
=Papists, and Protestants, Lutherans, and Calvinists, so called? how is it they are not of one body, but are broken into so many heads? Now, the baptism of the spirit brings all into one body, in which spirit is the fellowship and the unity, which spirit is the bond of peace. And circumcision outwardly was a figure of circumcision within, and that it typed forth. And baptism without typed forth baptism within; and many may run into the outward water, that doth decrease, and do not come to the body of Christ the light, as you may read in the fifth of John; for none are grafted into Christ the body, but they who come to the light John bare witness of.

P. You say, though Christ is in heaven, and you on earth, you are flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bone.'

A. And yet before you said your consciences accused you, and your best works in this life were sinful and imperfect, and you could not keep the commands of God; now this is confusion, they who are of the flesh and bone of Christ are with him, and sit with him in heavenly places, for their conversation is in heaven.

P. We are grafted into Christ by the holy ghost now, according to his human nature on earth.'

A. Human nature is from the ground, this is old Adam, but Christ, according to the flesh, was of Abraham and of David. The scripture doth not tell us of human nature, for human is from the ground, but Christ is from above; and though he were a lamb slain from the foundation of the world, yet his nature was not corrupted, nor his flesh saw no corruption. He that is made of the dust is human, he that is the Lord from heaven, is not human; so you err in your understandings that do not distinguish.

P. 'Teaching the gospel and ecclesiastical discipline, by which the heaven is opened to believers and shut against the unbelievers.'

A. Christ hath the key which opens to believers, and 'he is the light which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world,' that through it they might believe, and they that do not believe in the light which Christ hath enlightened them with, heaven is shut to them, light condemns them, and they neglect the gospel; upon whom the wrath comes, which gospel is the power of God. And as for ecclesiastical discipline, it is got up since the days of the apostles, in the apostacy, which shuts up the kingdom of heaven against men, that which they should have believed in; that is, the light Christ hath enlightened them withal, which is the key.

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P. And such you say that are wicked men, the sacrament is to them forbidden, and they are shut out of the congregation.'

A. Do you not call baptism sacrament, and have you given them it, and did not you say they are grafted into the church by baptism? and VOL. III.



work on that day, but rest? so it was a sign; the apostle saith, the sabbath day was a shadow of good things to come, which was Christ,' the good thing who restores the creation, and giveth the liberty to horse, ass, ox, and all the creation, unto man, and stranger, and servant, and redeems man up into the image of God, and renews it, which hath been lost; and so is restoring the creation, and giving rest to his people and all the creation, and destroying the devil, death, and all his works. Christ, who is the restorer, gives rest to the creation, who was before days were, by whom all things were made.

P. You say, 'Thou shalt do no murder, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's goods, house, or servant, nor any thing that is his, his wife, or ox, or ass,' &c.

A. Do you do no murder? that was the law without; do you fulfil it in christendom? then you do not murder the just principle of God in your particulars. Do you not quench the spirit in people, and suffer it not to have liberty? do you not do murder to the just of God in you, in your own particulars? and so, then stop it in the general, for opening its mouth, with all your force and might? and are you not murderers there? And do you not steal by sea and land, and cozen, and cheat, and wrong one another? nay, do you not steal the words from your neighbour, and the prophets, and the apostles, and Christ, which you never came into the life of; is not this called theft and robbery? for you have not received it from the Lord God, as the prophets and the apostles, as his son and servants did: so all your profession, church, and ministry stand in the robbery, and have not received it as they did, as the true apostles, prophets, and ministers did; ye all stand in the robbery. And do not you covet your neighbour's goods, oxen, cattle, and servants, and wife? and one getting from another goods, and getting servants one from another; is not this out of the love in which the commandment ends, where there is serving one another in love? and are not all covetous idolaters shut out of the love in which the commandment ends? And hath not this been the practice in the whole christendom, coveting men's goods, servants, cattle, and that which is not theirs? is not that out of the law and gospel, and out of a pure heart, where the commandment is known and done? and that which it ends in is Christ, and love keeps the commands of Christ, they that love do not covet, and they are not idolaters.

P. 'We are not to make any images to be tolerated in the churches and chapels, or figures of things made, for it is not seemly, for God will have his church be taught by living preaching.'

A. How is it that your churches so called, are so full of pictures and images of males and females, representing a figure of Adam and Eve, the apostles, and Christ in your houses, and on signs, of fish in the sea, and

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