
universe pulsates, thrills, vibrates, with the thought and love of the Infinite whose will is law, whose power is love, whose work is the spiritual growth of man, who reveals Himself-reveals His own infinite energy-in every leaf, flower, rift of cloud, blade of grass, every pebble on the beach, wave of the ocean, and in the soul of man."

"Behold, the Holy Grail is found-
Found in each poppy's cup of gold,
And God walks with us as of old.
Behold, the burning bush still burns
For man whichever way he turns,
And all God's earth is holy ground."

"How shall you teach your child the rudiments of metaphysics?"

In this way: As we have just indicated, by making him. conscious of the vast Universal that is above every particular. Physics deals with appearances: metaphysics with that which causes appearances. Physics gives us facts: metaphysics the interpretation of facts.

"But," you say, "I want my child to have a practical knowledge of metaphysical healing."

Yes; but you must give him a foundation, a reason, for his faith, or it will not last. Tell him one thing at a time, and tell it simply. For instance, tell him about the one great Life that is back of all manifestation of life. His moving, living, breathing body is a manifestation of life, but it is not life itself. The body as a machine should show forth the power and perfection of that Life which made it, and uses it. If the body is not in perfect order, it cannot manifest the perfect Life. The mind is like the channel of a river through which flows the Water of Life. Water is said to represent truth. Let us say the truth of life flows through this channel, or river bed. The child can easily.

understand that this means the truth (or consciousness) of life flows through the mind, and as it flows freely it changes the conditions of the body; for the body is like the earth, which has to be watered in order to be fruitful or to keep beautiful. So the mind must be an open channel, with the Water of Life passing freely and continuously through it. All thoughts concerning the perfect life are truth-water. Thoughts of imperfection or sickness or fear are not truth; that is, they are not true of the perfect life-so they clog the channel, the river is obstructed, and the result is a diseased body.

Suppose the child comes to you with a cut finger. He comes complaining. Tell him at once to change his thoughts and let the water flow freely. If before his need comes you have taught him something like this: "There is only the perfect Life. I am one with the perfect Life. My life is whole and perfect because I live in the perfect Life," you will only have to remind him to repeat the words over and over, even hundreds of times, until his finger is better. He will understand that it gets better because he has taken the dam out of his river. Experience will soon teach him that whenever he is willing to think the truth-thoughts about his real Life his body begins to manifest it. Is not this the true healing?

You will find even the young children eager and able to learn and apply. A little girl of three, of my acquaintance, saw her father limping home after a fall from his horse. "I t'eat 'ou, Papa!" she exclaimed, tenderly, when he came into the house. "All right, darling. Papa will sit down." Thereupon the little tot put her hand over her eyes, sat quietly a few moments, and then looked up with a bright smile, saying, “ 'Ou's all wight now, Papa." And, sure enough, he was, even to his own surprise. When asked what she did when she treated him, she said: "Me des' love Papa hard!" So this was her Water of Life-set flow

ing so vigorously that it washed away all thought of hurt and pain from her own or her father's mind.

The child mind, unobstructed with self-consciousness and petty selfishness, is close indeed to the larger Life. Keep him close. Open his mind to the larger, grander world ensphering this one. Listen to his thoughts. Study his unfolding life, for many hints of Divinity are revealed through "babes and sucklings."


"Life is unconscious participation in universal energy, and infant education is the nurture of this hidden yet impetuous force. . . . Family life alone secures the development and cultivation of a good and of a thoughtful, gentle disposition in their full intensity and vigor, so incomparably important for every period of growth, nay, for the whole life of man.

For the child, therefore, the life of his own family becomes an external thing and a type of Life."-Froebel.

"Man, by virtue of the self-acting soul, becomes in his highest estate, not only a transformer of material conditions that surround him, but also an actual creator of new spiritual values of an altruistic character; hence his arts."-Clark.

What keys these words are to the nature and power in the soul of every child-of your child and mine, and all children! Can we think, in view of these revelations, that any time spent with and for the little ones is wasted? Can we feel like dropping the reins of responsibility, even for a day, when we consider how valuable is every day of childhood compared to the days of adulthood?

"Give me the first five years of a child's life, and you may have him the remaining years," said the wise priest. He recognized these first five years as the formative, the impressionable, the ineradicable years. Let us also appreciate their value, and with redoubled zeal lay the foundation for the four-squared city of character, which is the city set on a hill, whose light is to shine unto the ends of the earth.



"I am September. How do you do?
Dear children, with me the school year began.
And don't you remember how slow the days ran?

The bright out of doors seemed to call you away,

And how far from your lessons your thoughts seemed to stray!

"But I didn't blame you! Oh, deary me, no!

Just after vacation. .

But I made a beginning, and put you in trim

For tasks you did later with vigor and vim.

"With my sweet, sunny days I have failed yet to see
The school boy or girl who doesn't like me!

And though I must call you from playtime to work,
Nobody objects who isn't a shirk!"

-Jane A. Stewart, in Modern Methods.


Dear Children of MIND:

I have been thinking to-day of a little word of four letters: Love. Does it not seem strange that our poor old world has so forgotten the meaning of the word that it has had to have it explained and analyzed by a wise and good teacher? Yet his analysis makes it easy for us to understand just what the word


Prof. Drummond compares love with light. Probably you all have seen a prism-a piece of glass with many sides that refracts, or breaks up, the rays of sunlight into the colors of the rainbow, and these colors are called the spectrum. Perhaps Mama has a glass dish that breaks up the light and throws the pretty colored rays upon the tablecloth. In our home we have a glass crackerjar that acts as a prism.

Now, Prof. Drummond says that a very precious chapter in the Bible-the thirteenth chapter of I. Corinthians, written by *Analyze: to separate into parts.

St. Paul-breaks up this word Love for us so that we can understand it. In place of the seven colors of the rainbow he finds nine attributes (qualities) of character that will be found wherever Love shines. He has arranged a sort of table explaining this, and it is very much as you arrange your work at school:

[blocks in formation]

Each of these qualities in the mind or the character of a child helps to make up what Prof. Drummond terms "the greatest thing in the world"-Love. And this is what the world needs so badly to-day; it is what the little readers of MIND and their parents are striving to realize for themselves and others.

Now, dear children, the next time you see the light broken up, as it shines through a prism or as it shines through the atmosphere and reflects the rainbow on the clouds, think of the word Love, and see how many of its ingredients you are striving to let into your thoughts. See how much of God you let shine through your heart. God is Love.

I am sure you will all find some of these lights of love shining forth out of your kind hearts, and, if we will each try to win all these qualities of Love, the world will soon be better and little children will no longer suffer from sickness nor want for the necessaries of life. Your loving friend,



Spring had announced itself through the warm winds that swept down the valley. Already patches of green were struggling on southern slopes to bask in the sun's loving warmth. Above, the snow-capped peak, glistening with millions of dazzling gems,

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