
ing of Parliament; namely, the 10th of February and it appears by the papers referred to the Committee, that meetings in various parts of the country, conformably to a plan settled by the leading persons in London at an early period, were intended to be held on the same day.

aware of the ultimate intentions of many of their leaders; and the Committee would by no means ascribe to all these societies the same practices and designs which they have found to be but too prevalent amongst a large number of them; but they find that, particularly among the manufacturing and labouring classes, societies of this denomination have been most widely extended, and appear to have become some of the chief instruments of disseminating doctrines, and of preparing for the execution of plans, the most dangerous to the public security and peace.

Others of these societies are called Union Clubs, professing the same object of Par

It appears manifest, that the persons engaged in various parts both of England and Scotland, in forwarding the plans of revolution, have constantly waited for the example of the metropolis. Intelligence of the event of the meeting there on the 2d of December was anxiously expected; and as the first report of the beginning of the disturbance excited in a high degree the spirits of the disaffected, so its speedy sup-liamentary reform, but under these words pression produced the expression of strong understanding universal suffrage and anfeelings of disappointment. Had it even nual Parliaments-projects which evidentpartially succeeded, there seems much rea- ly involve not any qualified or partial son to believe that it would have been the change, but a total subversion of the Brisignal for a more general rising in other tish constitution. parts of the kingdom. Since that time it appears to be the prevailing impression amongst the leading malcontents in the country, that it is expedient for them to wait till the whole kingdom shall (according to their expression) be more complete-bers of a club of this description that the ly organized, and more ripe for action.

It appears that there is a London Union Society, and branch Unions corresponding with it, and affiliated to it. Others of these societies have adopted the name of Spencean Philanthropists; and it was by mem

plans of the conspirators in London were discussed and prepared for execution.

What is meant by completely organizing the country is but too evident from the pa- The principles of these last associations pers before the Committee. It appears seem to be spreading rapidly among the clearly that the object is, by means of so- other societies which have been formed, cieties or clubs, established, or to be esta- and are daily forming, under that and other blished, in all parts of Great Britain under denominations in the country. Among pretence of Parliamentary reform, to in- the persons adopting these principles it is fect the minds of all classes of the commu- common to disclaim Parliamentary reform nity, and particularly of those whose situ- as unworthy of their attention. Their obation most exposes them to such impres-jects are avowed in a handbill dispersed sious, with a spirit of discontent and disaffection, of insubordination, and contempt of all law, religion, and morality; and to hold out to them the plunder and division of all property, as the main object of their efforts, and the restoration of their natural rights; and no endeavours are omitted to prepare them to take up arms on the first signal for accomplishing these designs.

It is on these grounds that your Committee have been led to look with particular anxiety to the formation, principles, and conduct of those societies or clubs by which the ends of the disaffected have been hitherto so much forwarded, and are expected by them to be finally accomplished. Many of these societies pass under the denomination of Hampden Clubs. Under this title societies of very various descriptions appear to have been formed, all professing their object to be Parliamentary reform. This name and their professions may have induced many persons to become members of such societies who may not be

by the society of that description in London, and in numerous other publications. These objects are, "A parochial partner"ship in land, on the principle that the "landholders are not proprietors in chief; "that they are but the stewards of the "public; that the land is the people's "farm; that landed monopoly is contrary "to the spirit of Christianity, and destruc"tive of the independence and morality of "mankind."

The societies under these different names are so numerous, and so various, that it has been difficult to obtain a complete view of all of them, or to comprehend them under any general description.

The country societies are principally to be found in and in the neighbourhood of Leicester, Loughborough, Nottingham, Mansfield, Derby, Chesterfield, Sheffield, Blackburne, Manchester, Birmingham, and Norwich, and in Glasgow and its vicinity; but they extend and are spreading, in some parts of the country, to almost every vil

lage. In addition to all the arts of seduc- | same purposes; and the meetings are fre tion, resort is also had to a system of inti- quently terminated, particularly in Lonmidation, and threats are held out to those don, by profane and seditious songs and who refuse to join. Their combinations parodies of parts of the liturgy, in which are artfully contrived to secure secrecy in the responses are chaunted by the whole their proceedings, and to give to the leading company. By such means, and by the members undisputed authority over the profession of open infidelity in which some rest. Oaths of secrecy have been fre- of the members indulge in their speeches, quently administered, some of which are the minds of those who attend their meetof the most atrocious and dreadful import. ings are tainted and depraved; they are They do not, however, trust to this se- taught contempt for all decency, all law, curity alone to prevent discovery; their all religion and morality, and are thus proceedings are seldom reduced to writing; prepared for the most atrocious scenes of they pass and are communicated by word of outrage and violence. mouth. The more numerous meetings delegate all authority to a managing committee; and by that committee, and by meetings of delegates from the committees of different societies, every thing of importance is transacted.

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The committees themselves are also cautious of reducing any of their proceedings to writing, communicating with each other only by delegates and missionaries.

Amongst the most effectual means of furthering these dangerous designs, the Committee think it their duty particularly to call the attention of the house to the unremitting activity which has been employed throughout the kingdom in circulating, to an unprecedented extent, at the lowest prices or gratuitously, publications of the most seditious and inflammatory nature, marked with a peculiar character of irreligion and blasphemy, and tending not only to overturn the existing form of Government and order of society, but to root out those principles upon which alone any government or any society can be supported.

for authority, and all sense of duty, and to expose to insult, indignity, and hazard the person of the immediate representative of the Sovereign, even in the exercise of one of the most important parts of his royal functions.

It appears that, in some parts of the country, arms have been lately procured by individual members of these societies in considerable quantities, which can only have been done with a view to the use of force. Subscriptions are also generally re- The Committee cannot but consider the quired, which although the amount paid late attack upon his Royal Highness the by each individual may be very small, may Prince Regent, on his way from opening produce, from the large numbers of the the present Session of Parliament, as an adcontributors, no inconsiderable fund. ditional and melancholy proof of the effiThe destructive objects which the lead-cacy of this system, to destroy all reverence ing members of these societies have in view are demonstrated by their publications and by their proceedings, all equally calculated to inflame the minds of the members, and in general of the poorer classes of the community. At the ordinary meetings of the societies, which are often continued to a late hour, their time is principally em ployed in listening to speeches tending to the destruction of social order, recommend ing a general equalization of property, and at the same time endeavouring to corrupt the morals of the hearers, and to destroy all reverence for religion. The landholder has been represented as a monster which must be hunted down, and the fundholder as a still greater evil; and both have been described as rapacious creatures, who take from the people 15d. out of every quartern loaf. They have been told that Parliamentary reform is no more than a half measure, changing only one set of thieves for another, and that they must go to the Jand, as nothing short of that would avail them. Another principal employment of their time is to listen to publications of the

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It appears to be an essential part of the system to take advantage of the opportunities afforded by public meetings, convoked either by the leaders of these societies, or by others, in the metropolis, and in populous places and districts, to address the multitude in terms of unprecedented license and violence, amounting even in some instances to an open declaration that, in case of non-compliance with their petitions, the Sovereign will have forfeited his claim to their allegiance. These proceedings are subsequently printed and circulated, and thus become a fresh vehicle for sedition and treason.

By the frequency of these meetings, and by the new practice of continuing them (under various pretexts) by frequent adjournments, the minds of his Majesty's well-disposed and peaceable subjects are

same description as the speeches, contain-held in a state of perpetual agitation and

ing the same doctrines, and leading to the

alarm. The appointment of such public

meetings in a variety of different places on | A Remedy for the late Bad Harvest. the same day appears to be considered as the most effectual means of accomplishing the designs of the disaffected, and must evidently, in a high degree, embarrass and impede the exertions of all civil powers, applicable to the suppression of disturbances, distract the attention of Government, and oblige them so to subdivide and harass the military force which it may be necessary to call in for the assistance of the civil power, as to render it inadequate to the maintenance of public tranquility.

Price 6d. Richardson, London. 1817. Whoever has contemplated the course of events, as they affect the human race, must have observed the alternations of prosperity and adversity which succeed each other with almost as much regularity as the seasons of the year, or as day and night. On the causes of these, opinions may sometimes differ; but generally the cause may be traced to the conduct of mankind themselves, to the agency of man in respect of his fellow men, whether operating in savage life or social. Food and raiment, are held in civilized society to be indispensables, for the support of life; and such they really are; but, where from the mildness of the climate, clothing may be dispensed with, we do not find the rude inhabitants distinguished by mercy towards those whom they account their enemies.They do not go to war with them for food to supply their own necessities, neFurther Observations on the State of vertheless they deprive them of every the Nation, the Means of Employment of means of sustenance, which the fortune of war subjects to their power, totally Labour, the Sinking Fund and its Appli-regardless of the distress to which their cation, Pauperism, Protection requisite to the Landed and Agricultural Interests. By R. Preston, Esq. M. P. 8vo. pp. 44. Price 2s. Longman and Co. London. 1816.

Such a state of things cannot be suffered to continue without hazarding the most imminent and dreadful evils; and although the Committee do not presume to anticipate the decision of Parliament as to the particular measures to be adopted in the present emergency, they feel it to be their duty to express their decided opinion, that further provisions are necessary for the preservation of the public peace, and for the protection of interests in which the happiness of every class of the community is deeply and equally involved.

[blocks in formation]

On the Present State of Public Affairs. 8vo. pp. 102. Murray, London. 1817. The Character of Pussing Events. 8vo. pp. 45. Hatchard, London. 1817. England's Ruin. Sherwood and Co.

The Poor Laws
Svo. Price 6d.
London. 1817.

devastations may reduce them. They even envy their foes the bounties of uature; and the spontaneous fruits of the earth, which they would leave to the beasts of the field, they destroy, when revenge-implacable revenge, inflames their angry-their ferocious passions.

In what does this differ from the extreme sufferings produced by war among That these have more and greater renations calling themselves civilized ? sources than savages, is true; but national enmity urges the belligerents to

reduce these resources to absolute nullity; and when this is accomplished, then, says the politician, will be the time to think of accommodation, and to turn to our own advantage every favour of Fortune. Powerful nations take a long On the Supply of Employment and time to be totally ruined and when Subsistence, for the Labouring Classes, ruin does come,-supposing the fact, with Remarks on the Operation of the the antagonists are usually equally inSalt Duties. By Sir Thomas Bernard. volved in it. Such is the state of Eu8vo. pp. 72. Murray, London. 1817. rope at this time. A nation which has kept its resources entire, is not to be Cursory Hints on the Application of found. All have descended from that Public Subscriptions, in providing Em-elevation on which they formerly stood, ployment and Relief for the Labouring from which they contemplated the hapClasses. Murray. piness of their subjects; all have drunk

of the bitter cup of ealamity, and of na-ed to the humanity of the guardians of tional suffering, and several have drain- St. Luke's. Even Mr. Preston's pamed it to the dregs. There may be there phlet, which is the most alarming of certainly are, gradations among them. those before us, on the subjects it comComparisons may be drawn, more or prizes, holds forth hope: though after less favourable to some; but, every one a struggle with difficulties of no small has its own distress; and every one, power and perplexity. That gentleman at this moment feels the consequences of chiefly refers to the state of the Agrithose events which are too recent to need cultural Interest, which all must ac

explanation, and too calamitous to ad-knowledge was, for a while, unreasonamit of concealment.

bly depressed; but it did not follow, that such depression should be perpetual. And this, we think, is his error : he allows his present feelings to beguile his judgment when auticipating probable futurities; and he listens less to the cheering predictions of hope, though founded on rational causes, than to the exclamations of fear, which are always

In fact, the greatest consolation that can be offered to our own country, at present is, not that she does not suffer, but, that her sufferings are light, in comparison with those of some others. And to this, is added by the judicious, the soothing hope that after a shorter time of pain and uneasiness, than most others require, a return of gradual pros-excessive, and not seldom unreasonable. perity may be looked for, and the nation with its population, may regain that proportion of enjoyment, which consists with the fluctuations of important


The second, third, and fourth articles consider public affairs more politically. They notice the extent of taxation as it counteracts the labours of the industrious, and diminishes the capital of the manufacturer; as it gives occasion to misrepresentation; as it affords pretexts for insidious spirits to work upon the public mind, to the detriment of the British interests, and to the discredit of the national government. The succeeding tracts propose remedies for parts of the distresses of the poor; or regulations for couducting the remedies proposed by others.

In the mean while the labours of the intelligent are nobly directed in endeavours to relieve the afflictions which surround them. The benevolence of our countrymen triumphs amidst the difficulties which call it into exercise; and to the eye of real philanthropy, perhaps, the nation never bore a character of greater grandeur, than while frankly acknowledging the prevalence of anxiety, with too much of actual anguish, and These are but a specimen of the numeeting these and all their concomitant merous pamphlets to which the state of evils, with a firm, a steady, and a last-public affairs has given birth. We are ing disposition, and exertion, to diminish and to moderate their severity.

Every endeavour for this purpose is laudable; and we are happy to see the press made the vehicle for conveying the sentiments of the considerate to the public. Even the more gloomy view of circumstances taken by writers, has its advantages; partly, because it receives correction from various quarters, and partly, because when a happier state of things shall prevail, such works will contribute to render them still more satisfactory, by comparison, or rather by contrast.

The temper of the times forbids despondency. The man who should mention despair, except in the way of protesting against it, would be recommend

glad to see the general tenor of these attempts; for although the writers may be supposed each to recommend his own view of events, perhaps, his own nostrum for their amelioration, yet the freedom of discussion, with the different aspects under which affairs are beheld, cannot but be beneficial on the whole. Even the contradictions of writers are not useless: Truth gains by them; they cause further enquiries to be made; they appeal to facts, and to better knowledge; and when the real state of things is cleared, they contribute to facilitate the means, or possibly to point out the proper measures to be taken, for remedying the disorders under which it is acknowledged the state unhappily labours.

When we describe these pamphlets | hand, and the fundholder, the placeman, as a specimen, we would not be under- and the pensioner, and your large military stood to intend the smallest disrespect establishment on the other band, are drawto those gentlemen whose works do noting to themselves the fruits of the labor of the active industrious part of the commuAccident, no appear in our pages. nity: moreover they are consuming the doubt, has contributed to the association capital of the Bee Hive. This diminuof these; and could we find room for all, tion of capital will, at no distant period, be all should be noticed. It must be ac- severely felt; not merely by a change of knowledged, to the praise of our writers the stock of cattle and of corn from one on politics, that their works usually dis- hand to another, (a result of no great implay good sense, and may afford hints, portance with a view to the future welfare though their schemes, taken as a whole, of the country;) but by an actual and alarming diminution in the number of may be inapplicable. cattle, and of the quantity of corn, and of physical power, from the absence of manure, and expenditure in labor; and from the pauperism and idleness of a large portion of the industry of the country; and the consequent inability to reproduce an equal quantity of human sustenance.

We shall first submit, by way of recording, Mr. Preston's description of the difficulties which oppress the nation. They are assumed to arise from— Ist. The Inability to bear Taxation to the amount required by Government.

2dly. The pressure of the Poor Rates, and the increase of Pauperism; without adding the tythes, since they are more immediately under parliamentary cogni


3dly. The want of work by those who are able to labor, and who are now without employment; and for those who, as the winter advances, will be discharged from their present employments, without any prospect of new engagements.

This writer states the expenditure of the nation at £70,000,000, a sum ex


ceeding the rental of all the land and all the houses, &c. in the kingdom." He says that each person pays 41. annually to support this taxation; and every bourer, who earns 181. 5s. 8d. a year, pays at least 10. of his earnings, in indirect taxes. He estimates the present Poor Rates at upwards of ten millions, annually. He affirms that, while the present system of warehousing shall continue, there will be no regular market or demand for British corn.


In the three last years, the depreciation of farm produce has not been less than 90 millions a year, or 21. an acre on 45,000,000 of acres. The abstraction of this sum from the cultivators and from the proprietors of the soil, and in the end from the laborers, has brought them into the state of ruin, in which they are now involved. The absence of this amount in the circulation of money is the result of prices, and has produced a stagnation in our manufactures, and brought ruin on almost every class of the community.

Surely, this representation is melancholy enough! Ruin! nothing but ruin! Yet Mr. Preston himself will not indulge despair: he speaks of draining retentive. soils, and employing in that species of labour one hundred thousand men annually. Irrigation on an extensive scale would give similar employment." "The introduction of hoeing into those parts of the country which have not adopted that beneficial improvement, would add


to the extent of the demand for labour." He "The extention of Potatoe culture would create a large demand for spring and autumnal labour; " "A large portion of useful labour might also be applied in making bricks for buildings and drainings, and pantiles for covering buildings. The plan adopted at Exeter of giving employment in a pottery and

It is not sufficient that Great Britain has the same physical resources as formerly, or even greater. You must give action, energy, and power to these resources. The misfortune which is experienced is that you have changed the sources and diverted the tide of wealth. You are requiring the industrious to labor not only for the capitalist, but for those who are deprived of employment, and to a great extent for discharged and maimed soldiers and sailors, most meritorious objects of relief!! The poor on the one

* In one year a capital of 15001. paid 5001. for probate duty, and for succession duty to A respectable solicitor the Government, stated this fact at the moment of writing this observation.

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