
the fublime; who wielded all his faculties with equal strength and eafe, and never failed to imprefs the offspring of his fancy with the ftamp of his understanding.

This indeed is to reprefent Burns in his happieft phafis. In large and mixed parties he was often filent and dark, fometimes fierce and overbearing; he was jealous of the proud man's fcorn, jealous to an extreme of the infolence of wealth, and prone to avenge, even on its innocent poffeffor, the partiality of fortune. By nature kind, brave, fincere, and in a fingular degree compaffionate, he was, on the other hand, proud, irafcible, and vindictive. His 'virtues and his failings had their origin in the extraordinary fenfibility of his mind, and equally partook of the chills and glows of fentiment. His friendships were liable to interruption from jealousy or difguft, and his enmities died away under the influence of pity or felf-accufation. His understanding was equal to the other powers of his mind, and his deliberate opinions were fingularly candid and juft; but like other men of great and irregular genius, the opinions which he delivered in converfation were often the offspring of temporary feelings, and widely different from the calm decifions of his judgement. This was not merely true refpecting the characters of others, but in regard to fome of the most important points of human fpeculation.

On no fubje&t did he give a more ftriking proof of the strength of his understanding, than in the correct estimate he formed of himfelf. He knew his own failings; he predicted their confequence; the melancholy foreboding was never long abfent from his`mind; yet his paffions carried him down the stream of error, and swept him over the precipice he faw directly in his courfe. The fatal defect in his character lay in the comparative weakness of his volition, that fuperior faculty of the mind, which, governing the conduct according to the dictates of the understanding, alone entitles it to be denominated rational; which is the parent of fortitude, patience, and felf-deni 1; which, by regulating and combining human exertions, may be faid to have effected all that is great in the works of man, in literature, in fcience, or on the face of mature. The occupations of a poet are not calculated to strengthen the governing powers of the mind, or to weaken that fenfibility which requires perpetual controul, fince it gives birth to the vehemence of paffion as well as to the higher powers of imagination. Unfortunately the favourite Occupations of genius are calculated to increase all its peculiarities; to nourish that lofty pride which difdains the littlenefs of prudence, and the restrictions of order; and by indulgence, to increase that feasibility, which in the prefent form of our exiftence is fcarcely compatible with peace or happinefs, even when accompanied with the choiceft gifts of fortune!' Vol. i. P. 232.

The melancholy circumftances which involved the latter pesjad of the life of Burns in fhades of the thickeft gloom, na

turally leads his biographer to a philofophical investigation of the evils which commonly attend the temperament of genius. These evils are debility of the faculty of volition, improvidence in expenfe, imprudence in conduct, indolence, and a difpofition to drown the remembrance of forrows in wine. Though we have already taken the liberty of making copious extracts, we cannot refift the impulfe which urges us to give extended circulation to the important conclufions which Dr. Currie draws from fuch fpeculations.

'Though men of genius are generally prone to indolence, with them indolence and unhappinefs are in a more especial manner alhed. The unbidden splendours of imagination may indeed at times irradiate the gloom which inactivity produces; but fuch visions, though bright, are tranfient, and ferve to caft the realities of life into deeper shade. In beftowing great talents, nature feems very generally to have imposed on the poffeffor the neceffity of exertion, if he would efcape wretchednefs. Better for him than floth, toils the most painful, or adventures the most hazardous. Happier to him than idleness, were the condition of the peafant, earning with inceffant labour his fcanty food; or that of the failor, though hanging on the yard-arm, and wrestling with the hurricane.

Thefe obfervations might be amply illuftrated by the biography of men of genius of every denomination, and more especially by the biography of the poets. Of this laft defcription of men, few feem to have enjoyed the ufual portion of happiness that falls to the lot of humanity, thofe excepted who have cultivated poetry as an elegant amufement in the hours of relaxation from other occupations, or the small number who have engaged with fuccefs in the greater or more arduous attempts of the mufe, in which all the faculties of the mind have been fully and permanently employed. Even tafte, virtue, and comparative independence, do not feem capable of beftowing on men of genius peace and tranquillity, without fuch occupation as may give regular and healthful exercife to the faculties of body and mind. The amiable Shenstone has left us the records of his imprudence, of his indolence, and of his unhappiness, amidst the fhades of the Leafowes; and the virtues, the learning, and the genius of Gray, equal to the loftieft attempts of the epic mufe, failed to procure him in the academic bowers of Cambridge that tranquillity and that refpect, which lefs faftidioufnefs of taste, and greater conftancy and vigour of exertion, would have doubtless obtained.

It is more necessary that men of genius fhould be aware of the importance of felf command, and of exertion, becaufe their iolence is peculiarly expofed, not merely to unhappiness, but to difcafes of mind, and to errors of conduct, which are generally fatal. This interefting fubject deferves a particular inveftigation; but we muft content ourfelves with one or two curfory remarks. Relief is

fometimes fought from the melancholy of indolence in practices, which for a time footh and gratify the fenfations, but which in the end involve the fufferer in darker gloom. To command the external circumstances by which happiness is affected, is not in human power; but there are various substances in nature which operate on the fyftem of the nerves, fo as to give a fictitious gaiety to the ideas of imagination, and to alter the effect of the external impreffions which we receive. Opium is chiefly employed for this purpofe by the difciples of Mahomet and the inhabitants of Afia; but alkohol, the principle of intoxication in vinous and fpirituous liquors, is preferred in Europe, and is univerfally ufed in the Chrif tian world. Under the various wounds to which indolent fenfibility is expofed, and under the gloomy apprehenfions refpecting futurity, to which it is fo often a prey, how ftrong is the temptation to have recourfe to an antidote by which the pain of thefe wounds is fufpended, by which the heart is exhilarated, ideas of hope and of happiness are excited in the mind, and the forms of external nature clothed with new beauty!' Vol. i. p. 246. ̧

It is the more neceffary for men of genius to be on their guard against the habitual ufe of wine, becaufe it is apt to steal on them infenfibly; and because the temptation to excess usually prefents itself to them in their focial hours, when they are alive only to warm and generous emotions, and when prudence and moderation are often contemned as felfifhnefs and timidity.

It is the more necessary for them to guard against excess in the ufe of wine, because on them its effects are, phyfically and morally, in an efpecial manner injurious. In proportion to its ftimulating influence on the fyftem (on which the pleasurable sensations depend) is the debility that enfues; a debility that deftroys digeftion, and terminates in habitual fever, dropfy, jaundice, paraly is, or infanity. As the ftrength of the body decays, the volition fails; in proportion as the fenfations are foothed and gratified, the fenfibility increases; and morbid fenfibility is the parent of indolence, because while it impairs the regulating power of the mind, it exaggerates all the obftacles to exertion. Activity, perfeverance, and felf-command, become more and more difficult, and the great purposes of utility, patriotifin, or of honourable ambition, which had occupied the imagination, die away in fruitless refolutions, or in feeble efforts.

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To apply thefe obfervations to the fubject of our memoirs would be an ufelefs as well as a painful talk. It is indeed a duty wowe to the living, not to allow our admiration of great genius, or even our pity for its unhappy deftiny, to conceal or difguife its errors, But there are fentiments of refpect, and even of tenderness, with which this duty fhould be performed; there is an awful fanctity which invets the manfions of the dead; and let thofe who moralize over the graves of their contemporaries, reflect with humility

on their own errors, nor forget how foon they may themselves require the candour and the fympathy they are called upon to bestow.' Vol. i. P. 252.

(To be continued.)

A Tour round North Wales, performed during the Summer of 1798. By the Rev. W. Bingley, B. A. &c. Illuftrated with Views in Aqua-tinta, by Alken. 2 Vols. 8vo. 17. 15. Boards. Williams. 1800.

THE northern divifion of the principality of Wales is an object well worthy the attention of the traveller. Its lofty mountains and sheltered valleys, its rocks and woods, its rivers and torrents, prefent a rich variety to the eye of the lover of picturefque beauty. Nor will the naturalift fearch in vain for inftruction and amufement, in its mines and quarries. The botanist will be gratified with a copious feaft in the abundance of rare plants which are scattered over its Alpine heights. The attentive observer of human nature, too, will find matter for philofophical meditation in the cuftoms and habits of a race of men who difplay to his view the virtues and vices of an half-civilifed ftate of fociety. In fome few diftricts of this country, commerce may be contemplated in its infancy; and, by a comparison of the condition of thefe diftricts with the ftate of those which are more removed from intercourfe with the world at large, an eftimate may be formed of the influence of commercial connexions on the happinefs of mankind. On every stage of his journey through North Wales, the antiquarian is fummoned to the examination of fome ancient fabric, whofe venerable ruins give ample fcope for conjecture. In addition to all thefe advantages, thould the tourist be fo for tunate as to be introduced to the acquaintance of the CambroBritish gentry, he will enjoy the pleasures of hofpitality in their utinoft latitude.

In the publication of this tour round North Wales, Mr. Bingley has rendered a very acceptable fervice to thofe who may be hereafter inclined to vifit this country. His route is chofen with judgment, and his inftructions to his fucceffors are copious and precife. Having refolved on performing most part of the journey on foot, he proceeded leifurely along, allowing himself fufficient time to examine minutely the objects which attracted his notice. In compofing his journal he has adopted an excellent rule. In thefe volumes,' fays he, [ have, as far as lay in my power, put down, for the information of others, every thing, that I withod to have known when I was myfelf making the tour.' He will certainly communicate inftruction in the best manner who has the cleareft recollection

of the difficulties he has himfelf experienced in any specifie purfuit: and the traveller who faves the time and ftrength of future tourists, by pointing out the moft convenient way to thofe objects that are chiefly worthy of examination, deferves the thanks of the public.

All attentive readers of books of travels are too frequently wearied and difgufted with attempts to defcribe in words the charms of picturefque fcenery. The unvaried chime and eternal recurrence of grand, fublime, beautiful, delightful, waving wood, winding river, &c. &c. are truly tirefome. We are happy to observe that Mr. Bingley has been prudently fparing of fuch common-place defcription, and that, when he does attempt to give an idea of an uncommonly ftriking profpect, he analyfes its component parts with the eye of a painter, and thus prefents to his reader fomewhat of a clear and precife image. Of the numerous cafties and fortreffes which crown the fummits of the Cambrian hills, Mr. Bingley gives minute, but not always interefting, hiftories. In this department of his work he owes and acknowledges confiderable obligations to the late accurate Mr. Pennant. During the course of his journey he feems never to have remitted his botanical inquiries; and the refult of his labours in this branch of fcience is an account of the habitudes of upwards of four hundred of the more rare native plants.

Mr. Bingley's tour commences at Chefter, of which city he gives a defcription and hiftory, which are chiefly extracted from the work of Mr. Pennant. From Chefter he bent his courfe to Flint and Holywell. From Holywell he paffed through St. Afaph and Conway to Caernarvon, at which place he for fome time fixed his head-quarters, this being a convenient ftation, from whence a variety of interesting excurtions might be made into the neighbouring country, particularly to the fuminit of Snowdon. In one of thefe excurfions Mr. Bingley visited the vale of Llanberis, of which he gives the following defcription.

The road from Caernarvon to Llanberis, the church of St. Peris, a village about ten miles east of it, was, for the most part, rugged and unpleasant, lying for nearly half the way over a flat and barren country; and beyond that, as far as the first or lower lake, over mountains which, affording no varied profpects, were still dull and uninterefting. But when I had paffed thefe, and was arrived in the vale of Llanberis, the fcene which prefented itfelf was fo truly grand that I do not recollect one equal to it, even in the most romantic parts of Weftmoreland or Cumberland. It reminded me moft strongly of the fcenery about Ulfwater; but this, though much jefs extenfive, is still more picturefque. The bold and prominent rocks which afcend almoft immediately from the edges of the lakes,

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