
We are grateful to those friends who have interested themselves in the success of MIND by bringing it to the attention of others and introducing it in libraries throughout the country, and we pledge ourselves to relax none of our vigilance in maintaining its metaphysical and literary standard.

[blocks in formation]

"THE FREE MAN."-The latest periodical to be merged in MIND is The Free Man, edited and published by Dr. C. W. Close, of Bangor, Me., at $1.00 a year. This journal has done excellent work in the field of mental healing, but its obligations are to be met hereafter by this magazine, which will be sent to all its subscribers for one-half the period for which they have paid, beginning with the current issue, as the subscription price of MIND is double that of The Free Man. Persons that happen to have subscribed for both publications will have their subscriptions extended on a pro rata basis on the list of MIND, and will thus avoid receiving duplicate copies. We trust that all friends of Dr. Close's magazine will find MIND SO indispensable that they will not hesitate to renew at double the price for more than double the quantity of matter of the best quality. At the expiration of each subscription a bill for the ensuing year will be sent to the subscriber, as subscriptions are payable in advance. J. E. M.


The greatest barrier between man and man, and between man and his highest, best self, is the lack of self-government. The importance of self-government has been recognized in all ages, but never in the past has its need been so strikingly demonstrated

as now-in this beautiful country, said to be the land of the free.

Owing to our present-day complexities, our diverse interests and manifold duties, the wear and tear of both body and mind are greater than ever before. But it is not therefore an idle thing, as many suppose, to snatch at least a few moments out of every waking hour in which to reflect, to throw off all restraint, and to come face to face with ourselves. If we could get rid of the false notion that it is a waste of time to take ourselves quietly in hand for a little while each day, what strength might be ours as the result, what weak spots we might discern and strengthen, and what benefit it would be to us all! How calm might become many a ruffled temper-how peaceful, how serene, many a perturbed spirit!

It is only when thus alone with your own soul, courageously viewing it from every aspect, that you will discover both its "weakness" and its strength. On the undisturbed waters of quiet meditation you will be able to see clearly the rocks and shoals ahead, and you can direct your bark of life more steadily, marking the danger lines and steering safely by the threatening hulks or the sunken masses.

What wonder that, in the never-ceasing turmoil of life, the overstrained nerves are constantly on edge? Is it strange that the slightest unguarded word or act on the part of another robs the much-tried man or woman of the veneer of his or her equanimity? To what perversity more than to the lack of self-government can we attribute the daily misuse of the Golden Rule? Do not its words imply a most stringent hold of the reins over every base or ignoble tendency? Are we not to suppress the merely selfish, gross, animal instincts that the most divine attributes of man may flourish?

And yet this glorious spiritual armor, the sacred breastplate, has been and still is recklessly handled-its luster tarnished by abuse. It is flaunted over the doors of holy places; it is mockingly flung at us in the street. And unless through rigid self-examination and strict self-government it be restored to its rightful place to be the covering of the human heart, to be with us, a part of ourselves, in every act and at all times, a part of our daily life

and being: for it is the essence of our spiritual recognition of our part in the Divine-the golden treasure, so valuable in the establishment of love and harmony between man and man, will be degraded as if it were a dull, ugly thing of brass.

Let us, then, have the courage first to ask ourselves the questions that we are so ready to ask others: Are we honest and upright in our dealings with our fellow-men? Are we just and reasonable toward those who serve us? Are we kind and considerate toward those whose characters are still unformed? And do we make sufficient allowance for the untrained mind and uncultivated heart? Or do we permit ourselves to be overcome by angry thoughts and feelings, which give rise to harsh and cruel words?

By darkly-disturbed features we make of the being who ought to be a ministering angel a demon of wrath, who poisons the life of the individual on whom his venom is spent as surely as if it were poured drop by drop into his very blood. What an inexpressible joy is derived from the ability to conquer the wrong impulse! What happiness, what satisfaction comes to us when we have shut out the evil thought, when the bitter words are left unspoken, when the look of scorn is changed to a glance of pity, and the contemptuous tone is lost in the sweet accents of sympathy and love!

Not until we do the bidding of our highest, best selves, whenever and wherever we may be called upon to act, can we be at one with our conscience. And to be at peace with our inward monitor-provided, of course, that it be an enlightened one-is to have gained the sublime heights of self-government to which we should ever strive to lead others by our own noble example.



"Who am I? What am I?"—inquiries vast
That my inner consciousness asketh of me.
An answer is given; thus Holy Writ has't:
"As he thinketh in his heart, so is he."


Conducted by




One of the best and most indispensable means of culture for the children is the hearing of and participation by them in conversation on important subjects: on all subjects that take the mind into large fields-that give it interest in great truths and universal facts. A child thus reared would have no taste for gossip, nor affiliation with low aims or vulgar language. How can we expect our children to grow up with characters of breadth and beneficence if they hear us forever discussing such themes as the price of clothespins, the shortcomings of the washerwoman, and the probable loss of a toothpick?

Facts should be recognized, and details must be looked after; but why may we not put a magnificent background behind them. and an equally splendid perspective in front of them? True, we may have to stop in the midst of an eloquent discourse on temperance, art, great men, the latest scientific discovery, the wonders of electricity or what not, to see that the bread is not burning, or to give the baby a drink of water, or to tell some one the way to the post-office. But what of that? Can we not resume and finish what we were saying about the larger themes?

Nature is magnificent in her versatility. She keeps clear the pathway of the stars and the course of the sun, clothes the fields, rears the forests, keeps the sea within bounds, and yet provides

home, food, shelter, garments of wondrous hue and texture for every living creature, paints gorgeous pictures, fills the air with melody of wind, water, and song, and throws about the whole earth the cloak of beauty and breathes into it the breath of life.

Shall we not in some measure do the same for our children? The Sublime furnishes the atmosphere in which the soul lives. Beauty, holiness, greatness, and the larger, better side of human nature-all these make up the Sublime with which we are to live and become familiar, in order that our feelings, thoughts, and words will thrill with it and thus make the true home atmosphere. To look upon the large side of every question, to be interested in the progress and betterment of humanity, to appreciate the beautiful in literature and art, in song and poetry, to emphasize the good, the beautiful, the true in man and Nature, becomes the great privilege of every parent as well as his or her continuous delight. For in this kind of home training, which is as unconscious as it is beneficial, the child, day by day, unfolds its qualities of mind and soul as surely as the rose unfolds in the light of a temperate sun and the bosom of a nourishing soil.

And yet withal we would by no means belittle the doing of anything in this wonderful and ideal home. Everything in its time, as well as everything in its place, should be a fundamental maxim. To whatsoever requires undivided attention, to that give it; but do not waste time, energy, or spiritual power by giving attention undivided and continuous to things that need scarcely a passing thought. The mind shrinks to the proportions of its own horizon. If we see the universal and limitless, beyond the puny things of time and sense, then indeed shall we have no horizon, but a vast perspective into which we may look with increasing interest and corresponding greatness, for everything will be permeated and surrounded by the sublime atmosphere. Children brought up in this, and consciously imbibing it as they imbibe the air they breathe, will easily believe that "the entire

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