
Grubftreet Journal, No 73.

To Mr. T---S B---F---D, D---P---TY W---D---N of the FL---T.


EAR TOм, I thank you for the offer,
You with attorney's kindness proffer:

You've us'd me ill, and now intend,
To use me worse, by way of friend.
No fnares fo dang'rous as those laid,
By friendship's fpecious masquerade.
But 'tis a maxim choice and rare,
Of reconciled foes beware.

There's a fhort fable, Toм, you know,
Anfwers this moral a-propos.

A wolf as fubtile as a fox,

At a fow's door, one evening knocks:
Madam, your ladyfhip, quoth fhe,
I hear, has need of midwifery;
Therefore with joy, I leave my home,
To help you, when your hour is come.
No one in town is fitter for't;

I've oft deliver'd fows at court.

Thank you, dear madam, quoth the dame,

Too well I know your skill and fame.


On feeing Mr. C---R's picture just publish’d.


O KNELLER DRYDEN writes, fome bear the rule,
Thus thou fometimes art forc'd to draw a fool:

But fo his follies in thy pofture fink,

The fenfeless idiot seems at least to think.


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But thou, GISONI, with fincerer art,
Haft drawn the laureate in his noblest part.
As in his NEW-YEARS ODE, in thy defign
The thoughtless FOPLING fhines in ev'ry line.

Grubftreet Journal, No 74.

A Bill of Charges of WM. MINGAY, Efq; Register to the BISHOP of NORWICH, and Mayor of the fame City, when he feafted his GRACE the DUKE of NORFOLK, and other Lords and Knights, being a Week's Expences, in the Year of our Lord 1561.

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EEF,with firloin, 8 ftone, at 8d. per st-- o
Collars of braun

Impri. B

8 Pints of butter

1 Fore quarter of veal

4 Geele

[blocks in formation]

1 Hinder quarter, ditto

1 Leg of mutton

I Loin of ditto, and a fhoulder veal

1 Breast and coaft of mutton

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]



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3. Ditto of maflin ditto

1 Barrel of double beer


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4 Pound of barbary fugar

Fruit and almonds

Sweet water and perfumes

16 Oranges

2 Gallons of white and claret wine 1 Quart of fack

1 Ditto of Malmsey I Ditto of bastard

1 Ditto of mufcadine

[blocks in formation]


Dear BAVY,

St. GILES'S, MAY 26, 1731.

T is with the utmost displeasure I hear our renown'd fociety reflected on; and the more any of your members are abus'd, the more I esteem them. It is hence I pay a vaft regard to the author of chriftianity as old as the creation; and have a fort of veneration for the restorer of antient elocution, so often defam'd, defam'd even by his own fociety: it is hence I adore the fuperior defert of KEY BER major, while I admire the poetical merit of KEYBER jun. who, I'm affur'd, is born to be one day the glory of the GRUBEANS: nor think my affertion, vain, when I had it from the greatest enemies to your fociety. In fhort, dear BAVY, I have been this week at the WESTMINSTER ELECTION; where, without observing any manner of decorum, they abus'd your whole fet of poets, and one of the young lads (a young ANTI-GRUBAEAN I warrent him, had the affurance to fay plainly, GRUBAEI POETASTICI: nay, fo fcandalous was he, that he said, fome liv'd in garrets, and from thence defcending to fame, fet up a levee of booksellers; in this laft article he being ignorant of the cuftoms of GRUBSTREET was a little out; for you know, your members instead of having bookfellers at their levees, attend the levees of the bookfellers. Believe me, dear BAVY, it is very happy, that GRUB-STREET is fo fertile a foil, and that your members, like mushroons, fpring up,

die, and are fo quickly fucceeded by one another; or elfe I don't know what dangers you might not apprehend from that curfed WESTMINSTER SCHOOL, which is always training up a number of troops, in the greatest enmity to your members. I can't help fending you a copy of latin verfes made on the illuftrious MESS. KEYBERS,

Poeta nafcitur, & fit.

decus angliaci, fenior CIBBERE, theatri,
Cui lepidos dictat comica mufa fales.
Te, quamvis doctum jani celebrare calendas,
Invida gens vatem denegat effe fuum.

At non CIBBERUM, formofe THEOPHILE, quifquam
Perfri&tæ frontis te genuiffe neget.
Splendefcis proles non inficianda parenti,
Ceffuro veftris debita ferta comis.
Cæfareo eft factus vates diplomate major:
Nafcitur hæredis jure poeta minor.
CIBBER, the glory of the BRITISH STAGE,
Taught by the comic mufe to please this age:
So well thou turn'st a NEW-YEARS ODE, 'tis hard
That envious wits deny that thou'rt a bard.
Yet this one truth can be deny'd by none,
That bright THEOPHILUS is fure thy fon.
No fire can fuch difown; to whom refign'd
Those bays one day his learned brows fhall bind;
Which thine, O elder patent bard, adorn
By royal grace; but shall by him be worn,
By right hereditary, poet born.


Grubftreet Journal, No 75. Inftructions for CHRIST. HILLIARD, Foremaft-man on board the Man of War.

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Honeft KIT,

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FEB. 13, 1710-1.

obtain it, is to carry god, with thee: keep a good confcience; be industrious and void of offence, fo thou wilt do well. Remember thy mispent time, and be sure to redeem it by thy carefulness in the prefent: and let me hear from thee upon thy return, god conducting thee fafe. Whereever you go, keep a journal if you can, of all that is remarkable, as winds, and change of weather, in all latitudes. Take all foundings, and keep the fands, fhells, and whatever elfe the deep fea line or other brings up, and put it into a paper, writing on the paper. Sounding of fuch a place in the latitude of &c. If you meet with any pretty fea feathers, moffes, weeds, trees, or plants, fave fome of the faireft and beft, which you may put up in any thing, and all together in a cagg, pitcher, or bottle; excepting the fea feathers or trees, which must be kept very even and safe. If you can get any ftrange fifhes, they will be acceptable. When you go ahore, and meet with any fhells that are whole, keep them for me, three or four of each fort; and if you find any pretty fhining fands, take a pound of each," or half a pound; and pick up pretty tones of divers colours as green, red, blue, yellow, black, or white, and clear, as well as mixt colours, If you meet with any fort of minerals, or ores, likewife get me fome. When you are on fhore, pick fome pretty plants, herbs, ferns, flowers, and trees, by taking a fair branch or two, or three, that is, from the top, the middle, and lower end. All these you must. put into a quire of brown paper, laying the herbs, flow

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