
Dove, a kind of pigeon
Excuse, apology

Excuse, to absolve f'm blame
Gill, a measure
Gill, part of a fish
House, a dwelling-place
House, to place under shelter
Lower, to grow darkish
Lower, not so high
Mow, a quantity of hay
Mow, to cut with a sythe
Raven, a black, large bird
Raven, to plunder
Read, to peruse
Read, perused

Rise, a high place
Rise, to go upward
Sheath, a scabbard
Sheath, to incase

Tarry, to remain in a place
Tarry, like tar
Use, employment

Use, to occupy, to employ
Wreath, a twisted article
Wreath, to twist

Disuse, a neglect of using Disuse, to cease to use Cruise, a cup, a bottle Cruise, to rove on the sea Hinder, to obstruct Hinder, behind another Lead, to conduct Lead, heavy metal Live, to exist, to dwell Live, to possess life Misuse, misapplication Misuse, to use improperly Row, a rank

Row, riotous conduct Staves, walking-sticks Staves, parts of a cask Slough, a miry place Slough, the skin of a serpent Tears, water from the eyes Tears, he rends apart Wind, moving air

Wind, to turn or twist.



The pupils should be very accurate in distinguishing these words by proncnciation.

Accede, to assent
Exceed, to surpass
Access, approach, addition
Excess, more than enough
Acts, doings, performances
Axe or Ax, a tool for chopping
Affect, to operate upon
Effect, to accomplish

Accept, to receive
Except, not to include

Achor, eruption on the head Acre, a quantity of land Air, the fluid we breathe Are, the plural of am, art, is Affusion, to pour upon Effusion, to pour out of

Addition, increase
Edition, a sending forth
Alley, a narrow passage
Ally, one in same interest
Allay, to quiet, to pacify
Arms, weapons of war
Alms, gifts to the needy
Arrant, notorious
Errand, a message
Errant, wandering
Baron, a degree of nobility
Barren, sterile, unproductive
Bran, the shell of grain
Brand, to mark
Burst, to break forth
Bust, upper part of a statue
Centaury, a plant

Century, a hundred years
Carat, a weight of four grains
Carrot, a plant and its root
Consort, a husband or wife
Concert, harmony
Descent, a falling, a slope
Dissent, a disagreeing
Depositary, one who deposits
Depository, place of deposit
Elicit, to call out
Illicit, not lawful

Emerge, to rise out of Immerge, to dip in fluid Fat, a greasy substance Vat, a tub or cistern Gesture, action, motion Jester, one who jests Heron, a large fowl

Herring, a small fish

Idol, a false god

Idle, not employed

Idyl, a short pastoral poem

Allusion, a hint

Elusion, escaping unnoticed
Illusion, a deception
Anger, excited displeasure
Angor, very acute pain
Apprise, to inform
Appraise, to fix a value
Ballad, a trifling song
Ballet, a kind of dance
Ballot, a way of voting
Boy, a male child
Buoy, to keep afloat
Bridal, rel'g to marriage
Bridle, head harness
Capital, stock, chief city
Capitol, a legislative house
Captor,one who overcomes.
Capture, seizure
Cypress, the white cedar
Cyprus, a thin stuff
Descendant,one that dsnds.
Descendent, falling
Decease, death
Disease, out of good order

Elude, to avoid by design
Illude, to deceive
Farther, at gr'ter distance
Father, the male parent
Gambol, to leap and skip
Gamble, to game
Genius, the mental powers
Genus, a sort, a kind
Harsh, rough
Hash, minced meat
Impostor, one who deceives
Imposture, deception
Ingenuous, frank, honest

Knotty, full of knots
Naughty, bad, worthless
Latin, the Roman language
Latten, sheets of iron tinned
Loom, frame for weaving
Loam, soft, loose earth
Matrass, a chemical vessel
Mattress, a quilted bed
Missal, the Romish mass book

Ingenious, skilled
Loose, to disengage
Lose, to suffer loss
Line, extension in length
Loin, part of the back
Marten, a wild animal
Martin, a kind of bird
Medal, an ancient coin
Meddle, to interpose

Missile, a weapon to be thrown Morse, a sea-horse
Naval, belonging to shipping Moss, a vegetable

Navel, part of an animal
Pendant, a jewel, a flag
Pendent, hanging

Pastor, a shepherd, minister
Pasture, a field for grazing
Projector, one who plans
Projecture, a jutting out
Radish, a plant and root
Reddish, somewhat red
Sculptor, an engraver,
Sculpture, sculptor's work
Set, to place
Sit, to be seated
Since, of later time

Sense, faculty of perceiving
Tenor, part in music
Tenure, a holding
Trepan, to ensnare
Trapan, a circular saw

Wreck, a shatteted vessel

Of, concerning
Off, at a distance
Pint, half a quart
Point, a sharp end
Pistil, part of a flower
Pistol, a small hand-gun
Pistole, a golden coin
Radical, deep, thorough
Radicle, the root

Senate, council of senators
Sennight, a week of time
Slack, to loosen

Slake, to mix with water
Talent, genius

Talons, claws of a fowl
Track, a footstep, a path
Tract, a treatise, some land
Valley, space betw'n hills
Value, estimated worth

Rack, au instrument of torture.


But unlike in spelling and signification.

Under this head is found the greatest evil in our spoken language, and all just means of cure should

be applied. Every unnecessary, obsolete, or obsolescent word should be thrown out of this catalogue, and the sounds of others should be gradually varied, that the number may be continually lessening.

There is no need of the word ait to distinguish an island in a river from one in other waters; and it is seldom, if ever, used in these days. I therefore throw it out. The former sound of the past tense of the verb eat is about obsolete. It is not now ate, like eight in number; but eat, or et.-Their has now become thur, and of course is distinguished from there, which signifies, in that place. So of be, to exist, and bee, an insect. Thus you see how I at once dispose of seven words from this long and bad collection. Many others might, for the same reasons, be thrown out now; and more, from time to time, hereafter. But with a thorough reformation of our alphabet and orthography, this good work might be pushed forward with much greater rapidity, by having the means of forming and fixing a slight variation in the sounds of these words; as, to, likewise; tu, in number; and tə, unto;—bar, naked; bevr, an animal ;-bet, a root; beat, to strike. By such a reform, another evil, though a far less one, would be instantly annihilated; I mean, our having many words alike in form, but very different in sound and meaning;-and that by con forming the letters exactly to the sounds; as, slough, s18 a miry place, slǝf the cast skin of a serpent; prgznt, przgnt; dgz. rt, dzǝrt; bass, boss, a fish, a tree,-bas, a part in music,—bas, a mat.

Air, an elastic fluid
Heir, one that inherits
Allowed, granted

Aloud, with a strong voice

Ale, malt liquor
Ail, to trouble
All, the whole

Awl, a pointed tool

Allegation, what is laid to one Anker, a measure

Alligation, connecting
Ant, an insect

Aunt, a parent's sister
Ascent, a going up

Assent, an agreement
Bail, surety

Bale, enclosed merchandise
Baize, a kind of cloth
Bays, more than one bay
Bare, uot clothed
Bear, an animal
Bay, an arm of a sea
Bey, a Turkish ruler
Beat, to strike
Beet, an edible root
Beer, a kind of liquor
Bier, a carriage for the dead
Berth, lodging-place in a ship
Birth, coming into exisience
Bow, a bent instrument
Beau, a gay young man
Blew, past tense of blow
Blue, a color
Bough, part of a branch
Bow, to bend the body
Brake, a thicket
Break, to part asunder
Bur, a prickly substance
Burr, the external ear
But, except

Butt, a cask, a push
Calendar, an almanac
Calender, a hot cloth-press
Cannon, a large gun
Canon, a church rule
Cauf, a box for live fish
Cough, a lung disease
Ceil, to cover inside

Anchor, for a ship
Ark, a vessel

Arc, part of a circle
Augur, to foretell
Auger, a boring tool
Bait, to feed, to tempt
Bate, to lessen

Ball, a round substance
Bawl, a broad loud voice
Base, low, vile

Bass, a part in music
Beach, a sandy shore
Beech, name of a tree
Been, to have existed
Bin, a box for grain
Berry, small fruit
Bury, to cover, to inter
Bell, a sounding vessel
Belle, a young lady
Bore, to make a hole
Boar, the male of swine
Bread, food

Bred, past tense of breed
Bole, a kind of earth
Boll, a round stalk
Bowl, a basin
Broach, to open
Brooch, a jewel
Burrow, a hole
Borough, a town
Buy, to purchase
By, near, beyond
Call, to name, to cry for one
Caul,covering of the bowels
Canvas, coarse cloth
Canvass, to examine
Cede, to surrender

Seed, the principle of life

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