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speakest of the magistrates, yet art not in the higher power, which goes over all sin and transgression, which answers the transgressed in every man upon the earth. Thou speakest of dogs, and evil workers, seducers, and heretics, who art doing their work, as your jails and prisons may witness in the nation and whole Christendom, the fruits of dogs and evil workers, and seducers, and heretics, which was not Christ's work nor the apostles'. Thou speakest of the commonwealth, but yet art out of that which is the general good to all men, Christ, the light of the world, who is the saving health: all power in heaven and earth is given to him, in whom men have wisdom, by whom all things were made and created, to order the things by the wisdom by which they were created. Thou speakest of soldiers, and yet art not come to John, a man sent from God, but art from the colleges, the Papists' houses, since the church went into the wilderness, and made by the will of man, and set up by the dragon's power, so art not come to the light that John came to bear witness to, that did enlighten every man that comes into the world; so art short of rectifying the soldiery, who stoppest up the eye by which they should see. Thou speakest of the error of the Quakers, who art found in error thyself; not come to see that 3 which must be shaken, before that do appear which cannot be shaken, nor come to the trembling of the devils; not knowing the strong man bow himself that hath kept the house, who is at peace, who is the author and ground of the error, and he that is stronger than he that kept the house, to make the devil tremble, and shake the earth where he hath had his foundation, yea, and the heavens also. Thou also speakest of the first birth, whose habitation is in the earth, and property there; • Who made me a divider of men's inheritances,' me, who am the end of the law? for the law is just among you to divide to every man his right, but I who am the end of the law, redeem you from under the law, and out of the earth, but you who are found in this first birth in the earth, have set up your tenths, and keep people in the ninths, your greediness of it your presence declares. Thou speakest of mine and thine in collections, so, self you are found in, and your coldness in collections for the blind and lame, fatherless and widows, the streets in London declare you, and the countries abroad. Yet you are all christians and baptized, and you wear rings and scarfs, and points, and others are crying for bread. Thou speakest of buying and selling, &c. who art arming thyself to hold up the honour of the beast; and as for your buying and selling, the fruits of the great whore have declared themselve, who make merchandise of souls, and all other things, being out of the law of equity, which who acts in, acts in the will of God. Thou speakest of good-morrow and good-evening, and would blind the world, though thou broughtest scripture for it, and



&c. yes, you and your mother, the Papists' church, and the heathens, contrary to the Jews, and true apostles, and true christians, call them Moonsday, and Sunsday, and Friday, after the name of the great idol in England, and Wodensday and Saturnsday; and this is contrary to the scripture and the form of sound words, and contrary to the law of God, which judges the heathen, and every day is the Lord's. And many names you give to your months, which the heathen are fain to teach you. Thou speakest of interpreting the word, and giving sense and meanings, and thus with your interpretations, and senses, and meanings, you have brought whole Christendom into heaps; your fruits declare it to be out of the scriptures, to be out of the spirit that gave it forth: so your own spirits give the meaning in which lodges the envy, and serve your own bellies. But it is the spirit that leads into all truth and not you. Thou speakest of singular and plural, as though thou neither knew scripture nor accidence. Thou speakest of the ministers going without gold and silver, brass, or purse, or scrip, &c. yet you will not go without augmentations, tithes. And glebe-lands, amongst them you call brethren, your baptized people. And thou speakest of taking a purse, and scrip, and sword, and selling his garment to buy one; Christ__ did so to fulfil the law, and bids them put it up again, and said it was enough, who ends it; so you are out of the faith and patience of the saints. Thou speakest of good men, and calling them good; yes, I say, such as are full of the holy ghost and of faith; but wicked men, wolves, and beasts would have this title, persecutors, warriors, and devourers, in sheep's clothing, therefore is that angry which is exalted above all that is called God, who sits in the temple of God, that man of sin in you all, who cannot have that given to him which is given to God, by them that are in the discerning. Thou goest about to prove the word landlord, and would thrust that into the scripture, when the scripture speaks no such word; but the law of righteousness which comes from God which is equal and just, and the prophets, to do as you would be done by. Thou art speaking of the angels that said, nay, they would tarry all night in the street, and yet went in; the angels are servants, and their time is not come, and they may say nay, and yet afterwards see their time to go in. Thou speakest of perfect, and yet in your doctrine say, none shall be perfect while they are upon the earth, and so you have denied the work of the ministry, so profit people not at all. And thou sayst,' who can understand the error of his ways;' and that which thou dost, thou allowest not, and sin remains in a man, then there the devil hath a habitation, and there is death; but he that believes is passed from death, and so from the sin. And that which gives a man to understand his error, turns him from his sin; such as come to know the anointing within them, that teaches them that continue in the son of God, and in

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