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Subject: Noun or Pronoun.

Predicato: Verò. Present Subjekt: Namenw. oder Fürw.-Prädikat: Zeitw. Gegenwärtige Tense. Negative and interrogative. Omission of the auxil. Verb Zeit. Verneinend und fragend. Auslassung des Hülfszeitwortes

wind, Wind, m.

blow, wehen, blasen hear, hören

"to do" in German.
thun" im Deutschen.

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Does the wind blow? The wind does not blow. Does the teacher teach? The teacher teaches; the scholars do not learn. Do they hear? They do not hear; they are deaf. Are they attentive? They are attentive. They do not speak. Do the roosters crow? The roosters crow. The hens do not crow. Does he laugh? He does not laugh; he cries.

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The house is small; the barn is smaller; the stable is the smallest. The dog is large; the calf is larger; the cow is the largest. The woman is young; the girl is younger; the baby is the youngest. (The) sugar is white; (the) chalk is whiter; (the) snow is the whitest. The peach is soft; (the) bread is softer; (the) butter is the softest. The alley is broad; the street is broader; the bridge is the broadest.

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The twine is fine; the thread is finer; the hair is the finest. (The) iron is heavy; (the) silver is heavier; (the) gold is the heaviest. (The) chalk is hard; (the) wood is harder; (the) iron is the hardest. Sugar is sweet; syrup is sweeter; honey is the sweetest. The apple is small; the peach is smaller; the cherry is the smallest. The brook is deep; the river is deeper; the sea is the deepest.

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Charles is obedient; William is more obedient; Henry is the most obedient. Mary is attentive; Annie is more attentive; Clara is the most attentive. Thomas is diligent; Edward is more diligent; Fred is the most diligent. The copy is difficult; the translation is more difficult; the composition is the most difficult.


moon, Mond, m. sun, Sonne, 1.

pretty, hübsch

pigeon, Taube, f.

hill, Hügel, m

sparrow, Sperling,m. big, groß

rabbit, Kaninchen, n. rat, Ratte, f. precious, fostbar

church, Kirche, 1.

The moon is smaller than the sun. The pigeon is prettier than the sparrow. The dog is larger than the rabbit. Snow is whiter than chalk. Honey is sweeter than sugar. The house is not so high as the hill. The mouse is not so big as the rat. (The) silver is not so precious as (the) gold. The tree is as high as the church.

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The little horse is not very strong. The wild bear is brown. The unripe apple is sour. thirsty wanderer drinks. The lazy dog sleeps. The little girl sweeps. The poor woman cries. The blind man begs. The merry bird sings. The tame dove coos. The white lamb bleats.

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strong. Unripe

Little horses are not very

apples are sour. Lazy dogs sleep. Merry birds sing. Tame doves coo. White lambs bleat. Deaf people do not hear. Blind people do not see. Lazy scholars do not learn. Watchful dogs bark. Good boys obey. Naughty girls pout.

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The peacock is a beautiful bird. The pear is a delicious fruit. Mary is a good girl. The oak is a high tree. The violet is a pretty flower. (The) gold is a precious metal. Charles is an attentive scholar. (The) cotton is a useful plant. The church is a high building. The lion is a strong animal. The beggar is a poor man.


Auxiliary V. "to have"; Indicative Mode.

Present Tense.

Hülfszeitwort „haben“; Wirklichkeitsform. Gegenwärtige Zeit.


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(Ergänzung) auf die Frage: „Was ?"

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The bird has feathers and wings. A tree has leaves. The oxen have horns. I have a book. You have a pen. They have money and friends. We have a house. The girl has a doll. Has she a slate. She has a slate and a pen. The boy has a ruler. Has the carpenter tools? He has a saw, an ar and a hatchet.

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The peacock has beautiful feathers. The oaktree has large, green leaves. An ox has large horns. The rabbit has long ears. The cat has soft paws. The children have kind parents. The teacher has useful books. We have faithful friends. Mary has long curls. The lady has costly dresses.

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