

Recent writers on religious subjects, or speakers. Nothing said about woman's
inspiration at the outset of the New Testament dispensation. Evangelical
Repository, extract from. An inquiry into the meaning of I Cor. xi. 10.
The power on her head a veil, signifies a token of subjection to the man.
Custom in Eastern countries to this day. No scriptural authority for this
opinion. Wearing a veil conveys no definite meaning. Different opinions
as to the power on the head. Congregated assemblies not governed by the
law of marriage. The language of the veil if worn and construed according
to the customs of that day. "The Devil" instigated the women to appear
without their veils. The direful consequence of the Corinthian women ap-
pearing without their veils. An array of power without any view to the good
of the governed. Who is this august potentate seated in the temple of God?
Fulsome man. worship. No other earthly authority claims such homage. Wo-
men degraded by marriage. The husband's authority greater than Satan ex-
ercised over Job. Every woman not a wife. The apostle's meaning 1 Cor.
xi. 10.-200.

Lecture on 1 Corinth. xiv. 26-35. Supernatural gifts given for the edification

of the church. Thirty-fourth verse, a general and universal prohibition of

women speaking in the church. This chapter designed to regulate the church

to the end of time. Eleventh chapter, temporary regulations. Woman's

subordinate relation as wife excludes her preaching. Indecent and immodest

for a woman to speak in a public assembly. Women always to be learners.

Woman's duty on supposition that she occupies the position the preacher as-

signed her. Rabbi Eleazer's opinion of women. Females of the churches of

Asia. The pope's pretensions more plausible. Spurious and lawful autho-

rity, how distinguished. The preacher did not intend his opinions carried out.

Opinions exhibited to degrade women. The evil results. No hint given that

any portion of scripture conflicted with the supposed prohibition. View of the

opinion that it is indecent and immodest for a woman to speak publicly. No

reason why we may not speak what we would write. The Christian church

modeled after the Jewish synagogue. Preaching not a natural right. Equal

authority for the husband being the wife's priest as prophet and king. Said

nothing about the women being supernaturally endowed. The difference be-

tween old women that preached to girls and gospel ministers. Women's

instrumentality recorded. Dr. Clark's opinion of women preaching. Wo-

men's influence subverted. No opinion in the lecture peculiar to an indivi-

dual. Husbandly authority the characteristics of Antichrist. Woman's

standing as a moral intellectual being defined. Is it woman's duty to preach?

O that we had more Priscillas! All despotisms predicate their authority on

scripture. Why is the office of deaconess discontinued?-223.



Woman's position in the family, in the church, and in the state the standard of
her condition in all other relations of life. All women judged by the law of



The idea of man's supremacy as a human being a human invention. Generally

acknowledged that woman does not occupy her true position in the human

family. Reasons why woman has so long occupied a false position. Our

pledge at the commencement of this work. The government of the United

States a hereditary despotism to women.
Women treated as aliens en masse.

The widow's oppression and degradation as bad as the Hindoo's immola-

tion. The laws that govern the wife and slave the same in kind. The

civil law the wife or the widow's adversary. The oppressive laws which

govern the wife or widow not a dead letter. Church restrictions on woman

designed to degrade her and exalt the man. Popery and slavery not so de-

grading in their exactions. Our pledge redeemed. Woman loses her identity

by marriage. Woman's scriptural right to property. Man's usurped autho-

rity without the shadow of proof from scripture. Arbitrary power a curse.

Woman's monopoly of the Christian graces and moral virtues inflicts an evil

on man. Man's claim to authority proved nugatory by Providence, Wo-

men contribute to their own degradation. Superior a term unknown in the

Bible with reference to human beings. The evil effects on woman from her

wrong position. Men's fulsome flattery to women. Divests her of her rights

and grants trifling privileges. Duty of all to make themselves pleasing. Dy-

mond's morality. Woman the butt of sarcasm. Obstacles in the way of

woman's elevation. Commentaries on the scriptures the standard of public

opinion. Remarks on commentators. Reasons why we have animadverted

on commentators and others. Extracts from Mr. Henry's Commentary. The

evil effects on man from his position in society. Four brothers inhumed.

Proud boasters made monuments of divine judgments. Our view in writing.

A meed of praise to commentators. Note from Dr. Clark's Commentary.

Man imbibes arbitrary notions in the family. Not our brother's enemy be-

cause we tell him the truth. The close of our investigations. A star in the





"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion," &c., &c.

"So God created man in his own image, in the likeness of God created He him, male and female created He them." Gen. i. 26, 27.

DOMINION is man's predominant propensity: he says, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High." To satiate his unbounded desire for dominion, this world has often been made a theatre of blood and carnage, a literal aceldama, a charnel-house.

Man is prone to represent his commission to rule, to be sealed and endorsed in the court of heaven, knowing well, if he can take hold of the conscience, he has a powerful advocate to enforce his claim; thus we have had different orders in the human family, that have professed being vicegerents of God, with a charter from him to rule their brethren.

The political despot pleads for the Divine right of kings, aud predicates his claim on Romans xiii. 1-7, "The powers that be are ordained of God,"-with many other corroborating portions. The ecclesiastical despot claims the occupancy of St. Peter's chair, Matt. xvi. 18, 19, with other passages. And domestic slavery professes to have its charter from the 25th of Leviticus, together with the curse pronounced on the posterity of Ham, Gen. ix. 25, 27, and sanctioned by the New Testament. But when these claims have been brought to the ordeal of investigation, by apply

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