
A.D. 1420. saying in a loud voice that they had killed the said Duke John wickedly and falsely, damnably and through envy, without any reasonable cause, and this being done they should be taken to the place where they perpetrated the said homicide, that is to say, to Monterau-faut-Yonne, and there should repeat the words and carry the tapers again in the same way as at Paris. Moreover that right on the spot where they slew him a church should be built, where twelve canons should be appointed and provided for, six chaplains and six clerks sufficiently salaried to celebrate divine service continually and daily, and that they should be provided with all ornaments and vestments, sanctified or consecrated, with a table, books, chalices, cloths, and all things whatever necessary and pertaining to such case, each of such canons to be assigned two hundred Parisian livres the chaplain a hundred, and the clerk or vicar fifty livres of the said money, at the expense of the said Dauphin and his accomplices, and also that the reason why this church and endowment were founded, should be inscribed on its portal in large letters cut in marble. And similarly that in each of the following towns there should be a church exactly like the aforesaid, that is to say, at Paris, Rouen, Ghent, Dijon, Saint Jago of Compostello,' and in Jerusalem, where our Lord Jesus Christ suffered death and passion for human redemption.

After this proposal was finished by the said Rollin, Maitre Peter de Marigny, the king's advocate in parliament, pleading again for the continual sentence against the said homicides, followed up all the preceding. Further, Maitre John Larchier, a doctor in theology, appointed by the Rector General of the University of Paris, also spoke very well and with authority before the two kings, exhorting them.

1 H. adds here at Rome.

to do justice in the punishment of those who were A.D. 1420. guilty of the said crime, and there he explained largely the ends and merits of true justice, exhorting, as has been said, in many ways and adjuring the said kings to listen to and graciously hear the prayers and requests of Duke Philip of Burgundy and his lady mother, in order that they might be pleased to give effect to them.

After these propositions it was answered on behalf of the King of France, by the mouth of his chancellor, that concerning those who had so cruelly and inhumanly murdered Duke John of Burgundy, at whom he was much displeased, and concerning the demands against them now made to him on behalf of the said Duke Philip and his lady mother, he would do upon them by the grace of God and the good counsel and aid of his son Henry, King of England, regent and heir of France, there present, due execution of justice in all the things said and proposed without fail. And this done, the two kings and all the lords withdrew each to his quarters.

Of the high and sumptuous state which the two kings
held one Christmas Day, each in his Hotel at
Paris, especially the King of England. CHAP-

WHILE the business above-mentioned was doing, the
English of Gournay in Normandy, those of Neufchâtel,
Vicourt, and others on the frontier, and with them Sir
Manneroy de Saint Leger, who was staying at Creil,
collected about five hundred fighting men, and made
incursions into Brie and Gallois,' where they took
several prisoners and gathered great spoil; but on
their return they were met by the Lord of Gamaches,
1 Gatinois. H. Valois.


A.D. 1421. who was at Compiegne, and other dauphinists of the garrisons in the surrounding country, who recovered near Montpilloy what the English were loaded with; and they killed at least sixty, besides those they took prisoners, and the rest saved themselves by flight; at which encounter the said Lord of Gamaches behaved very bravely.

During this season a marriage was made between Réné of Anjou, brother to the King of Sicily, Marquis du Pont by gift of the cardinal his uncle, and the daughter and heiress of the Duke of Lorraine.

On the other hand Sir Jacques de Harcourt, who still pretended to hold with the Duke of Burgundy's party, kept up a large garrison at Le Crotoy, and made war vigorously by sea and land against the English, with which King Henry was not very well pleased. The associates of the said Sir Jacques in these doings were the Lord of Rambures, Sir Louis de Thienbronne, and his brother Guichart, Sir Cocquart de Cambrone, the two brothers De Herselane, the children of Caumont, and several other gentlemen and warriors of the country.

In those days there came to Paris several ambassadors and people commissioned by the three estates of the greater part of the kingdom of France, previously summoned, as we have said, with whom, and also in their absence many consultations were held about the government and the public good of the kingdom and at the end of these, the salt tax fourths and other subsidies were remitted except to the great people.

At the next Christmas festival, the two Kings of France and England held full court, and with great state, that is to say the King of France in the Hotel. of St. Pol, and the King of England at the Louvre, which courts were very different from each other, for the King of France was very poorly attended

compared with the King of England, which grieved to A.D. 1421. the heart some Frenchmen who witnessed it, if they could have mended it. But when one has to speak of the style which the King of the English and the queen his wife displayed that day, one would not know well how to tell of the luxury, pomp, and richness of the vestments and dresses with which they were adorned, and similarly the princes, lords, barons, and knights of their courts; so the subjects of the kingdom of France came from all quarters in great humility to honour and exalt them.

And from this time the King of England began entirely to govern and administer the affairs of the French crown, and to appoint officers at his pleasure, dismissing those who had been put in long before and established by King Charles, and the deceased Duke of Burgundy, and the present one, for he appointed the Earl of Kent, named Omfreville, captain general of Melun, with a sufficient garrison of men-at-arms and archers, and the Earl of Huntingdon cousingerman of the king, he made captain of the wood of Vincennes, and also he appointed the Duke of Exeter with five hundred fighting men to live at Paris, about King Charles.

After the aforesaid appointments were made, and the solemnities of Christmas were over, the King and Queen of England, the Dukes of Clarence and Bedford, and others of the princes and great lords with him left Paris and went to Rouen, where anew he held great consultations upon the rule and government of the kingdom of France, and he sojourned there a certain space of time before crossing into England. And likewise Duke Philip, leaving the said place of Paris, went to Beauvais to the festival and installation of Master Pierre Cauchon, doctor of divinity, the new bishop of this town of Beauvais, and much inclined and affected towards the Burgundy party. This

A.D. 1421. festival being over the said Duke departed thence, and by way of Amiens and Dourlens went to Lille, and then to Ghent, where was his wife the Duchess Michelle, and at which place he remained about three weeks. And the red Duke of Bavaria, who had come with five hundred warriors to serve his brother-in-law, now returned in haste by way of Cambray into his country of Germany, because he had heard tidings that the Bohemians, instructed and taught by a clergyman of their country, who was a heretic, had been stirred up and stimulated by the poison of heresy, not only against our Catholic faith, but also against the Kings of Germany, Hungary, and Bohemia, and in great multitude were making cruel and deadly war against them.

How King Henry, the queen his wife, and the King of Scotland crossed over to England, where they were received with great honour and reverence. CHAPTER VIII.

AFTER King Henry had settled his affairs at Rouen, and appointed his brother the Duke of Clarence, who was very prudent and famous in arms, to be in his stead captain general of the whole of Normandy, he departed thence. So he passed through Caux, having with him the queen his wife, the King of Scotland, and his brother the Duke of Bedford, with at least 6,000 fighting men, and they came by Poix to Amiens on the eve of St. Vincent's day. The king and his court were lodged in the house of Maitre Robert Le Josne, who had lately been appointed the new baillie of Amiens instead of the lord of Humbercourt. At this place the kings and the queen were honourably received and grandly entertained, also many presents were made to them, and then by Dourlens, Saint Pol,

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