[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Berlin, A. Asher.Hamburg, Perthes & Besser.-Leipsic, Black & Armstrong, (of London.)-St. Petersburgh, A. Asher,
United States of America, Adlard & Co., New York.-Upper Canada, Rowsell, Toronto



P338.17 (16)






ABBEY Church, Tewkesbury, 73
Abbey, Kirkstall, Yorkshire, 47
Abercrombie, Dr., selections from, 53,
91, 131

Accountability of Man, 219
Acquaintance with God, consequences
of, 136

Adare, Limerick, town of, 225 Addison, selections from, 27, 72 Advertisements of Sir T. Smith, 175 Age, information derived from, 91 Agent, responsibility of an, 227 Algiers, some account of, and its con

quest by the French, I., 33 Description of the country, 33Sketch of its history, 33-Occupation by the French, 35-Description of the cities and towns, 37-11, 81-Inhabitants; their manners, customs, dress, &c., 83Miscellaneous observations, 87 Almighty, protecting care of the, 135 America, sketches in, I., 117–11., 158 Ancients, ivory statues of the, 51

fiction of, 75


omens by the, 95

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bacon, Lord, selection from, 183
Banks of the Tamar, 153, 177
Bazaars, Oriental, 145

Beards, fashion of wearing, 110
Behaviour, propriety of, 24
B.ble, lines on the, 131

Bishop, selection from, 119 1
Blair, selection from, 219

Blomfield, Bishop, selection from, 206
Bona, town of, 82

Botanical garden at Kew, 240

questions, answers to, 120

Bowles, lines by. 19, 181
Brown, selections from, 14, 93, 173
Browne, M.A., Poems by, 174, 183
Burning glasses, on, 236, 245
Bycknacre Priory, Essex, 115

Calendar, the, 3

Caraccas, cow-tree of the, 229 Carthaginians, Gelon's treaty with, 159 Carthusian monks, account of the, 201 Caterpillar, the goat-moth, 184 Celandine, small, lines to the, 46 Charity, lines on, 19

Charles the First, visit of Mary de
Medicis to, 76

Chartreuse, visit to the great, 202
Chelmsford, Essex, town of, 149
Child, Mrs., selection from, 24
Children. value of devotion in, 27
Chili, South America, mines of, 133
China, XI., 141

Chivalry, anecdote of the age of, 135
Christian, the true, 119

Christian era, the first, architecture of, 214

Churchyard thought, 171

Cinque-cento style of Architecture, 225
City of Washington, visit to, 158
Commerce, effects of, 120
Common yew, 239

Compasses, cn proportional, 196
Conquest of Algiers by the French, 35
Java by the Chinese, 143
Conscience, power of, 53

testimony of, the best foundation of peace of mind, 192 Coustant na, town of, 182

Content and Discontent contrasted, 110

Contentment, blessings of, 135

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

beauty in, 104

Credulity and superstition, 181
Cretan and the Snake, a fable, 243
Cuckoo-pint, flower so called, 175
Cunningham, selection from, 135
Custom of making April fools, 139

Daguerreotype, discovery of, 71

description of, 79 Dartmouth, Devonshire, town of, 188 Davy, Sir H., selections from, 181, 248 Death, lines on, 14

Debts, on the payment of, 148
Deity, omnipresence of the, 45
evidences of the, 159
remarks on the, 173
Delany, selection from, 148
Demosthenes. account of, 155
Devonshire, Torquay, in, 193
Oakhampton, in, 241

Dickens, selection from, 228
Discourse on Geology, 11, 43, 53
Dodsley, lines by, 227
Doric architecture, 209
Dowling, Rev. John, extract from, 207
Drilling, on military, I., 18-11., 55
Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 4
Duels illustrious murders, 62

Dugald Stewart, extract from, 46
Duncan, selection from, 172
Duration of the soul, 203
Duty of a good man, 234
Dyer, selection from, 104

Early gray hairs, lines on, 63
impressions, on, 46
Edmeston, lines by, 77
Edwards, selection from, 28
Egypt. sketches in, 130
Egyptian architecture, 122

Elgin marbies, description of, 217, 233
Enemies, on forgiveness to, 206
England, lines on, 91

Engravings copied by means of gal.
vanism, I., 219-II, 227
Envy, effects of, illustrated, 175
Epigram from Martial, 146

Epitaph on the poet Thomson, 43
Example, 112

Expedients to transmit knowledge
used by the ancients, 219
Exploit, gallant, 63
Extraordinary land-slip, near Ax-
mouth, Devon, account of the, 50
Fable-Jackall and his friends, 55

Cretan and the snake, 243 Faith, Hope, and Charity, 110 Fashion of wearing beards, 110 Father Inquisitor, anecdote of a, 219 February, month of, 45

Fiction, ingenious, of the ancients, 75
Field flowers, lines on, 208
Fig-tree, the, 135

First Christian era, architecture of the, 214

First impressions, 75

Flowers, artificial, in wax, 204 decay of, 139

Flower-garden, beauties of a, not at tainable by art, 192

Foibles, wise man's and fool's, dif

ference between, 206 Forgiveness, on, 6, 206

Formation of character, on tne, 223
French, their conquest of Algiers, 35
- lady, anecdote of a, 139
Revolution, anecdote of 228,

Friend, value of a, 75
Fuller, selection from, 175

Gad-fly, the, 22

Galileo, anecdote of, 103
Gallant exploit, 63

Galvanism, engravings and medals
copied by means of, 219, 227
Garden herbs, I., 22-II., 103-III.,
187-IV., 195-V., 243
botanical, at Kew, 240

Genius and delicacy of taste, different objects of, 233 Genoa, city of, 113

Genoa, lazaretto at, 180
Genuine praise, how known, 248
Geology, discourse on, I., Nature of
Geology, 11-II., Heat of the
Globe, 43-III., Utility of Geo-
logy, 53

Germany, timber-floats of, 9
Gifts, new year's, 15

Gipsies of the South of France, 244
Gisborne, lines by, 157
Glances at Railroad Travelling, II.,

161-Railroad locomotive engines, 161-London and Birmingham Railway, 162-Grand Junction 164-London and Southampton, 165-Great Western, 66-London and Greenwich Railway, 168 Glasses, on burning, 236, 245 Globe, heat of the, 43 Goat-moth caterpillar, 184

God, importance of acquaintance with,


[blocks in formation]

Hall, Bishop, selection from, 203 Hamilton, Miss, selection from, 53 Handkerchiefs, Bandana, manufacture of, 91

Hankinson, lines by, 159, 206 Happiness, the result of various kinds of feelings, 14

Hawkins, Dr., extract from, 4
Heat of the globe, 43

Heaven, the possession of, the great

hold of a Christian, 222 Helvetius, selection from, 21 Herbs, on Garden, I., 22-II., 103111., 187-IV., 195-V., 243 Hermit, story of the, 29

poem by Parnell, 30
Herrick, poem on the daffodil, by, 132
Herrings, migration of, 8
Hill, lines by, 119

Hogg, selection from, 203
Holland, Rev. T. A., poem by, 78
Holland, history of, 182
Home, Lines on, 45
Hopes of Youth, 103
Hour-glass, inscription under an, 43
House of Lords, Cossack, 148
Human curiosity, illimitableness of, 63
Hurd, Bishop, lines by 45, 192
Hydrostatic press, description of, 68

Impressions, early, on, 46
Improvement, progress of, 16
Indignation and Pity, 111
Infancy, lines on, 181
Inquisition, anecdute of the, 219
Inscription under an hour-glass, 43
on a tombstone, 80
Interrupted meditation, 228
Italy, timber-floats of, 9
Ivory statues of the ancients, 51

Jackall and his friends, a fable, 55
James, selection from, 143
Jameson, selection from, 135
January, month of, 7
Japanese, religious opinions ef, 54
Java, conquest of, by the Chinese, 143
Jeffrey, selection from, 103
Jersey, town of St. Aubin, in, 137
Jews of Algiers, legend of, 86
Jones, Sir W., selection from, 227

of Nayland, selection from, 117 Jortin, Archdeacon, selection from, 199 June, month of, 223

Kaimes, Lord, extracts from, 14, 111 232

Kew, botanical garden at, 240
Kirke White, poem by, 103
Kirkstall Abbey, Yorkshire, 47
Knowledge, principal end of acqui-
ring, 6

and pretension, 119 Knowles, lines by, 206

Knox, lines by, 136
Kreasote, properties of, 190

[blocks in formation]


Materials for the toilette, VIII., 27IX., 61

May, month of, 171

Medals copied by means of Galvanism 1., 219—11., 227

Medeya, Algiers, town of, 81
Meditation, interrupted, 228
Migration, remarks ou, 205, 230
of herrings, 8

of birds, 230
Military drilling, I., 18-1I., 55
Mills, selection from, 135
Milton, selection from, 119
vindication of, 148
anecdote of, 159

Mind, a devout and undevout, 117
Mines of Chili, South America, 133
Mint, culture of, 243
Modern Rome, 156
Monitors, natural, 175

Monks, Carthusian, account of, 201
Montesquieu, selections from, 139, 150
Months, natural history of the, I.,
January, 7-II., February, 45-
111., March, 93-IV., April, 132-
V., May, 171-VI., June, 223
Moral improvement, value of, 131
Moor, anecdote of a, 84
More, selection from, 75
Mothers, duty of, 53
synipathies of, 206
Murray, extract from, 230

National history, sketches of, 182
Natural history of the months, I.,
11., 45-111, 93-IV., 132-V., 171
Nature of Geology, 11

beauties of, 143

no magic in the works of, 208 Negroes in Algiers, state of, 84 New year's gifts, 15 New York and Philadelphia, account of, 57

Newton, Bishop, selection from, 120
Night on the Great Pyramid, 130
Nineveh, city of, 13

Nutmegs and mace, on, 147

Oakhampton, Devonshire, town of, 241

Ockwells, in Berkshire, 90
Omens, on, 95, 107

Omers. St., in France, 17, 31
Opie, Mrs., selection from, 222
Opium trade with China, 149
Oran, town of, 82

[blocks in formation]


Bandana handkerchief press, 92
Bank of the United States, Philadel
phia, 64

Banks of the Tamar, 153
Bazaar, an Oriental, 145
Black Abbey, ruins of the, 225
Buffon's burning mirrors, 236
Bycknacre Priory, ruins of, 116

Caraccas, cow-tree of the, 228
Caryatides, portico of, 216
Caterpillar, the goat-moth. 184
Chartreuse, Grand, monastery of, 201
entrance to, 208

Chelmsford, Essex, town of, 149
Cheops, top of the pyramid of, 129
Chili, miner's hut at San Pedro No-

lasco, 133

City hall, New York, 57
Coffee-house and school of Byrma-
drais, near Algiers, 81
Common arum, or cuckoo-pint, 176
Compasses, proportional, 196
Corint, remains of the temple of Nep-
tune at, 121

Cow-tree of the Caraccas, 229

Dartmouth, view of, 189
Devoushire, town of Torquay in, 193

Elgin marbles, blocks from, 217, 219,

Exterior of the palace at Mede ya, 81

Religion, influence of, 77
Remorse. lines on. 77
Responsibility of an agent, 227
Resurrection, lines on the, 248
Retirement, advantages of, 192
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, and his works,
1., 2-11, 25

Richardson, selection from, 139
Richmond Castle, Yorkshire, 20
Robertson, selection from, 120
Roman architecture, 211
Rome, modern, remarks on, 156
Rook, the, 150

Rosemory, lines on the, 103
Royal Visits, 76

Sage, garden, culture of, 195
St. Aubin, Jersey, account of, 137
St. Omers, France, account of, 17, 31
Sandford, Mrs., selection from, 183
Saracenic Architecture, 249
Saxe-Coburg Gotha, Duchy of, 4
Science, advantages in. 181
strength of, 183

Scott, Sir W., lines by, 77

selection from, 222
Second Christian era, architecture of
the, 250

Sedgwick, selection from, 176
Self-knowledge, 45
Serk, island of, 106

Sharpe, selection from, 248
Shot, on the manufacture of, 199
Shuttleworth, selection from, 67
Sickness, thoughts on, 143
Sidney, Sir Philip, character of, 176
Sight and hearing, channels through
which truth is arrived at, 206
Simpson, the mathematician, 160
Skating, on, 70

Sketch of the history of Algiers, 33
Sketches in America, 117, 158


in Egypt, 130

of national history-Holland,

Skilled labour, importance of, 112, 119, | Torquay, Devonshire, town of, 133

191. 235

Smith, Sir T, counsels of, 175
Smoke-jack, the, 247

Smoliet, lines by, 143

Smyth's lectures, extract from. 223
Soame Jenyns, selection from, 43
Socialism, remarks on, 77
Socrates, last hours of, 131
Solitude, lines on. 4
Sorrow the guide of man, 100

effects of, on the mind, 236
Soul. lines on the, 75, 203
South of France, gipsies of the, 244
America, mines of Chili iu, 133
Western Railway, 165
Spitalfields in 1780 and 1840, 160
Stag-beetle, the, 144
Stanhope, selection from, 31
Statues, ivory, of the ancients, 51
Sterne, selection from, 6

Strata, general arrangement of, 44
Study of the creation, on the, 28
Sunday thought, 222

Supreme Being, proofs of a, 103
Switzerland, town of Zurich in, 65

Tamar, banks of the, 153, 177
Tamed panther, anecdotes of a, 198
Tamers of wild beasts, 63
Taylor, Jeremy, selection from, 75
Tear, lines ou a, 21

Teheran, Persia, town of, 99
Tewkesbury, abbey church at, 73
Thomson, the poet, epitaph on, 43
- liues by, 121
Thought, a churchyard, 171
a Sunday, 222
Thyme, qualities and culture of, 187
Tillotson, selection from, 6

Timber floats of Germany and Italy, 9
Time past, present, and future, 131
Toiletie, materials for the, VIII., 27-
IX., 61

Tombstone, inscription on a, 80


Fable, illustration of a, 243
Fig-tree, fruit of the, 136

Figures from the Panathenaic frieze,
217, 233

Floating timber in Lombardy, 9

Gad-fly, 221

Galvanic battery, section of a, 220
illustration of, 223

Gate and fountain of Bab-el-Ouad, 40
Genoa, from the ramparts, 113
Geological strata, diagram illustrative
of, 55

Goat-moth caterpillar, 184
Golden age, by West, 185
Gotha, town of, 5

Grand Chartreuse, monastery of. 201
entrance to the, 208

Grecian huts, 125
Greenwich railway, view of, 168
Guernsey, St. Peter's port at, 105

Hall at Ockwells, Berkshire, 89,
Hotel de Ville, St Omer, 32
Huts, Grecian, 125
Hydrostatic press, 69

Infant academy, after Sir J. Reynolds, 1
Interior grand court of the palace at
Medeya, 85

Jersey, town of St. Aubin, 137
Jupiter, statue of, by Phidias, 52

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Palace at Medeya, exterior of, 81
interior grand court of, 85
at Whitehall, in the time of
Charles I., 101

Panathenaic frieze, Elgin marbles,

Pandrosus, temple of, Athens, remains
of, 209

Parker's burning-glass, 245
Patent shot-tower, section of, 200
Peasant, Roman, and family, 156
Persian wheel, 141

Peter's, St., port, Guernsey, 105
Phidias, statue of Jup ter by, 52
Philadelphia, United States, bank at,

Portico of Caryatides, 216
Pottery, Algerine, 88
Press, the hydrostatic, 69

Bandana handkerchief, 92
Proportional compasses, 169
Pyramid of Cheops, top of, 129

Railroad locomotive engine, 164
Railway, London and Birmingham,
entrance to, 161

Greenwich, view of the, 168
Ramparts of Genoa, 113

Remains of the temple of Neptune at
Corinth, 121


at Athens, 209
Richmond castle, Yorkshire, 21

Townson, selection from, 31
True peace, 157

Truth, power of, 80

Turks in Algiers, 86

Turnspits, boys employed as. 247
Twamley, L. A., porm by, 203

Vanity, effects of, 111

Vendome, Fraser, account of, 109
Venice. lazaretio at. 180

Visit of Mary de Medicts to Charles I,

Voyage, comparison of life to a, 81

Waller, lines by, 76

Ward, selection from. 228
Washington, visit to the city of, 158
Water, remarks on, 78
Wax figures. on, 23

arificial flowers in, 204

West, Sir B. and his works, 170, 186
Wheel. the Persian, 141

Whitehall palace, notice of, 101
W elit, account of, 42
Wild beast tamers. 63
Will o'the Wisp. 67
Wise man, the, 3
Wither, lines by, 248

Wolsey, cardinal, establishment of,

Woman's love, faithfulness of. 159
"Woman's Mission," lines ou, 117
Works of Sir J Reynolds, 1., 2—I I., 25
Sir Benjamin West, 1., 170—
II., 186

[blocks in formation]

Road-side well, Algiers, 82

Rome, monk walking the streets of,

Roman peasant and family, 156
Ruins of the Aboey of St. Bertin, at
St. Omer, 17

Kirkstall Abbey, 48"
Byckuacre Priory, 116
the Black Abbey, 225

St. Aubin, Jersey, 137

St. Bertin, ruins of the abbey of, 17
St Peter's port, Guernsey, 105

San Pedro Nolasco, Chili, miner's hat
at, 133

Smoke-jacks, illustrations of, 248
Stag-beetle, 144

Statue of Jupiter, by the great sculp
tor Phidias, 52

Strata, diagram illustrative of, 55
Street in Algiers, 37

Tamar, banks of the, 153

Weir-head, 177

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