





ABDIAS, his ridiculous hiftory
of the Lives of the Apostles,

ACE, Aco, Acco, Acu, were
the Syriack and antient names of
Ptolemais, 103.
ADULTEROUS Woman, hiftory
of, John viii. wanting in many
antient Greek MSS. and efpe-
cially in the present Syriack Ver-
fion, III.
ALCORAN, a collection of the Hif-

tories and Sayings of Chrift, and
things relating to him, to be
found in it, 451, &c. Vide MA-


ALOGIANS, their error concerning
St. John's Gofpel, 8.
AMBROSE places the Gofpel of
Matthias among spurious and re-
jected books, 254. cenfures the
Gospel of Thomas, 398, n. A-
pocryphal books cited by him,
33. why he read them, 129, n.
AMIRA, his obfervation on the
Chaldee and Syriack languages,
93, n.

ANABATICON and Revelation of

Paul the fame book. 126. Vide
ANDREW, his Acts and Gospels
not extant, 119. his Acts cen=
fured as Apocryphal by Eufe-
bius, 148, n. by Philaftrius,
ibid. n. by Epiphanius, 149, n.
by Pope Gelafius, 150, n. Other
books under his name declared
fpurious by Austin and Inno-
cent I. 152, 153, n. his Gospel
Apocryphal by Gelafius, 153, n.
ANONYMOUS author of the works

under the name of Dionyfius, his
catalogue of Canonical books,62.
ANONYMOUS author, his frag-
ment of the Preaching of Peter,

APELLES, an Apocryphal Gof-
pel under his name not extant,
119, n. nor mentioned by any
writer till Jerome, 156, n. His
age and principles, 157, 158, n.
APOCRYPHAL books extant in the
Apoftles' times, 23. A cata-
logue of those mentioned in the
fecond century, 30. which are
not extant, ibid. of thofe which
are extant, 37. Reasons why fo


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many were extant fo early in the Chriftian Church, 38. what books are fo, 63 to 85. Some mentioned though not extant, 119 to 156. made out of the prefent Canonical, 127. never appealed to by Chriftian writers, as of authority, 128. cited by the Fathers to fhew their learning, 129. or because the perfons against whom they wrote, did receive them, &c. ibid. APOLLONIUS, his account of The

mifon and his Epistle, 391. APOSTLES TWELVE, Apocryphal Gofpel according to them not extant, 119. feems to have been a different name of Matthew's Hebrew Gospel, 126, n. An account of it by Origen, Ambrofe, and Jerome, 158, 159, n. Their Acts under the names of Leucius, Lenticius, Leontius,and Leuthon, one and the fame book, 236. the fame with the Apocryphal Acts under the names of John, Andrew, and Thomas,

&c. 240.

APOTACTICKS, a fort of hereticks fo called, 22. They esteemed the Apocryphal Acts of Andrew above other Scriptures, and why, 151.

ARABICK, a dialect of the Old

Hebrew, 92. ATHANASIUS, Apocryphal books mentioned by him, 33. his catalogue of Canonical books of the New Teftament, 61, n. condemns Peter's Acts for Apocryphal, 325, n. 393, n. does the like by thofe of Thomas, 393. As alfo his Gofpel, 398, n.

ATHENAGORAS afcribes a particular faying to our Saviour, 436. AUSTIN, Apocryphal books mentioned by him, 35; His catalogue of Canonical books, 62. His opinion of Chrift's Epiftle to Peter and Paul, 188. Difputa

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tion with Fauftus the Manichee, 193, n. He proves the spurious Acts of the Apostles to have been written by Leucius, 240.

His account of the revelation of Paul, 317, 320, 11.


BALUZIUS, his conjecture concerning the decree of Gelafius, 156. BARNABAS, his Gospel not extant,

119. An account of it by Gelanus, 160. Two fuppofed fragments of it, 161. Another large Italian one, wherein Mahomet is named for the Paraclete, 164. therefore reasonably conchided a Mahometan forgery, 167. The author's and Dr. Mangey's conjectures concerning the original of it, 169, 170. BARONIUS, his high opinion of the Nazarene Gospel, 284, n. BARTHOLOMEW, his writings and Gospel not extant, 119. feems to have been a different name of the Hebrew Gospel of St. Matthew, 126. The book under his name proved spuricus, 171. and by Jerome and Gelafius accounted Apocryphal, 172, n. is the Hebrew Gofpel of St. Matthew in terpolated, ibid. n.

BARUCH, Book of, its error concerning the captivity, 10. BASILIDES, his error concerning the crucifixion of Chrift, 12, n. his Gospel not extant, 119, 177. only juft cited among the Apocryphal books by Origen, Ambrofe, and Jerome, 175, n. His age and tenets, 176, n. his commentaries, &c. 177.

BAXTER, Mr. a citation from him concerning people's remiffness in enquiring into the genuineness of the Scriptures, 14.

BEDA, his fentiments of the Hebrew or Nazarene Gofpel, 283,


BEZA, his opinion that St. Paul

wrote feveral other Epiftles befides thofe we now have, 136, 137, n. Of a faying of Chrift mentioned by St. Paul, Acts xx. 35. p. 409, n.

BURNET, Bilhop, a citation out of

him concerning the neceffity of
tradition to establish the Canon
of the New Teftament, 58, n.


CAIANITES, a fect of the Gnof-
ticks, &c. 234. forged a piece
under the name of Judas, ibid.

their tenets, 235, n.
CAJETAN queftioned the authority

of the Revelation, 9.
CAIUS, Presbyter of Rome, Apo-
cryphal books mentioned by him,


CALVIN queftioned the authority
of the Revelation, 9. fuppofed
St. Paul to have written more
Epiftles than we now have, 136,

137, n.
CANON of the New Testament

more difficult to fettle, than that
of the Old, 2, 3. The original
of the word, and when firft ap-
plied to Scripture, 19, 20.
mitive Chriftians did well agree
about books Canonical, 41. and
did generally receive the fame for
fuch, as we do now, ibid. Tra-
dition of the antients, the princi-
pal method of determining it, 53.
A demonftrative indication of a
true Canon, 63. Canonical
books, which, ibid. none of them
loft, 130. A noted objection to
this answered, 133. The bare
citation of a book in facred writ-
ings does not prove it Canonical,

CANTERBURY, prefent Archbi-
fhop of, a citation out of him
concerning the Apoftolical Fa-
thers, 5. a mistake of him in
putting the word Soul for the
Greek opgayida, 418.
CAPELLUS, his proof of the dox-
ology at the end of the Lord's
Prayer, &c. 116, n. thought St.
Paul to have wrote other Epiftles
than those we now have, 136,
137, n.
CARTHAGE, Council Third, its
catalogue of Canonical books,

CASAUBON, a citation from him
concerning the early rife of Apo-
cryphal books, 40. his opinion
of the Nazarene Gospel, 284, n.
CASSIODORUS, his conjecture con-

cerning the Hypotyposes, 374, n.
CAVE, Dr. thinks the decree of
Gelafius concerning Apocryphal
books to be fpurious, 156, n.
His mistake in thinking the Ana-
baticon and Revelation of Paul
to be two different books, 319,
n. his opinion that the Judgment
of Peter was the fame book with
the Shepherd of Hermas, re-
jected, 336. his favourable fen-
timent of the Preaching of Peter,
356, n.

CELSUS, his objection to our Savi-
our, as a magician, 191.
the Chriftians under the name of
Sibyllists, 364, n.
CERINTHUS, his Gospel and Re-

velation not extant, 120. feems
to have been a different name for
the Hebrew Gospel of Matthew,
126. mentioned only by Epipha-
nius, 178, n. his age, tenèts,
&c. 179.
A ftory of St. John

the Apostle and him at Ephefus,
ibid. n. he is referred to in Acts
xv. ibid. his Gospel the fame
with the Nazarenes, 181. his
Revelation mentioned only by
Caius or Gaius the Prefbyter,
182, n. not the fame as St.
John's, 183. but a ridiculous
forgery compiled out of the Ca-
nonical Revelation, 184, 185, n.
CHALDEAN Language. Vide Sr-

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he taught his difciples, not ex-
tant, 120, 186. not mentioned
till Auftin's time, except an E-
piftle to Abgarus, &c. ibid. that
to Peter and Paul proved out of
Auftin to be a ridiculous for-
gery, 188. another book men-
tioned under his name, 190. he
is falfely charged by the Jews
and Celfus, as a magician, 191.
an idle trite ftory of the former
to the fame purpose, ibid. a spu-
rious Epiftle of his among the
Manichees, 193, n. a hymn
forged by the Prifcillianifts un-
der his name proved fpurious,
195, n. a faying of his mentioned
by St. Paul, 408. others afcribed
to him in the Epistle of Bar-
nabas, 409. others by Clemens,
fuppofed to be the fame men-
tioned by St. Paul, 412. a frag-
ment in his name cited by Ire-
næus, 416, n. a difcourfe afcribed
to him by Papias, 422. another
by the fame, 423. a faying of his
out of Justin Martyr, 425. hif
tory of his baptifm by the fame,
428. another concerning him in
his younger years, by the fame,
430. a faying of him in Irenæus,
433. hiftory of his age in the
fame, 434. a faying afcribed to
him in Athenagoras, and a con-
tinuation of it by Pfaffius,, 436.
another by Clemens Alexandri-
nus, 437. another by the fame,
442. another cited by most of
the antient Fathers, 438. hiftory
of him and his parents by Origen,
444. of his relations according
to the flesh in Epiphanius, 445.
an answer of the Apostles to him
in Jerome, 447. hiftories and
fayings of, and things relating to
him, to be found in the Alcoran
of Mahomet, 451. four particular
fayings afcribed to him by the
Mahometan doctors, 469.
CHRYSOSTOM makes no mention
of the adulterous woman in John
viii. p. 111.

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CLARKE, Dr. a mistake of his
concerning Mr. Dodwell, recti-
fied, 5. n.


pocryphal books mentioned by
him, 30. makes no mention of
the adulterous woman in John
viii. p. 111. his teftimonies of
the Gospel of the Egyptians,
198. n. his interpretation of r
Cor. vii. 1. and i Tim. iv. 3.
p. 209. n. mentions the tradi-
tions of Matthias, 255. His ac-
count of the Nazarene or Hebrew
Gofpel, 268. n. does not appeal
to the Hebrew Gospel as of any
authority, 297. cites fragments of
the Preaching of Peter. 345. Ob-
fervation on the Hypotypoles of
Clemens, &c. 370. n. that book
not his, 373. the citation of it by
Theodotus examined, 375.
rary with St. Paul, his teftimony
of St. Paul's first Epistle to the
Corinthians, contrary to the opi-
nions of many modern learned
men, 138.
CLEOBIUS, author of feveral Apo-
cryphal books, 39.

LE CLERC, Mr. his opinion of fe-
veral Epiftles of St. Paul, not
extant, and fanguine remark on
thofe that are, examined, 136.
His fentiments of the Egyptian
Gospel, 203. cenfure of Dr.
Grabe, 208, n. His opinion the
fame with Dr. Whitby's con-
cerning the Nazarene Gofpel,
288, n.

COLLINS, Dr. was of opinion that
St. Paul wrote an Epistle to the
Corinthians, previous to those
two extant, 137, n.
CONSTANTINE Emperor, cites a
Greek acroftick concerning
Chrift, 364, n.
CORINTHIANS, a fpurious Epiftle
of theirs to Paul, and another of
Paul to them, 144, 145.
COSIN, Dr. a miftake of his recti-
fied, 56.
CYPRIAN, Apocryphal books men-
tioned by him, 32. his account of
the Christian meetings, 67.
CYRIL, Apocryphal books men-
tioned by him, 33. his Catalogue
of Canonical books, 61. inftruc-

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