
eating his Practical Obfervations on the Diseases of Domeftic Animals: they abound with remarks, and the best and most approved remedies are every where propofed. What is very remarkable, the inoculation for the murrain among the horned cattle is here likewife circumftantially treated of; and it appears, that out of nine only four die from inoculation; in the natural way, feven out of nine perifh. But the chief advantage arifing from the operation is this, that the inoculated cattle are never fubject to a fresh attack of the difeafe. The pox of the sheep, our author thinks, might likewife be inoculated with great advantage, and prevent the great mortality by which these useful animals are frequently carried off, by getting the infection in the natural way.

52. L'Art de la Porcelaine. Par M. le Comte de Milly, avec fig. Paris, folio.

A work of an interefting nature, which promises to be useful, as it is published under the approbation of a committee of the Royal Academy.

53. Le Verniffeur parfait ou Manuel du Verniffeur. Par l'Auteur du Nouveau Teinturier, parfait. Paris, 12mo.

The art of japanning, and of making varnishes, has been executed in England and in France in a manner fuperior to that of any other country: but it is still in its infancy. It were therefore to be wished, that a man well verfed in chemistry might refume all the known recipes, and establish upon principles the best methods of making durable and tranfparent varnishes. The French author has collected all that has been faid on the subject, and, as a compilation, it will not be without utility: but if the ingenious Mr. Turner, of Liverpool, could be prevailed upon to lay before the public the series of curious and interefting experiments, and his new difcoveries in this branch of chemistry, we do not in the leaft doubt but they would be infinitely fuperior to any thing hitherto produced on that fubject.

54. Inftruction elementaire fur la Conftruction pratique des Vaif feaux, en forme de Dictionnaire. Par M. Duranti de Lironcourt. Paris, 8vo.

Another science reduced into a dictionary! digefted, as all other dictionaries of this kind, in the country of dictionaries, France. This method of learning the art of fhip building is very eafy; it will at least serve our beaux and maccarronies to fupport the converfation when it turns upon fhip-building, and enable them to judge whether a veffel is crank, top beavy, has too bigh upper-works, is too long for her breadth, has 100 great harpings, &c. 55. Examen Maritimo Theorico Practico o Tratado de Mechanica applicado à la Conftruction, Conocimiento, y Manejo de los Navios y demas Embaraciones. Par Dan Jorge Juan. Madrid, 2 vol. 8vo.

This is a work of great merit, containing the best principles. of building and manoeuvering fhips, proposed in a plain and eafy method.


DAM's paraphrafe on the eleven first chapters of St. Paul's Epiftle to the Romans, 175 Adams's Difquifition of the ftone and gravel, 254 Address (an) to the king on the intended application to parlia ment for relief in matter of ecclefiaftical fubfcriptions, 80

- (an) to the privy-council, pointing out an effectual remedy to the complaints of the iflanders of Jerfey, 178 (an) to the ferious and. candid profeffors of Chriftianity, 493 Advantages (the) of deliberation, or the folly of indiscretion, a novel, 83 African trade for Negro flaves fhewn to be confiftent with humanity and revealed religion, 335 Aikin's thoughts on hofpitals, 75 Alonzo, or the youthful solitaire, 328 Amufements (new and elegant) for the ladies of Great Britain, 184

Anfwer to Dr. Lettfom,

to Eboracencis,
to Modeftus,




[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Baker's opufcula medica, iterum edita, Barretti's introduction to the moft ufeful European languages, Barret's tables of the European exchanges,


87 Beattie's (Dr.) effay on the nature and immutability of truth, 34 Beauties of the magazines and other periodical works, 414 Benezet's historical account of Guinea, &c. 418 Berdoe's (Dr.) effay on the nature and causes of the gout, 4.12

effay on the pudendraga,496 · Berkenhout's examination and refutation of Dr. Cadogan's Differtation on the gout, 3249 Briminham counterfeit (the) 325 Blicke's effay on the yellow fever of Jamaica, Bourne's miscellaneous poems,318 Breaks's complete fyftem of landfurveying, Brisbane's (Dr.) felect cafes in medicine, Britannia libera,





Bromehead's oration on the utility of public infirmaries, 261 Bromley's difcourfe on the confi

deration of our latter end, 258 Browne's (William) works, 111 Bulkley's difcourfes on the parables of our Saviour and the 366

miracles of the Gospel,


413 180

Cadogan's (Dr) differtation on the gout, &c. examined and refuted, 329 Calendars of the ancient charters, &c. of the Welsh and Scottish rolls, now remaining in the Tower, Cautious lover (the), Chambers's (fir Wm.) differtation on oriental gardening, 413 Choice emblems, &c. written for the amufement of lord Newbattle, Clark's obfervation on fhoeing of horses, LI




[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]


Coledridge's Latin grammar, 498
Collection of papers defigned to
explain and vindicate the
mode of fubfcription required
by the university of Oxford,
from all young perfons at their
Commentary upon fome remark
able paffages in Chrift's prayer
at the clole of his public mi.
(a) practical and ex-
planatory on the liturgy of
the church of England, 403
Comparative view of the public
burdens of Great Britain and
Confufion worfe confounded, 261
Conjectural obfervations on the
origin and progrets of Alpha-
betic writing,
Congue of Corica by the French,
a tragedy,
Correspondence, 343, 424
Confiderations on the projected re-
formation of the church of
on the marriage of
the duke of Cumberland, 86
▬▬▬▬▬ on the act for pu-
nishing mutiny and desertion,




[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

r-b-fs the d— of C—,' 500
Epocha (the) or Review 1772, 328
Lijay on the right of every man
to fpeak and write freely, 179
towards a rational fyftem of
-- on the force of imagination
in pregnant women,




on the human foul,
on the theory of money,496
Efays, moral, philofophical, and

(fele&t) from the Encyclo-


(two lyric)





[blocks in formation]

Feelings of the heart, or hiftory of
a country girl,
Fine, lady (the), a novel, 181
Fitz-Stephen's defcription of the
city of London,
Five letters to the rev. Mr. F.,
relative to his vindication of
the minutes of the rev. Mr.
on important fubjects,335
Fofter's tranflation of Bougain.
ville's voyage round the world,
eafy method of affaying
and claling mineral fubftan-
Free remarks on a fermon en-
titled 'The requifition of fub-
fcription to the XXXIX arti..
cles, &c. not inconfiftent with
chriftian liberty, &c. 259


Gibbons's (Dr.) chriftian minifter,
in three poetical epiftles, &c.
Goldsmith's (Dr.) history of Eng..
Grecian daughter (the),a tragedy,



Grofley's tour to London,
Guys's (M de) fentimental jour-
ney through Greece,



Hallifax's (Dr.) three fermons
before the univerfity of Cam-
bridge on the attempt to abo.
lifh fubfcription to the XXXIX
Hamilton's (fir Wm.) obfervations-
on Mount Vefuvius, Mount
Ætna, and other volcanos,497
Hampton's general history of Po-
lybius, vol. II.
Hill's (Dr.) cautions against the
ufe of violent medicines in fe-

[ocr errors]


Hiftorical mifcellany (an),
Hiftory of friar Gerund, 207
of female favourites, 218
of mis Carolina Man-
- of the four laft elections
for the county of Suffolk, 496
Holden's effay towards a rational
fyftem of music,
Holloway's letter to fir John
Hooke's Roman hiftory, vol. IV.



[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][ocr errors]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Leflie's Killarney, a poem,
Letter to the members of the
houfe of commons refpecting
the petition for relief in mat-
ter of subscriptions,

[ocr errors]

to the archbishop of Can-
terbury on the intended appli-
cation to parliament for relief
in matter of fubfcription to
the XXXIX articles, ibid.

to lord North, concerning
the intended application to
parliament for relief in the
matter of fubfcription, &c. 81
to David Garrick, efq. 184
to Dr. Nowell on his fermon
before the houfe of commons,

(a fecond) to the members
of the houfe of commons, re-
lating to the fubfcription re-
quired of graduates in the u-
to the bishop of London, on
his public conduct, 260
to a member of parliament
on the prefent high price of
prov fions,

to Richard Whitworth, efq.
on the bill for amending the

to a bishop, on the late pe-
tition to parliament for relief
in matter of fubfcription, 333
to Dr. Hallifax, on the fub-
ject of his three difcourfes,407
to Dr Tucker, dean of
-to the proteftant diffenting
minifters, who fately folicited
parliament for further relief,

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

of James Bolland, 336
- of Theodore AgrippaD'Au-
Love letters which paffed be-
tween the duke of Cumberland
and Mrs. Horton,
Lovers (the), a novel, vol. II. 83
Lyric ellays (two),
Lyfons's (Dr.) practical effays on
intermitting fevers, &c. 483
Lyttleton's (lord) hiftory of the
life of king Henry II. vol. III.


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

(George) edition of
Defgodetz's Ancient buildings
of Rome,


[blocks in formation]

of James Bolland, ibid.
of the year two thousand
five hundred,


of Edmund Ludlow, 498
of Mifs Williams, ibid.

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