
peace with God, Rom. v. 1, and it is a mystery held in a pure conscience, 1 Tim. iii. 9.

The priests' fourth curse, to which all the people were to say amen.

'Cursed are all they that say every man hath a light sufficient to lead him to Christ, and that within him, and let all the people say amen.'

A. Here they have cursed the apostle's doctrine, who said, God would dwell in them, 2 Cor. vi. 16, and Christ in you the hope of glory,' Col. i. 27, and God is light, 1 John i. 5. And they have cursed the prophets, who said, 'I give him for a covenant, a leader of the people. I will dwell in them, and walk in them,' saith God, Jer. xxxi. 31. Heb. x. 16. And he saith, 'I will send you the spirit of truth, and it shall lead you into all truth,' John xiv. 17. John xvi, 13. 'And I will be their God,' to rule them, 'and they shall be my people,' Jer. xxxi. 33. Thy curses are but wind, for we are redeemed from the curse; and the apostles said, 'the light that shined in their hearts was to give them the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ,' 2 Cor. iv. 6. And they that are led by the spirit of God are the sons of God, Rom. viii. 14, and the light to guide our feet in the way of peace; and he that hath the son hath the father also.' And if any bring another doctrine, receive them not into your houses, neither bid them God speed, 2 John ix. 30. You have here showed yourselves in the cursed estate, out of the apostles' rule, the same spirit of truth that led the disciples into all truth, that shall reprove the world of sin, John xvi. S, 13.

The priests' fifth curse, to which all the people were to say amen.

'Cursed be all they that deny the Sabbath-day, and let all the people say, amen.'

A. Here they have cursed themselves, and all the apostles, and the saints, and their own generation; have not you and your own generation denied the Sabbath-day the Jews met on, which is the Sabbathday according to the scripture? do not ye meet together upon the firs day? and was not Christ crucified on the sixth day? and did not h arise on the first day? and did the saints meet together on the fir day? and not keep the Jews' Sabbath-day? do not you work upon yourselves, and keep markets and fairs on it? But, as it is said before, we are redeemed from the curse.

These are the particular sentences whereupon Matthew Markell, and the rest of the priests present with him, did excommunicate those people called Quakers, in the presence of many witnesses, and he re quired his hearers to say amen to every particular sentence.

John Humes, Priest.

P. They who have not the scriptures, know not the attributes of God, by the light of nature, but the scriptures declare the great mystery of the three persons in trinity, which they who want the scriptures know not.'

A. Thy principle is a lie, and who had not the scriptures knew God and Christ, as Abraham and Enoch, and the scripture doth not declare of the three persons, nor of the trinity; and 'the natural man receives not the things of the spirit of God.'

P. That the scriptures reveal the great mystery of election, the great works of the creation, and the work of redemption.'

A. There thou hast set up the scripture instead of God, and before God and the son, for it is God that doth reveal to babes and sucklings, Matt. xi. 25, and God did reveal by his spirit, 1 Cor. ii. 10, and God shall reveal, Phil. iii. 15, and the things of God are hid from the wise and prudent (Matt. xi. 25.) that have the Scriptures; the Jews had the scriptures: and God reveals his secrets to the prophets, his servants, Amos iii. 7. No man knows the Father saving to whom the son shall reveal him, Matt. xi. 17. Now the son reveals, and the Father reveals, and the things of God are revealed by his spirit, 1 Cor. ii. 10. The Jews had the scriptures, and knew not the son, 1 Cor. ii. 8, nor the Father, as in John, nor the things of God by a natural light, as they call it. The Jews had the scriptures, and did not know the election, Isa. xxiv, because they were from the Spirit. So it is God that reveals the son, and redemption, and election, and not the scripture; the scripture was given forth from them that had the revelation from God.

P. That we and the Papists and Jesuites, and priests, do agree all together, that the scripture is the word of God that liveth and endureth forever.'

A. I do believe that you and the Papists and Jesuits, agree all in one; but ye do not agree with the apostles and ministers of the word, for the ministers of the word call the scripture a declaration, as ye may read Luke i. And ye do not agree with them that set forth the Acts, that called it a treatise, Acts i. Likewise ye do dot agree with some of your own, who say the scriptures signify writings, and writings will not endure forever. So ye are Babylon, and do not agree with Christ, nor with John, Rev. xxii. who saith the words;' nor with Moses, nor God, who 'spake all these words,' Exod. xx. In the beginning was the word, and the word is God, and the word liveth and abideth forever; but the scripture is words, and the scripture cannot be broken.

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John Nasmith, Priest of Hambleton, his Principles.

P. That the soul of man is a reasonable sinful substance.'

A. How can that which is sinful be reasonable? and if that which is unsinful be reasonable, and sinful be reasonable both, then they are one, in unity. The Lord will take the soul for an offering for sin; doth the Lord take that which is sinful for an offering? Isai. liii. See how thou and the prophet agree here! But what is that soul that the wicked are not able to kill? is it not that which God hath in his hand? And this is a lie, to say that which is reasonable is sinful; thou puttest light for darkness. God, who hath all souls in his hand, 'breathed into man the breath of life, and he became a living soul,' and the soul is immortal and Christ the bishop of it is immortal, and God hath it in his hand, which goeth against him that doth evil, whose hand is immortal; but man transgressing the commands of God, the soul lies in death. So Christ is the bishop of souls: so they that came to know Christ, their souls rejoiced in God their saviour, Luke i.

P. That the evil spirits are both sinful and reasonable.'

A. This is a lie, for reasonable is not sinful, but unreasonable is sinful, 2 Thes. iii. they have not the faith: and if the evil spirit be reasonable, and the good reasonable, they are both one, who then is unreasonable? If the evil spirit be reasonable, thou puttest no difference between the precious and the vile; thou hast the mark of a blind guide, and a false prophet in the forehead.


That one of the Quakers is worse than the devil.'

A. This is a lie, with his strange wonder, for there is nothing worse than the devil, whose children ye are; for when he speaks a lie he speaks of himself, and he is the father of it.

Henry Foreside, Priest of Lingiah in Dunbartonshire, his doctrine and Principles.

P. 'That God commands all men every where to repent, to the end that they should not have it to say but they were warned, but not that he would give them grace to repent.'

A. Here thou makest God that he does not intend that which he speaks, and so thou wouldst make him unrighteous; though the Lord commands all men every where to repent, Acts xvii. 30, who hath made all nations of men of one blood to dwell upon the earth, and all being concluded under sin and unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all, Rom. iii. 9. For both Jews and Gentiles, all were under sin, and none of them did good, no not one. And God's intent is, that when

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he calls men to repentance, they should repent, and many did repent; and you are not fit men to be ministers of Christ, or of God.

Now if God command all men every where to repent, and, as thou sayst, does not intend they should repent, thou and you go about to make God unjust. The Lord desireth not the death of a sinner, but that he should turn from his wickedness and live, Exod. xxxiii. 11. Now in turning from his wickedness he lives, but in going on in his wickedness, he dies; so repentance was preached from dead works, to serve the living God, Heb. vi. 1, and Christ came to call sinners to repentance, not the righteous; for the whole need not the physician, but the sick, Matt. ix. 12, 13.

And as for saying God did not intend to give them grace, though he calls them to repentance, that is a lie, and unrighteous doctrine, for 'the grace of God, which brings salvation, hath appeared unto all men,' Titus ii. 11, and so as he calls them to repentance, he gives them grace, that grace which brings salvation, which men are justified by; so it is saving grace that brings salvation, and teacheth to deny ungodliness.

Now they that live ungodly, turn the grace of God into wantonness, Jude 4, and these are the wells without water, in Cain's way, Balaam's way, and Core's way, Jude 11. who speak high words in hypocrisy; and these are they that separate themselves from the apostles, who are sensual, having not the spirit, Jude 19, and are of old ordained to condemnation, who separated from the light, who turn the grace of God into wantonness; so these are they that neglect the common salvation. It was the charge of the apostle to Timothy before his decease, 1 Tim. iv. 2. 2 Tim. iv. 7. he then told him perilous times should come, and doctines of devils, and men speaking lies in hypocrisy; he said unto them, that they should trust in the living God, who is the saviour of all men, and especially of them that believe, 1 Tim. iv. 10. But the devil's doctrine leads them from their saviour and from the grace, 2 Tim. iv. 1. And they that are not in the doctrine, are from the light, which Christ hath enlightened them with, John i. 9. And have turned the grace of God into wantonness by their pernicious ways, and draw others from it, and we do conclude that to be the doctrine of the devils, which says, God calls all men to repent, and intends not to give them grace, nor would have them to repent: as thou Henry Foreside dost say; for it was the charge of the apostle to Titus to speak sound words, and sound doctrine, and could not be condemned, Titus ii. and told him that the grace of God which brings salvation had appeared to all men,' which taught them to deny ungodliness and worldly lust, and to live godly, soberly, and righteously in this present evil world; these things speak and exhort with all authority,' Titus i. But, as I said before, ungodly men that turn the grace of God into wantonness, are of old ordained to this condemnation, and this is the condemna

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tion of the world, that light is come into the world, and men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil,' John iii. 19, he that loves the light, it is his saviour, but he that hates the light, it is his condemnation.

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P. That the two parts of the church must be profane and godless.' A. The church is the pillar and ground of truth, 1 Tim. iii. 15. The church of the living God; for the ungodly, and that which is ungodly, are out of its grounds. The church is the pillar and ground of truth, and there are no ungodly in it, and the church is without wrinkle or spot, holy, and without blemish, Ephes. v. 27. And the church is in God, 1 Thes. i. 1. That which is in God is in the light, and out of the ungodly.

P. 'That God before the world was, had ordained one little part of the people for eternal life, that sin or do all the evil they could, they could not lose that which was ordained for them.'

Here thou goest about to make Christ a liar, for he that commits sin is the servant of. sin, John viii. 34. He that commits sin is of the devil, saith the apostle; and thou wouldest make God partial, and hast taught a doctrine contrary to the scriptures; for God is no respecter of persons, Rom. ii. 11. who will give to every one a reward according to their works, Psalm lxii. 12. And he that works iniquity must depart, cursed from Christ, Matt. vii. 23, and Matt. xxv. 41. And he that sinneth after he hath received the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sin, but a fearful looking for of judgment, Heb. x. 27. And the elect doth not commit sin, and who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect, Rom. viii. 33, and the elect is Christ, Isa. xlii. 1, who was elected before the world was. He that is born of God doth not commit sin, neither can he, because his seed remains in him,' 1 John iii. 9. And he that commits sin is of the devil, and never knew God, ver. 6. And herein the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil, 1 John iii. 10. And God hears not sinners, and them that regard iniquity, Psalm lxvi. 18. John ix. 31. Prov. xv. 3.

P. 'That the great part of the world was ordained for hell, that let them repent, or do all that they are commanded to do, they would not obtain salvation, because God had ordained them to hell.'

A. Then he was asked, wherefore he preached? his answer was to save the elect: he was answered again, if it was so, there was no need of that, seeing they could not be lost. Then he was asked, wherefore he preached to them that were ordained to hell? he answered, to make their damnation hotter. It was answered him, that they had small friends of them, and they could not make it hotter, seeing they were or dained before. The priest aforesaid was asked, who had the blame that men went to hell?

His answer was, 'Seeing ye desire to know, I shall tell you; there

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