
by the character and labours of his of nature, and the attractions of life. venerable father, opened many pros- This decided preference of the invisible pects of felicity and usefulness to her state to the enjoyments of the present, pious mind, on which it is natural to this aspiration towards immortality, was suppose she entered with delight. But a near approach to the temper of heashe was not long permitted to enjoy the ven, as rare as it is delightful; more happiness, or perform the duties of her especially in a young person surrounded new situation. She had just time to by many pious and social felicities. look around it, to commence her inti- Nor did the glory and solemnity of the macies, to form intentions of good, and prospect prevent her from attending to endear her character to those who were the tender duties which engage the atbest qualified to appreciate its growing tention of every one in her situation : excellence; and was then removed from the only effect it seems to have had upon the scene. Her health, which had never her was, that she gave much of her been vigorous, gradually declined as time to religious meditation, reading, she approached near the period when and prayer. Almost the last, if not the she expected to become a mother. last thing she read was, Howe's magniThese indications of decaying health ficent discourse on the Redeemer's dowere but very slight, and such as ap- minion over the invisible world. Nopeared likely to be soon removed. thing could be more appropriate and None of her friends, not even her consolatory. One of the most serious watchful and affectionate mother, who and beautiful passages of this discourse, had the consolation to be with her for stating the duty and happiness of being many weeks, had any apprehensions of ready to meet death whenever the Lord danger, till a very short time before of Eternity shall be pleased to inflict it, her death; but she herself, as it appears was found marked by her pencil under from several circumstances, had for a almost every line; indicating the soconsiderable time seriously anticipated lemn complacency she felt in the great a fatal result. This awful impression prospect that engaged her meditations. that death was at hand, whether it were The sufferings she endured in her last the product of a pensive fancy, or a hours did not allow her to express the merciful intimation from above, served devout consolations and hopes that unthe happy purpose of exciting her to doubtedly comforted her heart. She cherish, with greater fervour, the peni- died on the 21st of July last, in the tent and devotional temper of mind in 27th year of her age, a few hours after which every Christian would wish to giving birth to a child, who reposes in die. This anticipation, however, though the same tomb with its mother. It is it involved the extinction of all her mor- almost needless to add, that this affecttal hopes and felicities, did not disturbing event was lamented with a tenderher serenity, nor even impair her cheer-ness of grief not often felt. fulness. In one so young, so ardent, so alive to the charms of life, so lately united to an estimable husband, whom she loved with all her heart; above all, who had the prospect of so quickly becoming the mother of a child that might survive her; -on one who felt such numerous and vivid attachments to life, religion must have exerted its utmost power and consolation to have enabled her to surrender all this without melancholy sadness, or regret at the expected command of her Saviour. We look upon this as nothing less than a sublime triumph of religion over the tenderness at a first interview, and left nothing

Both the religious and intellectual character of Mrs. Saffery would justly admit of pleasing and extended description; but though she was held in very affectionate estimation by the writer, he must content himself by the simple mention of her predominant qualities and virtues, leaving to such as knew and loved her, to cherish the image of what she was, to imitate her where she deserved it, and to exceed her in cultivating those graces in which they might have deemed her defective. Hers was not a character which opened itself fully

cious of spiritual habits by which personal religion is most nourished and confirmed, and in which most who possess it are extremely defective.

more to be revealed; it did not disclose excellence consisted in the superior atits best forms, its real beauties, till after tention she gave to the exercises of prolonged and intimate acquaintance. devotional retirement. The writer is With more than an ordinary portion of assured, by one who was intimately mental vigour, she united a poetic re- acquainted with her private habits, that finement of feeling and beauty of fancy, she employed considerably more time in that frequently imparted an animated meditation and prayer than appears to charm to her serious, as well as her be commonly devoted by sincere Chrislighter conversation. Her nature was tians to this holy purpose. It conferred rich in poetry. She has left various no slight excellence upon her, to have compositions of this sort, which display excelled in the most difficult and prea pleasing combination of vigorous and beautiful language, with much pathos and elevation of sentiment. But religion is now her all. As in most other characters of a similar cast, some of the From these brief observations, it may manifestations of her piety were strongly be seen that she possessed the qualities coloured by the sensibility and vivid- which compose an interesting and beauness of her temper, being mingled with tiful character. Time only, and the a fervour to which religious persons in continued operations of religion, were general are almost perfect strangers. required to adjust and mature them into The divine tenderness and beauty of the their best form. This was not permitted Saviour's character-the affecting de- to be done on earth, but we hope it has clarations of his love-the prospect of been accomplished and ineffably surbeholding him as he is the devotion passed in the perfect and immortal state and purity of heaven-touched and which is now become her abode; where delighted her spirit in a high degree, we humbly trust she is numbered with whenever they engaged her thoughts. the saved, and appears without fault While she diligently attended to all the before the throne of God." common duties of religion, her chief

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A FORM FOR THE ADMISSION OF MEM-, Church of England (and Ireland), as to a BERS OF THE CHURCH OF ROME INTO true and sound part of Christ's Holy CathoTHE COMMUNION OF THE CHURCH OF lic Church. [Nevertheless, if there be any ENGLAND. COMPOSED BY ARCHBISHOP of you who know of any impediment or TENISON, BY ORDER OF QUEEN ANNE, notable crime, on account of which the pro


fession about to be made should not be

Extracted from the "Concilia Magne Bri- looked upon as sincere, let him come forth tannia, and used at Somer's Town Chapel, in the name of God, and shew what that Pancras, by the Rev. T. J. Judkin, M.A. crime or impediment is.]* Now, that this weighty affair may have its due effect, let [The Bishop, or some Priest appointed by us, in the first place, humbly and devoutly him for that purpose, being at the Com- pray to Almighty God, for his blessing upon munion table, and the person to be recon-us in that pious and charitable office we are ciled standing without the rails, the going about.

Bishop, or such priest as is appointed, Prevent us, O Lord, in all our doings, shall speak to the congregation as fol-with thy most gracious favour, and further lows:-] us with thy continual help, that in this, and

Dearly beloved, we are here met together

for the reconciling of a penitent, lately of *The words within brackets are not in the Church of Rome, to the Established the original form.

all our works, begun, continued, and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy name, and finally, by thy mercy, obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Almighty God, who shewest to them that be in error the light of thy truth, to the intent that they may return into the way of righteousness; grant unto them that are, or shall be, admitted into the fellowship of Christ's religion, that they may eschew those things which are contrary to their profession, and follow all such things as are agreeable to the same, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Psalm exix. from v. 169 to the end. Let my complaint come before thee, O Lord; give me understanding according to thy word.

Let my supplication come before thee; deliver me according to thy word.

My lips shall speak of thy praise, when thou hast taught me thy statutes.

Yea, my tongue shall sing of thy word; for all thy commandments are righteous. Let thine hand help me; for I have chosen thy commandments.

I have longed for thy saving health, O Lord; and in thy law is my delight.

O let my soul live, and it shall praise thee; and thy judgments shall help me.

I have gone astray like a sheep that is lost; O seek thy servant, for I do not forget thy commandments.

Glory be to the Father, &c.
As it was in the beginning, &c.

THE LESSON-Luke xv. to ver. 8.
Psalm cxv. to ver. 10.

Dost thou believe in God the Father Al mighty, Maker of heaven and earth? &e. [reciting the "Apostles' Creed."]

Answer. All this I stedfastly believe.

Art thou truly sorrowful, that thou hast not followed the way prescribed in these Scriptures for the directing of the faith of a true disciple of Jesue Christ?

Answer. I am heartily sorry, and I hope for mercy through Jesus Christ?

Dost thou embrace the truth of the Gospel in the love of it, and stedfastly resolve to live righteously and soberly in this present world, all the days of thy life?

Answer. I do embrace it, and do resolve, God being my helper.

Dost thou earnestly desire to be received into the communion of this church, as into a true and sound part of Christ's holy Catholic Church?

Answer. This I earnestly desire.

Dost thou renounce all the errors and superstitions of the present Romish Church, so far as they are come to thy knowledge?

Answer. I do from my heart renounce them all.

[If the convert from the Church of Rome be in holy orders, let these further questions be asked.]

Dost thou in particular renounce the twelve last Articles added in the Confession, commonly called "The Creed of Pope Pius IV." after having read them, and duly considered them?

Answer. I do upon mature deliberation reject them all, as grounded upon no warrant of Scripture, but rather repugnant to the word of God.

Dost thou acknowledge the supremacy of the Kings (or Queens) of this realm as by law established, and declared in the 37th Article of religion?

[Then the Bishop sitting in a chair, or the priest standing, shall speak to the Protestant, who is to be kneeling, as follows:] Dear brother (or sister)-I have good hope that you have well weighed and consiAnswer. I do sincerely acknowledge it. dered with yourself the great work you are Wilt thon then give thy faithful diligence come about, before this time; but inasmuch always so to minister the doctrine and sacraas with the heart man believeth unto rightements, and the discipline of Christ, as the ousness, and with the mouth confession is Lord hath commanded, and as this church made unto salvation; that you may give the and realm hath received the same, according more honour to God, and that this present to the commandments of God; so that thou congregation of Christ here assembled may mayest teach the people with all diligence also understand your mind and will in these to keep and observe the same? things, and that this your declaration may the more confirm you in your good resolution, you shall answer plainly to these questions, which we in the name of God and of his Church shall propose to you, touching

the same:

Art thou thoroughly persuaded that the books of the Old and New Testament, which are received as Canonical Scriptures by this Church, contain sufficiently all doctrine requisite and necessary to eternal salvation, through faith in Christ Jesus? Answer. I am so persuaded.

Answer. I will do so by the help of the Lord.

Wilt thou conform thyself to the Liturgy of the Church of England (and Ireland) as by law established ?

Answer. I will.

[If the penitent be one who has relapsed,

the following question is to be asked.] Art thou heartily sorry, when thou wast in the way of truth, thou didst so little watch over thine own heart, as to suffer thyself to be led away with the shadows of vain doctrine? And dost thou stedfastly

purpose to be more careful for the future, | Christ; to whom, with the Father and the and to persevere in that holy profession Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory, world which thou hast now made? without end. Amen.

Answer. I am truly grieved for my former unstedfastness, and am fully determined, by God's grace, to walk more circumspectly for time to come, and to continue in this my profession to my life's end. [Then the Bishop or priest, standing up, shall say.]

power to

Almighty God, who hath given you a sense of your errors, and a will to do all these things, grant you also strength and perform the that he may accomplish his work which he hath begun in you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


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[Here follows the Lord's Prayer.] Then, O God of truth and love, we bless and magnify thy holy name, for thy great mercy and goodness in bringing this thy servant into the communion of this church. Give him, we beseech thee, the stability and perseverance in that faith of which he hath, in the presence of God and of this congregation, witnessed a good confession. Suffer him not to be moved from it by any temptation of Satan, enticements of the world, the scoffs of irreligious men, or the revilings of those who are still in error, but guard him by thy grace against all these snares. And make him instrumental in turning others from the errors of their ways, to the saving of their souls from death, and the covering a multitude of sins; and in thy good time, O Lord, bring, we pray thee, into the way of truth, all such as have erred and are deceived; and so fetch them home, blessed Lord, to thy flock, that they may be one fold under one shepherd, the Lord Jesus

[Then the Bishop or priest, standing up (if there be no communion at that time), shall turn himself to the person newly admitted, and say:]

Dear brother (or sister)-seeing that you have, by the goodness of God, proceeded thus far, I must put you in mind that you take care to go on in the good way into which you are entered; and for your establishment and furtherance therein, that if

you have not been confirmed, you endeavour so to be the next opportunity, and receive the holy sacrament of the Lord's Supper. And may God's Holy Spirit be with you. Amen.

The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your heart and mind by Jesus Christ. Amen.


from a paper printed, by authority, in French The following list has been translated and German, illustrated with engravings of the golden and silver gilt cases in which the relics are contained. The paper is headed

Description of the Holy Relics which are preserved in the Cathedral Church of Aixla-Chapelle, and which are shewn to the public every seventh year, from the 10th to the 24th of July:"

1. The Chemise of the Holy Virgin, of cotton stuff, in which she was clothed when she gave birth to our Saviour Jesus Christ.

2. The Swaddling Clothes of our Saviour Jesus Christ. They are of very coarse cloth, of yellowish hue.

3. The Cloth in which the body of St. John, after decapitation, was wrapped up and carried away.

4. The Linen with which our Saviour Jesus Christ was covered on the holy cross, on which is still to be seen the marks of his precious blood.

5. A Link of the Chain with which the Apostle St. Peter was chained.

6. An Image of the Holy Virgin, of silver gilt, with several relics.

7. A portion of the Holy Cross, encased in gold, which Charlemagne always wore. 8. Hair of the Holy Virgin.

9. The Girdle of our Lord Jesus Christ, of leather, of which the two ends are sealed with the seal of Constantine the Great.

10. The Cord with which our Saviour was bound to the post at the scourging. 11. The entire Girdle of the Holy Virgin.

12. Part of the sponge with which they gave our Saviour to drink on the cross, and a thorn of the crown of thorns.

13. The arm of St. Simeon the Just.

14. An Agnus Dei, consecrated by Pope Eugene IV. in 1434, and a portion of the title of the Holy Cross.

16. A Drop of the Sweat of our Lord Jesus Christ, and a morsel of the reed which was given into his hand to mock

15. The point of a nail by which our him. Saviour Jesus Christ was fastened to the 17. The Skull of St. Anastasius, and several other relics.





which were those of the Rev. R. Hill, the

It is with extreme regret we announce the Rev. G. Clayton, Alex. Hankey, Esq., &c. death of that eminent Minister of the Gos- The mournful procession extended nearly pel, the Rev. Alexander Waugh, D.D. The half a mile. It arrived at the place of ininterment of this venerable servant of Christ terment about two o'clock, when the Rev. took place in Bunhill Fields on Saturday, Dr. Winter delivered an eloquent and imthe 22d ult. As the house in which he had pressive oration at the grave, and the Rev. resided, in Salisbury-place, New-road, was W. Broadfoot concluded the solemn service too small for the reception of the immense by prayer. The following inscription was number of his friends who were desirous of engraved on a brass plate, and fixed on the attending as mourners, refreshment was pro- lid of the coffin:

vided for them at the Rev. T. Stratton's "The Rev. ALEXANDER WAUGH, D.D., chapel; previous to leaving which, the Rev. born at East Gordon, in Berwickshire, AuR. Hill, M.A., and the Rev. E. Irving, A.M.,gust 16, 1754; ordained Minister of the severally engaged in prayer. A few minutes Scots' Church, Wells-street, Oxford-street, after twelve the body was deposited in a London, on the 9th of May, 1782, of which hearse drawn by four horses, and was pre- he continued a Minister until his death, on ceded by thirty-three of the juvenile mem- the 14th of December, 1827, in the 74th bers of the congregation on foot, and a year of his age."

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mourning coach, in which were the Rev. The funeral sermon was preached the folDr. Winter and the Rev. W. Broadfoot. lowing Sabbath, December 23, by the Rev. The corpse was followed by thirty-eight W. Broadfoot, at Wells-street chapel, from mourning coaches, each drawn by two Job v. 26. Thou shalt come to thy grave horses, containing the surviving members of in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh the deceased minister's family, several clergy-in, in his season." At the same time a just men and ministers of the metropolis and tribute was paid to the memory of this much neighbouring villages, of various denomina- esteemed and truly useful Minister of the tions; the elders and deacons of Wells- Gospel, by many other Ministers of various street, Oxendon-street, and Albion chapels ; denominations.

the directors of the London Missionary So- A correspondent has promised to furnish ciety, and a great number of private friends. a Memoir of this excellent Minister, for Ten private carriages also attended, among some early number of our Work.


Of the Particular Baptist Churches in Wales, and their Ministers. Those marked in Italics are not ordained Ministers, but local Preachers.

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