YY/T 0520-2009 Translated English of Chinese Standard (YYT 0520-2009, YY/T0520-2009, YYT0520-2009): Titanium and titanium alloy dental implant attachments [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: https://play.google.com/books > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"]https://www.chinesestandard.net, 2017/10/22 - 13 ページ This standard specifies the performance requirements and corresponding test methods for the dental implant attachments of titanium and titanium alloys, as well as the packaging. |
accordance with YY/T alloy for surgical Appendix XI H beaker central screw Chemical composition China Volume comparison method contact information cover screw dental implant attachment Dental Materials Dental vocabulary Dentistry drafting organization Fatigue limits fatigue test filter paper GB/T gums healing abutment implant attachment surface implant body Implant neck implant system implants ISO inner package instruction manual Labeling and packaging least the following Manufacturer's name needle profiling method outer package packaging mark Packaging materials Peking University School People’s Republic Pharmacopoeia Product name products in sterile prosthesis provisions of clause Pyrogen Republic of China requirements of clause results shall comply sample shall comply School of Stomatology scope of application secondary operation specification standard sterile package sterilized product structural implant surface conditions Surface defects Surface roughness surgical implants technical documentation terms and definitions test method test results tested in accordance titanium alloy titanium and titanium upper structure visible attachment Wrought titanium