GB 18584-2024 Translated English of Chinese Standard (GB 18584-2024, GB18584-2024): Limit of harmful substances of furniture, 2024/11/01 - 23 ページ This document specifies the limit requirements and test result determination of hazardous substances in furniture. It defines the terms and definitions and describes the test methods. This document applies to all types of furniture products. |
according to formula area load rate area of soft aromatic amine colourants background concentration backrest Calculate the exposed chairs and stools chamber under test climate chamber coefficient of toluene compounds with retention concentration of hazardous Concentrations of formaldehyde conditions Calculate according cubic meter mg/m3 Decomposable aromatic amine Determination of formaldehyde determination of prohibited digital imaging exposed area measurement formulas or drawing furniture GB/T furniture products hazardous substances Instruments and equipment mattress Measure Measurement method mg/m³ milligrams per cubic n-hexadecane including n-hexane n-hexane and n-hexadecane organic compound components point cloud Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons preprocessing environmental conditions products and related prohibited substances provisions of GB/T related materials Relative humidity sample contour volume sample exposure area sofas Soft chairs soft furniture substances in furniture tape measure terms and definitions test conditions Calculate test results toluene and xylene TVOC concentrations TVOC in wooden TVOC The formaldehyde volatile organic compounds volume loading rate xylene and TVOC