
of the word hen, pass promptly and pronounce the word wen. Do you thus give the true opening of the word when? In like manner compare h-wig with which, and h-wâr with where. Wh seems to be the sign of an element breathed throughout, the lips being in position for giving the sonant w, which, however, is not vocalized. Represent this aspirate, or breathing, by hw (or, if preferred, by a written v attached to the stem of a written h).

Call this element "the modified aspirate;" call the breathing denoted by h, "the unmodified aspirate."

Pronounce the following words. Five of them begin with the unmodified aspirate, h. Which are they? Whoop, where, which, who, what, whose, whom, whether, whole, while.

Analyze and Write the preceding ten words; also wharf, scarf, thwart, distinguish, original, distinct, tongue, liquid, experiment, opinion.


We have now studied 40 elements. There remain four compound vowels, as heard in isle, type; oil, boy; out, cow; tune, few.

The first, called "long i," composed of ä and ẽ, denote by i., "second (without name)

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66 third
"fourth, called "long u," "

It is curious to notice that in the fourth, the second element is accented; in each of the others, the first. See "Remarks on the Chart," preceding Lesson I.

Four Cautions.

1. Neither element of any one of these compounds should be made as distinct as when not combined with another vowel; nor should either be made so full as greatly to preponderate over the other.

2. The first diphthong is sometimes very improperly given in place of the second; thus il for oil.

3. Studiously avoid using â as the first element in the third diphthong. This vulgar pronunciation gives kâo for


4. The practice of omitting the first element of the fourth diphthong should be shunned. Say constitution, not constitootion; produce, not prodoos.

Pronounce the first syllable of the word music. Now omit its first element, and sound only u. sound are not quite the same.] Does the precisely like that in unit? What is the which of the two is the u in manual? stands as the first letter of a syllable, y is in the midst of a syllable, it should not be. ū, (not yu, not myūt).

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[The name and the u in music sound difference? Like When "long u heard before it; Unit, yū; mute,

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Long u" is never immediately preceded in the same word by the sound of r, sh, or zh. When such might seem to be the case, the u drops its first element and is heard as Hence true, fruit, cherubic, &c., are pronounced tro, frot, gerobik. If the u is not under accent, u may be heard rather than o, as in treasure, garrulous, cherubim.

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Each simple long vowel except ō has its kindred, or cognate, short vowel. Below, under each of seven of the long vowels is printed the cognate explosive vowel. Pronounce the first upper, then the one beneath, and so on. A remarkable likeness will be observed.

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The vowels of the second line are formed with a more open mouth than the corresponding long vowels; but their distinguishing quality is explosiveness. From both these causes the short vowels are more difficult of utterance. Bean is more easily pronounced than bin, trade than tread; and an indolent person or an invalid is not unlikely to say hând for hand, ep for up, and ôn for on.

Analyze each of the following lists, and tell what error is likely to occur in uttering the accented vowel:

1. Can, land, hand, pallid, stand, back, bag, famine, haggard.

2. Torrent, flock, on, fond, torrid, fondling, onset, monarch. 3. Pin, thin, think, pit, ambition, instance.

4. Tub, but, nut, must, pluck, cuff, snuff, corruption. 5. Met, fence, pen, health, remedy, connection, bet.

6. Fast, cast, last, lass, pass, grass, shaft.

and ä].

[Shun â, &, Each one should observe his own tendencies in speech. Many, perhaps most, young people need to guard watchfully and perseveringly against an indolent utterance. This indolent or feeble enunciation is chiefly perceptible on short vowels, and on the eight sonants, b, d, j, g, v, th, z, and zh.

Analyze and Write void, thou, shawl, musing, shining, wringer, clashing, prudent, useful, wherever, which, where'er, cerulean, useful, usury (zhų), sugar, sumac, mercury, merry, council.


In some instances, the error referred to in the previous lesson consists in repeating the vowel, rather than in substituting the long cognate,-thus, ha-and (or ha-und) for hand, me-et (or me-ut) for met. Whichever the error, the corrective is this, a quick, decisive pronunciation. No pains should be spared to acquire this, not only in recitation, but as a habit of speech.

Orthoëpists do not recognize any correspondent for ō. We must pronounce hole and whole precisely alike. Say rō road; bō, boat.

Close observation upon ō will convince the student that it is not strictly an element; the close, or "vanish," is, quite distinctly, oor u,ō-o. And though it is not well to give prominence to this "vanish," it is not allowed to omit it altogether, except, perhaps, in a few instances when ō is unaccented, as in geology.

Long a has likewise a vanish (in ē or i), the omission of which, if indeed possible, is certainly a less frequent error than its too great prominence.


S sh

k f th
{ dj g
▼ th Z zh

Which of the foregoing represent non-sonants?

The first four consonants in each line have been called abrupts; the remaining four, continuants. Why should these names be thought appropriate?

In some languages, as the German, the difference between a sonant and its cognate is not so clearly marked as in the

English. Thus, if you pronounce tok, you give very nearly the consonant sounds used by a German when he attempts to say dog. Whoever fails to make unmistakably clear, in his speech, the difference between a sonant and its cognate cannot be a good speaker of the English language.

Memorize (in order) the sixteen sounds indicated above; also the list of simple vowels given in Lesson XIX.

Analyze and Write apparel, tomorrow, terrify, lasting, passive, passing [the accented vowels in the last two words differ], furry, music, German, continued, curfew, precisely, sounds, mischief, modulate, fulsome, seamstress, zealous, noisome, pincers.


Pronounce bar, her, fir, for, cur. Monosyllables ending in r (or rr) preceded by a single vowel are so regular in their vowel sounds that readers early learn the power of each vowel thus placed; a (unless preceded by w or qu) has the sound of ä, o is ô, and each of the others, ĕ. This regularity aids the student essentially in the pronunciation of a word which he meets for the first time. When to such a monosyllable a consonant is added, the vowel, if it is a, e, i, or u, is not changed in sound; if 0, may change to ō, as in port, torn, worn, or to ẽ, as in work, word.


If to the first-mentioned forms e be added, the changes are more noteworthy. Then a become â,-bar, bare; e,ēher, here; i, i,-fir, fire; o, ō,-for, fore; and u, u,-cur, cure. Observe that each vowel except a [long a is never followed in the same syllable by r] now takes its name sound," here, ē; fire, i; fore, ō; cure, ū.


If any one of the combinations ar, er, ir, or, or, occurs elsewhere than at the close of a word, and is immediately followed by a syllable beginning with a vowel, the vowel preceding the r has its proper short sound; thus, ar-id, ster-ile, mir-a-cle, or-ange. When not so followed, the vowel before r has the same power as before r in a monosyllable.

Ur is rarely followed by a syllable opening with a vowel, except when the r is doubled; in which case u likewise becomes short.

Rr not terminal (in sound) is uniformly followed in primitive words by a vowel; hence, in such words, it is

always preceded by a short vowel; thus, marry, herring, Pyrrhus, morrow, horror, furrow, mirror. Even in derivatives, the effect of the following vowel is sometimes felt. For example, though from abhor we have abhôrd, we also have abhorens; from concur, konkurent; and from conspire, konspirasi.

The following list embraces words often mispronounced, from a non-observance of the principle laid down in the fourth paragraph of this lesson. Re-state the principle; also note that in words where the r is initial in a syllable, the preceding vowel if accented is long, as in mu-ral, pe-riod.

Arab, arable, arenaceous, Areopagus, arithmetical, aristocrat, apparel, herald, barometric, Carib, carat, caravan, parachute, paradox, parallel, prevaricate, harass, paramount, hilarity, farinaceous, Saracen, larynx, rarefy, rarity, character, guarantee, caparison, carol, maritime, disparity, disparage, peroration, peril, perigee, perish, peradventure, cerebral, therapeutics, verify, very, peregrination, oryctology, derivation, sterile, ceremony, derelict, derogate, querulous, ferule, heron, kerosene, seraph, heroine, imperative, sheriff, cherub, erudition, heresy, virile, pyrotechnic, miracle, iridescent, delirium, empiricist, tyrannous, lyrical, pyramid, florid, foreign, orange, coral, florin, Doric, forage, forest, quarantine, horologe, orator, origin, orifice, oriflamme, chorister.

Write and Analyze the first twenty words in the foregoing list.


Which syllable can you utter more easily, latçd or lagt, helpt or helpd, bagd or bagt? It is found that two nonsonants or two sonants may be more easily spoken with a single impulse than a combination embracing one of each class.

ASSIMILATION is the act of bringing or changing into a likeness; in Pronunciation, it consists in sounding a sonant for its cognate non-sonant written in the word, or the reverse, for the purpose of making it coälesce with an adjacent sound. Thus t is sounded for printed d in oped, and z for s in odes. Notice that, as written, the two consonants in oped are of unlike classes; so, also, in odes: in speaking, they are brought to a likeness, assimilated.

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