
SER M. might speedily come; that it would XV. please God Shortly to accomplish the Number of his Elect, and to baften his Kingdom: According to that pathetick conclufion of the book of the Revelation, ch. xxii. 20. He which teftifieth these things, faith, Surely I come quickly: Amen; even jo come, Lord Jefus. And though (God be Thanked) We are not Now under fuch continual and fuch f vere Perfecution, as the Primitive and Better Chriftians were; yet whosoever has a just sense of the Vanity and Dif orders of this prefent World, and the Glory of the World to come; whofoever obferves what St Paul foretels, 2 Tim. iii. 12. Yea, and All that will live godly in Chrift Jefus fhall fuffer perfecution; and confiders the Difficulties continually arifing to upright and fincere men in Every Station of Life, from the numerous Errors and Corruptions, evil Cuftoms and debauched Practices, of an ignorant, fuperftitious, and tyrannical World; will fee reafon to think it fill and ever, a moft natural and proper part of the Prayer of every Good Christian,

Christian, that the Kingdom of God may SER M. come; even That New Heavens and New XV. Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

To which, that we may All at length arrive, God of his infinite Mercy grant, &c.



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Of the KINGDOM of GOD.

St MATT. vi. 33

But feek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his Righteousness, and all these things fhall be added unto you.


UR Saviour in the 24thS ER M. verfe of this chapter, warns his Difçiples of the abfolute Impoffibility, of their being at the fame time fervants of God, and flaves to the pleasures of this prefent

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SER M.prefent corrupt World. No man, says he, XVI. can ferve two Masters; No man can, at one and the fame time obey two Perfons of a contrary difpofition; The Judgment and Affections of his Heart and Soul, cannot at once be fixt and fettled, upon things of a different and inconfiftent nature: For either he will hate the one, and love the other; or elfe be will hold to the one, and defpife the other. He must of neceffity, by obeying the one, difobey and neglect the other; and then, his Servant only he is, to whom he obeys. Ye cannot ferve God and Mammon; ye cannot be truly religious and fincere fervants of God, while your Hearts and Affections are too intently and infeperably fixt upon the vanities of the prefent finful World; For in all probability there will fometime or other arife a competition between them ; and then he that cannot part with those injoyments of the World, which are inconfiftent with his Religion, muft neglect his duty towards God; and he that will upon no Account neglect his Duty towards God, must be content to part with


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