
tions to his catechumen concern-
ing the Scriptures, 67, n. his
distinction of books Canonical,
and fuch as were doubted of, 69,
n. Account of the Gospel of
Scythianus, 384, n. Cenfure of the
Gofpel of Thomas, as the Gof-
pel of one of the Manichees of
the fame name, 397, n.



DAILLE, Monf. demonftrates the
fpuriousness of a book under the
name of Bartholomew, mentioned
by the fuppofed Dionyfius the
Areopagite, 171. a mistake of
his rectified by Bp. Pearfon,
ibid, n. another concerning Bar-
tholomew's Gospel, 174.
thinks the Epiftles of Ignatius to
be fpurious, 295.
DANIEL the Prophet, a citation
out of him, whereby the Chaldee
and Syriack languages feem to
be fynonymous, 95.
DE DIEU, his obfervation on the
affinity of the Chaldee and Sy-
riack languages, 95, n.
DIONYSIUS the Areopagite, one
of St. Paul's converts at Rome,
170, n.

DOCETÆ, a branch of the Gnof-
tick Hereticks, 332. fupposed to
forge Peter's Gofpel, which likely
may be the fame as the Gospel
of Bafilides, ibid.
DODWELL, Mr. a falfe opinion of
his, concerning the books of the
prefent Canon, espoused by Mr.
Toland, refuted, 42, n. 133. he
thinks Peter's Gospel was a for-
gery of the Docetæ, 332. his ac-
count of the age of Tatian, 390,
n. a mistake of his concerning the
promifcuous ufe of the Gospels
and Apocryphal books by the
Fathers of the first century, 410,
n. 414, 419.
DOXOLOGY at the end of the
Lord's Prayer, various opinions
of it, 115.
DRUSIUS, his proof of the Doxo-
logy, &c. 116. his opinion of the
fuppofed loft pieces of Paul, 136,

[ocr errors]

137, n.

Du PIN, Mr. the only perfon who

has purpofely written on the Ca-
non of the New Teftament, 17.
defects in his performance, ibid.
his mistake about the word Eu-
charift, 114, n. another concerning
the time of the Syriack Verfion,
ibid. his cenfure of the Egyptian
Gofpel, 202, n. of the Gospel of
Eve; and a mistake of his, 224,
n. his fentiments of the Nazarene,
or Hebrew Gospel, 285, n. his
opinion of the Anabaticon and
Revelation of Paul, 390, n. a
mistake of his concerning Phi-
lip's Gospel rectified, 383.


EBIONITES, what part of the New
Teftament they rejected, 8. the
Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles
made ufe of by them, 120. not
extant, ibid. feems to have been
a different name of the Hebrew
Gofpel of Matthew, 126, 217.
their Apocryphal Acts, 220.
their Golpel the fame with the
Nazarenes, &c. 221. They used
the Acts of Peter, 326, n.
efteemed St. Paul their great e-
nemy, 360. they and the Naza-
renes always declared Hereticks
by the Catholick Church, ibid.
EGYPTIANS, their Apocryphal
Gospel not extant, 120. tefti-
monies of the antients and frag-
ments of it, 197. fentiments of
modern writers concerning it,
201. five arguments proving it
Apocryphal, 204. it was never
cited, nor appealed to, by Cle-
mens, 206. but utterly rejected
by him, 207. composed by early
Hereticks, and probably Egyp-
tians, 209, 216. Their Thera-
peute bore a great agreement
with the Effenes, 213.
ELXAI, or ELXÆUS, a false pro-
phet about the time of Trajan,
A. C. 114. founder of the fect of
the Helkefaites, &c. 225.
ENCRATITES, Apocryphal Gof-
pel of, not extant, 120. efteemed
the fpurious Acts of Andrew

above all other Scriptures, and
why, 151.
EPIPHANIUS, Apocryphal books
mentioned by him, 34. his Cata-
logue of Canonical books, 61.
his cenfure of the Apocryphal
Acts of Andrew, 149, n. of
the Egyptian Gospel, 200. He
the only antient writer that men-
tions the Acts of the Apostles,
received by the Ebionites, 217.
and the Gofpel of Eve, 222, n.
His cenfure of the Helkefaites,
226, n. Account of the Gospel
of Judas Iscariot, 234. of the
Encratites, Apotacticks, and Ori-
genians, 243. A mistake of his
concerning the Lucianifts recti-
fied, 252. he charges the Ebio-
nites with forging books under
St. Matthew's name, 253. men-
tions the Gospel of Marcion,
263, n. his doubt whether Me-
rinthus and Cerinthus were not
one and the fame perfon, 265.
his account of the Nazarene or
Hebrew Gospel, 271, n. declares
Paul's Revelation a forgery, 317,
n. his opinion of the Anabaticon
of Paul, 320. rejects the Acts of
Peter as fpurious, 326, n. his
account of the Gospel of Scythi-
anus, 385, n. his account of the
principles of Tatian, 388, n.
cites the Acts of Thomas, 395,
n. his hiftory of Chrift according
to the flesh, 445.
ERASMUS, queftioned the autho-
rity of the Revelation, 9. fays
the hiftory of the adulterous wo-
man was wanting in moft Greek
copies, &c. 111, n. his acknow-
ledgment of finding the doxo-
logy at the end of the Lord's
prayer in all the Greek copies,
115, n. Sentiments of the Gof-
pel of the Nazarenes, Thomas,
Matthias, the Egyptians, Twelve
Apoftles, and Nicodemus, 201,


ESSENES, the great agreement be-

tween them and the Egyptian
Christians, 213.
EUCHARIST, in what fenfe the

word is ufed by Justin Martyr,
114, n.

EVE, Apocryphal Gospel of, not

extant, 120. has been observed
by several modern, though only
by Ephiphanius among the an-
tient writers, 222, n. proved to
be a forgery of the Gnofticks,


EUSEBIUS, his account of feveral
books of the New Teltament not
received by fome, who were not
hereticks, in the firft ages, 8.
n. 270. Apocryphal books men-
tioned by him, 32. his Catalogue
of Canonical books, 60. method
of diftinguishing between books,
which are, or are not to be re-
ceived, 64 to 70, n. he excludes
the Shepherd of Hermas from
the Canon, 70, n. cenfures the
Apocryphal A&ts of Andrew,
148, n. his account of a piece
wrote by Agrippa Caftor againit
Bafilides, 177. he declares the
Acts of Peter, Thomas, &c. to
be heretical forgeries, 241, n.
ranks the Gospel of Matthias
among heretical books, 254. his
account of the Nazarene or He-
brew Gospel, 268, 270. he
makes no ufe (as Mr Toland
falfely fuppofes) of the Nazarene
Gospel, 299, n. rejects the Acts
of Paul as fpurious, 314. and
the Acts of Peter as not Cano-
nical, 325, n. as alfo his Gospel
330, n. a fragment from him of
The Preaching of Peter, 354. he
rejects Peter's Revelation as not
Canonical and fpurious, 372, n.
376. is wrongfully charged by
Toland and others, with felf-con-
tradictions, 377, n. mentions the
Gofpel of Thomas as heretical,

[blocks in formation]

of his concerning the traditions
of Matthias rectified, 259, n.
his nice diftinction between the
contents of thofe traditions and a
Gofpel, 260. he cenfures Mr.
Toland, and condemns the Gof-
pel of the Nazarenes, 288, n.
his mistake in fuppofing the Ana-
baticon and Paul's Revelation to
be different books, 319, n. pro-
duces a large fragment of Philip's
Acts, 38, n. his obfervation on
the Orthodoxographa, 390, n.
miftake concerning the Acts of
Thomas, 395, n. another con-
cerning the citations of the Fa-
thers of the first century, 410, n.
FULLER, his obfervation on the
affinity of the Chaldee and Syriac
languages, 95, n.


GELASIUS,Apocryphal books men-
tioned by him, 36. his cenfure of
the Acts of Andrew, 150, n.
famous decree concerning Apo-
cryphal books, 154, n. thought.
to have been formed at Rome,
A. C. 494. though fome afcribe
it to Damafus, and others to
Hormifdas; whence Baluzius con-
jectures it to have been begun by
Damafus, renewed by Gelafius,
and continued by Hormifdas, 1 56.
He cenfures the book of Leucius
for Apocryphal, 244, n. and the
Golpel of Matthias for the fame,.
254. Mentions the Acts of
Thecla and Paul, 313, n. con-
demns their Revelation as Apo-
cryphal, 318, n. rejects the books
under the name of Peter, called
the books of Clemens, as Apo-
cryphal, 326, n. as alfo the Gof-
pel under the fame name, 331, n.
mentions the Revelation of Ste-
phen as fuch, 386. does the like
by the Acts of Thomas, his Gof-
pel, and Revelation, 395, n, 398,
n. 399, n.

GNOSTICS, forge the Gofpel of
Perfection, 380, n. a forgery of
theirs mentioned by Irenæus,
concerning Christ, 432.

GOSPELS, had not the prefent

titles prefixed to them by their
authors, 173, n.

GRABE, Dr. produces a fuppofed
fragment of the Gospel of Barna-
bas out of an old MS. in the Bod-
leian library, 161, n. but gives
no reafon in fupport of his con-
jecture concerning it, 162. his
error concerning the Revelation of
St. John and Cerinthus, 183, n.
Opinion of the Gospel of the
Egyptians, 202, n. his too fond
opinion of Apocryphal books,
208. A mistake of his in fup-
pofing the Gospel of Matthias to
be the fame with the traditions,
255, n. 259. His collection of
the fragments of Matthias's Gof-
pel, 215. of the Gospel of the
Nazarenes or Hebrews, 271, n.
his fentiments of the latter, 285,
n. a mistake of his concerning
Hegefippus, 296, n. another con-
cerning Origen, 298. an abfur-
dity of his in fuppofing the Na-
zarene to be previous to St. Mat-
thew's Gospel, 307. His Acts
of Paul and Thecla taken out of
a MS. in the Bodleian library,
313, n. His diftinction between
the Acts of Paul and Thecla,
and the Acts of Paul only, 314.
an error of his rectified, ibid. an-
other concerning the Anabaticon
and Revelation of Paul, 319.
His account of a MS. now ex-
tant in Merton College, intitled,
The Revelation of Paul, 324, n.
His conjecture concerning the
judgment of Peter, rectified,
338. too great opinion of the
Preaching of Peter, 356, n. he
would have Peter's Revelation
equally orthodox with that of
John, 372, n. wrongfully charges
Eufebius with felf-contradiction,
376, n. his falfe conclufion from
a paffage out of Sozomen of the
Revelation of Peter, 378, n. He
fuppofes Peter's Revelation to be
a prophecy concerning the state
of the Jews and the Chriftian
Church, ibid. n.


GREEK CATENA of the Twentythree Fathers on John, has not the history of the adulterous wo

man, 111, n. GREGORY, Mr. his account of a third Epiftle of Paul to the Corinthians, 29. excellent obfervation of the genuineness of the doxology at the end of the Lord's Prayer, 115, n. and from the Form of Prayer out of the tradition of the Elders, 116. GREGORY NAZIANZEN, his catalogue of Canonical books, 61. GROTIUS, his opinion of the time of the Syriack Verfion rectified, 114, n. afferts that St. Paul wrote feveral other Epiftles, befides those we now have, 137, n. his conjecture concerning the Revelation of St. John and Cerinthus, 185, n. Sentiments of the Egyptian Gofpel, 201, n. of the Nazarene Gofpel, 284, n.



HARMONY of the four Gofpels compofed by Tatian, 388. That of the Orthodoxographa not the fame with Tatian's, 390, n. HEBREW the firft language of the world, 92. its various dialects, ibid. HEBREW, Apocryphal Gospel of, not extant, 120. was fometimes called the Gospel of the Nazarenes, and fometimes of the Ebionites, 127. Vide NAZARENES. HEGESIPPUS, cotemporary with Justin Martyr, 28. mentions the Gofpel according to the Hebrews, 30, 268. cites not the Gospel of the Nazarenes, as Dr. Grabe and Mr. Toland wrongfully think, 296. HEINSIUS, his opinion of the faying of Chrift, mentioned by St. Paul, Acts xx. 35. p. 409. HELKESAITES, what part of the New Testament they rejected, 8, 225. their Apocryphal books not extant, 120. feem to derive their name from Elxai, or Elxæus, who lived about the year 114, p. 225. They are esteemed by Epipha

nius as neither Jews, Chriftians, nor Heathens, ibid. they were generally of the Jewish nation,

227. HERACLEON, an heretick of the fecond century; an account of him by Origen, 432. a more particular one of him and Theodotus, 344. HERMAS, excluded by Eufebius from the Canonical books, 70,


HERMIANI. Vide SELEUCIANI. HESYCHIUS, his false Gospels not extant, 120. though mentioned by Jerome and Gelafius as Apocryphal, and only interpolations. of ours, 227.

HOOKER, Mr. a citation out of him, concerning affent to a propofition, 116.

HUETIUS, his confutation of the Jews, in their charge againft Chrift for ufing magical arts,

192, n.



JAMES, Apocryphal piece of his not extant, 120. A book of his not the fame (though thought fo by Dr. Mill) with the Protevangelion, 230. Other books attributed to him, 231. thought by Dr. Mill to be wrote by Leucius, 232, n. ICONOMACHI, the author's conjecture concerning them, 248, n. JEROME, Apocryphal books mentioned by him, 34. his catalogue of Canonical books, 62. Quotation of the Gospel according to the Egyptians, 157, n. places the Gospel of Matthias among fpurious books, 254. his account of the Nazarene Gofpel, 275. He mistakes concerning Ignatius's using the Nazarene Gospel, 293. affirms the Nazarene to be the fame with the Gofpel of the Twelve Apostles, 299, n. reckons the Acts of Paul and Thecla Apocryphal, 312, n. the Acts of Peter, &c. the like, 325, n. the Gospel of Peter the like, 330, n. the Judgment of Peter the like, 335, n. A frag


ment of his, concerning, the Preaching of Peter, 354. He reckons Peter's Acts, Gospels, and Revelation, Apocryphal, 372, n. cenfures the Gospels of the Egyptians, and of Thomas, 398,


JEWS, their haughty efteem of themselves, and contempt of all the world befide, 106. they charge our Saviour with using magical arts, 191. IGNATIUS, his Épiftle thought by

fone to be fpurious, 295. INNOCENT I. Apocryphal books mentioned by him, 36. his testimony of the forgeries of Leucius Charinus, 231, 240, 261. he rejects and condemns the books under the name of Matthias, or James the Lefs, 261, n. detects Leucius's forgeries under the name of Peter, 379, n. JOHN, the Acts of, and other Apocryphal books under his name, not extant, 121, evidently appear to be the forgery of Leucius,


IRENEUS, Apocryphal books mentioned by him, 30. his account of the Gofpel of Judas Iscariot, 233. of the principles of Tatian, 390, n. mentions a forgery of the Gnofticks concerning our Saviour, 432. A grand mistake of his concerning the age of Christ, 436. JUDAS ISCARIOT, an Apocryphal Gofpel under his name not extant, 121. mentioned by Irenæus and Epiphanius, 233, n. JUDE, an Apocryphal Gofpel under

his name not extant, 121. JUSTIN MARTYR, his account of the weekly Chriftian meetings, 67, n. 97, n. he was a native of Palestine, in Syria, ibid. An objection concerning his refidence at Rome, anfwered, 98. Another of Dr. Cave's, that he was unacquainted with the Syriack language, anfwered, 99. In what fenfe he ufed the word Eucharift,, 114. does not cite the Gospel of the Nazarenes, 296. VOL. I.

[blocks in formation]


rinus, 126. LEUCIUS CHARINUS, his forgeries feverely cenfured, 232, n. Leucius and Seleucus the fameperfon, 239, n. Acts under his name the fame as the Acts of Andrew and John, ibid. n. was a Manichee, and lived in the latter end of the third, or begin. ning of the fourth century, 245. was a different perfon from Lucianus, ibid. the fame with Seleucus, father of the Seleuciani, 246, n. His Acts fpurious and Apocryphal, ibid. The judg

ment of Photius concerning them, 247. Leucius and Leonides one and the fame perfon, 250. He forged books under Peter's and other Apoftles' names, 379. LIGHTFOOT, Dr. his proof of the Doxology, &c. 116, n. his conjecture concerning the text, 1 Cor. v. 9. rectified, 141. Another conjecture of his different from the former, 142.

LUCIANUS, a famous critick and martyr under Dioclefian and Maximian,

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