

THE Portrait of Her Royal Highness the PRINCESS CHARLOTTE OF WALES, prefixed to the present Number, completes the suit of Royal Portraits, including the whole of the Female branches of the Royal Family, together with a fine Portrait of his Majesty, which is given with the Twelfth Number, being the Supplement to the First Volume of this Work.

We flatter ourselves that this collection will always maintain the most decided interest with all classes of the community, no less on account of the uniformity and manner of its execution, than because it is the only perfect series of Portraits which has hitherto been made, or is ever likely again to be made, of those universally interesting and distinguished Personages.

The previous Numbers of this Magazine, which include these Portraits, and all the other Plates, in a perfect state, may be obtained by giving orders at the usual place, or to any Bookseller in Town and Country. But as it was considered in the commencement of this work, that many might reasonably be desirous of a collection of PROOF PRINTS from the orginal Plates, the Proprietor was careful to take off a limited number of fine Proofs, which may be purchased of, and are to be had solely from him, at Two Guineas the set, including the fourteen Portraits, together with that of the Princess Charlotte of Wales, already published; and, in order to the gratification of the amateur, a few sets of the finest Impressions have been Coloured, to the effect and beauty of the original Pictures, which will be sold for Three Guineas and a Half the set, comprohending the whole suit.

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upraven by special permission for La Belle & sumblie after the original Riventure Portonit Painted. Zeniched by Br. Cooway Cog Pin Vise an eblichach for Schon Belles proprietor of the Wickly – Resvenger Southampton Aust Strane

March 1,1802.



For FEBRUARY, 1807.




The Fourteenth Number.


piety, learning, and amiable manners, peculiarly qualify him for this office.

HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS || the Bishop of Exeter, -a prelate, whose CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA OF WALES, daughter, and only issue of a marriage between George Prince of Wales, and Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, daughter of the late Duke of Brunswick, (a beautiful likeness of whom, together with an original biographical sketch, was given in the second Number of this Magazine), was born January 7, 1796, at Carleton House, Pallmall. Her Royal Highness, therefore, is in the twelfth year of her age.

The general spirit of the laws of England, though no positive statute can be cited, has intrusted to his Majesty, or the reigning Sovereign, the education of the heir, whether apparent or presumptive, to his throne and kingdoms. The King has, in consequence, superintended this important object of national interest. He has appointed, as tutor to his grand-daughter,

Since every thing that relates to a personage so illustrious, and of such high national consideration, as her Royal Highness, must carry with it a degree of interest, we shall conclude with a short description of the person of the Princess Charlotte.

In stature she is well grown for her age; but does not appear as if inclining to be tall. Her person is very delicately formed; her complexion is fair, her eyes blue; and the expression of her countenance is animated and engaging. Her talents are spoken of as peculiarly rare and brilliant; and it is a subject of no ordinary gratification that she has already overcome all those epidemic disorders which are incidental to childhood; and that the general state of her health is highly flattering.






[Continued from Page 11.]

DOUBTLESS there was reason in the apology which the old fellow made in behalf of pleasure and the beautiful Lili, said the Sultan, when the usual company were met the following evening in his bed-chamber; but I own that I did not rightly comprehend what she meant by her method of life, or what sort of police that must be by which all the evils were to be prevented with which the tawny moralists have so dreadfully threatened us; this matter lies at my heart. Methinks I have done all that was possible to make my people happy; but it would be a great grief to me if, contrary to my inclination, I had inade them a dangerous present.

tendants to pieces with their sabres; and, having got into their hands all the fine women whom he was conveying to town, with all the valuables he had about him, retreated into the mountains as suddenly as they had issued from them. Happily for him, the ernir, at the beginning of the attack had fallen into a swoon; a circumstance that induced the robbers to content themselves with stripping him of his rich garments, and leaving him, without farther concern whether he were really dead or not, among the slain."

Mr. Danishmende, said the Sultan, not so circumstantial; to the business, I prithee. The style in which thou hast begun is exactly that of

(Your majesty may save yourself this concern, my dear grandmother; who, as is well known, thought Danish mende.)

Well, Mr. Danishmende, continued Shah Gebal, a man is not a philosopher for nothing; what if you were to exert your wisdom in clearing up this matter?

Sir, answered Danishmende, my wisdom is at your majesty's command. But, first, I humbly beseech your permission to relate a little story.

Shah Gebal nodded a sultanic assent; and the philosopher thus began:

had her reasons for drawing out her tales to such an unmerciful length.

"Not to detain, then, your majesty with collateral circumstances, proceeded Danishmende, the good emir came to himself, and entered into a train of very disagreeable reflections on finding himself amidst wild and trackless mountains, without tents, without goods, without his wives and eunuchs, without cooks, and even without clothes; he, who from the first moment of his

"In the time of the Calif Haroun al Ras- life that he could recollect, had never once chid

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known the want of any imaginable accommodation. As it is essential to the better understanding of this history, that your majesty should form a lively idea of this condition of the emir,

Fye, Doctor, interrupted the Sultan, this is a suspicious commencement; on hearing this calif named, one must be prepared for fairies and metamorphoses, or pretty stories of little hunch-I must take the liberty to beseech you to put backs, chattering barbers, profligate sons of kings, who, to crown a long course of past follies with a worthy end, cut off their eye-brows, and become calenders.

yourself in his place, and consider how you would feel disposed in so difficult a situation."

Mr. Danishmende, said the Sultan, drily, I have a great mind to spare myself that trouble, and instead of it, to make you tell me how a story-teller would like it, if I should reward him for taking the trouble to make me yawn, with ordering him to receive three hundred bastinadoes hap-on the soles of his feet.

I pledge my eye-brows to your highness, said Danishmende, that neither hunchback nor calenders shall appear in my story, and that all shall happen in it as naturally as can be wished.

"In the time of the said calif, then, pened, that a rich emir of Yemen, on his return from Damascus, in the mountains of Arabia Petrea, had the misfortune to be set upon by robbers, who were so uncivil as to hew his at

This rebuke of sultanic humour the fair Nurmahal thought so unreasonable, that she intreated the Sultan not to terrify the poor docter with such threats as were enough to put the best story

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