
" children," and saying — t. 20, "Ye 80 much calmness and holy courage did have an unction from the Holy One;" they suffer, that the soldiers who kept v. 21, “Ye know it," i.e. “the truth" guard were melted to tears. "In all v. 27, « The anointing which ye have re- these things we are more than conquerors ceived of him abideth in you;" chap. 2, through Kim that loved us." Planting 0.2, “Beloved, now are we the sons of your feet on the Rock of Ages, having the God."

shelter of the Divine protection, and so II. Attainment.--Here was the degree | glorious a home in prospect, you may well of their Christian character. “Ye are | say, “ The Lord is the strength of my life, strong," not physically, but spiritually. of whom shall I be afraid !! The sacred writer is not referring to their

Strong in holy steadfastness. There is a corporeal frame, but to their spiritual con close connection between stability and dition. “Ye are strong." Perhaps he had strength. The tree oft removed, is at best in his imagination the wrestlers and racers but å weak one. Yonder giant cedar has in the Olympic games, those who were the been rooted in the same spot for centuries. victors, and bore off the laurels ; and look The tradesman who is frequently removing ing on the spiritual, zealous young men to a new locality is generally found making in the Church, comparing their energy but little “head-way." "Unstable e with his own feebleness (for age had come water, thou shalt not excel," is as true in upon him, and his work was nearly done), divine things as in human. He who lives he said, “I have written to you, young in the habit of a close, daily acquaintanee men, because ye are strong." "True godli and communion with God, who “keeps ness reigning in the heart makes the man his armour bright,” found " instant in seg. strong. He who lives near to the Cross, son and out of season," labouring on in who lives in God, and God in him, such a the vineyard, whether it be amidst winter's :: one is “ strong in the Lord and in the barrenness, or spring's fertility, he will not power of his might.” Paul said to Timothy, be “soon shaken in mind, or troubled;" & Thou, therefore, my son, be strong in the he will not be diverted or seduced by the grace that is in Christ Jesus." The godly sophistries of men, or the Athenian cry, young man is strong in soul-animating “What new thing pk Unmoved by smiles courage. More than one victory on the or frowns, by the chaplet or cell, he will be field of battle has been gained, when, in a strong; the immortal principle within crisis, the general saw his troops dispirited, will be vigorous, because he is a steadfast, and at once rushing to the fore front, stim | unmoveable, always abounding in the work ulated them to a courage which resulted of the Lord.The godly young man is in victory. And well may he be courageous | strong in trial. Trial will come. It is a who has God for his refuge, and dwells in part of the discipline by which we are the “ secret place of the Most High." made meet” for usefulness, and then for What foe can injure him there? What | heaven. But sustained by the rigorous trial can overwhelm him there! The He | power of the inner, the divine life, trial brew youths, in the presence of the crowned tends to exhibit strength, and is often the tyrant and the sevenfold heated furnace, test of its genuineness and power. This showed their noble Christian courage:--"Be strength will be seen in the calmness with it known unto thee, o king, we will not which we bear trial, in the patience with serve thy gods, nor worship the golden which we rise above it, in the victory with image which thou hast set up... Our which we triumph over it. The calmness God is able to deliver us. . . He will of Isaac, who submitted to be “bound, and deliver us." Peter and John, summoned be laid upon the altar;" the patience of fore the Jewish tribunal, and threatened, Job, an illustrious example; the triumph replied, “We cannot but speak the things of Paul and Silas, who sang praises at midwhich we have heard and seen." Examples night in the dungeon; or of John, who, in crowd upon us. Take a case in the days the loneliness of an exile in Patmos, was of the infamous James II., and the “in the spirit on the Lord's day." These <" Bloody Assizes." There are two grand are not only realities and examples, but sons of the excellent William Kiffin ar. types, which have their anti-types, their raigned before the notorious Judge Jef counterparts, in Him who “bore the cross, ! fries, and condemned to death. Their god. and endured the shame;" and also in the liness rose above all fear of death, and with numberless hosts of witnesses for God, who 1

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in successive ages have endured trial, and I tyrant; over old habits, which yet struggle been delivered

for life; over "easily besetting sins," which

rise in rebellion ; over the constant ten“Calm as a summer's ocean we Can all the wreck of nature see;

dency to laxity and worldliness; over While grace secures us an abode

all your trials, over the world, over the Unshaken as the throne of God."

läst enemy; victory over the grave; Strong in successful labour.-Notwith- then will victory be complete! Entering standing all the use of machinery, there is the Jerusalem above, welcomed by the sayet a vast amount of work daily to be accom: viour to the throne, you look back on all plished, which none but the healthy and your foes--discomfited, slain-and say in robust can perform. In the Church of triumph, Oh! grave, where is thy victory! Christ, he who would be a successful la Oh! death, where is thy sting! Then and bourer, must be strong to wield those for ever, yours will be an immortal strength "weapons of our warfare, which are mighty which knows neither weakness, weariness, through God to the pulling down of strong nor woe. holds.” “I send thee, to turn them from

Wanted, even now,-WANTED, more darkness to light, and from the power of

than ever, -WANTED, for the best inteSatan to God." Wondrous work! Who rests of their own souls, and the more glois sufficient for these things ? who can per rious and rapid extension of the Redeemer's form it, unless clad in divine armour, and kingdom, a large and daily increasing numgirt with divine strength ? Unless pos ber of young men who are STRONG, in sessed of this strength, all our labour is whom the word of God abides, and who

whom the word of G ain. As well might an infant wisely rule have overcome the wicked one! the destinies of a kingdom, as well might

Oh, God, for Christ's sake, grant us you at a rock with a rod for a lever, as this inestimable blessing ; for thy Church's win souls to Christ, unless you are strong in

sake, and for the welfare of the myriads of him. With this strength, opposition is

our fellow-men who are yet without thy powerless. In this strength your war

love, destitute of thy grace, this blessing fare is perfected, your victory is gained. grant!

Strong in victories repeated and complete. Young men, we appeal to you! “Awake, "Strengthened with all might by his Spi awake, gird on your strength !!" rit in the inner man ;” thus, and only thus, then, and only then, is the victory yours,

“Stand, then, in his great might,

With all his strength endued; and the coronal adorning your brow. Vic

And take, to arm you for the fight, Lories repeated : victories over self, which

The panoply of God." must be kept under, or it will become a

King's Lynn.



It lies around us like a cloud,

A world we do not see;
Yet the sweet closing of an eye

May bring us there to be.
Its gentle breezes fan our cheek;

Amid our worldly cares,
Its gentle voices whisper love,

And mingle with our prayers.

Sweet hearts around us throb and beat,

Sweet helping hands are stirred, And palpitates the veil between

With breathings almost heard.

The silence,-awful, sweet, and calm,

They have no power to break; For mortal words are not for them

To utter or partake.

So thin, so soft, so sweet, they glide,

So near to press they seem
They seem to lull us to our rest,

And melt into our dream.

And in the hush of rest they bring,

'Tis easy now to see How lovely and how sweet a pass

The hour of death may be.

To close the eye and close the ear,

Wrapped in a trance of bliss, And gently drawn in loving armis,

To swoon to that-from this.

Scarce knowing if we wake or sleep,

Scarce asking where we are, To feel all evil sink away,

All sorrow and all care.

Sweet souls around us ! watch us still,

Press nearer to our side,
Into our thoughts, into our prayers

With gentle helpings glide.
Let death between us be as naught,

A dried and vanished stream:
Your joy be the reality,

Our suffering life the dream !

COME to the morning prayer,

Come, let us kneel and pray :
Prayer is the Christian pilgrim's st

To walk with God all day.
At noon beneath the Rock

Of Ages rest and pray; ..
Sweet is the shadow from the heat

When the sun smites by day.
At eve shut to the door;

Round the home altar pray;
And finding there “ the house of God,'

At“heaven's gate” close the day.
When midnight seals our eyes,

Oh, it is good to say, “I sleep, but my soul waketh,” Lord !

With thee to watch and pray.

Tales and Sketches.

THE UNPAID SALARY. my people haven't come up to the mark

yet. I am dependent upon the payment of A SKETCH.

my salary to meet that debt." " LORD, help!"

* This is the third time, sir." It was the fourth time the minister had “I know it, and I know also that you fallen upon his knees before that little study | come a great way, and incur some expense table. Še arose, after a fervent prayer, but, in coming." even as he took the pen in his fingers, the “But do you know, sir, that I need, ab. door-bell rang. He clasped his hands with solutely need, that sum to-day? I'm not the exclamation, “There he is, and I told a rich man, sir. I can't afford a fine parhim to come to-day. How can I put him lour, nor fine pictures, and I don't blame off again ? "

anybody that does, if they can, sir, and pay He sprang to his feet and walked swiftly their honest debts.” to and fro, pressing his temples as if ho The iron was hard enough to bear bewould crush them; for that dull, heavy fore; but now it is heated to a red heat, ache, the result of strong mental toil, under and sears the poor pastor on both heart the harrowing excitement incident to un and brain. paid debts, and especially an unpaid salary, “If I had any money, sir"was like the slow torture of iron driven in “If you had,” cries the coarser nature; upon the aching brain blow by blow. “you ought to have. You've got a well

Presently there came the timid little to-do congregation. Deacon Childs bought knock he expected, and there followed an of one of my neighbours, yesterday, a span anxious yet pleasant womanly face.

of horses 'worth their weight in gold "I hate to disturb you, dear Henry, almost. Silas Harper, over there, is putting but”

up the handsomest house in town. Job “Oh, I know, I know, ask him in; I'll Turner keeps the largest wholesale estabbe there," and down he goes on his knees lishment in the county; and two-thirds again, praying for strength from the pitying of your members are moneyed men. It's God, who sees his trials and numbers all strange to me that ministers always com. his tears.

plain of being ground down." They met in the handsome parlour, the A silent lifting of the heart-down, in. pastor and his creditor. The minister must dignant answer !-- like a sheep before his not be ashamed to invite anybody there, so shearers he was dumb. Be Christlike, the congregation had kindly put a rich though the torturo grows to agony! carpet on the floor, and handsome sofas “Mr. Kay, you do not doubt my word, against the wall, and beautiful candelabras | I hope.” on the mantel. It was all very well ; why One look in that face; perhaps he saw should not the pastor have books, and pic the shadows of great suffering in and under tures, and articles of taste, presented him the heavy eyes; perhaps he noted that by his flock? But then creditors have quiver of the chin which tells how much a aundiced eyes, you know!

man can suffer and be strong. "Good morning, Mr. Kay,” said the

“Oh, no, no; of course not; but the minister, forcing his poor voice, that came fact is, sir, I am worried about my affairs. from a very sad heart indeed, to be Everything would go straight if all my cheerful.

little debts could be called in ; but one after “Good morning, sir; you wished me to another failing, has almost driven me come," said the man, quietly. It was un.

crazy." certain whether a lion or a lamb stood there. “I don't know,"—and the voice faltered “Yes, I know"

just a little "I don't know but I should Oh, the anguish of a sensitive nature go crazy sometimes, but for the grace of when forced to put off a responsibility that God." The voice so plaintive, the look should be met!

that, brief as it was, told of internal .“But-I'm really very sorry-Mr. Kay; J anguish, softened the rough creditor...

“I believe you're doing the best you can, 1 better food in the house; while the fem sir," he said impulsively, “and it isn't me creditors who had been often unavoidably to distress any one, though I'm blunt. 'All put off, were clamorous, and in some in. I can say is, I'm sorry, and I hope I shan't stances insulting. What was to be done ? have to wait a great while longer, nor you. To write with any ease was impossible either. Good morning, sir."

under that load. To borrow, or to ask The minister could hardly speak.

those who should have helped him with “How was he, very rude ?" asked his prayers and voluntary gifts, were terrible wife, who had been trembling outside. alternatives ; for our minister was one of

"Oh, no, dear, no, no, don't worry those, as some call them, over-sensitive about it; in God's good time it will all men.' Generous to the heart's core, he come out right."

would give or lend without stint; but “But God has put such things into the when it came to asking favours for himself, hands of men,” replied his wife. “He then he shrank with all the timidity of s won't do their work for them, and must fearful child ; in fact it was humiliating. we suffer ? ”

Perhaps this was wrong ; but when men “ Never mind, dear, don't let us argue ; are so constituted, it is cruel to put them I'm very hungry, with all my other ills. Is to the trial. Still, if this burden must be dinner ready?”

borne, why, for the sake of his family, he A hesitating Yes was the assent. The would do it. It was utterly impossible to table was tastefully spread; a little silver study in such a state of mind, so he put on gifts from the people--and a smoking dish coat and hat after dinner, and went down in the centre. “A little side dish in which the street. was some queer nondescript, stood by the He called first on the brother whose duty wife's plate. The cover was lifted after | it was to collect the yearly subscriptions of grace had been said. The minister looked the members of the church. The man was at his wife, and the faces of two rugged, pleasant enough, but the answer on his lips healthy boys expressed a dissatisfaction was, “I've not had much time lately to that did not make them particularly at attend to collecting, and those I've called tractive.

on haven't paid. I'm sorry, Elder, I can't “Hasty pudding;" muttered Harry, the let you have something toward what's due, youngest"; "we had it yesterday.”

but I haven't got it. There's Brother “And day before," suggested the elder, | Meredith has not paid, and Deacon James." who had more of his mother's thoughtful (and several others whose names the coldisposition, and a brighter face.

lector gave), «they will pay in a short “There is no meat, then," said the time, and I'll hand it to you." minister, disappointed; "I might have " But, Brother Williams,. I am very known, though,” he murmured a moment | much in want of a few dollars to pay after.

several bills I am owing, and to provide for “Nor potatoes, dear; you know you the necessary wants of my family." positively told me notito run any further in “I'm sorry, Elder, I'm sorry our brethren debt for anything; you see I have obeyed are so slow in paying. I can't help it. you,” she added laughingly, though the Wish I could." very minute after the brow was clouded The man, if he was a member of the again.

church, told a falsehood. He could in s - “Right, my dear; quite right; if we can great degree have “helped it." Had he only keep soul and body together till the attended to the duties of his office with money rains in. Come, my boys, this is a promptness and fidelity, as he should have good, wholesome dish ; try to be cheerful.” done, and spoken plainly and faithfully to But they didn't like it. It was not dinner, the delinquents upon the necessity of an which in their minds meant a pleasant meal | early payment of their subscriptions, be of substantial things, such as a boy could I would have had money in his hands, and study bard and play hard on. The little therefore he could have helped it.” The side dish full of scraps of meat was pushed smooth falsehood slipped thoughtlonely towards the minister, but he could not eat. / from his tongue, but was, nevertheless, to His heart was heavy as lead in his bosom, corded above. Os and what he had thought hunger had “Then, Brother Williams," said the changed to grief. Sunday was near; his ser- | almost heart-broken pastor, “I see no other mons had to be written; and no prospect of way but I musta call upon & few of those

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