
Haft thou exercised a daily care and watchfulness over thy deceitful heart, refifting its importunities and lufts?

Haft thou contented thy felf with only the form and outside of religion and godliness, neglecting the life and power thereof? Haft thou earnestly implored the affistance of the Holy Spirit of God, to renew and fanctify thee?

Doft thou study to attain a true humility, and to become fenfible of thy own follies and frailties?

Doft thou refift the first rifings of pride, and an immoderate opinion of thy own understanding, and ftudy to improve it to God's glory, and the good of mankind?

Doft thou endeavour after a meek and quiet fpirit?

Haft thou not behaved with pride and haughtiness in converfation and carriage? Haft thou not been angry without caufe, or above juft caufe?

Haft thou not been pettish and froward in little things, and upon mere mistakes, and involuntary errors of others, for want of reviewing things in their juft nature, weight and measure?

Art thou contented with the condition which God hath allotted thee in this world? Haft thou not been immoderately concerned and anxious about prefent things?


Haft thou not been too covetous of the world, its riches, honours, and pleafures?

Haft thou not fought to gain, or to keep them by finful means?

Doft thou not envy others, because their condition is more plentiful and profperous than thy own?

Haft thou been diligent in doing thy own bufinefs, and to provide thofe things that are needful and expedient for thyfelf and family, and fuch as depend upon thee:

Haft thou endeavoured to make thyfelf ufeful in the world, and charitable to thy fellow-creatures?

Haft thou reftrained thy appetites? haft thou not committed excefs in eating and drinking, in fleep, or recreations?

Doft thou spend more time in fleeping and recreations than is a neceflary and convenient refreshment?

Doft thou choofe and defire fuch recreations only as are honeft and innocent? Doft thou faft and pray for the fubduing and mortifying of thy lufts?

Haft thou never been guilty of adultery, fornication, or any other actual pollution and uncleannefs, and been careful to avoid all fuch objects and difcourtes as are apt to excite filthy defires in thy heart?

Haft thou not had an impure heart, or D


unclean affections, or offended by any unchafte thoughts, words, or actions? Doft thou ufe moderation in thy apparel, fuitable to thy condition and abilities?


N. B. Thus far, all persons of what age, sex, or condition soever, are concerned to examine themselves distinctly in relation to the sins they have committed against GOD, their neighbour, and themselves. But upon the following heads inquiry is only to be made as they shall agree with every one particular circumstance and relation in life.


The duty of a child to the parent*.

AST thou reverenced and honoured

mands, and attended to their wife counfels and inftructions, and that for confcience fake?

Doft thou fhow all love and gratitude to them for thy being and education? Doft thou heartily with and pray for their life and profperity?

Haft thou, according to thy ability, made a comfortable provifion for them, if reduced to want?

Doft thou dutifully conceal and excufe their failings and infirmities?

Haft thou been difobedient to them; dishonoured them in thy mind, or carried thyfelf rudely and irreverently in thy behaviour towards them?

Hafthou mocked,orfpoken evil ofthem?

*This duty may be found explained at large in the New WHOLE DUTY OF MAN, Sunday 8. Sections V. and VI.

Haft thou not been stubborn and obftinate towards them, and endeavoured to caft off thy fubjection to them?

Doft thou not fecretly with the death of thy parents, out of impatience to be delivered from their government, or poffeffed of their cftate?

Didft thou difpofe of thy felf in marriage, without their advice or consent ?

The duty of a parent to the child*. RT thou diligent in thy calling, to enable thyfelf to nourish and fuftain thy children?

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Haft thou diligently preferred the eternal interest of thy children before their temporal?

Haft thou taught them as they were capable of learning, to know, fear, love, and worship God with a perfect heart, and a willing mind?

Haft thou taught them how to govern their paffions, and to moderate their affecrions to wordly things; and encouraged them, by thy own example, to follow that which is good?

Doft thou watch over their behaviour, and fee that they practife what they have been taught?


*This du'y may be found explained at larg in the New WHOLE DUTY OF MAN, Sundry 8, Sections VII. and VII.

Haft thou not been too fond and indul gent to them; fuffering them to go on in their follies and fins, without fuch correction and reproof, as in duty thou waft bound to give them?

Art thou any ways acceffary to the fins of thy children, by any ill example fet them? or by giving them fuch an education, as would naturally lead them into pride and vanity?

Haft thou done thy part to provide what was neceffary and convenient for their living, and comfortable fubfiftence and being in the world?

Doft thou blefs them, and commend them to the favour and guidance of God? The duty of brethren and sisters*.

AST thou had a tender affection, and


a compaffionate concern for thy brethren and fifters, endeavouring to promote their good, both fpiritual and temporal ? Dot thou always ftrive to keep up brotherly love and unity in the family? Doft thou not fecretly with their death or difgrace, to make thy own fortune the more plentiful?

Haft thou commended them to God in thy prayers? Or,


*This duty may be found explained at large in the New WHOLE DUTY OF MAN, Sunday 9. Section I.

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