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not have the more sure word of prophecy. And many may have the scriptures as the Pharisees had, and stand against the revelation of the son of God from heaven, which is surer, for he was before scripture was, who ends the scriptures: for many may have scriptures and be out of the life, and not know the revelation of the son of God, as the Jews did not, and so say the scriptures are more sure than revelation from heaven, so more sure than the son of God, who is greater than all. The scripture was given forth by revelation, and none know it but by revelation.

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P. He saith, Christ doth not give to every man the light that leadeth to the Father, and there is not in every man that redeeming light, which leadeth to the Father. And it is false to say, the light which John speaks of, is a salvation light;' he saith, The light in every man is but the candle light of natural understanding,' page 56. And the light which every man hath, is a low common benefit, and no drop of this immortal seed,' pages 57, 58. Nor is the light which every man hath, his mediation.' And I call the light which every man hath, natural,' page 59. And the light which every man hath, teacheth nothing of the way, truth, and life of Jesus Christ,' page 60. And the light which is in every man is opposite to scriptures,' page 61. This is the light which is in every man's conscience, which is but natural. And the apostle saith he warneth every man, and teacheth every man, that he might present them perfect in Christ Jesus.' But he saith,The apostle did not warn every man: he did not level the saints' light, with every man's,' page 62. It is not meant that every man is enlightened, but the church.' See page 63.

A. I am the light of the world,' that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, saith Christ the life. So the light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened with, will let them see the life which it cometh from, will let them see their salvation, Christ Jesus, will let them see their mediator, will let them see the truth, for the light is truth, which cometh from Christ the truth. And the light is Christ, the way, the truth, the life, that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world. In him was life, and the life was the light of men,' in him by whom the world was made, which light was before any natural lights were; the sun, moon and stars are natural lights, and these were made by Christ the light, who doth enlighten every man, &c. Men having a light from him by whom the world was made, by whom all things were created, who was before any thing was created, this lets them see before any created light, or natural light; this gives every one the knowledge of life; lets every one see the salvation to the ends of the earth; and lets every one see the covenant of God. VOL. III.


They that love it and believe in it, come to the life Christ, him from whom the light cometh. The light is of the immortal seed, of Christ Jesus, one with the saints' light; the saints believe in that the world hates, and receive that which the world hates; so it is the world's condemnation: it is the condemnation of them that hate it. And so

was he promised a covenant to the Gentiles, as well as to the Jews, and so doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, according to John's testimony to the priests and Levites who came from Jerusalem to examine him. So the priests and professors now examine us in this age respecting the light which the Quakers are witnesses of, and bear testimony to, which Paul warned every man, and taught every man, that he might present them perfect in Christ the light. So the light is one with the saints' light, that condemns the unbelievers. And the light every man that cometh into the world is enlightened with, that through it he might believe; and who believe in it, and receive it, have the light of life, and they become the sons of God; and who hate it, it is their condemnation: and they are against scriptures, but the light is not against scriptures, but owns them. And so the light is not so low as ye esteem it, for it was before any thing was made or created. As for the word trinity, there is no scripture for it; ye find it in the commonprayer-book. And the light in the converted shines out of darkness in their hearts, and gives them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, &c. And the light in the unconverted shines in the darkness, and the darkness comprehends it not.

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P. He saith, that the light without the scriptures is no light,' page 64. And To call the light that doth enlighten every man the word of God, is contradiction.' And 'There was no light before the scriptures, which is now revealed in scripture,' page 64. God is light, not the light in every man's conscience,' page 68. And the best light that every man hath, is but created. Not one man in the world knows God till he find him in scripture,' page 69. The Lord Christ, the eternal son, the essential word of the Father, is more in scripture than in every man, or any man,' page 70. They that speak from the scripture, rightly understood, speak more from Christ, than they that speak from the light within them."

A. The light was before scripture was given forth: the light was before the created lights were, and makes manifest all created lights: for all created lights were created by it. And all that ever had the scriptures are not in the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. He knows neither the word of God, nor Father, nor son, nor Christ, nor the Lord, nor scripture. And the word, and the Father, and the son, and Christ, these are to be found in man; the Lord searcheth the heart, and is not to be found in the letter, but it

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testifies of these things. And they that speak so much of Christ from the letter, which gives not life because it speaks of him, and are from the light within them, which cometh from Christ, which doth enlighten every man, &c. they speak as the devil doth. And the Pharisees preached a Christ is come, as they did he was to come; and stood against the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. And they sent their priests and Levites to examine John, as they do now who are professors and priests. And many may have the scriptures, and yet be from the light, and deny the light; the devil, who is out of the light, may bring scripture, and he hath not the light. And that is light, and that is the word, which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world. So he is all, and in all, and through all, God over all, blessed for ever, who shall make every tongue to confess, and all to stand guilty before him that hate it, and say he is righteous. And Christ is called the word of God, who doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world. And many may have the scriptures, and yet never know God, till they come to the light which comes from the son, who reveals him.

P. He saith, Christ saveth by the declaration, or by scripture; and makes the declaration saving."

A. Christ is the saviour, and that the scripture declares of and speaks of; and many may have the scriptures, and declaration, and reject Christ, as the Jews did, and all do, that deny the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world, the light that cometh from their saviour, which is not scripture.

P. And to say, 'The light in every man gave forth scripture, and will open scripture to us, is palpable darkness, and contradiction to scripture,' page 74.

A. All are in the utter darkness, and know not the scripture, until they come to the light that every man was in that gave forth scriptures, for the light lets them see to what they were spoken, and Christ the end of them.

P. And to say every man's light is the sure word of prophecy, is an old fable,' page 75. No man shall be able to spell out a syllable of the gospel, by all that is written in man's heart.' And the universal light lays waste the free grace of God, so never was it every man's light, or free gift.' And 'the light in every man's conscience is a bill of condemnation, discovers no salvation,' page 76. And that which Adam had before the fall was imperfect.'

A. The light that every man is enlightened with, is Christ Jesus, the gift of God, the covenant of God, the way to the Father; that all through the light might believe in him who is the way to the Father, out of the state in the fall, the first Adam, who fell from that which

was perfect, and so became imperfect. And the light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened with, which shineth in the darkness, will be his condemnation if he hate it, and a sure word of prophecy to him he shall find it, and will condemn him for all his faults; and it was found in their heart that gave forth scripture, which brought them to know God. He goes unto fables who goes from the light: and all ye and the world are in fables. And the light which every man is enlightened with that cometh into the world, doth not lay waste the grace of God: but he that is in the light, seeth the covenant of grace, and receives it. And all that deny the light trample the new covenant under their feet. And the light which every man is enlightened withal, is the light of the gospel; which all men shall be judged according to, and it is it that discovers the saviour, which doth condemn.

P. He saith, The light is an imperfect light, and it is mixed with darkness. And if the saints should say they have no sin, no darkness, they are more dark and sinful,' page 78. And Every man is in Christ while he hath sin in him,' page 79.

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And the light in every

man is none of the six principles in the Hebrews,' page 81.

A. The saints witnessed that the darkness was past, and the true light shined; they were not in the night: and the saints were made free from sin; and the night was over, and they were children of the day, not of the night. And the light is perfect which doth enlighten every man, &c. And all lights that were made, were made by the light Christ Jesus, that was before any thing was made; this is it that discovers them, and shows them, and this is perfect. And all are in ignorance that are out of it. And who is in Christ, doth not commit sin, is a new creature; old things pass away, the old man and his deeds. And in the light which every man is enlightened with, all the principles in the law, in the prophets, in the Hebrews, end: for it was before any words were spoken forth, glorified with the Father before the world began.

P. He saith, 'No man will ever be saved by his best obedience to the light which doth enlighten,' &c. page 85. Christ hath satisfied, and merited for a certain number of sinners their deliverance,' page 87.

A. No man is saved, or doth witness salvation, but who is in the light Christ Jesus doth enlighten him with. And they who are in the light, are in obedience of faith, and neglect not the gospel, nor the hearing the voice that speaks from heaven. But they who hate the light, neglect the gospel, and him that speaks from heaven, and do not come into the obedience of faith, but are in their own works, in the dark, without light. Christ is the offering for the sin of the whole world, not for the sins of a people, but the seed Christ, the second

Adam, overthrows all sins, is the offering for all the sins that were brought in by the first Adam, and reconciles to the Father, and is the restorer; and nothing shuts out, but unbelief in the light, for Christ saith, Believe in the light.' And so Christ is the offering for the sins of the whole world, and not for some only.

P. He saith, Christ the surety pays the elect's debt,' page 103. A. Christ is the surety for all that dwell on the earth, that believe in him as he doth enlighten every man. And God lays no charge of sin to the elect, for it is not possible that they should be deceived. And the cause of all bringings into sects, is, that people are out of the light, and so out of unity, and see not the saviour, the redeemer, the substance of all types, figures, parables, the end of the law, that goes upon the man of strife. And so being out of the light, they are out of the unity, out of the covenant with God; in the light is the covenant of God.

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P. He saith, The whole soul and body of saints, and every faculty of the soul, and member of the body, there is some presence of sin in them all their days,' page 113.

A. The saints are sanctified, and washed, and cleansed, body, soul, and spirit, and they are made free from sin, and then can live no longer therein; and the body of sin is put off. And they witnessed the darkness was past: so then the works of the true light shined, and the day was come, and they were of one soul. And they witnessed that as he was, so were they in this present world. And he that is in Christ is a new creature. And where Christ is within, the body is dead because of sin. And he that is born of God doth not commit sin. And the saints were upon the earth when they were made free from sin, and not sin in them all their days, as thou speaks.

P. He saith, Sin dwells in the saints; if any saint think otherwise, he knows not himself: and if he be one really sanctified, he is under a strong delusion, and drowsy dream,' page 119.

A. He that is sanctified is sanctified from sin, and washed, and cleansed; and he that is out of this sanctification is in the drowsy dream; for they who are in sanctification, are in Christ the righteousness of God, and are awakened to righteousness, out of the fall, in the second Adam, and drowsiness, and dreams, and delusions that come in the first Adam. And sin, and drowsy dreams, and delusions dwell in them that pretend they are sanctified ones, and are not really.

P. He saith, It is a Popish tenet that sanctification is wrought within men, and justification, or a believer's being justified from sin, and ungodliness, and not in it; but the mystery of iniquity lies in this qualification,' page 120. And they that are justified by their sancti

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