
Sometimes the termination -gean, -gan, or -gian is used; as, "sceawi-gean," "sceawi-gan," to look; "gethyld-gian,” to endure. Indeed, -ian appears to be no other than a softened form of these endings, and to have therefore the same original signification as -an. Thus we have "scea wigean," "sceawi-gan," "sceawi-an;" "gethyld-gian," "gethyld-ian;" "forht-gean," "forht-ian." The last verb has the adjective "forht," timid, for its root. It not unfrequently happens that we find verbs formed in this way from adjectives, and also from words which have dropped out of the Anglo-Saxon vocabulary, both as nouns and as adjectives, but which are to be met with in many instances as nouns in the cognate languages and dialects. It is very probable, however, that in all such cases the verb preserves the original noun, or the idea merely expressed in itself.

§ 409. In a subsequent stage verbs were compounded; as, "gethancmetan," to deliberate; from "gethanc," mind, thought, and " metan," to measure, compare; "út-gán,” to go out, from "út,” out, and “gán," to go.1

Some verbs are made by means of another, -laecan; p. -laehte; pp. -laeht, to do, perform, cause, bring, bring about, make real, never found in its simple state, unless "laecan," to offer an oblation, to sacrifice, is the same in a modified sense. Its root then might be identified with "laec," "lac," used independently as a noun, and as a termination as given in § 75, Note 1.

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§ 410. The following are the most of the Adverbs in Anglo-Saxon not formed by the termination -lice :-

á,' always, ever, forever, AYE.

The following variations in orthography and etymology will be found, among others, as belonging to the adverbs here given :-

á, aa;—adún, adúne, of-dúue;—aefer, aefre;—aeft, eft, aefter, aeftan;-aeghwder, aeghwár, aeghwér, aghwár, ahwaer, oeghwaer; -aeghwánon, aeghwónou, aeghwánun, aeghwánum, aeghwánan, aeghwónane;-aeghwider, ahwider ;-aegylde, agilde ;——dene, aeer e; —der, ár, aar, ér, eár, aeron ;—aet-gaedere, tó-gaedere ;—aet-somne, tó-somne ;-ahwár, ahwaer, ahwér, awér;—ahwónan, ahwónon ;— ánunga, áninga ;—-asundran, asundron ;—áwa, áwo;—awég, anwég, on-wég, on-waeg.

baeftan, baefta;-begeondan, bei undan, begeond-benythan, beneothan, beneoth, beniutha ;-bufan, bufon, abufan, be-ufan ;-dúneweard, dúneward.

eall-neg, eall-nig ;—eall-swá, eal-swá, ael-swá, al-swá ;—eallunga, eallenga, eallinga, eallnunge;—ealmáest, aelmaest;-efnes, efenes; -ellor, ellicor, aelcor, aelcra ;-éndémes, aendémes.

feor, feorr, fyr-feorran, feorrene;—for, fore;—fóran, fóre, fór; see also "forne;"--fóre-weard, fór-weard ;—forhwám, forhwaem, forhwón;-forhwý, forhwí, forhwig ;-fórne, fórene ;—furthan, furthon, furthum ;-furthor, furthur, forthor.

geá, gae, iá;—geára, gára, gére ;--gefyrn, gefern ;--gehwaer, gehwár;—gen, gaen, gien, gena, giena, geona;—genóg, genóh, nóh, geneohe, geneóhhe, neóhe, geneáhe, geneáhhe, genéhe, genéhhe ;geó, gú, ieó, iú, ió;—gese, gyse, ise;—gyt, git, giet, get, geot, geta, gieta, iett, iette.

heónon, heónun, heónan, heónone, heónane, heóna, hénan, hénon, hínan;—hér, hæer, hýr;—hér-aefter, hýr-aster;—hider, hyder, hieder, hither;-hindan, hyndan ;-hú, hwú;--hwaene, hwene ;--hwaenne, hwénne, hwónne, ahwaenne ;-hwder, hwár;-hwý, hwí, hwig

adún, down, downward, ADOWN.

aefer, ever, always.

aeft, after, again, behind, aft, afterward.

aefteweard, afterward, after, behind.

aeghwaer, everywhere.

aeghwánon, everywhere, every way, on all sides.

aeghwider, on every side, every way.

aegylde, without amends.

hwider, hwyder, hwaeder;-hwon, hwonn, huon;—hwónạn, hwóna, be-hwón.

innan, inne, inn.

lange, longe --litlum, lytlum, litlon

má, mae, már, máre, móre.

ná, nó;—naefre, nefre;-ná-hwder, ná-hwár, ná-wár, ná-wér, ná-hwérn ;—ná-hwánan, ná-hwónan, ná-hwénan;—ná-laes, ná-les, nállas, náls;-nalles, nallaes;—neáh, néh ;—neothan, niothan, nythan, nithan, neothone ;-nese, naese ;--nither, nyther, nythor, nether;nither-weard, nither-ward, nither-werd, nither-weardes ;-nó-wiht, nó-wuht, nó-hwit, náht, nóht.

ongean, ongen, angean, agean, agen ;--oth, oththe.

recene, recone, recine.

sámod, sámad, sómod, sómed;-seld, seldum, seldon, seldan ;—* siththan, syththan, seththan, siththen, sithen, syththon, sython, siththa; -sona, suna, sones, be-sone ;—stille, stylle ;—sunder, sundor, synder, syndor;-swithe, swythe ;--symle, simle, semle, siemle, symble, simble, symbel, ael-symle.

téla, teála ;—tó-efenes, tó-emnes;-túwa, tuua;—tḥá, tháge;— thaer, thár, thér;-thánon, thánun, thánan, thánone, thánonne, thónan, thónon, thóna ;-thónne, thaenne, thánne, thaen, thón ;thriwa, thrywa, thriga;-thus, dus;-thyder, thider, thaeder, thyther-thyder-weard, thider-weard, thider-weardes.

ufan, ufon, ufen, ufane, ufene, ufenan, ufa;-up, upp, uppe;-út, úte.

weald, geald-wel, well, wael;-with-útan, with-úton, with-úten. NOTE-The foregoing forms, with others in the sequel of the Indeclinable Parts of Speech, many of which are archaic, will be found to throw no little light upon the early and more intimate structure of the language, as well as upon general grammar. See also Anal. AngloSax., Notes, pass. with Glossary.

aene, once.

áer, ere, before, sooner, earlier, first, heretofore, formerly already, some time ago, lately, just now, till, until.

aetgaedere, together.

aet-nyhstan, at last, lastly.

aet-sithestan, at length, at last.

aet-somne, in a sum, at once, together, also, likewise. á-forth, always, continually, daily, still.

ahwaer-gen, everywhere, again, continually.

ahwár, somewhere, anywhere, in any wise.

ahwónan, from what place, whence, anywhere, somewhere. al-geátes, always, altogether, ALL Gates.

ánlapum, from one part, at once, one by one.

ánunga, one by one, singly, at once, clearly, plainly, entirely, altogether, necessarily.

ariht, aright, right, well, correctly.

asundran, asunder, apart, alone, privately.

athanon, from thence.

áwa, always.

awég, away, out.

awób, awry, unjustly, wrongfully, badly.

baeftan, after, hereafter, afterward.

begeondan, beyond.

benythan, beneath, below, under.

bufan, above, before, beyond, moreover.

dúneweard, downward.

eall-neg, always.

eall-swá, also, likewise.

eallunga, all along, altogether, entirely, quite, indeed, at

all, assuredly, utterly, absolutely, excessively.

ealmaest, almost.

eal-symle, always.

eáwunga, openly, publicly.

efnes, evenly, plainly.

eft-sona, soon after, again, EFTSOONS.

elles, else, otherwise, amiss.

ellor, elsewhere, besides, otherwise.

éndémes, equally, likewise, in like manner, together.

eonu, moreover.

feor, far, at a distance.

feorran, from far.

for, notwithstanding, too, very.

foran, only.

fóran, before.

fóre-weard, forward, before, first.

forhwaega, at least.

forhwám, wherefore, why.

fórne, before, sooner.

forth, forth, thence, further, directly, forward.

furthan, also, too, even, indeed, further.

furthor, further.

geá, yea, yes.

geára, yore, formerly, for a long time; well, certainly, enough.

gebaec, aback.

gefyrn, formerly, long ago, of old.

gegnum, forthwith, immediately, against.

gegnunga, directly, certainly, wholly, plainly, altogether.

gehende, nigh, near at hand.

gehwaer, on every side, everywhere.

gehwaetheres, anywhere, on every side, every way.

gehwánon, on all sides, round-about.

gehwider, whithersoever, anywhere, everywhere.

gelice, likewise, also, as.

gen, again, moreover, besides, at length, as yet, hitherto.

genóg, sufficiently, abundantly, enough.

geó, formerly, of old.

geond, yond, yonder, thither, beyond.

gese, yes, yea.

gewel-hwaer, everywhere.

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