
Faust. It swells !—it shines !—it flashes in my hand!
Meph. The virtue there is in it, understand!

The Key will scent the Mothers to their lair. 7800
Follow his guidance down, and you are there.

Faust. The Mothers! it falls on me like a blow.
How can a word-a sound-affect me so?

Meph. Such narrow-mindedness !

At a new word

Quailing!—wouldst never hear but what you've heard? If-pardon me a meaning's to be found,

Beyond what your thoughts reach to, in a sound,

Is that a matter to astonish us,

So long inured to the Miraculous ?

Faust. Think not in torpor that I place my weal. 78% 'Tis man's-'tis man's to shudder and to feel The Human in us, though the world disown And mock at feeling, seized and startled thus, In on itself by strong revulsion thrown, Thrills at the Vast-the Awful-the Unknown. Meph. Sink then! I might say rise-'tis one.


From earth-from all existences that are,

Into the realms of Image unconfined.

Gloat upon charms that long have ceased to be:


Like cloud-wreaths rising, rolling, the combined 7720 Army of Apparitions rush on thee.

Wave high the Key, and keep them at far length—

From thy person keep them.


As I grasp the Key,

My heart expands to the great work, and strength
Is given me. Onward!

Meph. A burning Tripod tells thee thou hast found
The deepest-art below the deepest ground;

And by its light the Mothers thou wilt see-
Some sit, and others stand, or, it may be,

In movement are. Formation, Transformation, 7532
Eternal Play of the Eternal Mind,

With Semblances of all things in creation,

For ever and for ever sweeping round.

Onward! They see thee not, for they but see

Shapes substanceless. There's risk-be bold-be brave:

Straight to the Tripod; touch it with the Key.

[FAUST takes a firm commanding attitude with the Key

Meph. [looking at him]. All's right! it clings !-it fol

lows! Faithful slave !

Thou reascendest-Fortune raising thee—

Calm, self-possessed, as one that knows not fear;

Ere they have marked thine absence, thou art here. 78
Bring but the Tripod hither, and from night
Hero and Heroine you may raise to light-
The first to venture on such bold design.
'Tis done; to have accomplished it is thine—
And now as the magician bids, the clouds
Of waving incense shape them into Gods.
Faust. And now ? what now?
Stamp, and you sink; stamp-you ascend again.

Thy being downward strain.

[FAUST stamps and sinks

Meph. [alone]. If the Key lead him but in the right track!

-I wonder, is he ever to come back? 7850




EMPEROR and PRINCES. The COURT in motion.


BRUNETTE, Dame, Page

Chamberlain [to MEPH.]. Give us the Spirit scene without delay

The Emperor's impatient for the play.

Lord High Steward. 'Twas but a moment since his Grace did ask

About it. Haste ! The party was made for

This show of yours, and the thing must be done,

Or you will compromise the Emperor.

Meph. My friend's this very moment at his task;

He has gone away to work at it-has gone

To his study; has begun it; 'twill go on

Well-I've no doubt of it. Closeted close, none dare 7860 Disturb him as he works in secret there.

Who would raise up such treasure-would bid rise
The Beautiful-needs for the enterprise

The highest Art-the Magic of the Wise.

Lord High Steward. It matters not what arts you call to aid;

The Emperor's will is that the play be played.

A Blonde [to MEPH.]. A word, an't please you, sir. You see my face

Is now quite clear; but 'tis another case

When summer comes. In the hot horrid weather
A hundred brown-red spots sprout out together, 7870
Hiding the white skin, clouding it with freckles.
A cure, sir!


Pity, that a face so pretty, That smiles so dazzlingly on me to-day

Should look so in the month of merry May,

Like a young panther's hide-all spots and speckles.
Take frog-spawn, toads' tongues-stew all in a skillet,
And when the moon is at the full distil it;

And in the wane, be sure to spread it on.

Spring comes and goes-the freckles, too, are gone.

A Brunette [having made her way to him]. The crowd throng round, they fawn on you and flatter;7880

May I a plain word speak? A little matter

Ails me. A cure, my lord! A frozen foot
Mars walking, dancing, spoils even my salute
When I would curtsey.

[blocks in formation]

Of my foot hath a deeper meaning in't.
A cure will follow if my foot but strike,
Whatever the disease. 'Tis like to like
Forms the great secret of the healing art. 7890
Thus foot cures foot, and so with every part.
Now for the tread, which you need not return.

Brunette [screaming]. Pain! pain! it was a hard stamp,

like a burn,

As of a horse-hoof.

The torture?


How can I endure

With the torture take the cure.

[ocr errors]

At dances you can now with pleasure move,
At table mix feet with the man you love.

Dame [pressing forward].

cannot bear the pain;

Me!-let me through! I

It boils up from my heart-it burns my brain.
Last night he lived but in my glances; he 7900
Chats with her now, and turns his back on me.

Meph. A case of difficulty 'tis and doubt.
You must press gently up to him-hear me out-
This cinder keep, and with it on his cloak

Or on his sleeves or shoulder make a stroke,
Or any part that may your fancy take:
Remembrance and repentance will awake.
The cinder you immediately must swallow;
Wine must not touch your lips, nor water follow
This food. He sighs before your door to-night. 7910
Dame. There is not poison in it ?

Meph. [enraged].

Honour bright!

Think who you speak with. Long enough in vain

Might a man search to find the like again.

It came from one of the old wizard-pyres.

-We've not been lately stirring up the fires.

Page [approaching]. They scorn my love-they say 'tis but a boy's.

Meph. [aside]. Whom shall I listen to? What crowds! what noise !

[To the PAGE]. Tell not to growing girls your hopes and


Youth is not valued but by those in years.

[Others press up to him]. There-more; no end of comers -age and youth. 7920

My last, sad, only refuge is the truth.

Oh, Mothers! Mothers! let but Faustus loose.

[Looks round]. The lights already glimmer in the hall
The whole Court's moving thither, one and all.

Each pressing after each in their degrees,
Through the long walks, down the far galleries.
And now they gather in the ample space

Of the old Knight's Hall, and scarce find place.
O'er the broad walls the tapestry hangs rich,
And armour gleams from every nook and niche. 79
It needs no charm to bid the Spirits come:
Your ghosts are here if anywhere at home.


HALL OF THE KNIGHTS, dimly lighted




Herald. The usage of announcing our new play

Must to necessity for once give way.

The Spirits keep their secrets, and in vain
We seek the hidden magic to explain.

The seats arranged, the chairs are ready all-
The Emperor placed in front of the high wall.
There, worked in tapestry, he may behold

In peace the wars of the great days of old. 7940
Now the Court circle's filled, and all around
Crowds throng the benches, lining the background.
Lovers find room near lovers, and their fear
Will press them closer when the Ghosts appear.
And so, all being settled and at ease,

We are quite ready. Rise, Ghosts, if you please.

[Trumpets Astrol. Begin the Drama! 'tis the Sire's command. Obedient to his will, ye Walls expand!

Magic for everything that we require,

In any exigency, is at hand.


The curtain, curling as though touched by fire,
Is gone the wall divides-turns round, and there

Before us stands, far in, a theatre,

With light mysterious-none can say whence come ;-
And I ascend to the Proscenium.

Meph. [peeping out of the prompter's box]. No player like me, so up to all stage trick!

And prompting is the devil's rhetoric.

[To the ASTROLOGER]. The tune, to which the Stars keep time, you hear,


You'll catch my whispers with but half an ear.

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