

A FEW brief observations may be deemed necessary to explain why I intrude on the notice of the Public a Selection from the ancient and modern Poets, in addition to the many that have already appeared. I am not aware that so large a Selection of Sonnets alone, has ever been brought before the reading world: and when it is considered that our first and noblest Poets have solaced themselves in this elegant style of composition, I flatter myself with the pleasing hope that the present selections may be found worthy of the regard of all true lovers of Poetry, and may prove an acceptable service to the general

reader, in bringing forward to their admiration the beautiful but neglected Sonnets of Wiat, Surry, Sidney, Drayton, Daniel, Wither, Habington, and Drummond. A short biographical sketch has been prefixed to most of the Poets, with the exception of those from whom a few have been selected, rendering such a sketch unnecessary.

A few translations from the Italian Poets will not, it is hoped, be deemed out of place in this volume: more of Petrarch's will be found than those of any other, as he may justly be said to have been the model of our first English Sonnet writers, Wiat and Surry. They are, with the exception of six, taken from anonymous translators. The exceptions, including the one from Manfredi, are translated by a friend, who will not permit her name to appear; but who I hope will allow me to express my warmest thanks here, for her kindness, in permitting their appearance, as well as for the assistance she has afforded me in the compilation of this volume.

I am much indebted to Dr. Stebbing, for his kindness in allowing his translations of Dante to appear, as well as to Mr. Wordsworth, Mr. Bowles,

Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Rogers, and Mrs. Southey, who have all kindly allowed me to make extracts from their writings. To others, also, whose names do not appear, I return my best thanks. I have much pleasure in acknowledging the condescending permission of the Marquis of Northampton, to extract his Sonnet on Memory, from "The Tribute." To the Rev. Charles Strong I return many thanks, who so kindly presented me with a volume of his elegant sonnets.

Dart Cottage, Devon,
April 18th, 1841.

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