Consolidated Fund, income and charge of,
Carr, Mrs, account of, 374
Certificates, 92, 186, 283, 381, 478 Conveyancers, on the qualification for, 106,
Chamberlains, Messrs. porcelain making by
them for the Princess Charlotte, 86

Conway, new bridge over, 559
Champante, Mr. Wm. his death, 547

Cooke, Mrs, her performance, 2 13
Chaplin, Mr. account of, 266

Cooper, Mr, remarks on a painting by, 153
Chateaubriand, M. de, disgrace of, 360-his Cormouls, Rev. Mr. on the age of the globe,
true character illustrated, 508

121-on the evidences of a general deluge,
Checquers, origin of, 57

205-on secondary rock formation, 313–
Cheltenham Rooms, improvement in, 465

on his geologic system, 494
Chemical Report, 181, 279, 376,472, 560

Corn, average prices of, 93, 191, 287,393,
Chepscow Bridge, account of, 173

Chester, improvement in the County Hall at, Corner, Mr. remarks on his portraits of cele

braced painters, 437
papers, statement respecting, 365 Cornwall, prosperity of the fisheries in, 267
Chilton, Rev. Mr. his death, 470

Geological Society, proceedings of,
Chilworth Mills, forfeiture of gunpowder at,


Lunatic Asylum, particulars re-
Chimneys, recommendation of machines for specting, 365
sweeping, 199--Charges for sweeping with

Projects for the relief of unem-
machines, 207 —- Remarks on sweeping

ployed labourers in, 530
them with machines, 323--Recommen: Corsham, Sunday School established at, 277
dation of circular tubes for sweeping, 416

Cotton Yarn, on the exportation of, 271
- Further remarks on the machine for Courtenay, John, correspondence of, 34,132,
sweeping, 506

222, 324
Chippenbam, fire at, 558

Covent Garden Theatre, performances at,
Chiestomathic Day School, proposed instilu- 244, 354, 448, 537
tion of, 462

Cranborne Chase, trial respecting its boun-
Christall, John, account of, 179

daries, 177
Chris'ian Knowledge, defence of the Society Cribbage, inquiry respecting the origin of the
for pomoting, 308

game of, 513
Church Establishment, British, 487, 498

Cromwell, Mr. account of, 460
Livings, documents respecting the Cunynghame, Lieut. Col. his death, 375
endowment of, 199-Acts of Parliament Curran, Rt. Hon. J. P. poetry by, 227
relative to, 299 - Manuscript records re-

Curtis, Mr. his lectures on the diseases of the
specting, 313-On the improvement of,

Sir Roger, account of, 460
Ministers, extraordinary doctrines of Cyder, intended petition for repealing the du-
some, 498

ties on, 270

ear, 433



Dalby's Carniinative, inquiry respecting, 310, Fenning, Elizabeth, on the controversy re-
-answered, 495

specting, 15
Darimoor, plan for the cultivation of, 551 Fielding, Mr. his evidence on the police of
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, wheel-vessel con. London, 254
structed at, 500

Financial embarrassments, proposal for re-
Darwin, Dr. R. W. his death, 468

lieving them, 79
Davies, Serjeant, account of, 559

Finnegan, Mr. his evidence on the state of
Davy, Mr. his discovery of a new combina- the schools of St. Giles's and its vicinity,
tion of plarina, 181

Daiy, Sir H, additional observations on his Fires, destructive, 79, 267, 458, 464, 467,

wire-gauze safety lamps, 117-piece of 553, 554, 558
plate presented to him, 273

Fisheries, recommendation of, 507
Deal, herring fishery established at, 81, 271 Fisherwick House, demolition of, 85
Dean Forest, churches erected in, 171 Fletcher, Mr. his evidence on the police of
Deiuge, on the evidences of a general one, London, 250

Forde, Mr. account of, 180
Dennett, Misses, their performance, 244 Fortune-telling, mischievous effects of, 388
Denys, Peter, particulars respecting, 72 Fotheringham, Capt. elected master of the
Devonshire, on the peat bogs of, 170-state ceremonies at Cheltenham, 465

of the poor in, 269 – projected canal in, Foundling Hospital, at Paris, particulars re-
366-election speculations in, 550

specting, 2
Dewsbury, national school established at, 178 Fox, Mr. remarks on the monument to, 152
Dickenson, Misses, their death from taking France, state of literature in, 46, 142, 340,
poison, 261, 459

433, 527--political transactions in, 68,
Dionysius Halicarnassensis, recovery of the 163, 259, 360, 455
lost books of, 530

Frankland, Wm. his death, 86
Dissenters, inqury respecting the increase of, Freigang, Baion, his travels, 47

33 --reasons for their increase, 203, 298, Frome, plan for the relics of the industrious
397 –heir charges against the establisied

poor at, 556
clergy, 207

Furlong, Mr, poetry by, 40, 137
Distresses, remarks on the present, 86, 175 Future state, on the belief of ihe re-union of
Dividends, 91, 185, 282, 379, 476

friends in, 410
Divine cquiry and sovereignty, on, 295
Dock stares, prices of, 93, 197, 283, 381, Galashiels, wire bridge at, 559

Galignani's Messenger, extraordinary adves-
Donovan, Mr. remarks on his picture of Je- tisement in, 530
rusalem, 359

Galvanism its effects on asthma, 44, 501
Dougall, Mr. on the language of Maita, 20, Game-laws, tyranny with which they are

enforced, 211
Douglas, population of, 268

Garland, Capt. statement of his death, 171
Downer Mr. his charitable bequests, 85

- contradicted, 304
Downs Fishing Society, proceedings of, 466 Garrick, dialogue in illustration of his cha-
Dramatic Register, 62, 243, 352, 448, 5:36 racter, 25
Drury Lane Theatre, performances at, 62, Gaskoin, Mr. his death, 173
243, 352, 448, 536

Gehlen, Mr. his experiments on the manu-
Dudley, intended new church at, 471

facture of glass, 191
Dyer, Sir John, his death, 81

Germany, state of literature in, 145, 233,

343, 434-political transactions in, 456
Earle, Mr. on the state of the Irish poor in Geyser, Messrs. curious clock-work invented
St. Giles's, 416

by 530
Echo, remarkable, 526

Gifford, John, his evidence on the police, 253
Ecclesiastical Benefices, on the patronage of, Gill, Mr. on Indian cast steel, or wootz, 472

Glamorganshire, riots in, 375
Education, Report of the Committee of the Glasse, Rev. Mr. poetry by, 335
House of Commons on, 44+, 518

Globe, on its age, 121
Effingham, Earlot, account of, 548

Glossop, Mrs. her performance, 243
Elizabeth, Queen, on the character of, 499 Gloucester, contested election to:, 367-esta-
Emigrants to America, wretched state of 43, blishment of Wnig Club at, ib

Gloucester, Duke of, his marriage with the
Exchange, courses of, 189, 285

Princess Mary, 68
Exeter, reduction of poor-raies at, 170 Gloucester Shire Hall, description of, 269
Exmouth, Lord, his negociations with the Gloucester Diocesan Society tor the educa-

Barbary Powers, 67—his dispatches from tion of the poos, 209
Algiers, 254, 359

Gloucestershire Repository, announcement

of, 553
Fane Mr. his apparatus for ascertaining the Gomez, Dr. his experiments on the contagion
value of milk, 273

of the plague, 142



Goodwin's Sands, inquiry respecting the say-

in a country church-yard, 513
ing that Tenterden Steeple is the cause of Insurance companies shares, prices of, 93,
them, 33-answer to it, 201

187, 283,
Gordon, Alexander, account of, 547

Intelligence, literary and scientific, 41, 139,
Goupy, Joseph, anecdotes cf, 38

231,337, 429, 523
Goui, cure for, 526

Ireland, on the disturbances in, 494
Grace, Mrs. particulars respecting, 38 Italy, neglect of literature in, 194–particu-
Grain, hints on the preservation of, 103 lars relative to literature in, 436
Grand St. Bernard, state of the convent of,
303, 491

Jamieson, Mr. his patriotic offer, 179
Great Britain, political transactions in, 61, Jewish and Scorch custom, similarity of,31:
160, 359, 453, 541

Johnson, Dr. dialogue in illustration of his
Greenwood, Mr. Particulars respecting, 39 character, 25-correction of an error re-
Grenoble, insurrection at, 69

specting him, 109-dialogue between hini
Gresham Lectures on Music, inquiry re- and Mrs. Knowles, 399-on bis literary
speciing, 231

merits. 493
Gundry, Sarah, epitaph on, 346

Jolinstone, Dr. antidotes for poisons recom-
Gwinn, James, anecdotes of, 39

mended by him, 376

Jollie, Messrs. their conviction for publish-
Hafod, advertised for sale, 278

ing libels, 268
Hamilton, Mrs. Elizabeth, account of, 167 Jones Inigo, discovery of his library and stu-
Hampshire, petition of the wool-growers of, dies, 423

Jones, Mrs, her theatrical performances, 537
Pict Club, establishment of, 465 545
Happiness, on the nature of, 322

Jordan, Mrs, biographical account of, ;6
Hardwicke, Earl, premium offered by, 462 Jouy M. remarks on a dramatic criticism of,
Haseler, Mr. remarks on his views of London,

Joyce, Mr. account of, 73
Hastings, new buildings ai, 373

---, Right Hon, Warren, poetry by, 516 Kean, Mr. his performances, 352, 448, 536
Hayman Mr. anecdotes of, 135

Kemble, Mr. his performances,35.3,449,450
Ilaymarket Theatre, performances at, 62, 244 Kendal, intended historical society at, 177
Häyter, Mr. his portrait of Prince Leopold, Kent, Mr. on Dr. Butler's Epiceduim on the
350-of the Princess Charlotie, 437

Death of Lord Nelson, 30
Hayter, Rev. Mr. his mission to Naples, 197 Keppel, Miss, her performances, 353
Heideiberg, rise and present state of the li- Kidd Mr. again vindicated, 389
brary of, 510

King Rev. Joshua, on the conduct of Mr.
Henderson, Mr. his experiments on ihu: Merceron, as a magistrate, 329
barb, 473

King, James, his death, 367
Hendon Church Yard, epitaph in, 336 Kin'gs Health, bulletins of, 70, 164, 264,
Henry, Dr. account of, 82

361, 458, 545
Herbert, Charles, his death, 266

Kneller, Sir Godfrey, anecdotes of, 2.25
Herculaneum manuscripts, on, 195, 300, 434 Knight, Mrs, her performances, 243
Hereford, music meeting at, 270

Knighthood, plan for a new military order
Cathedral, aliar piece for, 368

of, 103
llocs popular notion respecuing the time for Kumaon, heights of the mountains of, 436

killing, 317
Holloway, Mr. his death, 363

Labouring Classes, hints on the means of re.
Honeyman, Mr. on the schools in Spital- lieving, 398
fields, 447

Laidlaw, Mr. his mission to the East Indies,
Hotel des Invalides, at Paris, description of, 1 526
Houghton Hall, sale of, 174

Lambert, George, anecdotes of, 136
Huckeridge Hill, skeleton found on, 174 Langford, Mr. memoranda collected at Wis-
Huddart, James, account of, 264

beach, 490
Hull, produce of the whale fishery at, 558 L'Ans, Mr. account of, 267
Hunt, A. D. V. poetry by, 334

Latin Inscriptions, on the abbreviations in,
Hunt, Mr. his proceedings in Spa Fields, 542 208--instances of contractions of the plu-
Huntingfield, Lord, account of, 168

sal in, 401
Husenbeth, Mr. on the conveni of Mount St. Latter Lammas, origin of the expression,514
Bernard, 491

Leeds, employment offered to the poor of,
Hussey, Mr, anecdotes of, 136


Lecds Intelligencer, extract from, só
Ilsley, stocking manufactory about to be es- Leeming, Mr. his painting for Hereford ca.
tablished at, 266

thedral, 368
Improvements, on modern ones, 491 Leicester, ladies' association for the relief of
Infants, on the treatment of, 310, 498

the poor ai, 554
Inscription, sepulchral, inquiry respecting Leicestershire, meetings for relieving persons
one, 222

out of employ in, 82

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