
the spirit, or from above.' So we are come to our own, and do live of our own, from our own mother and husband, and do know our own husband, mother, and city, and do know our own work and service in the spirit, power, and wisdom of God and Christ, that God and Christ doth command us, that we might serve God and Christ in his new creation, and holy generation, and so to serve him with all that we have; and if the serpent do put forth his head, and spit forth his venom at this, Christ, the seed of the woman, will bruise his head.

And we are come to hear our own prophet, which God hath raised up, Christ Jesus, to open to us; and him we do hear in all things in our meetings. And we are come to our own shepherd and bishop to hear his voice, who doth feed us, and oversee us in his pasture of life, and none is able to pluck us out of his holy hands. And we are come to our own minister, teacher, and circumciser, and baptizer, Christ Jesus, who gathers his wheat into his garner.

And we are come to our own captain of our salvation, the conqueror, that bruises the serpent's head, and destroys the devil and his works, who, through death, destroyed death and the devil, the power of death. So we are come to our own sanctuary Christ Jesus, which God hath pitched, and not man, which sanctuary is a safe place, in whom we have all peace, life, and salvation. And also we are come to our own beloved Christ Jesus, who is our way, truth, and life.

And also we are come to our own word of faith, and of power, wisdom, and of patience in our own hearts, which the apostle preached to the church in his day, by which word we are born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, and do feed upon the sincere milk of the word, and grow by it, which milk is our own.

And also we are come to our own anointing or unction, which we have received from the Holy One, which teacheth us, &c. and by which unction we know all things to our salvation and life eternal, and do know our duty, and service, and worship to God and Christ, and also our services and places in the church of Christ.

And also we have received the comforter, the spirit of truth, which spirit proceeds from the Father and the son, which is our own leader and guider into all truth, which gives us an understanding how to behave ourselves, and walk towards God and man in the truth; in which holy ghost is our communion, as it was the church of Christ's in the apostles' days.

And likewise we have received the glorious gospel of salvation, which hath brought life and immortality to light, by which we see over the devil and the power of darkness, who abode not in the truth, who had darkened us from life and immortality, but now it is brought to light by the gospel, the power of God, and so are become heirs of the glorious

gospel. So we are come to our own inheritance, and have a glorious fellowship in his comfortable gospel of peace, and in it we do all, males and females, see our services in the church of God, in our own heavenly sight and light.

And also we are the believers in the light, which is the life in Christ the word; so are become children of the light and of the day, and so we do know our duty and services in the day of Christ, so that we are not only come to our own, but we walk in our own day and light, as it was in the beginning; and God hath given Christ to us to be our counsellor and commander, who hath quickened us, and made us alive; who counsels us, and commands us with his heavenly counsel and wisdom; who is the heavenly spiritual man, whose heavenly counsel and commands are precious to us, which is beyond all natural men's; and so he doth counsel us who hath made us alive, how to walk among the saints in light, and in our services in the church of God. So that we are come to our own heavenly counsellor Christ Jesus, who bruises the serpent's head, so we need none of his counsel, nor his followers; Christ is sufficient, who is first and last, the beginning and ending; who was, and is, and is to come, in whom all nations are blest, and have their joy, peace, and happiness in the Lord. Amen.

The nations of them that are saved shall walk in the light of the holy city, and the glory of God doth enlighten it, and the lamb is the light thereof.' Rev. xxi. 22, 23.

Kingston, the 9th of the 9th Month, 1684.


A word of admonition to such as wander from the anointing and teaching within, and from the Father and the son.

As also concerning the supper of the Lord, before he was crucified; and his marriage supper after he was risen and ascended. And who are they that declare the generation of Christ, distinct from the generation of natural Adam; and the reason why all become not the sons and daughters of God that are called Christians; with many other precious instructions.

Showing also how the Jews and Christians wander from the commands of God, and communion with him.

Likewise God's promise to Cain, if he did well, he should be accepted.

Lastly, the true Christian's righteousness, which must exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees. By G. F.

THE apostle John saith in his first General Epistle to the church of

Christ, The anointing which ye have received from the Holy One which is in you, and as this anointing abideth in you, and you in it, ye shall continue in the Father, and in the son, and you need not any man to teach you, but as the same anointing doth teach you.' And all that are gone from this anointing's teaching, which comes from the Holy One, by which they should continue in the Father and in the son, they are gone and wandered from the Father and the son, that are gone and wandered from the anointing's teachings within. They wander after the world's teachers, and their sects and seducers, and so are carried about with every windy doctrine,' and so are unstable, unsettled, for they that are gone and wandered from the anointing's teachings within, they are wandered from Christ the true rock and foundation; and also are wandered from the Father and son, the apostles brought the church of Christ to in their days; for the anointing within, which they have received from the Holy One, by which they need no man to teach them, but as it teacheth them, and as it doth teach them, they shall continue in the Father and the son, and by it know all things, and be built upon the living rock and foundation. So such are a stablished people, and abide in the doctrine of Christ and the apostles, and do God's will, and know Christ's doctrine.

And all that abide in Christ the vine, they are the new bottles, and have the new wine, but all that abide not in Christ, and he in them, are reprobates, though they may profess all the scriptures that speak of Christ; they are the old bottles, and old creatures, that hold the old wine, and cannot drink the new wine of grace and truth, righteousness and holiness, for that breaks the old bottles of old Adam in transgression. And such cannot bring forth righteous and holy fruit, that do not continue in Christ the righteous and Holy One; but all that abide in Christ their vine and fig-tree, they shall not want heavenly wine and figs, and so such do bring forth righteous holy fruit; yea every branch that abides in Christ the vine; and they that abide not in Christ the vine, they abide not in him the head; such wander from the head, and such wander from the spirit of Christ, and are none of his. Now consider, grace and truth came by Jesus Christ, and this grace of God, which brings salvation, hath appeared unto all men; which grace taught the christians, in the apostles' days, and brought their salvation; by which grace they were saved.

Now all they that are wandered from the teaching of this grace of God, they are wandered from that which should bring their salvation and save them; so they are not like to be under grace, nor under the election of grace, as the church was in the apostles' days. And all they that are wandered, or erred from the spirit of God within, and truth in their inward parts, they are not like to worship God in spirit and

truth; and though they may make a profession of all the scriptures, yet they are not like to know them, which were given forth from the spirit of God, nor like to know the things of God, or the scriptures of truth, without the spirit of God, that was in the holy men of God, that moved them to speak them forth.

And all they that are wandered and gone from the law that God writes in their hearts, and puts in their minds, (by which they all should know the Lord, from the greatest to the least,) they are teaching their neighbours, saying, 'Know ye the Lord,' and have tithes and maintenance, for teaching people, and have got a law to force it from them, yea, from such as they do not teach; though Christ saith, 'Freely ye have received, freely give,' and 'No man knows the Father but the son,' &c. and the son and the Father are known by the revelation of his spirit. But such as deny the law of the spirit of life written in their hearts, and put in their minds, deny the revelation of the spirit, and that by which they should know the Lord, and God's teaching his people in the

new covenant.

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And you that are wandered from the light, which is the life in Christ, who enlighteneth every man that comes into the world;' you are wandered from that which Christ commanded you to believe in, and to become children of THE LIGHT, in which ye should have life everlasting, and come out of condemnation; and you that wander from the light that shines in your hearts, which should give you the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus, you do perish for lack of knowledge, and call that light (which should give you that knowledge) natural, who wander from that which should give you the knowledge of God and Christ.

They go into spiritual captivity, Babylon, Sodom, and Egypt, who go from the spirit and law of God, that he writeth in their hearts, and the gospel the power of God, and the grace and truth that cometh by Jesus Christ the light, and anointing that they bave from the Holy One; and then they are unfaithful to God and man; and he that is unfaithful in the outward things, who will trust him with the true and everlasting treasure?

And the gospel of salvation being preached to every creature under heaven, which gospel 'is the power of God to salvation, to every one that believes,' doth establish men; but all they that have wandered from the gospel, they have wandered from the power of God, which should save them, and that in which they should be established, and should bring life and immortality to light in them; and such remain in darkness, and do not know whither they go or wander. And the Lord poureth out of his spirit upon all flesh, both men and women, that with his spirit they might all know God and Christ, and the things of God,

and to be led by the spirit of God, that they may be his sons and daughters; but all you that err and rebel and wander from the spirit of God in your hearts, you know not Christ nor God, nor the things of God; you are not the sons and daughters of God, and you are out of the fellowship and circumcision and baptism in the spirit of God, neither can you worship the God of truth, but in his spirit and truth.

The preaching of Christ in his promises, and in the prophecies of him, and in the figures, and shadows, and types of him that was to come; and in his miracles and sufferings after he is come; and his death, and resurrection, and ascension, at the right hand of God, and after to preach him in man or woman that believes in him; and Christ to reign in their hearts, except they be reprobates; and this was the apostles and the saints' doctrine in their days. And the apostle did prove that Jesus was Christ, by Moses and the prophets; and when he had proved this to the Jews, that had Moses, and the prophets, and the promises, that prophesied of Christ; and when that Christ was come, according to the promises, and according to Moses and the prophets, and proved and manifested himself to be the Christ by signs and miracles, and then after the Jews had crucified him, and he died, and was buried, and rose again, and ascended, is set at the right hand of God, (according to the scripture,) and when many believed in Christ Jesus, then the apostles bid them 'prove themselves whether they were in the true faith, (to wit, that true faith which Jesus Christ was the author and finisher of,) and try, and prove, and know themselves how that Jesus Christ was in them, except they were reprobates.' So here the first proof was, to prove by the scriptures of Moses and the prophets, and the promises, and the figures, types, and shadows, that Jesus was the Christ, and the substance of them, both to the Jews, and the world.

And the second proof was, that when christianity was spread abroad, and many did believe in Christ Jesus, the apostle bids the Christians 'try themselves, and prove and know themselves, if that Christ Jesus was not in them, they were reprobates;' and he that had not the spirit of God, he had not life, and he that had not the spirit of Christ, he was none of his, and none can call Jesus Lord but by the holy ghost. So all the true christians must have the same holy ghost and Christ in them that the apostles had, if they truly call Jesus Lord and master, and are his, for the wicked Jews and Judas could call Jesus Lord or master, but it was by the unclean ghost.

And the apostle John, in his General Epistle, bids the Church Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God;' he doth not bid them only try their words but their spirits, because many false prophets are gone into the world, hereby know ye the spirit of God from the spirit of error, every spirit that confesseth that Jesus VOL. VI.


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