
Tavola 508.

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L'an 256 avant Jésus-Christ, Marcus Attilius Régulus conduisit en Afrique une armée considérable, et il défit les Carthaginois: mais l'année suivante, vaincu à son tour par les troupes du lacédémonien Xantippe, il fut fait prisonnier avec ses compagnons d'infortune.

Réduit alors à la triste condition de captif, il fut envoyé à Rome pour proposer au sénat de l'échanger, lui seul vieux, contre un nombre considérable de Carthaginois. » Il partit sous la foi du serment, s'engageant à revenir se placer dans les fers si la proposition n'était pas acceptée. Les consuls auraient voulu conserver Régulus parmi eux; mais il ne put y consentir et résista également aux instances de ses amis, aux larmes de sa famille. Il savait pourtant à quelle fureur il se trouverait exposé lors de son retour à Carthage; mais il ne voulait pas manquer à son serment.

Le peintre Camuccini a représenté l'instant où, quittant les rives de sa patrie, la femme de Régulus cherche encore à le retenir. Ses enfans embrassent ses genoux, ses amis lui témoignent leur désespoir; mais rien ne peut ébranler sa résolution, il met le pied sur le vaisseau qui va le ramener comme captif. Ce tableau a été gravé par Dominiqne Marchetti. Larg., 16 pieds? haut., 11 pieds?

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In the year 256 before Christ, Marcus Attilius Regulus led a considerable army into Africa, and there defeated the Carthaginians, but the year following, being vanquished in turn, by the troops of Xantippe the Lacedemonian, he was made prisoner with the companions of his misfortune.

« Reduced then to the sad situation of a captive, he was sent to Rome, to propose to exchange him alone, an old for a considerable number of Carthaginians. » He set out on the faith of his oath, engaging to return to his bonds, if the proposition was not accepted.


The consuls wished to keep Regulus amongst them, but he would not consent to it, and resisted equally the entreaties of his friends, and the tears of his family; he knew however, to what a degree of rage he should expose himself on his return to Carthage, but would not forfeit his oath.

Camuccini has represented the moment when quitting the shores of his country, the wife of Regulus endeavours still to detain him.

His children embrace his knees, his friends witness their despair, but nothing can shake his resolution, and he places his foot on the vessel, which is to carry him back as a captive. This paintaing has been engraved by D. Marchetti. Breath 17 feet? heigth 11 feet 3 inches?

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