

Page 155, line 7 from top, for Cluvierus read Cluverius.
157, line 6 from bottom, for Le Sabine read La Sabine.
166, line 3 from top, for neque auro read atque auro.
line 8, for oleaeque read oleae.

line 21 from top, for plurimo read plurima.

167, line 8 from top, for unda cæpit read unde cæpit.
169, line 2 from bottom, for faut tirer read faut pas tirer.
173, line 3 from top, for Mons Sovis read Mons Jovis.

182, line 13 from bot. for Transierim Cyene read Transierim, Cinyra.
185, line 7 from bottom, for nominis et read nominis est.

line 22, for Tum read Tune.

186, line 11 from top, for densos rapit read rapit densos.
190, line 3, for Tigri read tigri.

line 6 from bottom, for quidpe read quippe.

197, line 9 from bottom, for antiquum read antiquus.
202, line 15 from top, for traheratur read traheretur.
203, in margin, for Ovid Fast. p. 580, read Ovid. Fast. I. 340.
line 8 from top, for lavat read lavit.

204, line 11 from top, for æternati read æternitati.

206, line 17 from top, for post hunc read per hunc.
228, line 15 from top, for quos celsa read quos celso.
234, line 9 from bottom, for sulcari read sulcaris.

236, last line, for VIII. 398 read VIII. 392.

238, in margin, for Sil. Italic. 528 read Sil. Italic. XII. 528.
252, line 4 from bottom, for latis read late.

258, line 7 from top, for agro read agello.

263, line 2 from top, for mugit read sonat.

277, line 4 from bottom, for armenta read armentum.

281, line 13 from top, for Diomeden read Diomedem.

-line 25 from top, for accensâ cerauniâ read accensa ceraunia.

282 line 18 from top, for vetus ut est read vetus est ut.
line 20 from top, for gens, sive, read gens, seu.

283 line 17 from top, for mutuet read mutet.

292, line 15, for Acetæ read Æetæ.

302, line 13, for fons Blandusia read fons Blandusiæ.
line 21 from top, for precori read pecori.

308 line 8 from top, for patulo read patuloque.

line 9, for Fulginium read Fulginia.

316 line 6 from top, for mollior aquâ read mollior agnâ.

317 line 2 from bottom, for solveret cui justa exacto read solverct

exacto cui sera.

518 lined from top, for litoris read æquoris.

Classical and Critical.


The following is in MR. GIBBON's hand-writing, on the back of the title-page of an interleaved copy of this Essay.

MEs amis me firent publier cet ouvrage, pour ainsi dire, malgré moi. Cette excuse banale des auteurs ne l'est point cependant pour moi. Mon père voulut me le faire publier l'hiver passé. Ma jeunesse, et un fonds d'orgueil qui me rend beaucoup plus sensible aux critiques qu'aux éloges, m'empêchèrent de goûter son projet. Mais me trouvant à la campagne avec lui au mois de Mars, il renouvella ses instances d'une manière si vive que je ne pus m'en défendre. M. Mallet me fit connoître un libraire nommé Becket, à qui je cédai mon manuscrit, moyennant quarante exemplaires pour moi. M. Maty corrigea les feuilles. L'impression de l'ouvrage, entreprise au commencement de Mai, ne fût achevée qu'à la fin de Juin, et mon livre ne se débitoit que vers le milieu du mois suivant. M. Mallet se chargea de la distribution d'une bonne




partie des présens que j'avois envie d'en faire. Voici l'extrait d'une lettre qu'il m'écrivit le 9 Juillet 1761.


"I HAVE executed the orders you gave me, and all the books have been delivered some days. Lord Chesterfield returns you his thanks, I expect in writing, and have had Lady Hervey's in that manner. Lord Hardwicke, with his compliments for the book to himself, assured me he would send the other to his son, and recommend you to his acquaintance. Lord Egremont will be glad to know you, if ever you should think of a journey to Augsbourg. I found Lord Granville reading you, after ten at night; his single approbation, which he assures you of, will go for more than that of a hundred other readers. I have gone further, in sending one copy to the Count de Caylus, another to the Duchess d'Aiguillon, and in giving a third to M. de Bussy."


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