
they could for themselves, as their utter ruin would be inevitable, if any accident occurred to him, even although the contest should terminate in their favour. The prince was consequently obliged to content himself with accompanying the second line of his forces; which had merely to join in the pursuit, the royal troops having been broken and routed by the impetuous charge of the first.

The next morning Charles Edward returned to Edinburgh with his victorious army, and immediately began to exercise, as prince regent, various acts of sovereign authority. He appointed a council, ordered regiments to be levied for his service, and held drawing-rooms, which were, for the most part, brilliantly attended, and generally ended in a public supper and a ball. It is related, in a narrative of James Maxwell, of Kirkconnell, published in the notes to Waverley, that while the young Chevalier was at Edinburgh, it was proposed to send one of his prisoners to London, to demand a cartel for the exchange of prisoners taken on both sides during the war, and to consider the refusal of the court of St. James's tantamount to a declaration, that they meant to give no quarter; in which case the prince would have been justified in retaliating, and might thereby have prevented his adherents from being executed as traitors, when taken by the royalists. But.although this measure was justly regarded as very important by the prince's friends, he could not be brought to accede to it; declaring, that it was beneath him to make empty threats, and that he never could take, in cold blood, those lives which he had saved, in the heat of action, at the peril of his own.

Meanwhile, a large body of the royal troops, with six thousand Dutch auxiliaries, had arrived from Flanders, and Charles Edward saw that further inaction would be fatal to his cause. Many deliberations were held by his council, as to what would be the best course to adopt; and it was, at length, determined, to push the enterprise to the utmost, by marching at once into England. Accordingly, on the last day of October, the rebels, whose numbers were now somewhat under six thousand, quitted Edinburgh, and proceeded towards Carlisle, which capitulated to them on the 14th of November. On the 29th they reached


Manchester, where they were joined by two or three hundred men. But, except in this instance, scarcely any testimonies of zeal for the cause of the Stuarts was exhibited by the English, and the situation of Charles Edward became daily more dangerous. however, boldly pursued his course, by regular marches, through Macclesfield to Derby, where he arrived on the 4th of December. He was now nearer London than the royal army under the command of the Duke of Cumberland; but the rashness and folly of a further advance had become so evident, that the majority of the chiefs determined on a retreat towards the north with all possible expedition. The young prince, it appears, was exceedingly averse to a retrograde movement. In the march forward he had always been up at break of day, and usually accompanied the men on foot; but, during the retreat, he rose late, and when he appeared, mounted a horse, and rode straight on to his quarters, apparently absorbed in gloom and discontent.

The Duke of Cumberland, as soon as he had obtained information of their retreat towards the north, pursued the rebel forces with the whole of his cavalry and some mounted infantry. A portion of his troops came up with them on the 29th of December, at Clifton, near Penrith, and a skirmish ensued, in which the royalists were defeated. On the following day, Charles Edward and his followers entered Carlisle, which they garrisoned with three hundred men, (who surrendered in a few days afterwards,) and proceeded towards Glasgow, where they levied a heavy contribution on the inhabitants, the greater part of whom were violent Anti-Jacobites.

On the 17th of January, 1746, after some movements of minor importance, the insurgents attacked a body of veterans, under the command of Hawley, at Falkirk, over whom they achieved a victory which was at once glorious to themselves, and disgraceful to their opponents. They derived, however, but little ulterior advantage from their splendid success on this occasion; the approach of the Duke of Cumberland's army compelling them, shortly afterwards, to raise the siege of Stirling castle, and retreat into the Highlands.

A long period elapsed before another general action took place. Charles Edward eventually fixed his head-quarters at Inverness, and the duke encamped in the neighbourhood of Nairn. The 15th of April being his royal highness's birthday. it was supposed that his men would drink so freely on the occasion, that they might, without much difficulty, be surprised during the night. Charles Edward determined on making the attempt: the rebels, accordingly, began their march towards the position occupied by the royal army, about eight in the evening, in two columns, the first of which was led by Lord George Murray, and the second by the prince in person. On account of the darkness of the night, great confusion occurred during the march, and the Highlanders were so widely dispersed, that on arriving within a mile of the English, Lord George saw the absolute necessity of halting until the straggling parties came up. Charles Edward, however, insisted on hazarding an immediate attack, which Lord George not only opposed, but, finding the prince obstinate, he gave orders for an immediate retreat, alledging that it would be daylight before the insurgents could reach the enemy's camp, when the king's troops might destroy them with ease. Charles Edward was dreadfully incensed, on this occasion, against Lord George, whom he accused, but without the least foundation, of treachery, and publicly declared, that no one, for the future, should command his army but himself.

An alarm having been given, the duke's forces pursued the insurgents with great rapidity. On the arrival of the latter at Culloden, although they were dreadfully fatigued by their march, and had eaten only a biscuit each during the preceding day, Charles Edward rashly and obstinately determined on giving the enemy battle, in spite of the remonstrances of Lord George, and his other experienced leaders, who urged him, but in vain, to retire to the high grounds, beyond the waters of the Nairn, where he could have refreshed his men, and set the duke at defiance. "We might," says Lord George, in one of his private letters, "have retreated to this secure post, even when the enemy were in sight; and why it was not done, let them answer who were resolved

against a hill campaign, as they called it. What I can aver is, that myself and most of the clans were for this operation; and the prince could have supported the fatigue as well as any person in the army. It's true there were some of our sleek gentlemen who could not have undergone it: so we were obliged to be undone for their ease."

The rebels advanced to the attack with their usual impetuosity; but the royal troops received them with unexpected firmness: the artillery, according to Johnstone, swept away whole ranks of them at once, and they who had charged like lions, soon fled in the greatest disorder. Charles Edward, who had posted himself on an eminence behind his second line, with two troops of cavalry for his guard, had his face bespattered with dirt by a cannon ball, and a servant who stood near him with a led horse was killed. Johnstone accuses the prince of not acting with proper spirit in this crisis of his affairs. "It was," says our author, "a moment when he ought to have displayed the courage of a grenadier, by immediately advancing to put himself at the head of his army, and commanding himself those manœuvres which he wished to be executed. In the desperate expedition on which he had entered, though it was proper that he should guard against danger, he ought to have done so in a manner which showed that life or death was equally indifferent to him; conducting himself with valour and prudence, according to circumstances.'

Lord Elcho also declares, that he earnestly besought the prince to charge the enemy at the head of his left wing, which remained unbroken, and either achieve a victory, or fall like a man of honour; but that, his counsel being declined, he left the prince, swearing never to look upon his face again. It is, however, asserted by Home, that, but for the entreaties of his friends, the prince would have advanced to rally the Highlanders, when he saw them repulsed; and, in another account of the battle, by an eye witness, it is stated, that such entreaties would have been ineffectual, had not Sir Thomas Sullivan seized the bridle of the prince's horse, and turned the animal completely round.

The prince left the field, with a few of

his guards and attendants, and crossed the river Nairne, at a ford about three miles distant, where he dismissed most of his followers, and proceeded to Gorthleek. Having taken some refreshment and changed his dress, he set out for Invergarie, about ten o'clock the same night, and reached that place early on the following morning. All his attendants now took leave of him, except Sullivan, O'Neal, and Burke, one of Alexander Macleod's servants, who was retained as a guide. From Invergarie he went on to Locharkaig, and thence to Glenbeisdale, where he remained for two or three days.

In the meantime, Lord George Murray had taken precautions to guard the passes into the Highlands; and two days only after the defeat at Culloden, many noblemen and chieftains, with about five thousand men, had collected, without any previous concert, at Ruthven. Lord George sent a messenger to the prince, to acquaint him with these and other propitious circumstances, and invited him to come and place himself at the head of his adherents, who were eager for the renewal of hostilities, and whose numbers would doubtless, in a few days, amount to eight or nine thousand, at the least. On the 20th of April, Lord George's messenger returned to Ruthven, as Johnstone states, with the following "inconsiderate and heart-breaking" answer from Charles Edward:-"Let every man seek his safety in the best way he can." According to another authority, the young Pretender thanked his adherents for their attachment, and complimented them on their bravery, but, at the same time, recommended them to think only of their own preservation until a more favourable opportunity should occur of exerting themselves in his behalf.

From Glenbeisdale, the young adventurer went to Boradale, where he embarked in a boat with eight oars, on the 26th of April, and after having been tossed about in a violent storm during the night, landed, with great difficulty, the next morning, at Rossinish, in Benbecula, one of several islands lying due west of Scotland, and which, together, are termed the Long Island. Stormy weather still continuing, Charles Edward, and his companions, Sullivan,

O'Neil, Burke, Donald Macleod, (a pilot), and the boatmen, were compelled to remain for two days and nights at Rossinish, in a miserable hut, and with nothing to subsist on but a little oatmeal and water. On the third day

they endeavoured to reach Stornaway, in the island of Lewis, another of the Long Island group, where Charles had been informed he could hire a vessel to carry him to France; but they were obliged to put in at Glass, whence the pilot proceeded, in another boat, to Stornaway, and succeeded in hiring the vessel. Macleod then sent for the prince, who immediately put to sea, but was compelled, by the boisterous state of the weather, to land at a distant part of the island of Lewis; whence, setting out on foot, during a dark rainy night, he lost his way, through the ignorance of his guide, and did not arrive at Stornaway until eleven o'clock the next morning. In the meantime, the master of the ship, having heard for whom Macleod had hired it, refused to abide by his bargain.

Charles then returned to his boat, and coasted the Long Island towards South Uist, another of the group, where he arrived about the middle of May, after having narrowly escaped being taken prisoner by a sloop-of-war during his progress. Clanronald, the proprietor of the greater part of the island, kindly assisted him with various necessaries, of which he had become dreadfully in want, and placed him in a house, where he remained for above a fortnight. But his condition soon after became apparently desperate, and he passed nearly the whole of the month of June amid perils from which it is almost miraculous that he effected his escape. A number of vessels of war, up to forty gun ships, were lying off the Long Island, and from fifteen hundred to two thousand men were traversing it in search of him; a guard was placed at every ferry, and no one was permitted to quit it without a passport. His health had become affected by the hardships he had undergone, and, as a climax to his distress, it was rumoured, as Johnstone asserts, that the commanders of the various parties who were in search of him, had received orders from the Duke of Cumberland to make no prisoners, from which it was understood

that they were expected to kill the
prince if he fell into their hands.

Through the devoted attachment of
the islanders, who informed him of every
movement of the troops, he was enabled
to avoid his enemies, whose posts he
often passed and repassed during the
night, but not without extraordinary
hazard. At length he was delivered
from the perils which surrounded him,
by Flora Macdonald, a step-daughter of
Macdonald of Armidale, in Skye, who
was senior captain of the companies
belonging to that island, which were
then posted at South Uist. She hap-
pened to be on a visit at the house of
her kinsman, Clanronald, when O'Neil
came to him, with a message from
Charles Edward. Having expressed
her earnest desire to befriend the prince,
O'Neil shortly afterwards introduced
him to her at a farm-house. Although
greatly debilitated, Charles Edward dis-
played, at this interview, to use his fair
deliverer's own words, a cheerfulness,
magnanimity, and fortitude, remarkably
great, and incredible to all but such as
then saw him. She was so struck with
his forlorn situation, that she at once
consented to conduct him to Skye, in
the dress of a maid-servant. Returning
to Clanronald's, she procured from her
step-father a passport, in which her
disguised attendant was mentioned as
a Betty Burke, an excellent spinner of
flax, whom Captain Macdonald warmly
recommended to his wife. The evening
before his departure, Charles Edward,
in his female attire, met Miss Macdonald
and Lady Clanronald on the sea-shore :
while they were at supper, a messenger
came to acquaint the latter that General
Campbell and Captain Ferguson, of the
navy, had arrived, with a number of
soldiers and marines, in quest of the
young adventurer, at Clanronald's.

Four armed cutters soon after appeared in sight, from the crews of which Charles Edward concealed himself as they passed, by retiring behind some rocks near the shore. The next morning he left South Uist in a six-oared boat, with Miss Macdonald and a man servant. On approaching Waternish, in Skye, a party of militia levelled their guns at the boat, but the fugitives proceeded on their course, and landed in safety near Mugstot, the seat of Sir Alexander Macdonald. Flora went

forward to prepare for the young Chevaof the king's officers in the house, he lier's reception, but as there were several ander's factor, Macdonald of Kingswalked on to the residence of Sir Alexburgh, where he passed the night.

On the following morning, while Flora was putting on his cap, Kingsburgh's lock of his hair: Flora declined, and said wife desired her, in Gaelic, to ask for a to Mrs. Macdonald, "Why cannot you inquired what they were talking about, ask him yourself?" The prince then placed his head in Flora's lap, and deand on being told what had passed, he sired her to cut off a lock, which she immediately did, and gave one half of it to Mrs. Macdonald. After breakfast, neighbouring hill, where he exchanged he went out with Kingsburgh to a With the assistance of a guide, whom his female apparel for a Highland dress. Kingsburgh had provided, he soon reached Port-Ree, by another road, in order to prevent at which place Flora Macdonald, who had travelled discovery, again met, and finally parted from him.

From Port-Ree, he went in a boat, with two of Macleod's sons, to the little island of Rasay; which, having been concerned in the rebellion, had recently been laid waste by a party of royalists. destroyed, so that Charles Edward and The houses were all burnt, and the cattle pelled to live in a cowhouse, and to subthe two young Macleods were comsist upon such scanty fare, that the prince soon determined on returning to Skye. On his way back, the weather became so boisterous, that the crew of the boat wished to put about, but the prince encouraged them to proceed by exclaiming, "Cæsarum vehis! Providence, my boys, that has carried me through so many dangers, will no doubt preserve me for a nobler end than this!" He then cheerfully sang them a Highland song, and took his turn in lading the water out of the boat.

Having landed in safety, he took leave of the two Macleods; to the younger taining a silver spoon, knife, and fork, of whom he presented a case, conwhich he desired him to keep until they met again. He then went off with Captain Macleod, a relative of the Macleods of Rasay, to whom, after they had walked a mile together,

without speaking, he said, "I commit myself entirely to your care: take me to Mackinnon's bounds, in Skye." Thither, they accordingly proceeded; the prince, while it was daylight, carrying a small bundle, in order to pass for the servant of his companion. After travelling all night, they arrived at the place of their destination, and the laird, with a Captain Mackinnon, embarked with the prince, (who now dismissed Macleod,) in a sailing boat, for Lochnevis, a lake in the main land, where they put him ashore on the 5th of July.

The royal troops in the neighbourhcod, soon obtained information of Charles Edward's landing, and formed a line of posts, so as, if possible, to prevent his escape. Having made his way to Boradale, the prince sent for Macdonald of Glenaladale, who immediately came to him with another of his adherents of the same name, who had formerly been in the French service. After some consultation, it was determined that, with the help of the two Macdonalds, he should endeavour to get through the line of posts that had been established for his detention: but this was a fearful undertaking, for centinels were placed at such short distances from each other, that it was impossible in the day time to evade them, and during the night, fires were lighted at every post. A couple of men constantly patrolled between every two of these fires, each moving regularly from one to the other, so that they met and crossed each other in their progress; and it consequently happened that at one period of their transit, they were marching back to back, towards the two fires, leaving the dark space between them altogether unguarded. Between two of these posts a rivulet had worn a channel in the rock; up which, in the dead of night, Charles Edward and the two Macdonalds crept; then, watching for the moment when the centinels crossed each other, they passed on, and safely accomplished their escape.

Macdonald of Glenaladale now proposed to conduct the prince towards the Ross-shire Highlands, where the Mackenzies, having taken no part in the rebellion, had not yet been visited by the king's troops. Thither they accordingly proceeded, on foot; and after having suffered great privations, at

length reached the braes of Kintail, inhabited by a barbarous clan of the Macraws, of whom necessity enforced them to seek assistance. At the house of Christopher Macraw, under the plea that they were ready to perish, the prince and his companions obtained food and shelter; for which, however, they paid most liberally. It appears that Macraw, in the course of conversation, exclaimed against the Highlanders who had taken up arms for the Stuarts; and said, that those who knew where to lay their hands on the prince, would act wisely in delivering him up, and taking the £30,000 offered by government for his capture.

During the night, another Macdonald, who had served in the rebel army, arrived at Macraw's, and instantly recognizing the prince, warned Glenaladale to beware of their host. He also stated, on being apprized of their intention to seek refuge in the Ross-shire Highlands, that the royal troops were then actually in the country of the Mackenzies, and advised the prince to make the best of his way towards Corado, in the most remote part of which there were seven men, living together, the greater part of whom had fought in his behalf; and who, he was sure, would never betray him. This counsel being adopted, Charles Edward and his two friends proceeded, under the guidance of the third Macdonald, towards Corado. On arriving within a short distance of the cave, where the seven men alluded to had taken up their abode, Glenaladale and Macdonald the guide went forward, and found six of the seven dining on a sheep which they had recently killed. After some conversation, he brought in the prince, whom he introduced to them as young Clanronald, than whom they had previously declared, that nobody could be more welcome, for they would obtain food for him at the sword's point. But no sooner did they behold Charles Edward than they recognised, and fell on their knees before him.

With these men the prince remained for above five weeks; during which period they procured him a welcome supply of linen, &c. by waylaying some officers' servants, and despoiling them of their masters' portmanteaus. About

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