
the Bala Hissar, 412, 413; receives
abdication of Yakub Khan, 414;
issues a Proclamation, 415, 416;
makes a formal entry into Kabul,
416; adopts measures for carrying
on administration, 417; misrepre-
sented in House of Commons, 417;
congratulated by the Queen and the
Viceroy, 418; wintering at Kabul,
418-427; attacked by the tribesmen
on all sides, 428-440; life saved by
Mazr Ali, 436; storming of the
Takht-i-Shah, 441, 442; further
attacks, 444-447; concentrates his
forces at Sherpur, 448, 449;
strengthens his defences, 449, 450;
arrests Daud Shah, 451; defeats and
disperses the tribesmen, 453, 454;
reopens communication with India,
455; issues a Proclamation, 455;
fortifies Sherpur, 456; negotiations
at Kabul, 456-462; holds a durbar,
462; hands over supreme command
to Sir Donald Stewart, 465; visits
Jalalabad, 468; hears news of Mai-
wand, 468; telegram to Adjutant-
General, 472; appointed Commander
of Kabul-Kandahar Field Force, 473;
preparations for the march, 473, 474;
details of the Force, 475, 476; com-
missariat and transport, 477, 478;
starts for Kandahar, 478; order of
marching, 479; reaches Ghazni, 480 ;
reaches Kelat-i-Ghilzai, 481; tele-
graphs progress to Government, 481;
food required daily for the force, 482;
down with fever, 482; reports pro-
gress, 483; letter from General
Phayre, 483; telegraphs to Simla,
484; reaches Kandahar, 484; de-
moralized condition of the garrison,
484; encamps to the west of the
city, 485; reconnoitres the enemy's
position, 486; assumes command of
the Army of Southern Afghanistan,
487; defeats Ayub Khan, 488-491;
and captures his camp, 491; tele-
graphs the news, 492; difficulties
about supplies, 492; congratulated
by the Queen and the Duke of Cam-
bridge, 493; made G.C.B., 493;
appointed Commander-in-Chief of
the Madras Army, 493; proceeds to
Quetta, 493; parting with the
troops, 494; pleasant memories,

494; receives autograph letter from
the Queen, 495; reception in Eng-
land, 495; appointed Governor of
Natal and Commander of the Forces
in South Africa, 497; witnesses the
manoeuvres of the German Army,
497; offered the Quartermaster-
Generalship, 497; proceeds to Madras,
497; visits the Andaman Islands,
497; proceeds to Burma, 498; de-
clines the Quartermaster-Generalship,
498; measures for improving the
Madras Army, 499-501; memories
of Madras, 501, 502; visits Calcutta,
503; meeting with Abdur Rahman
at Rawal Pindi, 504-506; returns to
Madras, 507; appointed Commander-
in-Chief in India, 507; brief visit to
England, 507; accompanies Lord
Dufferin to Gwalior, 507; proceeds
to Delhi, 509; Camp of Exercise at
Delhi, 509; accompanies Lord Duf-
ferin to Burma, 509, 510; proceeds
to the North-West Frontier, 510;
makes a tour of inspection, 510-512;
draws up a memorandum on frontier
defence, 512, 513; Lady Roberts's
Homes,514, 515; sends reinforcements
to Burma, 516; lands at Rangoon,
517; measures for pacification of Upper
Burma, 518; inspects North-West
Frontier with General Chesney, 518;
receives Grand Cross of the Indian
Empire, 519; establishes 'Regi-
mental Institutes,' 519; establishes
the Army Temperance Association,
520; makes a tour with Lord Duf-
ferin along the North-West Frontier,
521; official inspections, 521; pre-
sides over Defence and Mobilization
Committees, 522-524; supports Lord
Dufferin's scheme for the utilization
of Native States' armies, 524; visits
the frontier, 525; spends Christmas
in camp, 525; visits Calcutta, 525;
makes a tour of inspection in Cen-
tral India and Rajputana, 525-527;
and in Kashmir, 527; remodels the
system of musketry instruction for
the Native Army, 527; improve-
ments in Artillery and Cavalry, 528;
visits the frontier with Lord Lans-
downe, 529; offered the post of
Adjutant-General, 529; meets Prince
Albert Victor in Calcutta, 529;


entertains the Prince at Muridki,
530; extension of command, 530;
meets the Cesarewitch in Calcutta,
views on the Native Army,
532; steps taken to increase its
efficiency, 532, 533; concession to the
Native Army, 533; unable to remedy
the under-officering of Native regi-
ments, 533; inspects the Zhob
valley with General Brackenbury,
534; raised to the peerage, 535;
visits Burma, 536; visits Nepal,
536; review of the Maharaja's troops,
537; a grand durbar, 537; an even-
ing reception at the palace, 537, 538;
a short tour in the Punjab, 538; pro-
posed Mission to the Amir, 539; the
Mission abandoned, 539; adieu to
Simla, 540; final tour in the Pun-
jab, 540; farewell entertainments at
Lahore, 540; at Lucknow, 541; and
at Calcutta, 541; pig-sticking at
Jaipur and Jodhpur, 542; address
from the municipality of Ahmeda-
bad, 542; parting dinner at the
Byculla Club, 542; the end of forty-
one years in India, 543; letter to
Yakub Khan, 551; interview with
Yakub Khan's agents, 551-553;
official report on interview with
Yakub Khan, 554-556; extract from
Report on Commissariat, 566-569;
instructions to officers commanding
Column in Burma, 569-572; farewell
address from Sikhs of the Punjab,
572, 573; from Hindus of the Pun-
jab, 574, 575; from Mahomedans of
the Punjab, 575-577; from the
European community of the Punjab,
577, 578; from the Talukdars of
Oudh, 578; from the citizens of
Calcutta, 579, 580

Robertson, Lieutenant, 477
Robinson, Lieutenant, 488
Romanofski, General, 304

Rose, Sir Hugh. See Strathnairn
Ross, General Sir John, G.C.B., 457,
463, 465, 475, 487, 488, 489, 490, 507
Ross, Lieutenant-Colonel, 385

Dr. Tyrrell, 214, 215, 267
Mrs. Tyrrell, 267

Rothney, Captain, 62, 79
Runjit Sing, 20, 267

Russell, Brigadier D., 169, 173, 178,
186, 190, 191


Russell, General Sir Edward Lechmere,
K.C.S.I., 298, 301

Russell, Lieutenant, 52

Russia, Czar of, 369, 462, 554, 555,
556, 557, 558

Ruttun Sing, Subadar, 139, 140

St. John, Sir Oliver, 343, 460, 470,
483, 485

Saiyad Nur Mahomed, 308, 321, 322,
323, 329, 335, 421, 554

Sale, Sir Robert, 14, 77, 107, 377,
424, 468

Salisbury, The Marquis of, 329, 347,
507, 563

Salkeld, Lieutenant, 126
Salmon, Sir Nowell, 185
Salmond, Lieutenant, 207
Samandar Khan, 455
Sandeman, Colonel, 77

Sir Robert, 77, 227, 330, 493,
511, 529

Sandford, Major, 222, 223
Sandhurst, General Lord, G.C.B.,

G.C.S.I. (Sir William Mansfield),
166, 179, 184, 197, 198, 202, 206,
207, 208, 212, 213, 222, 226, 257,
295, 296, 297, 299, 302, 309
Sandhurst, Lady, 257

Sankar Dass, Native Doctor, 378
Sarel, Captain, 144
Schouvaloff, Count, 340
Scott, Captain A., 550
Major, 83, 89, 120
Seaton, Brigadier, 212
Shafto, Captain, 418
Shah Jehan, 238

Shah Mahomed Khan, Wazir, 391, 392,
393, 401, 413, 427, 551, 557
Shah Shuja, 10, 14, 339
Shaidad Khan, Resaidar, 71

Sher Ali, Amir, 303, 304, 305, 306,
307, 308, 321, 322, 323, 328, 329,
330, 331, 335, 336, 338, 340, 341,
342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348,
351, 352, 353, 354, 368, 369, 373,
375, 377, 421, 428, 457, 458, 459,
466, 467, 538, 552, 554, 555, 556,
557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563,

Sher Ali, Sirdar, 468, 469
Sherindil Khan, Sirdar, 481
Sher Mahomed, Jemadar, 394
Sherries, Lieutenant, 362, 453
Sherston, Lieutenant John, 435

Shore, Sir John. See Teignmouth
Showers, Brigadier, 85, 95, 99, 105,
109, 110, 113, 114
Sikim, Raja of, 524

Sindhia, Maharaja, 154, 168, 262, 274,
278, 279, 334, 507

Sirdar Sing, 526
Skinner, James, 133

Skobeleff, General, 503

Sladen, Mrs., 277, 278, 293, 298

Slater, Major, 492

Sleeman, Colonel, 235, 246

Smith, Captain, 204, 205

Major Euan, 477

Major Percy, 221

Smyth, Colonel, 48

Smyth-Windham, Major, 384, 434,

435, 436

[blocks in formation]

Stanley, Lord, 547

Staveley, Lady, 335
Sir Charles, 335

Sterling, Colonel, 550
Stewart, John, 2, 3
Patrick, 178

Field-Marshal Sir Donald Martin,
Bart., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., C.I.E.,
9, 97, 230, 263, 271, 280, 293,
296, 297, 298, 300, 310, 318,
326, 346, 384, 394, 456, 459,
460, 462, 463, 464, 465, 467,
468, 471, 472, 473, 474, 478,

480, 485, 493, 498, 500, 504,
507, 509, 510, 544, 545, 546,
562, 565, 566

Lieutenant Donald, 492
Lady, 9, 271, 293, 297, 498
Sir Herbert, 320

Stewart-Mackenzie, Captain, 436, 437
Stillman, Lieutenant, 102, 103
Stolietoff, General, 341, 342, 343, 421,
554, 555, 556, 557
Strathnairn, Field Marshal Lord,
G.C.B., G.C.S.I. (Sir Hugh Rose),
75, 76, 229, 269, 270, 271, 274, 275,
276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 285,
287, 288, 293, 295, 320
Stratton, Captain, 385, 407, 491,

Sullivan, Gunner, 163

Sultan Jan, Shahzada, 372, 373
Swat, Akhund of, 282, 283, 284, 286,


Swinley, Captain, 371, 384, 445
Syad Ahmed Shah, 281
Symons, Major, 518
Synge, Captain, 127

Taj Sing, Sepoy, 489
Tamerlane, 263

Tanner, Lieutenant-General Sir Oriel,
K.C.B., 480, 481

Tantia Topi, 162, 168, 205, 208, 210,
211, 261, 278, 279
Taylor, Corporal, 127

Colonel Reynell, 283, 284, 285,
286, 291, 292

General Sir Alexander, G. C.B.,
99, 117, 119, 121, 134, 282,

Teignmouth, Lord, 303

Temple, Sir Richard, 325, 326
Thebaw, King, 508, 510
Thelwall, Brigadier, 357, 550
Theodore, King, 295, 298, 301
Thesiger, General.

See Chelmsford

Thomson, Lieutenant, 72

Lieutenant, 163

Thornhill, M., 154, 155, 156
Thornton, Thomas, C.S.I., 79, 80
Tikaram Kwas, Sepoy, 490

Tombs, Major-General Sir Harry, V.C.,
K.C.B., 83, 93, 96, 102, 103, 120,
127, 129, 130

Tonk, Nawab of, 261
Townsend, Dr., 394

Travancore, Maharaja of, 501

Travers, Lieutenant Eaton, 111, 140
Major, 169, 178, 180

Trevelyan, Sir Charles, 268, 269
Trower, Lieutenant, 443

Tryon, Admiral Sir George, K.C.B.,

Turner, Colonel F., 151, 218

Brigadier General Sir W. W.,
K.C.B., 288, 289, 290
Tweeddale, William Hay, Marquess of,


Tyndall, Colonel, 550
Tytler, Captain, 87, 88
Mrs., 87

Udaipur, Maharana of, 334, 525
Ulwar, Maharaja of, 261, 526
Unjur Tiwari, 208, 209, 217

Vandeleur, Major, 486
Vaughan, Lieutenant, 213


General Sir T. L., K.C.B., 288
Victoria, H.M. Queen, 162, 252, 254,
259, 260, 261, 262, 266, 270, 298,
325, 327, 331, 333, 334, 335, 365,
378, 405, 418, 492, 493, 495, 502,
505, 507, 519, 530, 533, 535, 538,
539, 542, 562, 563, 564, 565, 573,
574, 575, 576, 577, 578
Villiers, Colonel, 350
Vitkievitch, Captain, 338, 339
Vizianagram, Maharaja of, 501
Vonolel, Chief, 317
Vousden, Captain, 446

Vozgonoff, General, 558

Wakhan, Mir of, 330
Wale, Captain, 227

Wales, H.R.H. the Prince of, 120, 302,
326, 327, 328, 335

Wales, H.R.H. the Princess of, 302
Walidad Khan, 143, 144

Wali Mahomed Khan, 303, 373, 395,

396, 398, 419, 429, 439, 448, 469
Walker, General James, C.B., 62, 63
Waller, Major Robert, 14

Walpole, Brigadier, 204, 205, 212, 217,
222, 227

Walton, Captain, 180, 181
Warburton, Colonel, 511
Waterfield, Colonel Garrow, 350, 362,
365, 370

Waterford, The Marchioness of, 264

The Marquess of, 252
Watson, General Sir John, V.C.,
K.C.B., 23, 62, 72, 130, 141, 143,
144, 146, 150, 151, 152, 161, 172,
175, 178, 219, 222, 230, 375
Welchman, Colonel, 95
Wellesley, The Marquess, 234, 237
Wellington, Duke of, 194, 501
Wheeler, Sir Hugh, 112, 159, 161, 162,


[blocks in formation]


K.C.B., K.C.S.I., 62, 141, 142, 181,
228, 288, 289

William I., The Emperor, 497, 509
Williams, Lieutenant, 78, 79, 80

Colonel, 385, 443, 446, 454
Willoughby, Lieutenant, 183
Wilson, Sir Archdale, 44, 47, 48, 57,
83, 84, 86, 97, 108, 116, 117, 118,
119, 122, 123, 129, 130, 131, 132,
133, 134, 136, 137, 140, 141, 142,

Wilson, Colonel, 163

James, 268

Lieutenant, 477

Winchester, Mary, 310, 317

Windham, Sir Charles, 201, 202, 204,

205, 210, 211, 266

Wolseley, Field - Marshal


K.P., Commander-in-Chief, 187, 230,

497, 529

Woodthorpe, Captain, 385, 550
Wright, Major, 36, 38, 290, 291
Wylie, Colonel, 536, 537

Mrs., 536, 537
Wynne, Captain, 360, 550
Wynter, Captain, 477

Yahia Khan, 388, 413, 427
Yakub Khan, 305, 329, 330, 352, 368,
369, 373, 375, 376, 377, 378, 380,
383, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392,
393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399,
400, 401, 402, 404, 407, 411, 412,
413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 419, 420,
421, 422, 423, 425, 426, 427, 429,
450, 451, 459, 460, 462, 463, 466,
468, 496, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555,
559, 560, 562, 565, 566
Yanoff, Colonel, 535
Yorke, Lieutenant, 79, 98
Younghusband, Captain F., 535

Lieutenant George, 62, 100, 101,
130, 141, 144, 151, 152, 176,
177, 214, 215, 223
Major, 77

Yule, Colour-Sergeant, 442
Yuralski, Doctor, 555, 559

Zakariah Khan, 413, 427


ABDUR RAHMAN proclaimed Amir, 467
Abolition of offices of Commanders-in-
Chief, Bombay and Madras, 382
Abyssinian Expedition, 295-302
Afghan War, first, 241

Agra, Fight at, 150-153

Ahmedkhel, Battle of, 463, 480
Aligarh, Fight at, 147

Alipur, Attack on, 100, 101
Army Commission, 379, 382

Temperance Association, Establish-
ment of, 520

Assassination of Colonel Mackeson, 15
of Lord Mayo, 318
Assaye, Battle of, 194

Barrackpore, Outbreak at, 43
Berhampur, Outbreak at, 42
Berlin Treaty, 341, 342

Black Mountain Expeditions, 524, 531
Bulandshahr, Action at, 143
Burma Expedition, 508, 509, 510, 516-


Cawnpore, Fight at, 204-207

Massacre at, 161-163
Cesarewitch visits India, 531
Charasia, Fights at, 403-406, 463, 464
Chardeh Valley, Fight in the, 440-443,
444, 446

Chitral Expedition, 524, 535
Delhi, Camp of Exercise at, 509

Siege of, 82-140; the first victory,
83; enthusiasm of the troops,
84; Barnard's success, 85; the
Flagstaff Tower, 87; attacking
force placed in position, 88; the
weak point of our defence, 88;
defences, 89; death of Quintin
Battye, 90; the besiegers be-
sieged, 93; hard fighting, 94,
95; arrival of reinforcements,
98; death of Barnard, 101;
Reed takes command, 102;
treachery in camp, 105; more
hard fighting, 106; sufferings
of sick and wounded, 107;
Wilson takes command, 108;
Nicholson and the Movable
Column arrive, 114; Baird-

[blocks in formation]
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