

I saw Robin Redbreast and

pussy-cat play tag, too. "Little Robin Redbreast jumped upon a wall, Pussy-cat jumped after him, and almost got a fall; Little Robin chirped and sang, and what did pussy say? Pussy-cat said Mew,

and Robin flew away."

Then I saw a very queer game.
A cat played on a fiddle.
A cow jumped over the moon.
A dish ran after a spoon.
And a little dog laughed to see
such sport. Hey! diddle, diddle.

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"Oh, dear!" said the mice.

"What shall we do?

The cat will catch us.

She will eat us all.

She runs very fast.

She runs very gently.

We cannot hear her when she


We cannot hide away.

We must do something.

What shall we do?"

"I know,” said one little mouse.
I know what we can do.
We can put a bell on the cat.
When she runs we can hear

the bell. Then we will hide.” 'Yes, we will bell the cat,” said the little mice.

"We will put a bell on the cat,”
said all the little mice.
"Then she cannot catch us.
But who will do it?

Who will put a bell on the cat?
Will you do it, little

Gray Mouse?"

"Oh, no, not I!

I am too little. I cannot do it,” said little Gray Mouse.

"Will you bell the cat, little White Mouse?" "Oh, no, not I!


I am too frightened.
I cannot do it,"

said little White Mouse. Will you bell the cat, little Black Mouse?"

'Oh, no, not I! I don't know how.

I cannot do it,”

said little Black Mouse.

"Then who will bell the cat?" None of the mice wanted to do it. So it was not done.

"When the cat is away
the mice will play."

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"Gray mouse, gray mouse, Hide in your little house; If on my bread you sup, The cat will eat you up. Gray mouse, gray mouse, Hide in your little house."

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