
He secures attention because he gives attention.

He never intrudes upon the rights of others and permits no intrusion upon his own.

There is a sacredness in his life.

He holds a reserve ground upon which none can trespass.

He is a man who has passed through isolation.

He knows what it is to be alone and to bear the burden of solitude in patience.

He is not afraid of his own company and never runs away from himself.

He can stand alone and forget himself in administering to the needs of the afflicted.

He is proof against all extraneous influence.

He beholds the world through a thousand eyes, but all are single to the one purpose of redemption.

He is a reformer only of himself and that for the sake of a greater and a better race.

He knows his own mind, thinks his own thoughts, accepts the authority of books and traditions only as they offer a fruitful suggestion.

From every experience of life he derives an instructive lesson.

He is just before he is generous, and holds discretion as the better part of valor.

He reveres Love, Wisdom and Judgment.

He wins love because he loves.

He honors woman for holding her standard high.

He neither condemns nor condones the man or woman

who falls below that standard.

He is merciful and just.

He believes the best of woman's infinite possibilities.

He knows that work is the only cure for worry; that economic independence for both man and woman is the only door to freedom; and a just appreciation of values the only door to contentment.

He is willing that a woman shall develop all her powers and become all that she is capable of being.

He is not content himself to be anything less than the perfect measure of his manhood.

He reveres womanhood, not for its weakness but for its strength; though capable of infinite tenderness toward all who are weak or oppressed.

He coördinates woman's intuition with his own intellect and coöperates with her for their mutual good.

He holds love far above and apart from all magnetic or hypnotic attractions.

He is willing to renounce love for love's sake, or likewise to reclaim love for love's sake.

He is unwilling to possess or to be possessed by any other human being.

He is an individual and aims to establish individuality in others.

He regards all organizations as secondary to the one living Human Organism.

He never allies himself with the disintegrating institutions.

To him the Real Science of Life is to be faithful and of a true heart.

He is loyal, with the certainty of directness and consistency. He stamps upon the imagination the imprint of his Ideality: the most sublime faculty of the Divine Being, operative in the Heart of God or in the mind of man.

He is willing to accept nothing less than the realization of his ideal in wifehood and motherhood.

So long as he meditates, in his heart, upon the likeness of one who is only a complement of himself-that which merely flatters him as a pleasing picture in the imagery of his own. soul-he will fail to attain to the fulness of the Christ dimension; but, when he is willing to recognize The Divine Feminine, as supplementing him, in all the qualities that are neces

sary to fill out the perfect stature of his manhood; when he is willing to acknowledge her distinct individuality without permitting this distinction to become a cause for differences between them; with admiration mutually awakened by the intuitive perception of merit, she will supply all the deficiencies of his own nature; thus, forming by voluntary compact a bond of sympathy, a strong feeling of comradeship, and an enduring love.

If he still refuses to accept anything less than a perfect whole in the unity of their lives, this courageous determination will bring him the fulfilment of his heart's desire, and she will be to him all that he needs for a helpmate.

When these two individuals have awakened to their re-atonement they manifest, on this earth, the Righteousness of the Kingdom of God and heaven is another name for happiness. "Her ways are ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace."

He has only to see her clearly, in the pure white light of sacred love, and she draws words of wisdom from his lips.

Henceforth "his voice is thunder and his word is law."

"MANY people cry out for liking, for recognition, for admiration, and consider it a cold, unfeeling world that fails to respond; while the truer life would be to seek such achievements of character and services as to be worthy of the love and admiration they craved."

I KNOW of but one elevation of a human being, and that is elevation of soul. Without this it matters nothing where a man stands or what he possesses; and with it he towers, he is one of God's nobility, no matter what place he holds in the social scale.Channing.

He who would write a heroic poem must make his whole life a heroic poem.-Milton


Sweet herald of the New Time's dawn,
Thy sway shall never wane,
But as the sweep of years rolls on
Shall strength and favor gain.

Crownéd ruler of the Western world,

Peace sits enthroned with thee;
Where Freedom's flag thou hast unfurled
Thou guardest liberty.

Thy kingdom is the mind of men;-
His mercy, love, thy power;

His will and hope, thy might doth span,
And harmony's thy dower.

Enslaved Thought thy hand has freed,
And man communes with God;
His knowledge, but alone his creed,
His conscience chast'ning rod.

Instead of force to fix men's rights,
The law, thy servant, rules;
While justice, with her streaming lights,
Forbids the strife of fools.

The bloody horrors of stern war
Thy rule has blotted out,

And reason wields the wand of power

The sword usurped in doubt.

Proud progress wings her upward flight

In steady course and true;

No faltering pinion mars her flight,
As it was wont to do.

Time tests the worth of every ware,
Reviewing naught in vain;

Where gilt and glitter make all fair,
Time shows the rust and stain.

O Toleration!-love of God!

Bring universal peace;

Let blood no more paint red earth's sod: Let war forever cease.


Some of the greatest truths about life come to us in a form that is paradoxical. In fact, the highest thought about life itself is a paradox. On the physical plane there is no health and growth for the body without constant breaking down of cells and tissues of the very organized forms of matter of which the body is composed. On the spiritual plane it seems that we come into consciousness in order that we may develop individuality; yet we are taught that the ideal is to lose our life, or rather to let some other life larger than our own come in and displace the personal element. "As dying, and behold, we live; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things." So in every phase of the complex life of an aspiring, growing soul, the challenge of a paradox is met; and we are called upon to prove them, that we may know the way of truth.

The ages have wrestled with these problems. It may help us to review some of this paradoxical philosophy and look at it in the light of the New Thought. Take the old, old question of free-will and destiny, which enters into every philosophy and every religion that has ever been given to the world-and rightly so, because it is quite fundamental. It makes some difference which position we assume, and from which standpoint we think and act. But if there is absolute predestination, can it make any difference how we think and act? Would not each thought and act be a part of our destiny-therefore beyond our own control? But this relegates man to a place as mechanical as the crystal. No; this will not satisfy the idea of personality, which is the exclusive possession of man, distinguishing him from all the rest of creation. The individual man

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